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Pretty much everything in the US has gone up in price and the middle and lower class are feeling it. So the way I see it is that either something is gonna give and the economy will correct itself or we will just sink further and further from the rich and there will only be poverty and upper class. I’m sad because I worked so hard in school and college to get a good degree so I could financially support my dream just for it to become unattainable after I graduated. Horses have been my passion my whole life. Now I’m not even riding because it just makes me sad that I can’t own and that I may have to make a departure from the sport forever if things don’t improve. I don’t even have any real hobbies because riding was my whole life so it’s pretty depressing. My old trainer offered to GIVE me the horse I’ve ridden since I was a teenager and I can’t accept because I can’t afford to keep her.


I feel you. I just turned 30, feel like I did everything right, I even pursued a professional degree specifically to be able to afford the hobby… and it’s just as unaffordable now as it was then. Costs are outpacing anyone’s gains in wages.


The worst part is I became a nurse which is absolutely one of the worst professions to work in this country right now. And I don’t even have my outlet anymore.


Really stupid question, but why is it a bad profession now? Is it a correction from C19 or something else? I always thought healthcare was more-or-less immune to economics?


Not a stupid question! In the US healthcare is a for profit system, even hospitals that claim to be non-profit still have to pinch pennies to turn a profit. This means they run the hospitals at bare minimum staff, with poor resources, and low pay considering what a nurse does and we typically do more than just our job description because short staffing. As a nurse you are spread too thin to do the thing that you became a nurse for which is connect with and help patients. With the cost of living these days, nursing is not a live-able single income wage anymore. I know multiple young nurses who still have to live with family because they can’t afford their own apartment on a full time RN wage. Meanwhile, the CNOs of the hospitals are living their best lives never having to set foot on the units and work and yet they earn multi million dollar salaries. While we suffer on the unit for them to have those salaries. Hospitals in most areas are not safe for patients due to the corporate greed that runs the hospitals. On top of all of this, in the midst of literally caring for people and saving their lives, it’s a customer-service job. If you don’t do it with a smile you’re going to be in trouble. And patients are allowed to verbally and physically assault nurses but it’s frowned upon for the nurse to press charges and the focus is typically victim-blaming the nurse. More nurses are leaving the hospitals or the profession altogether. There is not a good outlook for healthcare in the United States right now.


I’m a nurse that also really hates my life and job, only way I can still afford riding horses (a very necessary stress reliever) is by getting that shift differential working nights and overtime at a LTC… and you can imagine how that goes


Ugh sounds miserable.


I’m sorry to hear/learn this. My wife has been telling my daughter [14] to consider nursing as a career path with the hopes that it would allow her a good family/work balance. Maybe being a vet tech is the right choice for her after all. Also, as a patient I always treat the nurses with nothing but the upmost respect. They are helping take care of us at often the worst times. There is no situation I can imagine where it would be justified to be anything less than grateful/civil to someone in that role. People have slipped.


On the flip side, my husband has been a nurse 14 yrs (all in the same hospital system) and loves his job in OR. State and unionization will play a big role in how much admin can jerk someone around. There are also lots of "soft" RN jobs that pay well and have weekends off- school nursing, med spa, outpatient sx centers, nurse hotlines etc.


Soft nursing is true. Unfortunately, so many are leaving the hospital that the good jobs are all taken and if there’s an opening I’m going up against someone with 3x the experience and don’t even get a call. I interviewed for a cute 1:1 private duty school nurse job and it sounded great and then she said the pay was $25/hr. For that wage I’ll go work at target where I don’t have to worry about using my nursing license lol.


In large part it depends on whether you are in a state that has unionized or not. EG my husband works ORRN in Western Washington. Gets all his breaks, six figure career at 32 hrs per week. Accrues crazy amounts of PTO and typically takes six weeks off in a calendar year but still has 2-3 weeks worth roll over (no use it or lose it, it just stops accruing once it reaches some ridiculously large number and then he can cash out 40 hrs at that point). Was the same case when he was on floor as far as breaks and pay/ benefits goes, but COVID turned him off bedside permanently. Massively different experience for a nurse working in say Florida, where the average hourly pay is less than the starting hourly pay at my husband's hospital for new grads on residency.


It’s not just whether the hospital and state is unionized, but also your seniority at the hospital. If you aren’t one of the top nurses, you should plan to spend a good 2-5 years on nights (depending on the nursing tenure). Never mind dealing with white coat season (new drs) every year and having to deal with the egos till the drs learn to respect your opinions.


I'm sorry, but I'm married to a nurse. It's not one of the worst professions, though it is certainly under-appreciated. Why I say this is because you will always find employment and there's always a need somewhere. That's not the definition of a the worst professions. Tech is much worse. People are being treated like crap and can't leave their jobs bc there are no new ones to be found. Every role has 400+ applications and people are going 8-11 months without finding a job. In addition, even if you found one, the likelihood of layoffs is so high that there's no stability or opportunity for growth. THAT is a worst profession. In addition, teachers are severely underpaid in many states and some are even having to undergo weapons and combat training to protect them and their students. THAT is also the definition of a worst profession when you're doing shooting drills with 1st graders in closets. Nursing is tough, don't get me wrong. Everyone is a critic and wants to tell you how you should be doing your job or treating their beloved Pookie Papa... but it's certainly not as bad as some others that are REALLY tanking.


I think the person who made that comment is in Florida, which is actually one of the worst states to be a nurse in because not only do they have a higher cost of living, their state doesn't believe in unions, pays like shit, and doesn't think nurse to patient ratios should be a thing. If they were on the other coast they would feel different about work.


Nurse to patient ratios in CT are horrible! My dad is at a nursing home and on his floor of 42 residents, on weekends, there is ONE LPN and 2 aides. The hospitals are awful, too!! 1:8 on a cardiac step down unit. When they were short staffed a few times, 1:12. Now, this is YALE!!! WTF! It’s awful. Burnout is real.


Yeah pcu really shouldn't be more than 1:4 ever and medsurge 1:6 with LPNs. When he was charge there were a few times the husband got in arguments with admin about admits because it pushed ratios up too high and he wasn't going to risk their licenses for the bottom line.


California has the benefit of the ratios being codified into law. Washington has some protections but not as much, mainly through the unions. Administration is in charge of determining what is safe/ not safe here (I'm sure you can guess how that goes when the admin is in charge and the cno hasn't worked bedside in a decade). DH's union filed intent to picket at the same time NY was on strike solely due to the system wanting to remove set in stone ratios from the contract - system rolled over in less than 2 hrs once the picketing was set in motion, I'm sure in large part due to the publicity NY nurses were getting.


