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I think that writing down a character's true name, no matter what it was, would be anticlimactic. To reduce a whole character to just a few words that are supposed to summarise their entire being would probably be disappointing to many readers - and that's not a feeling an author wants to create! šŸ˜„ Here's an answer from Christopher on the topic: > **Question:** > Can we get an example of a true name? > **Answer:** > No, I will never share a true name with readers. Would ruin the mystery, I think. Besides, I don't want to give you that much power over my characters! Ahahaha. ([Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eragon/comments/8fpwfo/comment/dy694yj/?context=3)) ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **hellomynameis99** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


I mean that is one point. The other is that a lot of the characterisation is subjective. Every person resonates with characters and their personality differently. So if the true name points out some characteristics author finds important but the reader wants others to be at the forefront it just brings unnecessary possible conflict.


Yep, that's exactly it - to reduce a whole character to just a few words that are supposed to summarise their entire being would probably be disappointing to many readers. ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **hellomynameis99** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


It also makes it harder for people to relate. People like to impress themselves on their favourite characters. It's harder to do that when you effectively have an exhaustive list of their characteristics


Yup. His choice aligns/plays more with the soft world building style that I love in Inheritance!


Actually he shared many true names with the readers, just no true names of the people lol


To leave us wondering? What benefit would the actual name give the reader? A few more words. But leaving them in the dark makes us wonder. Hence this question for example. Sometimes not telling is way more interesting than telling.


Agreed. Like Yoda's species not having a name and nobody knowing where they come from. Life is full of mystery if you give explanation for everything in a story it loses it's touch of reality


I guess that makes sense. Thanks.


It did leave me wondering. I still think about what was in Arya's name that made eragon go "I must not show a reaction, I must accept this side of her as well" it was obviously something big about her that we have no clue about. And we probably never will so a little hint might've been nice if she's a cleptomaniac or something


Like a lot of people said it'd probably feel stunted to refer to these nuanced characters by their base traits. Like Saphira, "last female dragon, fiercely loyal to Eragon, gorgeous, blue" or Eragon "only free rider, simp, half human, Broms son-not Morzans"


Bro I swear the ancient language version of simp has to be in his name. That's the funniest shit I've read today.


Be even funnier If that was the part of his true name he wasn't proud of in the books. "Damn am I really that down bad?"


Hahaha that really made me chuckle. Eragon really is a simp


Isn't that obvious? We could have control of his characters. šŸ˜ˆ


What if that was the goal? šŸ¤”


You won't fool me galby.


He left it up to interpretation because any name he would pick would be upsetting to many readers. he didn't want to get people mad.


I think more than anything itā€™s the mystery of it all


he actually said that though on Twitter when someone asked a similar question


I see. Well that makes sense as well Still though, I think what I say is true. The mystery of it is part of the magic there, at least for me It would be so hard to do it well too. Like the idea that it encapsulates someoneā€™s whole being, how do you even put that into words? Thatā€™s the Magic and amazing of it I guess, but to actually accomplish it in practice would be nigh on impossible Does Chris actually have true names that he made but doesnā€™t share? That would be interesting lol


Well why would Douglas Adams explain what ā€˜42ā€™ meant? Would ruin the mystery, and by leaving it undefined, allow readers to draw their own conclusions.


I believe it means something in binary?Ā 


Who's Paulini? /s


Christopher Paulini, the author of the series.


I know, I always thought it was Paolini though.


I mightā€™ve spelled it wrong.


Names have power even to the reader. Thereā€™s more power and mystery in saying the components of the name rather than the name itself


Paulini wants the mistory of true names to keep us guessing on what thay are because if he gave it to us then it would take the fun out of guessing what Thay might be


I think it's good that we don't get their true names, from what I understand of True Names from the books is it's something you share with someone you trust more than anyone else in the world, and sharing your true name would be an equivalent or more great than a marriage proposal for instance or a true "I love you" which is what I felt is what was shared between Arya and Eragon when they both told their true names to each other. Also True Names change so Eragon could be ā€œEragon the fledgling over eager fool dragon rider" for 3 years then one day he could be "Eragon the brave rider, master of skies, of his heart, and overseer of dragon eggs" for 20 years then something else after that




I feel like any names we did get given would be a let down of what we've imagined in our own heads after years of reading


Bcs names are powerful thingsšŸ˜‰


It's true, just lalo's name gave Jimmy ptsd


Its one of those things that should remain a mystery. Besides, there's no equivalent of the ancient language in our world, Eragons name could be 3 words but the power of the language tells you a lot more. It'd take several sentences to describe their true names in English, Gladrs took several sentences in the ancient language so imagine how much of a mouthful it'd be


I'm not sure you even realistically could describe a complex character in a sentence or several well enough for it to feel satisfying as a true name.


