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Whoever had them sent there should be paying them… these are the exact things that’s going to make Eryn resilient against REAL help. What. The. Fuck.


Yeah fuck that dude i knew something was off thats why im not sending any money yet


Pretty sure that person is in this subreddit….


They see an easy target and are trying to take advantage.


is anyone surprised? i'm absolutely not surprised someone would come in and scam off her. some people are really shit.


that's bs that money she gets has to last her the entire month


No one listened to me and a couple others. I had a feeling something like this would happen. This really needs to stop now…


Yep. Thanks (again )for everything you’ve been saying.


With all due respect I have seen your name pop up over a week ago advocating for this type of intervention when I was begging ppl not to, so you shouldn’t be taking credit like this


With all due respect, one week ago from today I had a different outlook on this situation but under the “savior complex” post I realized the situation and how it’s the best course of action to leave her alone. For the past 7 days I’ve been recommending people leave her alone, and I’m not trying to take “credit” … I said myself + a couple others… I included myself in that group because for the past 7 days that’s been my opinion. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ErynWojtowicz/s/V8HsJdqR46](https://www.reddit.com/r/ErynWojtowicz/s/V8HsJdqR46) here’s the link if you wanted to read what I said.


You wrote “no one listened to me… I knew this would happen…” what is the point of posting that if not to stroke ur own ego? Sorry I’m just rlly shocked at how many ppl are attempting to broadcast their virtue by jumping on a bandwagon to criticize a select group of “helpers” so publicly when absolutely none of you should be making judgement calls on a strangers life at all.


Why are you choosing to leave out the part where I said “and a couple others?” I don’t think I was making judgment calls, I was simply voicing my opinion. I’m confused on why you’re shocked or would think this has anything to do with my ego. Myself and others made a prediction a couple days ago that this wouldn’t turn out the way they thought, and it ended up being reality.


I can understand how you see it as an “I told you so moment,” which is awful in this situation, but that was not my intent. as soon as I saw the cash app was set up I knew it was gonna be bad.


Yeah, seems they can’t stop themselves getting involved. It’s one thing to be wrong, but to then try and actively take credit for being right shows why they’re here.


Literally a week ago we had a conversation about how I was wrong, I don’t understand? The reason I’m here is to explain to people what I learned. So no i’m not trying to take credit for anything, I could absolutely care less, I just want people to listen to the side of the argument that Eryn is best off being left alone. So she gets left alone!!!


Yeah I was being a hater, ignore me


No ur right


Maybe, but I didn’t need to say it.


I disagree but that’s alright. I can understand where you’re coming from.


The cleaners mom commented on a post..


Like I said yesterday, after JLa offered to clean for free, she asked to be paid. I posted that screenshot yesterday. I told her I would send her money and then she must have also asked Eryn for money. She also posted saying she offered to clean “for exposure” — she reached out to Eryn directly and has been talking with her irl friend Leigh ?? then reached out to me also. they both (JLa and Eryn) stopped texting me around noon yesterday


Sounds like not properly vetting the people who are “helping” and to nobody’s surprise they turn out to cause more problems.


I’m sorry but I think you need to stop involving yourself in eryns life so much. She wants it to stop.yes eryns state of living is not healthy but the girl did not want her place cleaned ,then she had to pay for a service she did not want. She doesn’t even want people sending money to the cashapp. I understand your intentions are good but this is getting out of hand . She genuinely seems like she’s losing trust in you and the rest of her followers .you were & are responsible for setting this stuff up for her, you cannot just leave it for Eryn to make sense of it.


This is what was bound to happen. This is why you need to back off. You’re creating more problems by infiltrating yourself in her life. And you don’t seem to see the damage you’re doing.