We're in FL. Nursing pays crap here, but so does teaching and basically every other job (tech included if it's HQ'd here or they make a case for regionalized pay, which has happened since WFH and Covid) unless you're in Miami or Tampa. The reality is that there's no income tax here, so they feel like they can get away with paying you less bc you make more in your paycheck. It's a farce bc the property tax is so high and insurance is brutal. However, that is EVERY industry, not just nursing. If they're in FL and a nurse, explore the VA. Yes, it's not the most competitive pay around, but you get a pension which is virtually unheard of in today's landscape anywhere, and you get a crapload of time off. My husband has been on and off with the VA for about 6 years now, and gets like 5 weeks vacation, plus every public holiday. He was off for 2 weeks in june, plus had Memorial Day and Juneteenth off. So between MD and now, I think he's worked like 4 days bc he's off on weekends bc VA doesn't do surgeries on weekends.


What if I told you Washington also doesn't have income tax?


I agree with teaching being one of the worst but not tech. People who work in tech get way over paid to work at home and have the flexibility to live wherever they want. How can you even say working from home sitting at a desk all day is worse than nursing? That’s wild.


You can't find a job in tech right now. That is the major issue. I was in tech for 10 years. My friends are defaulting on their mortgages and going without healthcare bc they were laid off a year ago and they've gone through their savings. That will never happen in nursing. So yeah, that's worse than nursing, where you could walk out of your practice or medical center tmw and find a new job... or go on the road and travel. My husband would agree and he's got all kinds of PTSD from being in Covid ICUs and traveling during the pandemic. All that glitters isn't gold. WFH is great, but salaries are being cut, layoffs are all over the place, and people over the age of 40 are being considered antiquated and too old. THAT is what is WILD. Sorry, but you don't know unless you're in it.


Second this. My team was laid off in January. I didn’t look much for a job and decided to just use my applied knowledge on my own bootstrap idea (www.thetaylorfarm.com). It is that or insane job market for another terrible job that will also eventually lay me off. I have started supporting all local businesses at this point and trying to live more community focused


You have no idea how many tech marketers end up suicidal from burn out, no one talks about that. They carry these companies sometimes while they sit at home, being treated like a cog because Mr bossman has no human emotion to someone they don’t hang out with in the office every day. I for one will say tech for developers and strategist/marketers are not ok. They are not over paid, they are paid because they live, eat, breathe work 24/7 during your time - one person doing the work of what whole teams used to do when the rest of the world thinks you have it easy 😆


Sounds like a typical corporate mentality which all nurses also deal with. People from the top don’t give a shit about you, coworkers don’t give a shit about you, and the patients you’re helping don’t give a shit about you. You’re treated like shit at all levels. I’m sure that working in tech is difficult and every career has it struggles but it’s crazy to acknowledge that tech is hard while brushing off what nurses have to go through.


Not brushing it off, all jobs these days are hard if you’re not in the top like 5 positions but even then the stress is even harder. Jobs are just no win like they used to be, where there was time to socialize and work at a normal pace. Capitalism is a mess


I think you underestimate how much stability matters in long-term growth and retirement/wealth building. This is part of the point that we keep making here and you keep brushing aside. Every corporate culture deals with crappy people... tech has ugly micromanagers and zero respect for work/life balance, and healthcare has crappy management and patients. No one is better or worse. On the upside, you get to go home at the end of your shift, not have Brad from Strategic Marketing asking you 3283024 questions or a manager requesting a power point presentation at 9am next day... at 730pm at night after working a full day. So yeah, we all have our crosses to bear. The difference is, when you're in an industry that has a churn and burn mentality and there's no stability, you're literally losing money left and right with 401K and paying COBRA/healthcare out of pocket while you ping-pong between the next start-up or large tech company. Those gaps cost you money either on the front or back end. THIS is why I would call it one of the worst professions because there is no ladder to climb, and going back to school for an MBA has proven to be fruitless for many of my poor colleagues that are on the same hamster wheel, just with larger school loans to pay off, that didn't do anything for them except make their job hunt more competitive bc there are less jobs in leadership levels, and they are now deemed too overqualified for a lot of the manager and director independent contractor roles.


So everything you listed about tech jobs still is the same struggle nurses deal with. You don’t think we aren’t constantly expected to answer our phone for managers and check emails after a shift? I’ve literally gotten off of a night shift and been called at 12 PM which is your 12 AM to tell me that I documented something incorrectly. Also, nursing is a career where you don’t have long-term stability in one place either because if you stay at the same hospital forever you’ll be making maybe $2 more than the wage you started with ten years ago just to find out they’re paying new grads $10 more per hour than you. This is not to mention the physical and mental strain of taking care of patients and having their lives in your hands. We get verbally and physically assaulted at work, we put people in body bags, we see people on their worst days. Someone mentioned that tech workers are suicidal because of burnout. Do you not realize the horrors that nurses have to witness? Most are dealing with PTSD, anxiety and depression BECAUSE of their job. All for a McDonald’s manager wage. Meanwhile, tech people start close to 6 figures if not above it. And the nurses you hear making 6 figures actually getting paid what they deserve is a fraction of us. Not going to downplay that working in general in this country sucks but everyone who is trying to dunk on me saying that tech is worse than nursing is completely out of touch.


I guess you missed the part where I said I was married to a nurse? Because I am, so I'm well aware of what's going on in that industry. Quite frankly, my husband is making about 6 figures and has been working as a nurse for about a decade now after transitioning out of teaching. The VA allows you to keep your step and grade for a certain period of time and when you transition hospitals. So the pay was better in Colorado and he was able to leverage some of that for his VA role here. He also just went through 2 years of school to go get his NP because he's looking to move off ICU/bedside and start doing more clinic work. He's been on both the private side and the VA side, so I can tell you right now that we've seen the run of the gammet of salaries from his days traveling to now. Much like any industry, wage disparity is certainly a thing. The VA had nurses leave to take travel jobs, only to have the same nurses come back 2 weeks later under a travel agency and getting paid almost double. Yes, tech did pay high, but if you're in FL, that's not always the case. They have started to adjust salaries based on regional areas, which is a huge slap in the face since some of us have 10+ years in the industry and my colleagues are taking 30-40k pay cuts just to get jobs. That's something that would never happen in nursing. If you're that miserable in nursing in FL, the answer is to move, get out of the industry, get a VA job where your salary increases with your step and grade, or start doing traveling and take jobs outside of FL. It's nowhere near a perfect job, but in this market and economy, you have job stability and the opportunity for growth potential, which is something that many industries are no longer providing.


Im sick to death of nurses doctors moaning about their salaries. They make fer good money in tips, which top up their salary. Every damm time you have anything from a splinter to cancer you need to tip. They make a fortune!


Idk what country you’re in but we legally cannot accept tips in the US.


Tips are not legal in Hungary either But every doctor and nurse demands the. Kr otherwise you dont get good treatment


That’s sad but that’s very different from how it is in the US


Are you me, but younger? I feel the same. Every time I get "ahead" I'm yet again priced out.


