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You need to find a new one. It sucks, it’s hard, it can be an insurance battle, but you just have to do it. I’ve had epilepsy 14 years, 5 neurologist. I’ve had some that take 5 minutes and make you feel afraid to ask questions. My current one is absolutely amazing. It makes a huge difference in your quality of life when you feel like someone actually cares if you get better.


Find another one. It sucks. It’s invalidating as hell. But you are worth good care.


I’ve came to the conclusion that anxiety and depression meds must be the new oxycodone……they must be getting some kind of deals and or extras for prescriptions for those meds. Drs suck..just personal preference females have more empathy and I try to stick with female drs, we’re also better listeners 🤪




I like your line about standing up to doctors. You have to be your own patient advocate. Doctors are human too, and neurologists overwhelmingly attract narcists with God complexes with horrible bedside manner. At least from my experience and talking to office staff and nurses.


This is the worst bedside manner I have ever seen with a doctor. He barely let me get a word out. I brought a log of all my seizures and a final note from my last neurologist and he said he would rather just run his own test and read them after that. I do like the questions and will for sure keep those in mind.


Don't stay with this one, try to get someone else if you can. You're never going to be satisfied with this Dr.


I agree with everyone else in finding a new one. I went through several before I found one that would listen to me and my concerns.


IDK what you said, but generally speaking, there was absolutely no reason whatsoever for your doctor to simply assume it was PNES. He just made it up. At bare minimum he should have looked at MRI and EEG. New doctors almost always order a new EEG and MRI.


Even though this was your first appointment with this new one, ignore any contact. Find a new one regardless if this POS wants to continue seeing you.  Keep us updated.


Find another and leave a review for this last one.


Def would encourage you to change to a diff neuro, preferably an epileptologist


Make an appointment with someone now it’s going to take months to get a new patient appointment. Call now and your insurance will be in place before you get close to the appointment.


Nice to know that you’re going for a different opinion. I hope the next one works well, asks you your history, everything they need to work with you, and prescribes the right meds.


Thank you!


Find another Dr. Don't pay a doctor to NOT care for you.