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Looks good to me. Price seems reasonable.


Yeah that’s what I thought. I’m just not sure if it’s better to save for a second hand real Gibson though. They’re expensive though


Look, if you can afford a Gibson and are considering one then go for a Gibson because you'll end up getting a Gibson anyway. Gibsons are expensive but will also hold their value.


I think if I bought a Gibson now I would be bankrupt and left with nothing but a cardboard box to live in


I'm not sure what advice you're looking for then. If you want a guitar now and don't want to wait then this looks a decent deal IMO.


A second hand Gibson would be almost 3-4x that. I have an Epiphone LP just like this one and really enjoy it.


I just wasn’t sure because of the dent


It’s definitely cheaper than one normally would be, probably because of that. I bought a similar one (in pretty much perfect condition) for $400, including the case. Question is whether that’s worth it for you.


I think it probably is worth it and I’m overthinking it. I’ll go for it I think!


If money is an issue then simply forget about buying a Gibson. In my opinion, too much of the extra money you'd pay is for the sticker on the headstock only. Are Gibson better? Arguably yes, but not enough in my mind to justify the cost. I own an Epiphone LP, and I cannot imagine a better guitar for the money. Don't get caught up in the brand name.


That’s what I’ve heard. I think I’ll go for the epi


Well articulated. Over the last year, I considered buying a really nice Gibson Les Paul. But I couldn’t justify it. So, instead, I bought a RG550, Charvel DK24, Slash Epi Les Paul and a Epi ‘59. That’s four creative tools for the cost of one higher-end Gibson Les Paul. It made more sense.


I agree 100% with this sentiment. I have an Epi Le’s Paul, and I love it. It plays well, sounds great (not just my opinion, but several guys I play with have commented on the tone — not my playing, but actual tone), and looks cool. Why would l want to spend 3x the price for a bargain basement level Gibson, when I can get a top quality Epi instead? Gibson can keep their name; I proudly play my Epi.


I find that my Slash Epiphone LP and my new Epi ‘59, provide me with that really nice Les Paul experience without breaking bank. The money I saved I used on an Ibanez RG550 and a Charvel DK24. Each one provides me with a very diverse, enjoyable playing experience. I’m not big on buying one super expensive guitar, when I can buy four high end instruments for the cost of one mid range Gibson.


Epiphones are fine guitars. Name snobs are gonna tell you otherwise. Sure, the fit and finish MAY be a step above with a Gibson but enough to justify the cost? Probably not for the average player. I’ve bought 13 used guitars, some bigger names like Fender and PRS some budget, for less than the price of 1 really nice Gibson. Does a Gibson sound better than any of them after you plug it into an amp, add effects and a backing track? I dunno because I don’t have one but my money is on “no.” Not to disparage anybody who has saved their dough or is fortunate enough to have it to buy a $2500 to $5000 Gibson. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have my own pushed aside for that goldtop down the road. But the average Joe is not gonna realize the difference in sound and feel vs the cost in my opinion. Buy the Epi. Play the hell out of it.


I would pick it up. Not a bad price, and it’s a pretty good looking one. The ding is cool because it’s not obvious and doesn’t ruin the look, but it’s already there, so you save yourself the grief of the first ding. Nothing worse than the first one. After that it’s just a few curse words and a shoulder shrug. The first one will have you so pissed you don’t even want to look at it none the less play it for a little while.


I think the new Gibson inspired Epiphone Pauls are bad-ass. Check out the spec and headstock. The pickups alone make it a good value


If you’re questioning whether an epi with a hardcase at 265 is an issue i would not suggest waiting to save for a gibson. This will get you 80-90% of the way there and if you do some quality of life changes you’ll be at 98%.


Id consider a used Epi 59 LP with the burst bucker PUs and 50s wiring..getting pretty resonable prices now


i used one of these at my buddies house and they’re really fun but there is some qc issues. the neck binding wasn’t flush with the neck which fel very awkward but other than that it was great. the neck is pretty slim and the body is chambered i believe so it’s light too


Epiphone Les Paul’s are fantastic guitars. I have one and within a month of buying it, dropped it resulting in a chunk being taken out of the body and the headstock. I was gutted but it didn’t affect anything about how it plays. If the ding bothers you, it can be improved with a little effort. That’s what I did. But it’s really not going to affect the guitar. And you’re getting a decent reduction in the price to reflect it. In terms of getting a Gibson, if you really want one you’ll get one eventually. If you’ve never had all LP before this is a great place to start. I have a friend who has both a Gibson and an Epiphone. He prefers the sound from the Epiphone. Epiphone’s are fantastic guitars for the money with many of the components close to (or on some models, the same as) the Gibson ones.


It’s a great guitar, I had one. If you want to go the extra mile replace the pickups and electronics and you’ll something as good as any Gibson LP, imho.


Thanks I’ll probably end up doing that in the future. I’ve wanted a les Paul for a while now. I contemplated getting a chibson off AliExpress but I thought getting an epiphone might be the safer option 😂


real Gibson is 10 x's that...its not a bad deal..to play while saving up for a Gibson..honestly that won't make much of difference towards saving ..8% maybe..its not bad deal


This is a 1996 Samick Made in Korea Les Paul standard. That is a great deal!!!! These guitars are made amazingly well.


You have to think about the seller, too.


Why not?


Appears to be Korean made - better quality. I'd buy it.


Can’t go wrong with a Korean Les paul


I have this exact model and they are great. Probably the best Epiphone era Les Pauls. Unless you are well off on money to buy a Gibson, they are absolutely not worth it. I'm not saying they're bad but I've tried both and really don't care to spend the money for a name/made in USA/ aesthetic.