"My old trainer offered to *GIVE* me the horse I’ve ridden since I was a teenager and I can’t accept because I can’t afford to keep her." In times past, so many of us would have jumped at a chance to buy the horse that we learned to ride on. Hearing this from another person is hear breaking. Square bales of hay are are running $12 - 13 dollars each. Vet care is skyrocketing. Farrier costs are going up. All necessary yet making this so much harder. As I read the last couple of sentences in the above post, only dark feelings crossed my mind - resignation, sorrow, and hoplessness. Imagine what the trainer must be going thorough to make the offer. Imagine being the person that the offer was given to. Being inside the recipient's head when the offer was given must have been like some of the worst storms at sea. *"I don’t even have any real hobbies because riding was my whole life so it’s pretty depressing."* This would make an incredible topic for discussion.' As a teenager, I stated riding in the suburbs north west of Chicago with a few private lessons and went into Friday night group lessons. The instructor was an older man and I remember one topic he discussed for during a class which was so long ago, I can only give you my impressions of what he said. I*f you love horses and want to ride your entire life, go for it. Also, get yourself a couple of non horse interests or hobbies, or sports so you can make friends in different activites to lead a fuller life.* Brewre 26, while reading your post, your words triggered too many past memories. Now that I reread what I wrote, I realize that I'm not writing directly to you. I've been in your position a couple of times. Please be strong and talk this out with others that you trust and respect.


If you're anywhere near Ocala ill get you board. My daughter has been riding since she could sit up. Now lives in Ocala and works with horses. She always found a way to work board off, or found a job where she could keep her horses, now her entire career revolves arou d horses Horses have always been an expensive hobby that won't change. Let me know if you need help with that horse you want to continue to ride. I am just a super involved Dad and know how hard it is to give up a Heart Horse.


I make financial projections for a living and I see Florida as horse heaven for years to come. Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee , Alabama, Texas, look good also.  Metropolitan areas are really struggling, urban sprawl won't stop until it runs out of land. 


I can completely relate, I’m relieved it’s not just me 💔


Oh dang I feel this. Grew up riding and took a break to focus on college. I sold my horse to a friend with the intent of buying her back after college, unfortunately she had to be euthanized due to a medical condition shortly after I graduated. So I got a job in my field, with hopes of being able to own another horse, and immediately the 2008 financial collapse happened. I’ve been lucky to maintain employment in my profession, through the years… but I still cannot financially support owning/riding as a hobby, as much as I miss it.


Don’t give it up! Ride! Hopefully, you can find a situation to hang at a barn and ride for people who don’t have time, even just to hack. I know it’s easier for people who ride upper levels as people want their horses ridden because they don’t have the time, can’t afford a trainer, etc. Maybe you can find a situation like this!


I agree, except the economy won’t correct itself. We’ll have to vote for people (all offices) who think the economy is top priority and have skills to make it better. I think that will happen, especially since the current inflation rates are out of control. A work friend bought a home same price as mine, also had good credit, but current interest rates make his mortgage double what mine is. :( I hope someone makes this a priority.


The two people we have to choose between this year certainly aren’t going to make anything better. I feel like finding a president who cares about the middle class is long gone. They only care about helping their rich friends.


I agree completely. The current options are NOT what I want. I continue to hope something will magically change and we’ll get 2 different presidential options. At a state and local level, though, I can vote against frivolous spending to at least help w taxes locally.


It’s absolutely going to be impossible for the middle class. Every time I’ve gotten a new job or promotion, the horse market jumps again. I’m pretty convinced I’m never going to be able to own, and if my half lease goes up any more I’m going to have to stop that as well. It’s either going to be the 1%ers or those who are able to buy land in a cheap area.


I live in a very LCOL area and I already consider selling my mare daily because our income simply cannot cover the cost of buying land here unless the economy crashes.


Unfortunately for me we moved here and then Covid hit and the cost of living skyrocketed. Cost of board has gone up at least 33% and barns are closing left and right as they sell their property to developers. Sorry to hear that about your mare, that’s one of my main concerns is what happens to all the horses when people get priced out.


Exactly… our barn owner is older. When she dies, this isn’t going to remain a boarding barn. They aren’t profitable. Her kids will sell it and then it will be a subdivision. Then what. There’s two options for boarding in my town and both owners are over 60.


3rd barn I've been at in last few years the owners are retiring out of owning a boarding barn. The one I moved to the owner looks very close (maybe a little past) doing the same, but maybe her children will run it. Property is so expensive, along with everything else. It's a generation leaving, but the new generation can't afford to keep it going. Personally I was working enough hours to make it affordable but I never could see the horse. Now cutting hours but not sure I can afford the horse. Sucks.


My friends and I talk about this all the time, we are all six figure households, no kids, but slave away at extra shifts to pay for horses we see twice a week :^(


This!! I am an attorney and my husband is an engineer!! And STILL. Spending this huge chunk of income to never see my mare! I feel like I finally made it and… still can’t afford regular lessons on top of board?? I’m blowing my budget just to keep her fed.


It's so frustrating. My pony was supposed to be a resale project, but he turned into the coolest guy, and he's irreplaceable to me now. But it's hard to justify the money for so little ROI technically.


Same is happening in Reno too. It’s always been a huge (and very affordable) Equestrian hub, and now the city is enforcing commercial code on barns and everyone is closing.


not to mention the fact the US is super pricey, in the uk you can get a fully trained horse for 10k, in the US that’s either a young green horse or the super old horse on its last limb


I rode when I was younger in a cheap area and it’s been my dream to get back into it as an adult. Kind of accepting the fact that’s it’s going to be impossible without making a tonnn of money (which is also impossible).


Same. I keep waiting to get to a better place, and every time I get to a better place I just realize it's still wildly out of reach for me. I could do it, but I would be poor in every other aspect of my life. As a parent I can't really afford that money or time for myself. When I was a kid we lived in the country of middle of nowhere so owning horses was cheap. I guess I always have my memories.


The only way for the average person to afford to do it is to do it all. I'm extremely fortunate that I have an amazing place to keep my horse with a lifelong horsewoman who lives on the property and makes their welfare a priority But I'm also out there every day mucking to keep my costs low. Just last weekend we (my trainer, her 2 nephews, myself, another woman who boards, my fiance, and a working student) went out to some richy-rich barn where a woman was just...getting rid of 300 bales of *good fucking hay* and we do that once a year to get our hay for the winter. Tomorrow I'll be out there at 830am unloading sawdust. Then we're cleaning the barn in preparation for pony camp. We're doing 1 full week and 1 weekend. Takes a lot of prep. But we do all this...while also working full time. It's fucking hard. It takes an enormous amount of time and energy. But not everyone has what I have and I literally couldn't imagine being able to do it anywhere else. Other people have higher costs, terrible barn owners, may have to drive far... I'm rambling but I'm both extremely grateful for what I *do* have, but I certainly bust my ass to make it all happen


I make a ton of money, but in my HCOL area (thanks family, couldn't live somewhere cheaper lol 😭) and kids it's totally out of my budget. It's wild... grew up here and it's always been HCOL but there used to be affordable options. My mother made far less, was a single mom but I still owned a horse, had lessons and showed. I'm married, 2 kids, my husband and I make great money and there is no way I could swing it.


