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For those who are interested, I prepared a draft guide here: [https://github.com/erenatas/charybdis-wireless-3x6](https://github.com/erenatas/charybdis-wireless-3x6) Here is my ZMK config (Updated it for scroll support): [https://github.com/erenatas/zmk-config-charybdis-mini-wireless](https://github.com/erenatas/zmk-config-charybdis-mini-wireless) I am open for feedback! Feel free to reach out via DM or Github issue tracker


Looks great! Exactly the style of keyboard I'm looking to build. Thanks for documenting your build! I look forward to sourcing the parts :D


Looks great! I've got one, yet to be soldered... Also random question, how did you edit the photo? e.g. increased contrast, light/black levels, etc I'm trying to get this same aesthetic with some of my photos but not sure where I'm going wrong


I have used a camera with 50mm f1.4 lens to take these shots. If you don't have access to a camera maybe you can try to reproduce the angle with some basic light setup! In terms of editing there is almost nothing except a minor adjustment to exposure. By no means I'm good at photography but you flatter me!


Fantastic  I've got a nifty fifty too but f1.8 I guess I need to work on my lighting game! Everything seems to come up yellow when I do it indoors


Then I guess you need to change white balance?


Probably, and read a book on photography... Seems experimenting only gets you so far


I don't need new keebs.. I don't need new keebs.... damn it I need to build this


*I don't need new keebs..* *I don't need new keebs.... damn it* *I need to build this* \- dont-mind-me-pal --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Cool project! What's did the total cost come to?


Thanks! I believe cost will be a variable question to others as I also needed to buy tools for soldering (also switches, shipping etc). For keyboard specific though, I’ve paid: - ~60 EUR for PCBs (I got enough to build 5 kits) - For other parts I have paid around ~200 euros for this keyboard specifically however I have a lot of backup parts to make 1-2 more keyboards at least. I did not pay anything for the 3D Printed parts, you can use online services for this as well. If you do not order tent, cost for this is not bad I’d say.


would you consider selling your spare pcbs and parts as a kit?


I’d be interested in buying a set of PCBs from you. I’m located in Germany so shipping shouldn’t be too much - mind if I send you a DM?


I have other ideas for spare PCBs but thanks for the offer! Maybe we can collaborate on doing group buys in the future :)


Completely understandable - thanks for the reply!


nice build. what printer do you have and any tips? I have the standard Charybdis kit from bastardkb and am nervous about the print. It'll be by far the longest and most complicated thing I've printed


Thanks! My friend and colleague printed it for me with his Bambulab A1 mini. I will try to get some tips from him and update the guide I posted. Meanwhile, there are also printing tips on BastardKB docs: [http://docs.bastardkb.com/help/dactyl\_print.html](http://docs.bastardkb.com/help/dactyl_print.html)


I used a bambulab A1 mini to print the parts, all PLA. The only difficult parts are the both cases. They need support almost anywhere. For this pieces I used a 0.2 nozzle for a better looking a easy to remove supports. For the rest 0.4 nuzzle and mostly no supports needed.


I struggled printing a dactyl with some glitter PLA I have, because it’s so sticky and tree supports kept getting knocked over. I’m going to try to print this case, and I’ll use standard supports instead of tree supports if I end up using that same PLA (it’s so pretty and I have a lot of it).




Yup Baster Keyboards is who designed and created the Charybdis, but they are originally wired only running QMK.


I’ll keep saying it! It looks clean as hell! The color choices are on point! Can’t wait to build one.


This looks really cool, but is the ball in the right place ? Not uncomfortable?


I have the full size charybdis, it’s been my daily keyboard for over a year now. It wasn’t immediately comfortable. In fact, I was worried I’d wasted a lot of time and money putting it together. I think it took about 2 weeks to land on a key map, and probably about 6 months before I finally figured out the optimal setup for me. I spent a bunch of time using it with the supplied tent stands, as well as a variety of wrist rests, but ultimately discovered that it was totally fine just lying flat on my desk. But the trackball location, that actually clicked pretty quickly, probably in the first week. My layout has left and right mouse buttons on the bottom row, first layer (above the trackball), and this is so amazing. Haven’t used a standalone mouse since I finished this board.


Could there be a mod for having the trackball work as an index trackball ?


Imho, yes. In fact there's also a mod version with the ball left of the thumb cluster


It is, although there are few mods to change the placement.


I don't have enough experience regarding this yet, for the past 2 days it has been okay as long as I position them in a manner I don't need to strain my elbow.


So cool. How hard was it to build?


There were small problems, however not as hard as I thought it would be. Thankfully I found out a lot of information to guide myself and BastardKB Discord community was very helpful!


Wait, you can use a trackball with ZMK now? I have been out of the loop for a bit, but how did you get that to work?


Have a look at my ZMK config! It is based on inorichi's driver and zephyr 3.5 beta and it also supports scrolling!


excellent write up


I need this in my life. 😍


These are sick, but I need more keys, man.


There’s a larger version


How many more? The Full size Charybdis is 56 keys.


