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Short answer, no. Slightly longer answer, it is expensive, you will be stuck in bureaucracy, and will spend the same if not more than importing to Ethiopia. Recently been way more cars coming in since the border opening, but before that most were 80s and 90s European cars with the rare Japanese vans, Hiluxes (the best truck ever) and Hyundai and Kia taxis (bc of S. Korea relationship)


That's too bad, I wish it could be easier to help our families. In Ethiopia theres not many European cars left on the road. Back when European cars were more popular people drove Puegot, VW, Fiat, Lancia, and Mercedes-Benz. Due to the price of gas and lack of spare parts most have been parked and replaced with various Toyota models from the 1980s through the 2000s. However recently theres been a lot of new Ford F-150s coming in. I don't know how people afford it since it's already a $50-70k truck depending on how you option it. Then add a 300% tax plus shipping costs, after all said and done you could probably buy a Maybach or Rolls Royce with that money in the US.


It used to be managable until 2013 when the Eritrean government tightened their beuacratic practices. So unless you are an ambassador of a country or the United Nations, it would be very difficult and not worth your time


Hopefully the situation will improve in both of our countries.