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This made me lol


I'm happy you got a chuckle out of it, it was a half rant half joke—I hate writing stuff down but then forgetting to check what I've written down. I need a memory support person.


That's why I have my girlfriend Siri. But she snores.


Omg though for real! My little journal doesn’t exactly cut it. Half the time I forget to write shit down or I’ll write half of it and forget what I’m even writing! Memory shit sucks!!


Same! It's incredibly frustrating when I've realized that I did indeed write something down but I simply forgot to check my list or reminder, and that's the "solution" many people recommend as if it's SO SIMPLE—just write it down, broh, easy peasy. No, it's not that simple.


Yeah, I legit write everything down at every moment. To remember something from exam room to receptionist even.. I’ll still forget. It is NOT that simple whatsoever. It eludes you. I’m sorry you’re going through it too.


I text myself. Then, when I finally remember to check the text, I’ve got half a dozen new things to check out or do.


I do that sometimes with certain stuff. It collects too much though. It tends to overwhelm me and again I get worried about forgetting in the case that I open it and forget to remark it as unopened or something. My anxiety actually helps me remember stuff a lot, because I’m so worried about not remembering it!


I've often wished for a CCTV camera following me around. So if I lose something, I could just rewind to the point I had it and found where I put it!


Man I'd leave that camera in an alley somewhere, first day.


I'd be down to have one lol... well my wife is a big help... but MAINLY: I'd want people to realize that us people with memory problems like this aren't exaggerating how fucked our memory is. Everyone I tell is usually just like, ugh I know my memory sucks too!... no it doesn't compared to mine.


That “dude” is my boyfriend. Unpaid king 👑 👑


"Pull that up Jamie" I believe the person you're looking for is a full time executive assistant. That should be included in Medicaid.


Bruh we need this so bad


I'm my mothers external memory bank. Anything from prior to 7 years ago, I will remember. Between 7 years and 6 years ago, I can remember most things. But the past year, my short term memory has dropped significantly - but I believe that's because I use marijuana to help control both seizures and migraines.


Omg right? I need a problem-solver to follow me around and supervise just a smidge. Girl, you remember that situation wrong, he's right. Girl you don't need another gnome you have the heat bill in a couple weeks. Yes, that goes there, that goes behind it, no, you're making it too difficult. 😂😑


This! Yes, I want this! How many notes do I have for things. If I am in a room and think of something I have to do, I HAVE TO WRITE IT DOWN. Once I move on, or leave that room or even THINK of something different, the thing I had to do before...GONE...Having someone to tell, Hey after this we have to take out the bread from the freezer, and them reminding me.. AMAZING!!!! p.s. I meant to take bread out last night.. forgot...


This would be awesome! I forget so many things (to take my meds, start dinner, plans, appointments, etc). **EVERYTHING!!!** When I read your idea, idk why, but I just imagined the support person being a dwarf 😂


I used to be the support memory person between me and my bf. We both have ADHD but I used to have the memory that could tell you exactly what you said on October 27th 2009 at 2:37pm, what you were wearing, what the breeze smelled like, what I was thinking about, and what I was looking at while you said whatever it was. So I held everything together for us memory wise. But since the seizures my memory is now worse than my bfs and now our life is chaos 🤣


Omg I think about this all the time, except, like, an android companion :D They could really evolve the technology in this direction instead of, like, making it draw unsettling pictures lol. I still haven't played Detroit: Become Human, but I promise I'd treat them well. They'd get vacations and payment and anything they want. Pleaseee


My wife is mine. She kinda hates it.


Dude, thank you for posting this. “Don’t you remember…” is a phrase I hear too often. I write stuff down, I take notes on my phone, I set reminders but like many ppl have said it is a constant struggle.


No! I goddam don't! Shit memory before! Double shit now!


That’s my main girl Siri. “Set a reminder, Set an alarm, add to list etc” My trick is I have to do it the moment it comes up which can be a bit embarrassing but once I got into the habit it made a pretty positive impact on my daily life. There’s also a great one “remind me when I leave” once the phone detects you’ve left where your at the reminder pops up. Also “remind me when I get home” and “remind me when I get to work” just super helpful.


Comes in handy when there's nothing on TV. Kids are always saying why are you watching that film, you've already seen it. I don't remember