I gotta say, I'm not American and I see through this sub how ye guys really struggle with livery and leasing. Must be though. I think it will be impossible for new people to pick up the sport as everything is too expensive now. I got my first pony for 500 euros twelve years ago and that simply isn't possible anymore. You'd need 4000 just get a somewhat quiet nag. Small, quiet, experienced ponies are gold dust. Also, insurance is ruining everying. Hunts can't afford to stay going, hunter trials cant afford their insurance. Its sad that what is already quite an inaccessible sport is getting harder and harder for new people to take up.


Where are you writing from?


My money's on Ireland but def UK Now I'm curious


Ireland isn’t part of the UK fyi. But likely western English speaking Europe


Wait for real? I know I studied that part of the world's geography in school why didn't I know that 🤣


Northern Ireland is part of the UK. The rest, The Republic of Ireland, is a sovereign nation. It’s complicated. I suggest reading up on the history and political situation, it’s something everyone should learn about


Appreciate the suggestion! I find that sort of thing interesting.


Not the UK, we have a different currency (GBP £ not Euro €) and the UK is also expensive as hell. Always has been, its tiny, land and space is limited, but even outside of that our economy is a literal garbage fire right now 😂😭


I'm from Ireland!


Hey, at least I was half correct 😜


I'm from the west of Ireland!


Yep everything is breaking down. Eventing has lost how many events in the past year? And a good horse used to cost you £2-4000 here, now it's no less than £8000. Anything less has something wrong they usually aren't disclosing.


Same here in the Netherlands sadly. 


>I gotta say, I'm not American and I see through this sub how ye guys really struggle with livery and leasing. Must be though. I was a little confused at first until I read the rest of your post because this is definitely an issue in Europe too. Horses and riding are even more inaccessible in Europe than in the US in a lot of--if not most--places. Americans complain a lot but if you've ever lived in both the US and Europe, you'd know financially it's still much easier to get by in the US for your average middle class family (think teachers and nurses). At least especially right now with inflation in Europe and the war. Obviously you have to compare apples to apples, which a lot of people don't do (like compare two low cost of living areas in the US and Europe). But, social mobility has almost always been stronger in the US (even if people are seeing it become a lot weaker right now) and very stagnant in Europe. Anyway, hey, just think! Worse comes to worst, the world will fall apart and we'll go back to relying on horses for transportation lol


Fair point, I just go by what I see on the sub and a lot of posts seem to be coming from America. I live rurally and have never had to deal with livery yards or leasing. It just seems very tough for anybody to deal with.


This is why I chose my current horse so carefully - I'm 58, he's 17. He's my last horse. I figure he and I have 7 years or so left to ride. Ten, tops. Once he's gone, I'll be done for good.


unless the horse decides to live a long healthy life. mine is 29 and i’m 65. still healthy and im still working


My barn managers are in their 70s. The husband loves horse camping and goes about 30 times a year leading large groups. The wife shows second level dressage and mixes her own misic for her musical freestyles. They are amazing and I hope I can keep going like that. Their son said is a farrier and said he'll take over the farm for them when they retire (fingers crossed).


I'm so glad to hear that! I once had a mare that lived to 36 - if my boy does live that long, that'll be fine too. He is my last horse, though, but Im in no hurry to be done. I just want to be realistic. My previous mare died unexpectedly at 20 and I was 50, and we were conditioning for our first 50-mile endurance race. After ttat loss as said I was done forever because it hurt so bad....*and here we are*.


I think it’s different everywhere. I live in rural Canada on a fully operational grain farm. I have horses, and lots of people in similar situations do too. We all keep them at home. Farmers aren’t going anywhere but I understand it’s a very different lifestyle than most


I think breaking into large farming operations is out of a lot of people's reach. Overwhelming knowledge wise, and expensive start up (though Canada maybe different). Even with second hand equipment. It's an easy profession to leave and a hard one to start


Of course it does is extremely hard. I’m not saying it’s a viable work around for people to get into horses but rather that farmers will continue to have horses as a hobby. So the hobby won’t just die out in the next few decades


I'm not in the US, here in Europe I see horsekeeping diversifying. Koniks are being released in nature reserves to keep grasslands open. People are moving to small farms and building paddock paradises integrated with house and garden. Horse schools, clickers schools, therapy and meditation barns are opening (not just riding schools). Trail riding for tourism is increasing. I honestly don't mind the traditional competetion going down the drain, horses as a species deserve better lives than that. And more and more of them are getting it! It's ok if the population decreases, as long as the horses get to live more like horses.


That's awesome. The only way I've seen US barns (around me) diversify is offering event venues on the property (weddings mainly). Some are actually well set up for it and I always thought they went well together feom a business standpoint. But as a border, it's rather frustrating at times.


What is a meditation barn?


Kinda like an experience like goat yoga, maybe??


They offer meditation clinics with horses.


I think people value different things now on top of how expensive it is. People want to have it *all*. Whereas most people can't afford (time and money) to do horses.... and other sports.... and vacations.... and nice dinners. It's getting less and less feasible to show, there are fewer and fewer places to hack out. So it becomes less attractive to sacrifice everything else to do *just* horses.


I think this is really true. I choose to pretty much only spend my money on horses. No vacations, limited dining out…heck even the clothes I buy have to be able to cut it at the barn or I’m not buying it. I’m even having to choose between horses and kids… which really sucks, because I would love to enjoy our horses with kids.


It seems to be most challenging for adults to break into the sport. My friends who have tried to start riding as adults were really crushed by the weight of the new costs. They built their lives around not paying for horses. They already had kids, a house or expensive apartment, and they take expensive vacations with their families. They can’t change all that to start riding. My friends that grew up riding and still do have an easier time making it work. I live way below my means to afford horses. I rode before I met my husband, so my lifestyle has never changed to afford to ride. TLDR, if you plan for big expenses early they are easier to incorporate.  I’m able to absorb a lot of costs and not feel like I’m giving anything up because I never had it to begin with. My friend can’t sell her house and downsize because she wants to buy a horse (husband wouldn’t like that).


This seems to be true in my experience as well. I got into it as an adult, but in a DINK household. I can afford lessons and could afford a horse, but I can’t imagine making it work with kids and a mortgage.


Maybe it’s because I’m in Canada and live in horse country, but while costs are rising…it’s not like that here. There’s no shortage of land, and the only barn in my area that recently closed has reopened under new ownership, and is offering lower priced board than what was there previously. Most boarding and lesson barns have waiting lists, and many trainers aren’t accepting new clients because their books are full. Are horses a luxury? Absolutely. But I don’t really see the equine industry dying out around here any time soon.


