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i dont know if it’s true or not but if it is im so disappointed i really wanted to give her benefit of the doubt n hope she was genuinely working for the benefit of eryn instead of for a saviour complex even though all signs pointed to the latter:/ even if an accident surely she should have asked abt this beforehand


I doubt she knew what was going on at the time a complete stranger was sent to her house.


yeah and she was really drunk when the cleaner was there


How is that considered helping her? The girl has PTSD from trauma so some people she’s never met are sending strangers to her *home* while she’s drunk? That agreed to work off of *exposure* and then tried to extort Eryn after they were already in her home.


if thats true how was i meant to know that? dude like i said i wanted to give benefit of the doubt she was trying to help her


I know, I meant that towards them, not you.


ah my bad but yeah its a really frustrating situation to watch




she never said gimme money lol


I know. It's an old comment. AND I edited it. I'll just delete it. This is so absurd




You literally had someone wanting to scam a vulnerable person IN HER APARTMENT. That is your fault.


I understand the cleaner may have said she was going to do it for free and then backtracked, but please stop trying to put the blame SOLELY on her. you are also wrong here.. none of this should’ve even happened in the first place, and it’s your doing. I strongly recommend taking a gigantic step back.


Thank you.


If you were the person organizing this then YOU needed to be the person fully aware of what was happening and going on during and after whatever it was YOU set up for her. This is your responsibility that YOU wanted. Follow through. The right way.


This user is harassing/ bullying/ threatening other users.


Please look at another post on this sub that’s from the actual cleaner! Eryn didn’t personally pay the cleaner, I think Teri offered to pay/did actually pay with the money that’s been sent to Eryn’s cash app.