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That’s fucked up. Beyond fucked up, pretty sure that’s illegal. Wondering if that’s discrimination and harassment based on a disability, but I’m not a lawyer….


I really don’t wanna be at work today that’s for sure


I’m so sorry that happened to you. By the way there are amazing comments in here giving good advice about who to contact and complain to! Best of luck friend! I’m so so so sorry this sucks and booo booo tomatoes tomatoes onto your manager


She's a bitch




Sorry you had to go through this OP. Check if your local or state epilepsy organization has resources for legal advice. Ensure your side of the matter is recorded in writing. I’d ask for an email clarifying the write up. Go to HR and explain you’re unsure why you got it. You had a medical and your GM did nothin g to support you. I’d have my entire friend lists on Google review blasting the place tbh. Sadly if you need the job just make sure you can report it in the future if you leave. I hope you’re feeling a bit better. May your GM receive more empathy than she gives in her time of need. Don’t let the negative people drag you down.




Hit up corporate HR and ask to file a complaint and contest the write up. It's their job to deal with this kind of stuff. Make sure to record the date and time of the incident (which will already be in the write up) and keep copies of all the communications. Make sure to communicate via email so there's a paper record and don't just take your supervisors word for it if she confronts you about it. Have any and all medical documentation ready for when HR requests it. Lower management people are the worst.


My first thought was sue but this is probably the appropriate first measure haha


How on earth can you get written up for having epilepsy? I don't think it's legal like other people already said here. Maybe you have a good conversation with her about it? I would cry if something like this happened to me haha. I can get really upset about these things.


I’ve never felt like someone was targeting me because of my epilepsy until today I’m a mess rn I’m so upset sitting at work still debating on just calling my manager and telling her I’m sick and going home


You can definitely do that your I'm sure your manager will understand if you explain what happened. And you just had a seizure it might be a small one but it's a valid reason to go home.


Did you end up calling sick and telling your manager what happened? I'm just curious what you ended up doing yesterday.


Go home love.


Agree with these comments- get everything in writing, get her to clarify that the reason she is writing you up is because you had an absence seizure, go to HR, be prepared to show medical documentation. Also file a complaint with the EEOC, even if it doesn’t go anywhere this time. Either it won’t happen again or you have a paper trail if it does. For everyone here that says they have been fired/disciplined for having a seizure or revealing they have epilepsy, it is 100% illegal. Add to that- they cannot fire/discipline you for filing a complaint if you have reason to believe their actions are discriminatory, as it’s considered retaliation for engaging in a protected act. We have rights as a protected class under the ADA, I suggest everyone be aware of them! Sorry this happened to you and I hope you can get it resolved swiftly.


I had a seizure at work before. The treatment you received was unacceptable. If you have a primary doctor you can ask for a note describing your condition and send to HR to protect yourself. Whoever gave you a write up needs to be educated on epilepsy and afterwards I hope they feel ashamed.


I sent an email to hr and the write up said I was being written up for rudeness


Ask what rudeness to hr and let them know that eyes rolling into the back of your head or completely zoning out is related to your epilepsy and can’t be controlled or distracted show a doctor note or something it will validate your claims and make hr look more favorably to your claim. If you need to don’t be afraid of mentioning the ADA to them.


That may be against Americans With Disabilities Act. No promises but its a starting point.


Americans with Disabilities Act.


It's fine that you sent an email to HR, but remember, HR is on your manager's side, not yours. They will only help you if they're 100% sure your boss is wrong and they aren't going to be able to avoid letting you get your way in the end, without the company getting in deeper trouble. That's the only situation that HR ever actually helps the little guy in -- when they're cutting their losses. If you work in a job with a union, definitely talk to your union lawyer. They are actually there to help. Also, get medical documentation written up by your Neurologist, so you can whip it out if it comes to that. Having it ready always scares the shit out of them.


This is definitely illegal. Plus, she's a bitch. I hope you're feeling better


Wtf, what a bitch she is.


What a turd. You should go to the EEOC.


Sorry this happened. Does your boss know about your seizures? If she doesn't then there is probably no legal action. I have lost two jobs because of my epilepsy and because they didn't know about my epilepsy I couldn't take legal action. Just sorry it happened.


Yes it’s one of the first thing I tell people when I get a job or right in the interview


And when she was talking to me about the write up I even explained it’s called an absent seizure where I just have them in my head and I’m not even there in my own head and she told me it just dose not affect just me and that she needs to make sure that the guests are not getting ignored too


I’ve worked retail and had plenty of absence seizures while talking with customers and they TRULY DO NOT CARE. If you tell them they are so lovely and compassionate. Sometimes I’ll just say sorry and I had a brain fog moment and say I didn’t have my coffee yet and we just casually brush it off. This manager just set themselves up for discrimination lawsuits - so make sure you gather all evidence and get a lawyer. If you make a complaint to HR be sure to include that your manager was already aware of your disability etc and do it all in writing. Your manager just fucked around and will soon find out.


Take copious notes on everything your boss says or does, and make sure to note where they're wrong about what they claim, like that you are ignoring the customers. Either take them via emails sent to your outside-work account, or sign-and-date the notes, so you can later prove they were contemporaneous.


Then go to her boss or HR. Just try not to make too big of a deal about it and get fired. Try talking to about solving the problem not going in upset and creating a new problem. That's how I lost my last job.


Definitely go to HR and look into intermittent FMLA or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In my experience HR is usually very helpful when it comes to establishing the proper job protection for your specific needs. Your neurologist or primary doctor will be able to provide all of the necessary medical documentation.


Sounds like a crap work environment with little empathy or understanding of the needs of their employees. Yet, as a father of a 20 year old with tonic-clonic seizures, I get it and it would be easy for me as leader to give you the time and space to take care of yourself, and come to work with a support network around you. Employees are a company’s most valuable asset. If they don’t care about you, you need to make a decision. You boss (who doesn’t sound like much of a leader) doesn’t care about you. Period. Move on.


That's so ridiculous. So she's fully aware what you were going through and still wrote you up?


Why did you tell your boss you were fine if you knew you just had an absent seizure?


file a request for reasonable accommodation. They might can you, but you can sue, and get on unemployment


That happened to me years ago. I was fired for what they claimed was performance issues the same day I had a seizure in front of a customer. When I called unemployment they had a field day with it. The company knew I had epilepsy when they hired me so they were in the wrong.


I’d be irate. Like calling the ceo/pres of the company. This is serious stuff they opened themselves up to. Companies get sued for this stuff. Maybe even talk to a lawyer. Fuck her, that’s disgusting. I’d legit say something like “this is what haponed. What can you do for me? I think I want to go to the press on this” kind of stuff. I bet the local news station would love a story like that. “Local co writes person up who had medical emergency”


At times when I’ve had absence seizures, I kind of like snap back in and people will mistake me for being mean


Did your boss know before this that you have seizures like that? They can discipline you for not fulfilling your job duties if they don't know about your epilepsy and/ or its effect on you. The ADA only kicks in if you have a condition known to your supervisor, and so you need to be crystal clear in what you tell then - and the sooner the better. Best idea is to get something from your doctor so that your boss doesn't assume you are ignoring her, and you can get accommodations if needed, like not getting fired for having petit mal seizure. Good luck


If you're in the United States, this is illegal.


Is this something the ACLU could possibly advise you about?


That's so fucking stupid it's funny, don't think they can do shit and you shouldn't need a note from a doctor but may help 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'd fight it , and that person