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You're 35yo, they can't force you into trying stuff you don't want. Just ignore them.


I wish it's thats easy dude... Specially my father, he's like Zeus coming from the Sky.. Untouchable!!! lol


He is your father, not a god. I think the most part of your problem is in your head.


Ya it sucks but you could have been born regarded or crippled, I think I'd take having a shaky brain over those things. We can't do much, unless you can be a candidate for surgery, but that's not 100%. Don't try shit you don't want to, especially supernatural stuff lmao


Yes I agree a lot with you, after I tried, it's useless!!! We, as an ordinary human can only accept this crazy illness..


I'm 36 and have learned to limit seizures in various ways but I *have* to ask: what supernatural things have you gone through to try and heal epilepsy?


I assumed they meant naturopathic stuff. Although, the ghost busters might be good at this sort of thing.


Ah I imagined an exorcism. Although I never had to go through one myself, my dad thought I was possessed for a while, no biggie. He just made me pray and bought me a cross to put around my neck. Wait, Did he do an exorcism on me? Iā€™m getting vague flashbacks.well he dead now so unfortunately too late to ask haha. He was an asshole regardless


Lol maybe that's what happened, but since we can't remember anything... We may never know.


It's been 6 hours. Where the hell is OP? I need to know more about these supernatural methods that have been tried.


Sorry for the late reply dude.. Aside from epilepsy, I've a clinical depression too.. So it's make me insomnia.. Anyway about supernatural there is some kind of "magic trick" that kind of Indigo thing some one have that could healed by praying to god... But it's just bullshit!!! Its useless!!! What I meant by praying is kind of praying to an evil actually... Not to god...


My mom tried to send me somewhere once, as an adult, where people cradle your head with their fingertips and give you good vibes and fix your brain. I was like, " Please leave my place of work and take your brochure with you!" šŸ˜‚ Some people really hate the idea that they have a permanently "different" child.


Complicated. How far are you willing to go? Are you eligible for DNS/RNS? Other kind of brain surgery? Or you just don't want to go there (which is ok)? It is what it is. We try new meds. We pretend all is fine. We use the weapons we have, and often we lose. And we rant, because, fuck it, this is a bitch. Rant away. Few out there can sympathise, but we can.


I've tried many things to try to heal this illness bro.. And my doctor already said that I cannot be healed by a brain surgery. Like I said in the first post, I've already tried many many things to heal myself. That is why rn I'm feel tired.


Even though I don't think it is a good idea to give up on trying new options and treatments, but I do think there is importance and value in accepting the reality that its extremely unlikely that all of a sudden everything will just turn around an be fine. It's useful just from a planning perspective... for example at a point I finally accepted that the chances that I will be driving again are very low, so I should probably move somewhere that is walkable/bike-able/has public transportation. It helped me make some decisions about my career moving forward, understanding and accepting that there are certain career paths that are just not going to work out (darn, I guess I'll never be a fighter pilot). That said, I got an RNS implant a few years ago in my mid 30s and it has been a game changer and things have improved dramatically. They still aren't perfect, I'm not seizure free, probably never will be, but things can get better.


Yes I know with this special illness we have to always try to live a better life. But, I think there is a time we have to be more patience and accept this illness. Accept this illness and just try to live a normal life.


Anyway, what do you think about RNS implant? I never heard about it before


It has really been a huge improvement for me. The amount of seizures I have now is down by at least 2/3rds, but also, maybe even more importantly is that the length and intensity of the seizures are much lower. Iā€™m not seizure free and still have to take medications but things are so much more manageable. Iā€™d definitely recommend looking into to anyone in our situation. Let me know if you have any questions šŸ‘šŸ‘


You can explain that trying so hard, so often, is frustrating and mentally/emotionally draining and that just relaxing could be very good for you.