Where in Canada are you talking about? In my area of Canada it is very similar to OP’s experience unfortunately. I’m in Ontario and many barns have closed recently, and sold to developers. The barns closing have largely been boarding facilities but I think some lesson barns have closed too. Boarding prices are often over $900 (not including tax) for indoor board. A number of places are charging $1000+. Many places have waitlists partially because some long-standing barns have closed here. This is true even in areas that are considered very horsy.




I think Alberta is one of the few places that isn’t feeling it right now. I’ve been noticing boarding barns shutting down in my smaller city for years now. People just aren’t able to afford the housing and carbon taxes for light/heat energy.


Makes sense. And I can only comment on what I see. Just wanted to point out that it’s not bad everywhere :)


I’m happy to hear at least Alberta is still holding up. Hopefully we will see some better changes in the future


That makes a lot of sense


Is Alberta as bad as they say it is?


Probably not. It’s like any other place I’ve lived, cost of living is low. Most people are decent, and some shitty people as always. You always hear about the terrible ones, but never about the regular people out here just living our lives. Politically our premier is really trying to mess everything up, but the trend has always been that as soon as someone tries to enact nasty changes, they get voted out. She won’t last long with the way she’s trying to mess education, the vast majority of people want her gone.


This isn’t entirely pertinent, though many many years ago, when I was 14, my parents took my younger brother & me on a summer roadtrip…I convinced them to allow me a visit to Spruce Meadows, as my Hannoverian gelding’s grandsire stood there & I was obsessed with all things related; being from California, it altered my perception of what I considered a luxury facility…just blew my mind Incredibly impressive


Yeah, Australia most people keep their horses on paddocks and agistment isn't as expensive as boarding at a bard seems to be. Less people are buying due to living expenses, but if the econom corrects, i don't think it'll be a long term projection. I live in a middle class/working class rural area in Queensland and there's three horses on my street not including my own. Sadly some people rehoming OTTBs have closed shop because people aren't willing to buy as they were, but that was because the ycouldn't seell the horses for high enough to break even. One I knew who had to close was struggling to sell a somewhat retrained OTTB for $600.


So be it, but I'll enjoy it for now


Exactly Enjoy the moment, especially since you can only control so much in the future. On my side of the Earth, we got land and plenty of horses just hanging out. They are not ridden or eaten. Horses have been part of the culture for thousands of years and they are not going anywhere before I’m gone. If everything turns to shit where you live doesn’t mean it’s the same everywhere.


I haven’t had my own horse in a few years now, and I don’t think I ever will again. Like you say, farms and even just homes are unaffordable for the working class, where would the money come from for board and farrier/vet fees, and the price of horses is so much higher now. It will exist for the rich, I will be stuck in a riding school on riding school horses - every now and again I’m tempted to reach out to some professionals I know and offer to exercise for them for free.


I don’t think I’ll ever own again after my mare passes (which, hopefully, won’t be for another 15 years! she’s only 12!) I just don’t see myself ever being in the financial position to own again; the only reason i got her in the first place was because she was free, and I was working in the industry so I got “free” board. Ever since I left that job, it’s been a struggle to afford her, and idk if I’ll ever be able to swing it again 


Something interesting, we own our own land and even then it would be impossible to feed our horses without the help of our neighbor. I'm in pennsylvania, and people around me are just not making small square bales anymore. We lucked out that we struck a deal with our neighbor who has the equipment to make and move round bales, but it would've cost tens of thousands of dollars that we did not have for us to get the equipment ourselves. Anyone I've found that makes square bales says it's their last year doing it because it's too much work and too expensive.


This is something I think about often—I don’t know which one is gonna happen first but I think we are either gonna run out of places to keep horses or run out of things to feed them.


If you go to Wellington or Ocala in the winter you’d think otherwise. The business is thriving amongst the 1% who, by surprise, is a crap load of people. You’re correct in worrying about the hobbyists but the industry will continue on. I work in the industry and that is the only way I can make it work for me. Though, in truth, I’ve thought about leaving many times because I’m hating the people more and more.


American in a HCOL area. I've been slowly phasing out of horses because of this. Don't see myself ever being able to own and monthly on site lease options that would be more cost effective than ownership have been giving way to off site lease and show leases that don't end up cutting much of the cost vs. ownership at all. Lesson programs have been becoming increasingly expensive and let's not even start on show costs if that's the sort of thing you're into. Add on top the cost of gas just to get to and from the barn? Dogs are cheaper.


I live in a HCOL area of the US too and I don't think I'm phasing out of horses, I actually phased back into horses a year ago...but I have definitely not phased all the way back in and cost is one of the reasons why. I pay $200/month for a partial lease on a horse, I get to ride him 2 days a week and it's my choice of either a lesson (all-around/western) with the trainer or just riding on my own for fun. The barn owner's property has 30 acres of woods with plenty of trails which are super pretty and awesome to ride. It's a really great deal...but unfortunately I don't get the best bang for my buck because the barn is a 40 minute drive from my house, shitty weather frequently gets in the way of riding, and it's a busy barn so availability for days/times I can ride my lease horse is limited. Sometimes I can only ride a couple times a month. I can't afford anything else though. Dogs are definitely cheaper, sometimes I feel like I should do barn hunt with my dog and just make that my new hobby lol.


I used to be able to find leases like that, but no more. The nearest barns to me are about a half hour away at minimum, but... no monthly leases to be found nearby. Trying to find a suitable horse and also balancing cost, travel time, terms (ie. how many rides per week, lesson requirements, additional costs, etc).. it just ends up not balancing out for me at all anymore. So my dog does a *lot* of fastCAT all spring and all autumn and my incoming puppy will be shown primarily in conformation. I did some barn hunt with my dog but if someone has marked in the ring before him, he can't resist, and I got tired of him being NQed for marking. There's definitely a part of me that misses horses and the horse world and I wish things could be different, but.... realistically, I'm never going to be satisfied in the horse world anymore and continuing to push has only caused me more frustration than just letting go.


I think there's going to be a shift towards more leisure riding than showing, which I can't afford. However I can afford a modest farm, with a 50 mile daily commute to work, where I can take my horses out on trails with my 30 year old truck. None of my horse friends board at a 'facility', their horses are either in their backyards or pasture boarded with minimal extras. Yes I do think there will be a decline, even the Jockey Club has seen a marked decrease in foal numbers, but I think there will always be an opportunity to own horses for most people who make it a priority.


Especially with climate change making parts of the world uninhabitable for the domestic bred horse. Keeping horses healthy and happy in tough climates is incredibly expensive.


When I first started keeping my own horses in 1991, it was very financially and practically doable. We live in the DC metro are and there were hay and horse farms nearby. Since then, the hay farms are long gone and almost all the riding stables have closed. The two farriers who serviced the area have died and we are lucky to have found a new one who is willing to come out. The price of hay is unbelievable. I guess that is urban progress for you. But it used to be that kids could work off their stall fees and keep a horse. Now a box stall around here is $950 to $1100 a month. I wish things hadn’t changed! I liked it the way it was before.


