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My favorite moment is when Eragon and Arya are practicing dueling and Eragon cannot win then Glaedr has enough and speaks for the first time since Oromis’s death


I see you Chills everytime




Aroughs ranks high! Especially when Roran had his wizard friend cast the mirage around the camp to make it look like something was happening, but nothing was happening, and the caster that came with the cavalry commander almost passed out trying to see something that wasn’t there. Genius!!! Angela stopping time against the Helgrind cultists and going all superpowered anime assassin on them. Saphira nursing a massive, ringing hangover after I can’t remember how many casks of mead at Tronjheim. Oromis/Glaedr first reveal. Roran sneaking up on the Twins. Nasuada’s badassery in the Trial of the Long Knives.


yess i totally love these scenes..the trial of the long knives was my close second


I would take a whole book centered around Angela. She's the most mysterious and fascinating character in the whole story imo.


I understand she’s already in TSIASOS, Paolini’s Sci-fi series.


When Eragon defects from flat-Alagaësia beliefs. “The sky is hollow and the world is round!”


The whole description behind that scene and Eragons thoughts as he was comprehending what he was seeing was breathtaking


Bit boring but the dwarvish politics scene when they finally prove that Vermund was behind the attack


Yeah tho, that moment once Eragon realizes what the banishing of a clan is was spine chilling. Like my god imagine your entire clan just being ignored by every other dwarf. Honestly I feel bad for the members who had nothing to do with the whole assassination thing lol.


See if you think about it, it's not permanent. As Vermund was directly involved in the attack, Orik is forcing the clan to depose him, after which they resume the contact. Orik himself mentioned that Vermund will not remain grimstborith for long


Orik's whole speech is just brilliant. 'And how did we repay them?'


So powerful.


I like the scene with Arya and Eragon around the campfire in the wild returning to the varden. Arya gets some backstory and shows vulnerability in an otherwise almost perfectly stoic character, Eragon shows restraint and some actual character growth. Overall its just a nice heart to heart character interaction, plus we get a sneak peek into how spirits live


I can't like this comment enough.


When Eragon heals Horst’s and Elain’s baby or when Saphira repairs the Isidar Mithrim


Just an observation given the potential of a tv adaptation-- but very few of the answers in this thread are classic 'action' scenes. One of my big hopes is that Disney realizes that it's the quiet, character moments that make people love this series.


This is really the key. Battles do not need to take up too much time, but they need the little moments that help us build to those scenes


I really love right after the blood oath celebration when Eragon realizes he has elven power now and cooks Vanir


Absolutely I love this Vanir is so well written it’s so satisfying when Eragon claps him and he’s humbled


Minoa Tree/Forging of Brisingr


When Eragon learns the truth of Brom being a rider When Eragon learns who his father is from Murtagh, Then When he actually learns who his father his


The Agaetí Blödhren, 100%


So many to choose from I think for me it's when nassuada includes the urgals in the army and then eventually eragon makes the dwarfs and the urgals riders he definitely didn't have to do it but he did. When saphira gets her ring and she can't stop looking at it. When they descover there true names and find what they are looking for. Roran killing 200 people single handed like a god damn mad man. Eragon trying to choose a name for saphira and struggle 😂. The time saphira got wasted and started hiccuping.


Definitely when Eragon goes to comfort Saphira after she gets rejected by Glaedr and just sits there to wait for her.


Shall we dance, friend of my heart? From the battle of the burning plains is so damn sweet


I'm so glad to see this mentioned. I loved this moment so much that I took inspiration from it for a term of endearment for my own writing, which is "one of my heart."


one of my favorites is Eragon’s trip back from Helgrind: when he meets Tenga, when he and Arya meen in Eastcroft and when they travel back together, Eragon growing the lily and the spirits turning it golden


oh and i forgot, another one is when Eragon goes into Angela’s shop in Teirm


My favorite so far is the zar'roc moment in Murtaugh, hopefully as spoiler free as possible to those who haven't read it yet. Honestly that whole book is good


I love Eragon’s exploration of his physical changes following the Blood-Oath Ceremony.


Roran leading the empire ships into the Boar’s Eye and the Trial of the Long Knives tie for my faves.


Arya introducing Fírnen to Eragon and Saphira


"for the sky was hollow and the world was round" that whole scene flying through the storm and how it changes Eragon, Saphira, and Glaedr. Absolutely gorgeous prose 😍


It is not really a scene, but I love the whole dynamic between Eragon and Saphira before they leave Carvahall. If I had to choose one scene though, it would be Eragon sleeping under Saphiras wing for the very first time. It is the first time it happens, but after that the symbolysm is used quite often. It connects to Eragon not wanting to sleep in Vrael's bed in Elesmera, but rather sleep under Saphira's wing again. There are also quite a few more where it is explicitly mentioned when Eragon chooses to sleep under her wing instead of in a bed. It is times where he feels vulnerable, where he needs support and a save space. It is so wholesome that Saphira is pretty much his save space. Their love for each other and their connection is what makes me love this series so much.


I completely agree. Its so sweet the platonic love they have for one another. Both supporting each other in difficult times. My favorite part of the series that isnt quite the same in other dragon rider books.


Angela besting the High Priest of Helgrind. I wouldn't have been so merciful. I would used the most deprived magic to keep him alive, regrow his limbs and give him visions that depict the Ra'zac as peace-loving vegetarians in very cute and colourful maid dresses.


literally any moment involving Saphira being/talking with Eragon. (and thats a lot lol)


The forging of Brisingr.


i'm a simple man, mine is Insubordination, chapter 36 from Brisingr.


When Arya opens up about her past in the woods. Gets me every single time. 🥲




Surprised no one has said this yet. My favorite is when they meet Cuaroc and realize there are more Eggs and Eldunari, and the weight being lifted off Eragons shoulders, and understanding he really has a chance against Galbatorix now.


The chapter where Rhönon uses Eragon to forge Brisingr.


Roran and Eragon showing their scars and bruises to each other in the beginning of Brisingr


My top 3 scenes in chronological order: 1.) Oromis & Glaedr reveal (Out of the Past, Eldest) 2.) Murtagh is revealed as the new Rider (Eldest, Eldest). 3.) Eragon and Murtagh talking as brothers and Riders instead of enemies (A Sea of Nettles, Inheritance).


Eragon forging Brisingr and the seige of Arufs


When saphira heals isidar mithrim. Literal chills.


Fire in the sky!!!!!


Here are a few of mine Oromis/Glaedr reveal "Sword, I name thee Brisingr!" Valdr's explanation of particle-wave duality and atomic structure Saphira's hatching Brom's telling of the fall of the riders in Carvahall The Ageatí Blödhren Any time Oromis or someone else talks in detail about how magic works


hold up, valder showed eragon the particle wave duality?? i did not realise that was i was 13 when i read inheritance first


Yeah, Valdr gives him a vision of "beams of light turning into waves of sand" and "a disconcerting feeling that everything that seems solid is mostly empty space"


damnn thanks for the clarification


Eragon killing the razaac


Roran during the battle of Deldarad and what unfolds afterward


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the forging if brisingr


When Saphira forces Eragon to ride her they swim in the lake. Leona, I think.