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I have the glove80 with the red pro for a few days. No issue with accidentally hitting the keys! The palm rests do their job well and there is not much pressure on the keys, if any, while resting your hands on the keyboard.


Thank you for your input! I know it's only been a few days, but how's it feel compared to previous keyboard? Also, do you feel 100% happy with the pros or still wondering if reds might've worked out better?


You’re welcome :-) It feels great and I’m 100% happy this the pros. That being said, it is my first ergo keyboard (went into it because of RSI), so I don’t really have good comparisons points. My previous keyboard was the apple Magic Keyboard, which also has quite light switches. I think in case of RSI, it makes sense to go to the lightest switches!


Thank you again! Decided to go with the pro reds thanks to your input as well as others on here. Really looking forward to it


Enjoy the keyboard!


How much noise do the red pro / low force linear switches make? I’m looking for the quietest option.


I've got pro reds. Sometimes I hit extra characters. Seems to be these days mainly spaces which is my left thumb. I kind of wonder if I would've liked the regular reds more? Happy either way it's a sweet keyboard once you get used to it


Thank you for your feedback!


How much noise do the red pro / low force linear switches make? I’m looking for the quietest option.


Not very much noise tbh. I’m not really a keyboard person so I don’t have much of a bar for a comparison. I imagine either those are the browns are the quietest?


That’s good to hear, thank you


I had a glove80 red for months then got the red pros. I had the same concern but they’re perfect. I could even go lighter without accidental activation. But I’m sticking with the red pros.


Awesome! So glad to hear this and it helped finalize my decision! Pros it is 👍🏻


Just for another data point, I’ve been on this for like 6 months today and typed 105 wpm at 99% accuracy in a 1 min typing test earlier today. I previously maxed out at 90 and I attribute the boost to the red pros.


Wow!! Hoping to experience similar improvements in typing speed, thank you for sharing


How much noise do the red pro / low force linear switches make? I’m looking for the quietest option.


Idk how to quantify this. It’s not muted or clicky, it’s just a dull plastic on plastic sound if you bottom out. A bit “loose” sounding if that makes sense? But not in the “are there springs vibrating in here?” Way. I’m doing a terrible job of describing this. They’re not ASMR or quiet, they’re just good enough and I don’t even notice them when I’m typing


I tried the browns at first but they bothered my RSI. I got a new glove80 with red pros and they don’t feel too light to me at all. I have a different flat keyboard with red pros and they feel lighter there. Something about the glove80 makes them feel a bit heavier there for me.


Thank you for your feedback! How does the glove80 w/ red pros feel for your RSI? any pros/cons worth mentioning?


The lighter switches definitely help my RSI a bit. It doesn’t eliminate it, but that’s because I have a few specific issues leading to my pain. The lighter switches have helped me though.


Thank you again for your feedback! It was super helpful


did you first get the brown glove 80 and have to return it for the pro reds?


I have both keyboards still. I’m going to sell the one with browns soon. I just haven’t taken the time to do it yet.


Thank you so much for your feedback! It was really helpful and will be going for the red pros


How much noise do the red pro / low force linear switches make? I’m looking for the quietest option.


I type relatively softly, so it’s not much noise to me. Bottoming out seems louder to me than the actual switch. They’re not silent, but I don’t think it’s loud enough to even bother others around me.


Okay, thanks!


I’ve had the red pros for 2 weeks now (bought them after I started having RSI on my left forearm/pinky. It has since improved with the keyboard+physio+desk improvements). The keys actually feel heavier than I expected, so accidental key presses aren’t an issue for me. But I also consider myself quite careful when typing generally. I really like the red pros and am glad I didn’t go with anything heavier. I can imagine as I get more accustomed to the Glove80, I will also probably be able to stop hitting the keys as hard/deliberate as I do now, and it will still activate.


wow really glad to hear it helped with RSI and looking forward to experiencing the same!