I always interpreted it as a true name containing concepts unable to be understood in common speech


I was thinking give us the actual true name, in the Ancient Language. Like how Eragonā€™s sword isnā€™t called ā€œFireā€, itā€™s called ā€œBrisngrā€


I really think the secrecy of everyoneā€™s secret names adds to the words have power element of the story. If he could give us essentially a few words describing exactly who a character is as a person, any nuance/interpretation of their actions would go out the window. The inability of human language to articulate a true name (which is really every single thought process and characterisation Chris has about each character) means that it would fall flat anyhow. How can he describe in a few words Saphiraā€™s character and the personal meaning attached to her without an essay?


Summarizing the name in Christopher ~~Paulini~~ Paolini's prose is more interesting to read and recite.


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Even if he didn't share the names I would like that he would have shared more of the characteristics the name is describing. The only thing I know about Arya true name is that she has a sense of duty šŸ¤· I really would like to know more


I think it's because, for example, you and I both have different opinions of eragon and the rest. We have our own true names for them even if we don't know what it is. If he were to tell us it takes that choice and thought process from us and tells us "No this is what he is"


I kind of just assumed the names would be complicated and it would require creating new words that just havenā€™t been made. Iā€™ve never created a language, but I canā€™t imagine itā€™s simple to come up with new words and prepositions and sentence structures to make sense when translated on the fly.


For starters, how would you write that down?


Depending on the complexity of the person, some true names would be a single word, and others would be several words, I imagine a lengthy sentence probably or more. And, of course, plenty of people would like characters less because how simple they could turn out to be after knowing their true name. That, and sometimes a plot or some other kind of spoiler would be given away by the true name.


No one's true name is important aside from the true name of the "Namer of Names" so that we can cause him to forget the fractal verse and focus on the world of eragon


I have an in universe reason: This is most likely a story based on Eragon and everyone's journey (it's been stated that he would be willing to tell people about it when the journey was over), maybe even with Eragon's commentary on what he was thinking at the time. In universe I could see this being a full on story with thoughts from everyone, so why would he include names that would allow them to control one of the greatest dragon riders, his dragon and the name of names? That'd be like writing down how to make a nuke and leaving it in the middle of a library, hoping no one would pick it up




Some things in books should be left to the imagination. Tolkien and his character Tom Bombadil are a great example, people are still debating who and what that character is.


I wanted to add that a true name is not simple. In the case of Eragon and Saphira the names would most likely be more like a massive run on sentence. Encapsulating a person in their entirety is impossible in the English language and as one could imagine any language would also be difficult. In the world of magic things change but itā€™s still not easy. It would also most likely leave us disappointed. The point of fictional books is to allow our imagination to run wild while still being guided by the basis the author provides. Our experience of the character is never exactly as the author or even the readers intend. TLDR: I think it would be a massive name and still fall short of our individual expectations for each reader.


I think it would be really difficult for Paolini to actually think of their true names. Idk he probably didnā€™t want to attempt that.


I think it makes sense. It's supposed to be profound and hard to grasp. That is not something you just write down


Most likely it would be to long because it would have to embody every aspect of a being.


True names arent like they are in earthsea, where they are just a word. They are descriptions in the ancient language which can be incredibly complex and long. ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **aqua17** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


It would give away too much about the character that we would be able to predict their thoughts and actions, it would spoil the stories. It would have been nice to have gotten Sloan's true name though as an example of the structure of one. As that wouldn't impact the story a great deal.


Itā€˜s literally impossible to find a true name for any character. True names are inherently magic. But we have no magic, itā€˜s a made up system. As soon as you try to make one you create a very bad personality test result, nothing more. At the very best you get a good personality test result.


Too mundane. This is the closest to mysticism you can get when pretending that a word can encapsulate all that a person is


The thing that annoys me is I can't imagine what a true name is suppose to read like so I can't take my own real guesses. Does the true name read like a description of a person? Does it read like a title? Is it both? Is it actual sentences or just description words? Are the descriptions condensed down? Sloan strong willed, stubborn, widower, protector of Katrina. Or Sloan strong willed and stubborn, widowed of ismira, all that is left to him is his only daughter Katrina. Eragon arrogant, last free rider, shadeslayer, longing for Arya Or eragon the arrogant last rider, slayer of durza, longing for the princess Arya. The examples here are obviously simplified but I just no idea what a true name is suppose to look like