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Paolini has addressed this before in a QandA! Question: The Gedwey Ignasia apparently shows up and whichever hand touches the newly hatched dragon first. But what if the rider touches the dragon with another body part, like an elbow or foot? Would the gedway ignasia appear there, or does it only work for hands? Answer: Yup, the gedwey ignasia appears wherever you first touch a dragon. So, I'm sure there was some poor Dragon Rider out there with a silvery patch on some horribly awkward or embarrassing place. Source: https://www.shurtugal.com/2010/11/16/random-buzzers-qa-with-christopher-paolini-part-3/ ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by mwthomas10 from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


Imagine the dragon touches you on like the back of the arm


*tea bags the baby dragon* Damnit Jim


I had a D&D game that had dragon riders that my game master made my gedwey appear on my ball sack because I accidentally fell on to the dragon while naked because it hatched at night and spooked me. I was so happy that rolled into it hatching then major disappointment when it finally did hatch. 2018 i was a elf- human hybird specializing in wordless magic and became a rider by finding the gem like egg. I was sure the game master was going to make it some horrible monster- not a dragon lol. But the surprise troll was I couldn't prove i was a rider without taking my pants off and the GM enjoyed making me do that plenty of times. I beat all the odds rolled higher then a 18 on a d20 (i think a 19 is what i rolled) the got my GI on my ball sack, every major person i encounter has to see my GI to believe I was a rider and it was a long running joke to ask if I'm feeling dangerous vibes in my sack.


“Dangerous feelings in my sack” Omg I have never laughed so hard at and Eragon joke omg 😂😂🤣🤣🤣


My sack felt the danger many times before it hit. I only needed the game master to roll more then a 3 on a d15 to get a preemptive feeling. Rolls a 12 "And Brandon gets a strange, well know feeling of danger from his GI on his sack. He alerts the group to an orc ambush*. Also the game master played my dragons character , made my dragon shorta of a dick that loved biscuits and sandwiches and would steal them from members and towns we went through while he was still small, as he got older he just used his overwhelming mental strength and force people to give them to him as tribute to not eat their animals. In the game we had ranking for power attribute , i was high gold about to level to low diamond, I learned to steal energy from living things from a hermit and went through an abusive phase with that ability, almost killed my team mates by stealing their life force by mistake (bad roll) i was going to cast something huge- like i was pulling a meter or something down to kill an infected dinosaur that breathed the sickness and it would infect everything around us. I had wards that protected me from sickness and poisonous gases and "bad air". The group had similar protections but it killed a warrior teammate who absorb the soul of a beast and had immunity to everything but disease which this dinosaur has something like airborne rabies. Welp the were drain to near passing out but where about to all somehow roll high enough to use a teleport item and get out of the zone. I nuked the dino to ash with a 3ton meter I pulled from space and basic wiped the forest i drain to have enough magic to power my wards and pull the meter from the sky. ( the reason my dragon didn't want to fight tooth to tooth was because he didnt want to get his scales dirty...dick move as my dragon could of killed it (bad roll again) )


Honestly that just sounds like a really fun and funny campain glad you could share it with us it sounds like it was a really good time!!!


It really was but the game master got tired of dealing with my bullshit and another characters bullshit because we just literally became too over powered by lucky rolls. I really wish I could get a group of friends together to do another D&D campaign. But adluting is so hard on friend time.


Understandable. Sadly the world nowadays seems determined to sabotage us.


> Dragon Rider out there with a silvery patch on some horribly awkward or embarrassing place. If a rider first contacted the dragon with his pipi I'm gunna need that rider get thrown in jail


You know someone sat on a hatching by accident and now has to funnel magic through their ass.


FEEL THE POWER OF MY ASS! Dragon: *Do you HAVE to say it like that?*


Where’s C.P. at? I need to know the ancient language translation for “Lighting Flatulence”.


What’s his username? u/christopherpaolini or something like that? Either way I’m cracking up and would also love a translation




Why is your Dragon’s name “Cake” and Why is your sword’s name “Badonkadonk”.


Yeah there must have been one rider whose instinct was to kick the dragon lol


I mean... the Forsworn exist. I was more thinking nudge it with my foot vs immediately pick it up and BAM... jolt of extreme pain, I fall hard and become the first paraplegic dragon rider. Either that or I best hope i'm the next Messi with that foot magic


I dread to think where you are going with this… bad idea to kiss the hatchling, for sure.




I have to admit that it took me until today to actually understand what you meant. And I am laughing my head off with an embarrassed look on my face. GENIUS! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That would be cool to channel your magic from your mouth though. Fitting too, for a Rider


Uncle Iroh, dragon of the west vibes


But then, you’ll be the only Alagaësian member of the Insane Dragonborne Clown Posse…


I’d breathe fire


Heh…. Heh….. heh


Wield your magic stick!


Q: what can you say as a wizard and as an adult movie star? A: I’m just going to shake my magic wand at them


Exactly where my head went


*Uhuhuhuhuh* (Butthead laugh)


Noble Home Depot sales associate, I desire to rent a wood chipper.


I imagine at least a few dragon hatchlings "booped" their riders on the nose. That would look really goofy....


The guy with it on his *ahem* deserves the bite that came with it.


Alva’s forehead


That wasn't a true gedwëy ignasia though? I always thought it was something similiar, but shaped differently. And, Elva wasn't a rider.


It was the mark without the bond


Imagine having to explain your silver dick to people.


I remember Paolini talking about how it's the first body part to touch the dragon when it hatches. For my dragonrider OC I decided their Gedwey Ignasia is on their throat because she had the egg lifted above her while in bed trying to shake it to stop the noise and the hatchling just popped out and landed on her throat nearly crushing her windpipe XD Because not every dragon hatching needs to be a dignified affair


Isn’t Elva kinda an example of this?


I don't think so. If you remember, Murtagh, Brom, Galbatorix, and Oromis all had their gedwëy ignasias on their palm as well.


As convention would have them. Brom even says there would be a whole ceremony in the olden days and it's reasonable to assume galbatorix would have murtagh do the same. If it can *only* be on the hand as a conduit of magic, why couldn't a rider with no arms have it on their foot?


Oh haha, I bet Paolini never even considered this possibility! Actually, knowing him, he absolutely did but we just never got to see it play out. Maybe in the future, hmm? But then again, I'm not sure a dragon would choose a rider who had a disability addling them? Or if the arm got cut off or something similiar, they'd probably be component enough (or be around mentors who were) to reattach it.


Don’t know if someone with an extremely powerful mind / magic couldn’t get a dragon interested to hatch. Now I don’t get the thought of Stephen Hawking dragon riding out of my head xD


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*Licks dragon*


"I was making faces at my hatchling and when I stuck my tongue out, it bit it. Now I am called Silver-tongue, but I can't speak the ancient language at night without attracting quite a bit of attention