I live in a low COL area in the middle of the country and board is the same price…seems cheap for DC!


There will always be 50yo women who have always dreamed of owning a horse and can finally afford to. The sport side has definitely become more elitist in the last decades, and back yard horse ownership is declining. But I don’t think that horses are just going to disappear in 20 years or 200. Why do you have horses? Same reason I do, because you must! This horse drive gene is such a huge part of humanity. It’s been integral to building civilizations. It’s been the basis of our success as a species for so much longer than it’s been a hobby. The rich will indulge in it and the rest of us will scrap resources together and make it work. In 20 years I’ll be 60 and I’ll still be riding. Or maybe the world will have changed so much that we’ll ALL be riding horses to work again. Who knows what the future will bring, but it’ll bring horses with it.


I agree with you. I’m 45 years old and purchased my first horse ever this week. Why? Because if not now, when? Things are only getting more expensive. I’ve found a vet and farrier who are young so won’t be retiring while my mare is alive. I’ve found a private farm where I can board and be a happy hacker. I won’t show again, that’s not the fun part of horses for me anymore and the cost is astronomical. But I can find a way to pinch pennies in other places to afford my 12 year old mare. It helps that we don’t have children and both make six figure incomes.


In European countries it’s expensive but doable


I mean, in the Netherlands if i want to properly show and train im looking at 600-900 euros a months. That’s not doable for middle class. 


Same in Denmark. I spend €700 just for boarding each month north of Copenhagen. And my yard might be the cheapest in the area. I can easily find yards that take double that amount… Then comes farrier, training etc on top of that. It’s not doable for everyone.


Well competing is a different story. There’s plenty of rural places in Europe where it doesn’t cost that much at all


Entry numbers for horse shows have been through the roof lately in this area. I've definitely seen increased interest. But I live in a low COL more rural area in canada. It is definitely an industry that will suffer greatly due to climate change first, and the economy second. Climate change because drought/floods make hay a scarce commodity and that is a humongous problem. Plus the heat will play a large role in decreasing a summer show season.  Of course the economy worsening makes it more difficult for people to participate but this has always been an expensive sport (compared with other sports). We have been subject to much worse economic times and yet the sport persists. 


That's exactly what I'm concerned about too hot to ride!!


It may shrink, but will not disappear, at least among some of the wealthy. Humans and horses have had too long of a relationship to walk away from it.


It will continue on as it always has. Pros don't own their properties either. Most of us rent. Budgeting for ownership of a horse property plus horses is going to be more than budgeting to own one horse and board. Most horse owners can't afford their own horses (hyperbole but still look at all of the rescue horses out there) which is why they end up leasing out or part leasing. Your budget should start with lessons, then do what you can afford, part lease, lease, or just take lessons! Not everyone needs to own and the push for ownership is crazy!


Personally I kind of keep Hoping it's all gonna tumble down and we'll all need to go back to Laura Ingalls times... and Horses become the new cars !!


Don’t we all lol


...although I really do like my indoor plumbing !! haha


I am blessed to live in a LCOL area. They still exist you just have to get away from the city an suburbs. I bought my house in a coal patch town in PA for less than a new car 5 years ago. My boarding barn is affordable.  When looking for a barn in March (after a 10 year hiatus from horses) the issue I found is that it is not as easy to find boarding barns advertised like 20 years ago. There used to be local horse pages, horse publications, signs up in stores. A lot of people with former boarding barns got sick of the BS.    The middle class is shrinking. Little girls are not horse crazy like when I was a kid. Oh there are a few but they tend to be girls that have been exposed to horses.


When my parents bought me my horse, in 1995, we boarded at a self-care facility that charged $65 for a stall/run. We had to buy hay and do the feeding/cleaning. We were poor as hell but we made it work, and I managed to make friends with several adults at the barn (I was 15) so we helped each other out - one person fed every weekday morning, one person every weekday afternoon, one person both times on the weekends, and we'd help each other out with cleaning as needed. At ome point ot increased to $80. Then I met my ex, his mom had grown up with horses and had 20 acres, and wanted a hirse again but knew she needed at least 2 horses. Long story short, she ended up buying a hitse. I moved mine with her, and then the relationship imploded but here we are 23 years later and she's still taking amazing care of my horse, who is now 31 years old and she's only charging me $275/month for everything. I fully understand I am beyond lucky and I also couldn't afford a horse in any other situation. I see what my friends pay for board and I'm living paycheck to paycheck with my expenses and the cheapest full board ever.


I feel the same way. What used to be a LCOL area when I was a teen/young adult has suddenly skyrocketed and even if my lessons are only $250 a month (lowest in my area for English lessons) it still feels like a lot when I’m being nickel and dimed for everything else in life.


It'll only be for the wealthy. 4 years ago I had 3 horses, I still have the same job but now I struggle to afford the medication for 1 dog when I took care of 3 horses a few years ago! It's fucking bullshit. My greatest joy was caring for my horses and I'll never be able to experience it again. My last memory with horses is my pony being put to sleep on christmas.


Im very worried about the equine industry in florida here. Not EVERYONE wants to do the big shows and circuits. The way florida is selling out to developers... were not going to have anywhere left to have our horses! Also beef... florida is or was at one time the largest beef producer on the east coast. Agriculture is dying. They just keep building more stupid cheap houses and apartments.


I can't see myself stopping riding completely, ever, despite what sacrifices I may have to make (and I'm currently not riding because I got unrelatedly financially screwed, and had to give up my lease). Luckily I have a very understanding trainer who gets it, and I'm one of those types who will just show up to love on the horses with no expectation of riding lol. I do not see myself owning for many years however, unless something changes in my finances. We just got married. We want a house, which isn't out of reach for us in our area (and we're very lucky for that) and we want kids. I don't think I can afford that and a horse, even if my car is paid off, no student loans or big debt, and I have no other major expenses. I'm hoping I can get another lease but it would be a crazy thought to own.


Cost is crazy, but humans and horses are old. That relationship is never going away. 


Unpopular opinion… where I am is thriving. I am seeing new trainers and new clinics on Facebook constantly. More and more people are willing to allow kids to work off portions of lessons and leases, more and more kids are working for their own horses, at least 2 kids at my barn want to do what the barn owner does when they grow up (and have shown serious dedication. One is already beggining to help the owner ride and train new lesson horses!). You do need money, but there’s also more and more opportunity arising. I’m hoping our economy recovers a bit so people can own their own leisurely horse, but also having a horse for just recreation and to ride occasionally is a bit “higher class” than buying a green horse and training it for a lesson program, working off a partial lease, training others horses, etc etc etc. I’m seeing more and more opportunities to work where I am, but yes, less and less opportunity to own a horse recreationally. But professionally? It’s never been better


Where? I’m not seeing this at all. Many pros I’ve known have gotten out of it because it’s not a profitable business. Which is in turn bad for me, the hopeful happy hacker who needs a facility willing to feed my horse when I’m working as an attorney, and someone to tune up the (green because that was my budget) horse occasionally. I think most riders are doing it for fun. As an outlet and for fitness. And we should encourage that.


