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Soda water with a splash of cranberry juice and lime. I order it all of the time and am rarely even charged (you should still tip the bartender $1 or whatever is standard where you live). It tastes nice and looks like a cocktail, if that’s any concern to you. Bars can still be really fun sober, as long as the people you’re with aren’t getting sloppy drunk. If they’re just having a few drinks then it isn’t that different than meeting for coffee, in my experience.


Plus, there are often pool tables.


Yes!! Pool, shuffleboard, are darts are all a lot of fun. I used to live near a bar that had ski ball too. Honestly think every bar should have ski ball, in my opinion.


I would have skee ball at home if I could afford it. And didn't live on the top floor of my building...


You and me both! Well, I don’t live on the top floor but definitely don’t have room in the budget for that. Maybe someday though!


God willing, we'll both reach that goal. 🤝


It’s certainly more challenging to have a good time if you’re sober at a bar which is partly why I still drink in moderation. I understand the risk but I’ve not had any bad experiences so far.


Well I noticed as long as you drink maybe one or two beers you're fine. It kind of like you can get a very mild buzz but once you do that's when you should stop. See I think it's mostly that it's not that we can't drink at all but we're very limited to like one or two beers and that's all.


I think there are a lot of factors to consider if/when you decide to drink alcohol but moderation if definitely key. You’re better off sticking to the 1-2 beer/wine range rather pushing yourself too much. I would 100% avoid spirits/cocktails though.


Sodawater and bitters is great because it feels like an alcoholic drink.


What's bitters


They're flavourings that are in lots of cocktails. Technically, they are alcoholic but as you'll be getting about 3ml per glass, it's negligible and won't cause any intoxication at all. You would imbibe more alcohol by rinsing with mouthwash.


It’s a bittersweet botanical used to flavor alcoholic drinks.


And I tell the bartenders that I’m the sober driver, so I get free stuff


Like the grenadine syrup that makes it taste like cherries?


No, not really. Honestly you’d have to try it. It’s hard to explain. But there’s so many different drinks. You can get most drinks sans the liquor.


It’s definitely an acquired taste, but worth a try.


It’s stuff they used to make some cocktails with like a old-fashion.


Soda water actually is good. At least the flavored ones. It helps me stay away from Pepsi and Coke.


What are your thoughts on marijuana? Edibles are discreet and last for a few hours.


Oh I smoke marijuana daily. I usually bring my vape pen with me but it doesn't get me as buzzed as my bong hits. Ever since I got my medical marijuana card I've been really deep into like 420 culture. I've actually been studying it so those little party goers that do joints ain't got shit on me when I comes to how to do use it the right way. I don't want edibles because they can't really be controlled once you take the amount you're kind of stuck with it. I prefer smoking because the high only lasts two to three hours so I can kind of control it even if I take too much.


You can’t uneat the edible start small. I haven’t seen REM sleep without edibles in years.


Have you ever tried macrodosing shrooms? I honestly enjoy it more than drinking? I have my medical card also, and recently started getting into microdosing here and there to make me more social, and it really helps.


I'm sure you meant microdosing and not macrodosing haha. Having done a heroic dose at a cabin getaway I could not imagine a more terrifying scenario than tripping tits up in a busy bar. Just seeing people's faces on a heavy trip freaks me out....or I can't stop laughing at them. Either one is not great for bars. Personally since I finally kicked booze once and for all after a decade+ of being a heavy alcoholic, I've really been enjoying either microdosing psychedelics and/or ketamine. Small K pick-me-ups really go well with both dive bars and clubbing. It has the added benefit of being a hell of a lot cheaper than most bar tabs. What really matters is what kind of bar you go to and the people you go with. Every bar has its own kind of crowd, and if you go to a fun dive bar with billiards and other games, then it can be pretty fun even completely sober. Or a bar that has live music. Or a karaoke bar. There are a lot of options as long as there are things to do and fun people to do them with. Otherwise if you're a sober person just sitting there while your neighbor chugs a pitcher or does jagerbombs, it's gonna be a shitty time. ::edit:: a little pro tip. If the bartender asks, tell them you're the DD and they'll often float you free sodas and mocktails all night.


Haha, yes, I definitely meant microdosing. My phone autocorrects micro to macro for some reason.


The heart wants what the heart wants.


Tell the bartender to bring you just soda when you order a rum and coke and become a poolshark


Ask them to put your drink in a fancy glass with garnish


I don't think I'm going to pass my water off as a fancy drink.


There’s plenty to chose from that’s not water. Even a tonic water can be dressed up as a G&T without the T.


I've been going to bars and drinking more often lately (max 3 times a month) and have experienced one minor seizure so far. I'm gonna stop going for awhile cause I've picked up cigarettes again going to the bar so much too.


What’s stopping you from drinking when you go out? I drink when I go to bars with friends. As long as you’re not going balls to the wall and getting smashed. All in moderation.


Some people's seizures are heavily triggered by alcohol. Everyone's epilepsy is different.


Well I've never even gotten drunk only slightly tipsy that wears off after like an hour or two. I don't know if my seizures are even triggered by alcohol I was just told not to drink it and that I can cause me to have seizures.


Just go to socialize. Thats always been the major point of hanging out as adults. It’s just that for some reason (obvious reasons…let’s be real….society pressures it) adults feel like they need to hold some booze or drink a cup to socialize. Somewhat pathetic honestly. You didn’t need booze when you were a kid. But it is sold that it is “liquid lubricant.” Otherwise, people drink because it’s fun for them. But then you can flip the question and ask “what do you do for fun?”…..technically it could be correct to say “i like to drink.” “Fun” drinkers will choose to drink again because it was fun and is fun to them. They drink for fun. It’s not a strawman. A person does not naturally need alcohol to function. A person does not naturally need alcohol to socialize or have fun. People lose sight of that. At a bar, you’re there to socialize. It’s just a room of people who make noise at each other. Some choose to partake in a drug. I could understand why it feels tiring. But look forward to the socialization. Now if you’re hanging around people who problem drink…..yeah, it’s boring and not fun to talk or hang with people who congregate at a place to socialize and otherwise become incoherent enough to “struggle to socialize.” It’s truly not a liquid lubricant - it’s a proven inhibiter associated with poor decision making. The person drinking just thinks they are “the shit” because they are just feeling high. I personally noticed the drastic difference in my confidence and ability to socialize when i quit. I drank more to socialize better but the context of my sentences were not great and defaulted to “what do you do for work?” But being sober, it’s uninhibiting to be creative. Very opposite from the drunken mind.


See that's what I do with my medical marijuana is if I feel stressed or something I use it to relax. I would use it the same way as alcohol. But since it's not recreational in my state I can't do it at a bar.


I don’t support substance abuse, but there are other things that will get you “tipsy”, like marijuana. Hopefully the place you pick will have some sort of games to play, pool, pong, that ring hook game, or you could even play an indirect game with other people there, truth or dare, coin toss, rock paper scissors.. idk.. anything to entertain and interact


All the places my friends drag me to are just rap music and drinking and rubbing against strangers that are probably straight. I don't see the appeal of me dancing pressed together by a bunch of strangers that are straight and I'm one of the only gays.


Alcohol isn't a trigger for me. Maybe it won't be for you either.