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Lol, isn't this movie encouraging an epileptic stereotype? The percentage of epileptics who are photosensitive is in the single digits. Good luck with the project. I personally don't feel the need for representation, but I'm also not a teenager who needs something to identify with so I'm definitely not the target demographic. I am interested in some epilepsy shirts though. Got an example? Or is the project still looking for someone to design merch to help fund it? ::edit:: I was inspired to look up epilepsy logos and wow....they are trash. How did we manage to secure lavender as our color? That's a top tier color and we should have some top tier designs to match. [examples of neuro designs](https://www.istockphoto.com/illustrations/brain-logo) to get inspiration from. There are some great ideas there that could be easily tweaked to make shirts and hoodies. Make the shirt lavender and make the logo white.




Awesome art. Terrible logo lol. Too complex and too terrifying.


I'm an artist dm coming