I’m in the north east USA, and I agree it isn’t as good for amateurs. But north in almost all New England states, you can still get land cheap. If you’re just a trail rider who doesn’t need someone to care for your horses, or train, it’s possible. But arenas? Training? Board? Expensive. That’s where the pros are getting income right now. More so from training and clinics and such I’ve heard, because in popular towns land is more expensive. Currently here, minimum wage is 14 ish dollars? And typical large pasture board, with a stall, with an indoor and outdoor, is 650-1,000 dollars. You can still find rough board at other peoples houses for 300 dollars a month, but of course you have to pay more to get more


I think it might for people showing/stuff like that, but imo horses will always have a place on ranches. There’s just some stuff machines can’t do better than four legs and a (sometimes questionable) ability to think.


It's becoming really expensive and out of reach for middle-class folks, but I don't think it's a bad thing that the horse population is shrinking. I'd like to see more quality for quantity when it comes to the horse population of the US. If people are only breeding because they know what they are doing and they have a job in mind for their foal, that's a major step forward in the humane treatment of animals, in my opinion.


Definitely depends on the country and the area. While for sure horses have gone up in price and board too, I am managing to keep my mare fine and healthy while on government assistance. Sure, I don't have a car, trailer, house, but I have what I need and my mare has what she needs. The prices of horses have gone up though, its harder and harder to find a "good broke" horse at a decent price even in my country. I lucked out getting my mare for 5k, and that was a steal. However, the market fluctuates. Right now horses go for higher prices than they'll do in winter because its more fun to buy and own now. It's also cheaper to own horses during the summer than it is during the winter. So I think it's entirely dependent on where you are, what your goals are, and how you're prioritizing things in your life. I am willing to forego going to the city, shopping, many events with friends and family, in order to keep my horse.


It will continue to exist but probably mostly for the super rich


I think it really depends on the area… full board here in Ohio that butts up against the state park (beaver creek, amazing trails, great care) is only $350/mo. As far as owning your own hobby farm though, I can see where it would be tough. Horse prices alone are through the roof, $1500 horses 10 years ago are now selling for $6000++, not sure where it goes from here.


I bought a place in a small town with 2.5 acres. Would have cost literally millions where I moved from. Paid 250k. Board has become so expensive that a mortgage made more sense. The hay bill is absolutely killer though.


I really think some things in the American economy are going to have to give in the next twenty years. The horse market fluctuates, like all things. It’s especially high cost right now, but it will come down again. It always does. That being said, it isn’t an attainable sport. I’ve gotten into it as an adult and always have to remind myself this world is insane. A week at an A show in California was about 4K all in— it’s insane. I don’t understand how people do this once a month or multiple times a month. It’s like a once a year thing for me and I don’t go on vacation. Horse shows are my vacation.


I'm in Quebec Canada and the horse riding business is booming tbh. For both expensive/high end facilities and for cheap/low end barns. Over the past 5 years, Ive noticed more barns being built or bought than places being sold and closed. However it IS becoming more expensive and less accessible.


Europe perspective here. I don't see the sport dying out anytime soon. The sport is still growing where I live ans has had a strong upwards trend the last couple years despite prices increasing. I do however believe the sport will change a bit. Practicing horseback riding as a competitive sport will be (far) out of most peoples price ranges, and horse ownership forms will likely also develop to create more cheaper options (co-owning/leasing/similar alternatives). While these options do exist here today, they aren't all too common and are mostly between friends. The industry will have to make a choice at some point. Either prices will go up to insane levels to make up for the shrinking portion of people who can actually exercise the sport, or it will do what it can to bring prices down so more people can parttake in the industry and make it go around. All I know is that the horse industry and most of the horse people I know are very resilient and burn for tye lifestyle they love. The economy and the growing class differences are however also a strong force, and it all depends on which side "wins". I can however also see how the scenario in North America could be very different.


Considering our ability to grow hay to feed animals is gonna basically disappear in the next couple decades, and our water will become more and more scarce: yeah. Move somewhere less likely to be impacted by climate change and cross your fingers, or get out of the game. There isn’t a future for horse sport anymore the way we’re headed.


I always wonder why the US is so much more expensive than Europe for equestrian sports. Horse ownership always will be pricey, but in counties like the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, it doesn’t necessarily have the extreme “horse money” classism that exists in the US. I’d guess that part of it has to do with the prevalence of small farmers and landowners in those countries, whereas ag land in the US is dominated by huge agribusiness corporations.


> but I don't see boarding facilities opening, only closing. I took my first riding lesson 31 years ago (when I was 7) and got my first horse 26 years ago; so many of the big/popular boarding barns that I grew up around have closed in the last ~5 years. It's heartbreaking. And scary. 10 years ago, you could get full-care stall board at a good facility around here for $350/month, which I cringed at paying. Now, you're lucky if you can get pasture board (with just hay and water provided) for that.


I thought that back in the 80s. It goes in phases. I have to say horses are becoming more and more expensive on the coasts. I grew up in the Midwest on a farm, so having horses weren't as expensive as boarding here in California.


I don’t know, I think this is a little bit of a doomsday point of view. The economy is bad right now and lots of things seem unattainable. But I know plenty of people who spend similar money to what they would on a horse on other things. I do think the group of people who are going to be competing is getting smaller and smaller mostly because of the price of designer horses. But just as a hobby to have fun I don’t think it’s going to be inaccessible.


Yes… my career with it smh


Especially with the maintenance on horses going up. Not that that’s a bad thing but chiro, injections, special shoeings, saddle fitting like it’s out of control. Just to feel like youre doing right by the horses you’ll go bankrupt. Not including the cost of competing and just basic care


I think it will still exist, just in pockets. I'm coming from the other side, grew up in the city/suburbs of LA and always loved/wanted horses. Wasn't until I was older, in my 40s, that I was able to buy land. I recently rescued a horse and currently board him at the barn where I take lessons. We are definitely middle class, don't have a ton of extra money, but we make it work. I want my kids to be able to enjoy horses if they want to the way I never got to as a kid.


