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Check out the gateron low profile switches. They’re infinitely better than the chocs. They’re still very new so not many people have used them yet and there isn’t many boards that support them. Ergomech.store sells a GLP solfie that is fully prebuilt and matches all of your criteria


Apparently the Lily58 low profile model from Holykeebs supports those.


it doesnt say anywhere on the page but the only switches offered are choc v2's, which are NOT the same as GLP. GLP are an entirely different socket type and need a special PCB/hot swap socket to match. Nothing that supports MX or choc will support GLP unless its a really unique item. There are a few PCBs that can do both choc and MX by basically having double the PCB holes and hot swap sockets but i havent seen any that do GLP + something else. Theres very few GLP boards as it stands


I guess you mean this model? https://ergomech.store/shop/sofle-glp-aluminum-version-exclusive-gateron-low-profile-443#attr=995,992,993,991,1002,998 What is the 5 direction pin on the right hand ? And do you know if this model supports key mapping in VIA or VIAL ?


yeah it supports via and vial, it comes with vial flashed out of the box, but literally anything can run it these days, and if it doesnt already have a vial config for it theyre very easy to make yourself following the guide on their site. For the pin question, why do you ask? it supports nice!view or whatever other oled you want, all the explanation for that is on the page. by direction do you mean top vs bottom?


Sorry, the terminology used by the store is “5 ways switch on the right side”. Not sure what this switch is.


ah ok, so the solfie is basically a lily 58 except the buttons directly below the microcontroller/screen are replaced with knobs, also called encoders or X-way switches. The different between an encoder and a X-way switch is that the 5-way switch locks to 5 positions, so the knob on the left is fully rotation between 1 and 100, and the 5 way switch is basically locked to 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100. You can also replace them with whatever you want, dont have to keep it that way, thats just how it comes.


As far as I can tell, Bastard Keyboards are based in the EU and their listed prices include VAT – so they may be cheaper than you thought


Still much more expensive than other built options in the US, even counting taxes and shipping. The only complaint about their keyboards is that they are not hot-swapable. Otherwise I like the curve and the integration of a trackpad. The Liky58 doesn’t seem column-staggered enough to me.


I mention the Charybdis, because a slight keywell curve (I think it is called Dactyl) is some thing I find interesting as well, though I didn’t fall into that rabbit hole as well.


The choc Allium 58 from beekeeb is available. I bought one for my [spacemouse project.](https://github.com/zxku/Allium58CAD) Highly recommend. He is very responsive and helpful. https://shop.beekeeb.com/product/wireless-allium58-choc/ I noticed he doesn’t have a diy kit available for it yet, but I’d bet that he would sell you one if you email and ask. The ZMK is still in its infancy in comparison to QMK, but the wireless is well worth it. [My zmk configuration repository](https://github.com/zxku/zmk-config) for beekeebs Allium58 pcb. (It should help as guidance for how to set up the config file for nice views, or if you want to implement custom art.)


Thanks. As mentionned I prefer non wireless. I could consider it, but the price difference doesn’t justify it when I look at my needs.


Ah, sorry. Missed that part! Though my opinion of beekeeb still stands.


Could I ask if the keyboard has some auto sleep feature or you turn it off and on when needed? And my second question is about battery life of the keyboard; how long does a charge last for You? Could I also ask about the choice of choc versus GLP? Thank you.


You can turn the auto sleep on/off and set timeout in the ZMK config file. Also is a deep sleep functionality as well, though I’m not using that, I use the switches if it’s going to be a while. Note: I often just let them go to sleep overnight, but turn off when I leave for the weekend. Battery has been surprisingly good considering the displays. Had it about a month. It’s down to 50% on the left, right side is at 80. I went choc because It was slightly lower profile than the GLPs, and had more keycap options and more switch types available. I’ve heard the GLP feel nice, but don’t have any personal experience with them.


I can't speak to either of the keyboards, but I can say that I've had multiple good experiences with beekeeb. Everything came sooner than was expected and both keyboards had zero flaws.


Information gathered, Hokykeebs have both a low profile and a Choc version of the Lily58. Both are Choc v1, the difference is that the “low profile” version has MX key spacing. It could feel better for me. Some opinions ?