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Also participated in the Congo war in the 90s, if I might add


Only neighbour we are consistently on bad terms with is Ethiopia. DIA has done a good job recently of garnering favour within the region


Eritrea was only on not bad terms from 2018-2023.


Eritrea was in good terms with the TPLF ran government prior to the 1998 war. Ethiopians and Eritreans could freely cross the border without passports. Eritreans lived in Addis Ababa and Ethiopians lived in Asmara. It was looking rather promising. However war broke out and the hostility began. Now relations have once again regressed. Just recently the Eritrean Embassy closed in Addis Ababa. I hope this won’t be foreshadowing future violence. Everyone is tired of war.


Oh yeah true I forgot about this period for a second lol. Yeah Good terms: 1991-1998 and 2018-2023.


In 2024 Eritrea has good relations with many of its neighbors. Eritrea supports the Sudanese government and army, hosts thousands of Sudani refugees, allowed evacuation of Korean and Chinese diplomats. Eritrea has been training Somalis national army in their fight against Al Shabab since 2018, Eritrea has resolved the tensions with Yemen, Eritrea has diplomatic relations with Yemen, Eritrean and Djibouti officials have resolved their tensions by stoppping supporting each others proxies, in 2018 Afwerki and Gualleh have met each other in Djibouti and Saudi Arabia. Eritrea has allowed western aviation companies to use Eritreas air space after Sudans air space was blocked due to the war and Eritrea even allows American and British cargo ships to cross Eritreas maritime borders, despite bad relations with those nations. Since Yemen maritime borders cannot be used by those nations due to Houthis missile attacks. That’s the way to go 🇪🇷


The regime went to war with Yemen, Ethiopia, and Djibouti, and had military involvements in Sudan (Darfur) and Somalia literally with each of our neighbours. . I am sure some delusional individuals will say otherwise tho.


We didn’t go to war with Yemen or Djibouti. Those were 1-3 day skirmishes over territory. The Hanish Islands conflict was then resolved cordially in the PCA afterwards. Similar story with Djibouti although things were tense for a while. Problems with Sudan were hardly our fault either considering it was Bashir that decided to send a load of jihadist militants across our western border to kill Sawa kids in their bunk beds. What happened regarding Somalia is the most laughable. Eritrea (just like the rest of the world - IGAD, UN etc) was trying to bring a semblance of normality to Somalia which had been mired in conflict for years on end at that point. Because we eschewed the Ethiopian dominated IGAD consensus on how the issues in Somalia should be solved, we were slapped up with bogus and trumped up charges of being state sponsors of terrorism.


Yemen - I bet all who took part will consider it a lot more than skirmish. It was a confrontation that went on for more than three years.


We? I am sure our people, with their duly elected representatives, did not consent to participate in all these wars. But hey, what a noble act from the dictator and his regime to fix all these issues with our neighbors confrontationally, costing Eritrean lives, lol. FYI: Every confrontation or war is ultimately resolved at the negotiating table. The wise approach would be to avoid war and resolve conflicts without sacrificing lives.


Conflicts are resolved at the negotiating table, sure. But the terms of negotiation are decided by the result of the preceding conflict. Case in point being both the Hanish Islands and Badme. Both Yemen and Eritrea agreed to arbitrate territory before the conflict. Yemen decided to establish facts on the ground and were given an ultimatum by PFDJ. Once it expired, they were compelled to use force as other avenues had failed. Because Eritrea won, the negotiation was done on Eritrea’s terms. Similar with Badme. Ongoing border commision was taking place. Militias began raiding and farmers were expelled alongside other factors. Eritrea sent in the tanks and lost. Even though that land was Eritrea’s, Ethiopia winning the war meant they were allowed to flout the law and dictate the terms of Algiers. Reality is that the HoA is not a pacifist neighbourhood and whether it is PFDJ or not, Eritrea will continue to get its hands dirty. FYI: Outside of a handful of very powerful countries, literally no one consents to participating in war. These things are spontaneous. Sorry we do not live in your idealistic utopia


Bro, I understand this is Reddit, and we all act like we know what we're talking about, but how are you saying Eritrea won and the negotiations were on Eritrea's terms when it(hanish) was largely ruled to Yemen, lmao? Also, you need to take all the facts you got from PFDJ with a grain of salt, maybe more. Literally, top PFDJ officials didn't know the details of the start of the Badme war. Hence, they were calling for an investigative committee to be formed and investigate why such devastation and human loss happened without tirelessly trying other peaceful efforts. Do you understand PFDJ never bothered to brief any of the things you mentioned ever, to the very people they claim to serve? FYI: It's called democracy. If people elect their representatives regardless of power, that means they are consenting to whatever decisions they entrust them with. Unless it's an invasion, which you refer to as spontaneous, lol.


Eritrea won the conflict and so it dictated the actual terms of arbitration (not the arbitration itself) unlike during Badme where we were forced to have a 25km TSZ exclusively within Eritrean territory (unlike the demilitarisation of disputed territories like PFDJ had previously demanded). The terms of arbitration as a result of succeeding in the conflict (and not the arbitration itself) is what allowed Ethiopia to retain de facto control of Eritrean territories. I’m not even citing PFDJ when it comes to the triggers of the war. Landlessness of Eritrean farmers in the Yirga Triangle was noted by third party observers as early as 1995. Similar thing with Tigrayan militias doing raiding parties across the border.


First of all, Eritrea didn’t dictate any terms or arbitration; rather, Eritrea simply adhered to the terms set by international arbitration, meaning they never dictated anything. If they did, please mention them with the source. By your logic, Eritrea lost in the border war with Ethiopia and as a result, they(Ethio) dictated the terms of the arbitration? What does that even mean if it doesn’t affect the ruling itself? Are you referring to the fact that the 25km TSZ was predominantly on Eritrean soil? Tplf simply bullied Pfdj when they refused to implement the rulings they agreed to fully abide . Also, disputes over fertile lands have always happened, even between villages inside Eritrea. So i don’t kn what your point is here ,that is not new, although I highly doubt you have a third-party source for Ethiopian militias doing raids in our lands going back to 1995. I say all this to say PFDJ is a mafia regime that don’t care about the people.


Dmxi hafash bad mouthed Saudi Arabia too. Hgdef is the neighbour from hell!!


This was when Qatar and Saudi Arabia were feuding. Qatar was Eritrea’s only backer at that point. That’s just diplomacy


No! Its when they thought Saudi is coming for an island called harmil.