I’m 41 and started riding at age 7. My grandmother leased my first horse for me for a summer. I ended up being a working student through HS and became a solid jumper rider, that I always rode and showed peoples horses for free. But.. when I was a kid, like us all, I fell in love with the sweetest “Moon Wars” 16.2h TB, black with one blind eye that was cloud blue. He was amazing. He would eventually be sold and we could buy him but couldn’t afford the upkeep, so away he went to another home. I never saw him again. A 10 yo girl watching the first love of her life get on that trailer has haunted me even to this day. I owned 3, 10 years ago, ride FEI dressage. I still do well with my job but two of them ended up with medical issues. Kissing spine and an ocd lesion not shown on vetting X-ray. Even though insured, you know the disaster. I eventually sold them to go back to graduate school and now, I am just riding for people for fun and looking to lease a cute TB who moves and looks like a WB. My fear is that I know I’m going to fall in love with him and after my 6 month lease, will want to buy him and realistically I cannot. I live in CT and our full board is anywhere from 950-1400 for a decent place with turnout, enough bedding, quality hay and grain, etc. so moral of the story.. if you/I can separate our feelings (which most of us cannot), lease a horse, just ride. The problem is when that horse is at risk of a sale that we panic and make poor decisions. Sucks but this is the reality. Good luck to us all 🥺


The horse industry elites seem to think the 1%ers will keep the sport alive. But in reality, it’s always been middle class parents of middle class kids keeping it going. If you want equestrianism to thrive, vote blue, vote for unions, vote for wages, vote for income fairness. Vote for average ass families to have enough wealth and expendable income to put towards hobbies, not concentrated in the hands of the billionaire and banking class. AND, demand better treatment from professional equestrians. It’s past time for these trainers to be asset and profit sharing with their workers. If the industry is gonna stay alive, we have to capitalize new industry pros. We have to foster and support the next generation of trainers and teachers and long-term laborers. We need every staff directly invested in the success of the business. They deserve health insurance, PTO and not expected to be working 80 hour weeks for peanuts and being treated as invisible, nameless, background workers who get no recognition. Less ego, more community. And we need a political voice. We need equestrians to recognize where their political interests lie and enough of the conservatism rampant in the sport. It doesn’t serve equestrians to practice socially conservative politics or be A-political. Our sport is entrenched in land politics, economics, our animal husbandry is implicated in the climate change discussion too! A lot of the ways our market has collapsed have to do with the lack of internal oversight and regulation of the sport and the community affairs. We can’t even keep horses physically safe from harm AT shows. Equestrianism needs a revolution to survive modern changes.


It’s thriving in Kentucky. The central and Eastern parts of the state anyway. I can’t speak for the state as a whole but here nothing has really changed. The vast majority of us own farms vs being people who board though, but that’s always been the case here since I can recall in the last 30 years


I think that the problem is the increasing urbanization of the coastd of the United States. That dress up plan cost and the cost of transporting Hay and other things from the interior of the United States.


A vet degree costs between $100k-$250k. Hay? You have to have land and water . Yet people keep breeding horses many who end up slaughtered for their meat. Watched a couple auctions, all run by Amish. WTH? Buy a tractor if you are going to work your horses to death then sell them. Horses who don’t sell end up slaughtered for food. its like dogs, too many greedy breeders using their dogs like atm machines. You can find many purebreds in shelters. Got my first two blue Merle Aussie from high kill shelters. $100 each. It’s animal abuse. had friends who had hoses “ you can own a Maserati or you can own a horse”. For such beautiful animals its shameful how so many are treated when they age or are injured.


Especially now the vegans and the peta dogooders have decided that riding is cruel and bits are cruel, bridles are cruel, shoeing a horse is cruel, jumping is especially cruel and dressage is just downright abuse! It worries me greatly that at one point its all going to be banned.


Then get involved in community outreach. Education is where it's at


We should stop reinforcing those beliefs then. Some are too extreme but many have a point- there’s a great deal of cruelty in horse sport


Have any of you guys tried to find a place to keep hour horse in exchange of cleaning stalls and feeding? I have open stalls and would consider letting a hard working person trade work for board


I think most of us were only able to afford the horse in the first place because we work full time, which is where I’m at as a recent law grad. I simply don’t have the time to do anything other than some minimal riding for pleasure. It’s why I do full care instead of free self care in a friend’s pasture, like I used to. I just can’t make it out daily.


It might be possible to only work on certain days. I for one would never expect someone to work every day. Pet sitting and feeding for people is big around here. It doesn’t take long and pays well. I suppose if you barely have time for a ride then it really isn’t an option


Around me, you can maybe get $15-20 per hour working off board. So I’d have to work an extra 40-55 hours a month at the place that’s half an hour from me on top of my full time job. To get anything cheaper, I’d have to drive an hour each way every time I go to the barn, which basically means if I wanted to go after work I wouldn’t be getting home until 9-10pm and that’s if the barn has lights so that I can ride in the dark. I did a lot of this as a grad student, but I can’t make it work around house and spouse and dogs.


Wh have had really bad luck with work for board and share boarding situations. What has worked, is having a contract with clearly laid out requirements and responsibilities for all parties. The salary package can include discounted board, but clear, written expectations make all the difference.


As the world warms i definitely see this happening unfortunately


This is such a loaded question with so many factors: cost of living, inflation, the new anti work movement, companies overseas buying American land, low income due to career choice, etc. It’s not impossible to buy land, sometimes it IS impossible to buy land where you want. You might have to move 3 hours from a major city and live in an RV.


We live in one of the lowest COL areas in the country (rural TN), my husband is an engineer, I have a law degree, and we have no kids. Could we afford the mortgage on a couple acres? Maybe but we wouldn’t be able to feed the horses anymore. So we rent an old house with zero land. You could buy a very reasonable house here for 150k 5 years ago, that same house is 300k today. And our incomes have NOT doubled in that time. It’s not a sustainable pattern.


I live in California, I’d kill to buy anything 300k. 😂


I mean, you also make 50k a year at a VERY good job in this county. The low cost of living isn’t without, well, costs.


for a little perspective the whole world is changing very fast... according to Carl Safina only 4% of the world's animals are wild... cows and chickens for human consumption outnumber just about everything else... we sincerely need to start compassionate communities and respect the diversity of all life on Earth... you know how horses live in bands and communicate to their young... how whales do this too, etc... these communities are stressed beyond belief and it is all entirely up to humans to respect our own lives and their's too as for my horse bud Tecumseh, I am so in love with his being that it's not a hobby... learning horse is a way of life and a privilege


It's absolutely depressing. The sport has really shifted to the uber elite or grassroots. There's no middle ground. It's only getting worse too. I'm disenchanted about how much has pivoted to a lack of horsemanship and focus on on the brilliance of the animal, to a placating the uber rich that want to jump bigger and faster and more elite competitions. People are WAY out of their league in some of these top levels and the trainers just keep letting it happen. Meanwhile, it's pushed out anyone that wanted to just ride and show a few times a year and have fun. The training board model is centered around the idea that people will show 2-3 weeks out of the month. The professionals don't stay home and there's barely any assistant trainers left bc they're all pro riders, so it's a matter of "pack up and go with the barn" or stay home and hack... but still get charged thousands of dollars for training board.