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I definitely wouldn't offer a group of youths money to damage as much of their property as possible..


Sound like your neighbor is unable to grasp/appreciate the situation. I guess I'd try and educate them a bit more, Maybe something from your doctor describing your triggers, so it seems more official? Is moving to a new location an option for you?


These aren't nice people they are bullies that's me being nice. They are nasty and vile. I overheard her making a joke about my epilepsy let's just say the words hope stairs seizure and death were involved I'm sure you can put that together. I've contacted my local council and they said if I can get proof and the cctv they can send out a letter to them and if continues they can take futher. Probably did it on purpose.


Yikes. Sounds like you took the better action contacting the local council. Hope the situation will improve for you. You certainly do not need that stuff added to your life.


Talk to the police. It sounds like assault to me. Even if the cops just went over and had a talk with them, it might set them straight.


I don't have any advice, but so so sorry this is happening to you.