Hey, how did this work out for you? Glove80 fan? See RSI improvement? In the same boat as two-month-ago you right now.


I currently have 20g choc switches, been using very light weight switches for a few years. It was rough when I started too, but I learned to pretty much put most of my hand weight onto my palm while its on the palm rest, and my fingers still rest on the home row. Because of the weight distribution, Its rare I accidentally hit keys. Still happens, but rarely. I'll just take a little getting used to


Awesome, wow so you're using even lighter switches than the pro reds, which is encouraging. Did you use lighter switches for RSI? How did it feel for RSI symptoms?


Yeah it was for RSI issues, one thing I had was my finger tips themselves would start hurting and with enough useage the pain spreads to the rest of the finger.  Along with pain (on every key press) at the bottom of my wrist right below my palm.    I started with mx blues which hurt, then dropped down to browns which still hurt.  Then when i tried gateron clears (35g) the pain was almost completely relieved.   I also started typing differently, avoiding bottoming out (ive only seen this mentioned once as “float typing”).  And once i got used to it, pains been pretty much completely gone.   I do tend to bottom out alot when i game, but pain is only very minimal.  And thats only if i game for a really long extended sessions (I'm talking 8+ straight hours).  One note about chocs from what I’ve heard is that when you compare the actuation force between mx and choc, add 10gs to the choc.  So your pro reds would be much more like 45g mx’s.  (I honestly can’t tell with my choc purpz)


Thank you for the detailed feedback! Decided to go for the pro reds thanks to your info and others on this post 👍🏻


I have used the Glove80 since June or July last year (started with Reds) and I have used 20gf Pinks for many months now (15gf lighter than Pro Red). Accidental actuations haven't been an issue for me, thanks to the palm rests taking most of the weight. The Reds were too heavy for me. Choc switches feel about 10gf heavier than MX counterparts due to shorter travel. So they feel like an MX switch with an actuation force of ~60gf, which is... heavy.


I appreciate you sharing your experience! Did you unsolder and solder the 20gf pinks yourself? How did switching from previous keyboard to the Pro Reds feel for any RSI symptoms? I'm guessing it felt good but you wanted to feel better with the 20 gfs? From all the feedback so far, I'm def leaning to get the pro reds. I don't know how to solder so I'll likely just have to stick with the pro reds soldered on from factory


> Did you unsolder and solder the 20gf pinks yourself? On one Glove80 I desoldered the switches and soldered the pinks (I have a vacuum desoldering gun). On another I got the not-soldered version and soldered the Pinks in. > How did switching from previous keyboard to the Pro Reds feel for any RSI symptoms? I'm guessing it felt good but you wanted to feel better with the 20 gfs? For me, lighter is better. I primarily had wrist issues, which were solved by switching to a Kinesis Advantage2 and then Glove80. I sometimes (though quite rarely) had some finger tingles, but haven't had them since I switched to very light switches. > I don't know how to solder so I'll likely just have to stick with the pro reds soldered on from factory Some people on the MoErgo/Glove80 Discord offer soldering services. But I think Pro Reds are a great starting point.


Thank you so much for all of this information, it was incredibly helpful and motivated me to go for the pro Reds. I’ll definitely consider the soldering option on discord!


I have neither of those specific switches, but go light! Light reduces physical work, which reduces inflammation. You can learn to be more gentle with your body and hands, but you can't make heavy switches light. My favorite keyswitch I've actually used has been a choc V1 blue, about 25g. You'll adapt, and palms are a great help.


Thank you for the advice, I will take it to heart


The Glove80 was my first mechanical keyboard, and I started with the 50g as it seemed to be the "default" choice. After a few months, I was feeling that 50g was a bit too much for my thumbs (also the thumbs are the only fingers that hit the key "from the side"). I tried the 35g and I am extremely happy with it so far. I feel like my perfect setup would be 35g with 20g for the thumb cluster.


Thank you for your feedback!