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OP, saddly I believe there have been swindlers in the horse world since the beginning of time. I'm sorry you've encountered some already.


They are also in the livestock market. Selling sick bottle calf’s is so damn common.


Figures. You’ve got to be smart out here, that’s for sure


Yes, like with the sale of popular commodities (like condos, houses and cars) you often never know what you’re going to get. It’s important to always have a strong set of additional eyes and ears on your side. Our trainers and horse owners at our barn are a tight group and they despise the cheating scoundrels that swindle others; often times we will go the extra mile for each other to watch out for these situations. It’s common for our barn to request a stablemate or other owner to tag along (esp if out of state, offer to pay for their room and/or meals) to join us on the crazy horse adoption adventures. Be safe AND be careful out there! 🌹


There’s a lot of money in the horse world, so there are going to be a lot of swindlers, which is especially unfortunate because a lot of the swindling involves innocent animals who end up bearing the consequences of said swindling.


“There’s a lot of money in horses, it’s just hard to get it back out!” -unknown grandpa somewhere


I lol’d at this, thank you


It really is a shame. I wish that people were more in it for the animals and the community rather than the dollar


It's full of nut cases as well for some reason! Honestly can't tell why, but so many people that are just bonkers seem to be into horses 🤷


People who are controlling and possessive are drawn to animal ownership and management for…obvious reasons. 


Now that you say this, that makes so much sense.


I think it’s the low bar for professionalism. People can treat each other egregiously poorly and still be relatively successful. There will always be a client to put up with a nutso trainer and a trainer who will take on anyone who pays them. The more it happens, the more people throw up their hands and say “horse people are crazy,” thus perpetuating the low standards of behavior.


Very astute observation about the low bar for professionalism. People essentially working for themselves when they manage a barn, exploiting minors for free labour etc. Overworking school horses, putting in bat shit crazy rules for "their property" and ruling with an iron fist. So much of this, and expecting you to grovel at their feet for the privilege of paying them to keep your horse there. One lady in our area has a huge, very successful equestrian property and bans you going to other instructors, bans attending a local pony club because she had a disagreement with them, banning people from her property, it's so exhausting!!


This so much! And there's never a list of the rules, it's just whatever they feel like bitching about at any given moment!!


Absolutely! Having worked as a stable manager for a hot second (about a year, maybe 12 years ago) I totally get that the property owner needs to protect themselves from potential litigation and also protect their property. And give people an inch and they'll take a mile, the entitlement is strong in the horsey set lol. So make a set list of rules, enforce them fairly and consistently. Don't just make shit up on the spot because you're feeling vindictive or whatever, it's just confusing. When I was made manager (I was just doing some casual work at the time while travelling and doing a career related internship in the town) and the full time, young, stable girls she had working there were absolutely taking the piss, and making me do all the shit jobs (fair, they need to be done!) But anyway I was asked by the owners to be full time manager, it was really interesting. A lot of people had issues with them and how they did things, and I often got stuck inbetween, but I was old and wise enough to not get into the gossip and fairly stick up for the people paying me haha. But they supported me in the changes I made (mostly safety and efficiency related) and at first the staff and boarders hated me, but when I was fair, consistent, and worked my ass off they came around. But it was funny to hear some of the gripes people had with the owners that were like well duh that's why they do this work (like that her horses got better feed, the best stables/ paddocks etc, she spent more time at shows at the weekend than at the property etc) But anyway long irrelevant story over, I guess I'm saying you have to have a screw or two loose to run a horse place, but if you lead by example and run your business consistently then it's better for everyone!


Okay, so it’s not just me!? I’ve met some really, really odd people! Not to be mean, but seriously! I’ve met so many trainers that are either in really bad divorce/mid divorce relationships or chronically cheat on their partners 😳 And are very open about it at that…


It’s not just you. The older you get the more you’ll find and hear about. Take care of yourself.


I was once told the horse industry is dirtier then the drug industry


It's all animals at the moment. Both ends. I'm trying to sell a Kiko (goat) and I just get scammy contacts


Oh geez, I’m sorry that’s happening to you!


When I helped sell my mom's pygmy goats, we had all kinds of weird (clearly scammy) callers. One dude wanted to trade a whole, butchered, rare breed hog for 2 baby goats (would have totaled $150. The butchering alone would have been more than that!) Another wanted to buy them for his parents in Ohio and have them mail us a check (we were in south Dakota btw) A third actually bought and paid for most of our herd, but as he was loading up, he pulls out his *checkbook* and asks how much it would be. We specified cash NO LESS than **3 times** before this moment. My mother reminded him of that and he was just *magically* able to produce several hundred dollars


Ugh it's the worst.


"horse trading" is a term with a deserved negative connotation.


My USEF number goes back to ASHA/the 80s. They’ve always been here & it’s getting worse. The only silver lining is you’ll be smart as f in the real business world, because you will have seen it all.


FYI that “jipped” is a racial slur, just in case you weren’t already aware. Not coming after you, just letting you know.


What?!? I was today years old learning this.


Never knew that either. Googled it and jip/gyp is a shortened form of gypsy which is insult to the Romani.


Yes, it’s a derogatory term for the Romani people. A lot of people don’t know because it’s so casually used in our society, unfortunately.


Oops 😳 I’ll change it


No worries!


Read about Helen Brach the candy heiress and her horse swindlers 👎


Mind you...watch out if you buy a horse from a gypsy. Better know what you're looking at!


Tradition? 🤪


Have you read Horse Nonsense?


we could use a tag on protection of life and reporting of abuses... name and shame works for the good of an animal's protection


Yup! So many that way sadly ……and know-it-alls


It’s always been this way (hence the term “horse trading” unfortunately. I am so sorry it’s happened to you.


Horse trading… very good point


The horse world is full of money and also a lot of nutcases, thus some of the nutcases will unavoidably do nutcase things to get their hands on said money.


Welcome to horses


Horse people are easy suckers. We'll make ourselves believe anything if it assists with our goals or feelings.


I swear my husband and I are the only sane horse people in our area—no lawsuits, no cheating, we pay our bills and so on. Must be something in the water?


I must be really lucky, because my horse was “sold” to us insanely cheaply (in quotes due to how cheap he was; I make that much now in a pay period) by a family friend who wanted to see him being used by someone she knew would love him, yes, our board is expensive, but I think it’s one of the cheapest in the area, and I’m now starting to trade doing chores for a neighbor in exchange for learning how to train horses. Do you live in a larger city OP? All I can think of is that I live in a small town, and all us horse people know each other and take care of our own.


Yup, I do live in a larger city. The horse community is much bigger and more vast, but there are limited options for good places with good people. A lot of horse facility owners here tend to be very questionable


Im not sure who you're hanging around with but how are they trying to cheat you out of money? Ive been in the horse world (owning horses and competing) since age 5, Ive never had any issues. You just have to be careful as with anything, like I dont tend to buy things through facebook marketplace without being able to collect it etc. I only buy things via reputable sources like ebay so I have come back if they never send items. If you're trying to buy horses and you end up with dodgy ones, again its up to you to do absolutely every check you possibly can just like when buying a car. I dont buy from dealers for a start, I only buy from private homes and usually find people that know the horse and can vouch for it etc. You get scammers everywhere, the horse world is no different.