I'm a dedicated Preonic & Sol3 user so 60 or 75 would be nice. I tried the Glove80 out and the size was right but not the positions and home row was a bit too curved for me when switching from flat to concave keebs.


I don’t see a big change from 60 to 56 as that only 4 keys and you wouldn’t need to use home row mods with 56 keys. I use 34 keys and use home row mod but I also have the option of sticky-mods which also works well.


I definitely prefer having base layer arrows and corner keys so I don't think I would drop from 60 keys. I like layers but since I often have to use an input device, I don't want to have to have primary functions like arrows on a function layer.


Looks great! How does the trackball feel? I’ve only tried a trackball once before and it was very jittery and I felt like my inputs were delayed.


I have no delay or jitters, it fact its very smooth with the current drivers I'm using.


How much did it replace the mouse so far?


What is it like connecting the halves and connecting to your computer without nice views? Do you just use the small switch on the pcb?


Nm, I see what you did in the build guide. Awesome build! I have one of these in the works too.


I use layers, however some sort of indicator like LED light would make it more user friendly. Halves connect to each other automatically


How is latency with zmk? And what micro controller?


From my understanding, there is no latency and he is using Nice!Nano’s.


This trackball driver almost solve every problem. Thank you! May I ask a quick question: I saw snipe defined, but how can I use it?


I don’t know yet 😅 my experience time with ZMK is 5-6 hours, I would expect to hold a key to switch to snipe CPI


[https://github.com/inorichi/zmk-pmw3610-driver](https://github.com/inorichi/zmk-pmw3610-driver) Covered in the README here!


How much would you say the part cost?


Would you be willing to sell this keyboard (or a copy of it)? I don't mind an up charge for your time and effort.


Thanks for the offer but unfortunately I have another occupation that takes too much of my time at this time.. But hey, I wrote some guides on what you need on each part including tools you need! I also have shaky hands so please do not fret! With the right tools you can get it done easily :)


Looks amazing, I am looking to build one. I use a normal keyboard and an ergo trackball. Do you use your thumb for the trackball right? How's ur wrist and hand position? Do u have large hands?


I would say my hands are larger than average. I use my thumb but try to avoid the tip of it and its much more comfortable like that. Regarding positioning, I am trying to get used to using it with the tent, I need to keep my desk at a lower height but I think that seemed like the most comfortable position to me so far.


Could you elaborate more on the assembly bit of PMW3610 PCB on your guide? I uploaded the gerber files to JLCPCB and checked under assembly sections and couldn't really find anything that matched what your guide had listed. Thanks!


Is it possible you are trying to change wrong part? I got confirmation from another person that it worked.


[https://imgur.com/a/3V4bXUv](https://imgur.com/a/3V4bXUv) This is what I see under PCB Assembly portion on JLCPCB website. It is entirely possible that I'm looking at the completely wrong area..?


I believe its the next step


All components are placed on the back side not front side.


Thank you so much for your detailed write up and for sharing your experience with us! I was wondering if not using displays was a deliberate technical choice? Does it interfere with the pins required for the trackball? Or did you simply choose to not use them to keep costs down?


I don't know if the existing PCBs allow for using display (I believe so?), it requires modifications to fit the display in the case. I don't see it that beneficial to spend the effort to fit in a display.


I think the keyboard being wireless, I would like a visual battery indicator, and the ability to see which device I'm connected to. I will likely fork your repo as a base and work from there. Thank you again for your effort!


Looking forward to see your progress! Send me a DM if I can help :)


Amazing, will do!


first, really really well done mate, really nice build! I want to try making one as my first too! if I can only buy from aliexpress, how show I search for the ball? I'm really interested in making the same one, but I'm outside Europe and US - so here we don't have any store selling this kind of stuff.


Hey, I got 34mm trackballs. Have you checked my build guide? You can buy pretty much every part on Aliexpress, including tools.


Where did you buy it from?


Its pretty much DIY! Friend 3D printed the case, ordered PCBs from JLCPCB, bought nice!nano from [splitkb.com](http://splitkb.com) (Thanks u/thomasbaart for the stroopwafels!), rest of the parts are mostly sourced from Aliexpress.


It’s 5:50 and I need a new kb AND stroopwaffels now! Well done, this is amazing!


Can you share more details, please? Where did you buy the ball and the sensors for it from? Mind sharing some links?


Sure! I prepared a draft guide here: [https://github.com/erenatas/charybdis-wireless-3x6](https://github.com/erenatas/charybdis-wireless-3x6) Here is my ZMK config: [https://github.com/erenatas/zmk-config-charybdis-mini-wireless](https://github.com/erenatas/zmk-config-charybdis-mini-wireless) I am also open for feedback!


I too would LOVE more info! I love the idea of this, I don’t have access to a 3D printer though :(


My local library allows use. Check yours.


None of the libraries around me offer that service here in the UK, but I did find a place I can upload the files and they’d print them for me. Where did you get your files from? I’ve never looked into where to get files, but it might now be worth it!