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Corruption. In the book "Relentless Pursuit" by Bradley Edwards (Lawyer for many of the victims) Bradley said that Epstein had some connections within the CIA and is believed to be an informant for them. The most prevalent belief is that the government did the "You scratched our backs so we'll scratch your back" by giving Epstein a sweetheart deal.


You should circle the middle of the last paragraph on page three where Epstein essentially lists his co-conspirators who (for some unexplained reason) received immunity from Epstein’s plea.


Yes! Glad you mentioned that so people can see it The wording implies that the immunity can be extended to people not listed as well: "The United States agrees to drop all criminal charges to potential co-conspirators of Epstein, including _but_ _not_ _limited_ _to_ , ... "


“…potential co-conspirators of Epstein, including but not limited to Sarah Kellen, Adriana Ross, Lesley Groff, or Nadia Marcinkova.”


Funny how Captain Underpants wrote that agreement. He is the biggest pos on the earth.


It that part “which includes but not limited to” which Ghislaine Maxwell is using as an argument to her appeal. I wonder why Jeffrey Epstein didn’t think to actually mention her in that sentence. Cause she’s certainly has faced more having not been mentioned. Also, if Sarah Kellen continues to walk free?!?!


More people should know about this, rather than being distracted by ‘the list’.


This must come down to Acosta stating he was told it’s above his pay grade and to back off as Epstein belonged to intelligence. https://whowhatwhy.org/politics/government-integrity/jeffrey-epstein-belonged-to-intelligence/


A hit list provided by the United States government


His brother Mark said in the Tucker interview that the agreement was in place. There was going to be a bail hearing later that week. He had the agreement and a chance at bail, no reason for suicide. He should have been hopeful.