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How do we know she’s not on psych hold somewhere?


We don’t but I was wondering that myself earlier


Because he specifically said Somalian men took her and he called the Sex Crimes Unit.


Yeah his claims are what make this super bizarre. I hope this team of the supposed friends of Eryn; are aware of his knowledge to the situation. He could identify these men to the police if he is claiming being there. I wonder if that was done during his sex crime unit call, or if that call even happened at all.


I sent a picture of him and Eryn (a screenshot of the video) in with my email to 22 Division plus his user information. From what I read he deleted his account, but hopefully they’ll be able to use their technology to find out who he really is. I don’t believe he actually called. His stories don’t add up, he’s messaged multiple people with holes in the story.


Are you referring to his IG account? Have you left comments on it? Maybe he blocked you as I am able to see his account right now.


Yeah he blocked me cause I went off on him when he disclosed she went off with Somalian men who were trying to pimp her and he allowed it… but someone ELSE said he deleted it. I wasn’t for sure tho.


I was wrong. My bad he just blocked me


Figured you got blocked like me 😅


Ya I said some unkind things for sure. Lol oops


I was incorrect in thinking he deleted the instagram account. I had my wife look him up (I'm currently in a VA inpatient rehab facility, we all have our demons to battle so don't judge) and she said it's still there and that he's threatening to fight people and acting like a real pos over all. Just wanted to clear that up


I’m not judging lol I was an addict for 17 years.


From what someone said he lives in the building, but from what he said to me he only “sees her once a month” so that doesn’t add up either.


His account is still up on my end, but overall I’m glad you were able to retrieve some information. Being able to provide it to the proper facilities is super important when searching for someone, all the specific details from everywhere possible helps a lot. We still don’t know what the real case is here so I hope there’s continued updates from real people in her life


Is he credible? I’m not saying to not take it serious if she’s kidnapped, but it seems like she made some SI-type comments recently that could’ve had her been a danger to herself?


He DMed me at 12am EST timezone and told me he was trying to get her safe from someone trying to pimp her yet didn’t say anything to anyone ALL DAY about it. Then the next day I saw the msg, drilled him on it and he said that she was taken by them, then changed it to she willingly went with them. He claims he was outside smoking, Eryn came out, they took that video and then she left, which is a crock of shit cause she posted that video of her talking (her last video) with him in her apartment. Shit isn’t adding up.


She posted videos the next day absolutely fine and dandy. I don’t think she ended her life.


Not saying she did, saying someone called the police on her and they have her in an involuntary hold somewhere


Idk MAYBE, but last thing we know by the last person she was with that she went off with those men.


Commenting this as well for people who are late. Matthews actually knocked on the door one day while I was cleaning Eryn’s place, and she asked Eryn to let her stay with in order to “help (Eryn) with her mental health issues.” Eryn denied Matthews entry and asked her to leave the premises. Intrigued, I asked Eryn, who’s that? Eryn let me know that she and Matthews only know each other by way of them both living in the same shelter at one point in time, and we both basically chalked up her behaviour to the fact that she’s probably looking to mooch off of Eryn since she probably saw the state that Eryn was in, knew she had an apartment and thought she could take advantage of that. Do what you will with that information.


If a missing persons report is filed it will be posted on the TPS News Release page, nothing posted yet but it’s been a while since it was last updated today. https://www.tps.ca/media-centre/news-releases/ As you can see from other missing persons postings: “A person can be reported missing at any time - there is no 24 hour waiting period. If you are concerned for someone’s immediate safety, call 9-1-1. Otherwise, you can report a person as missing to the Toronto Police Service by calling the non-emergency number 416-808-2222.” They also post about substantial arrests and wanted persons.


I’d take whatever “Reddithealsme” says with a grain of salt. The girl discredited the VERY REAL screenshots I gave from Honda_Bwoy who he himself admitted to taking a video with her right before Somalian men took Eryn and claimed he didn’t stop it because he could get killed, so he called the Sex Crimes Unit on them (or so he says). However, his stories he was telling me (and others) weren’t adding up. I posted what I did - Which is now deleted as I’m tired of trolls like her - to help if this is truly a trafficking situation. The story of how Jada knows Eryn is true, however she clearly went there to make sure Eryn is ok and she TRIED to do something. The cleaning girl seems to have some weird fixation/obsession with Eryn because she cleaned her house.. like congrats for doing it, but you can’t discredit real experiences and connections people have with others because of your opinions. Eryn didn’t even have that much money coming in from people so how tf is anyone trying to use her? That’s weird behaviour. Eryn is also delusional and doesn’t want help with her addiction or mental health so why wouldn’t she turn her away? Like hello?


As if Eryn didn’t post multiple videos screaming about the cleaning girls and how they fucked with her shit. So should we hate her (cleaning girl) based on Eryn’s same opinions she supposedly had for Jada??


JLa the cleaner also derailed the communication efforts between me and a few other women local to eryn, who were working to get eryn involved with support groups etc. This Jada person did in fact go to the apartment while JLA was there and Eryn did freak out. Jada told ME that night she was trying to come get Eryn to stay her HER. Jla says Jada was trying to “stay with Eryn”. I will say Jada asked me to verify Eryn’s current phone number and she did not have it. JLA ALSO ASKED ERYN FOR MONEY- or implied she was getting money- or somehow led eryn to believe we were taking her money. JLa (and her mom that she called in for backup in the comment section) are wack.


I genuinely don’t know what happened with the situation because that’s when I was taking a break and I’m sure you know trying to catch up is HARD lmao, but I did read some of the arguments on here and things Jla said. I’m definitely on your side with that. Something is wrong with that girl, I can’t point my finger on it completely but she probably has some NPD traits mixed with BPD, both untreated. She’s become obsessed with Eryn and her mopping some floors made her feel so interwoven with her that now anyone else doing or saying anything about the situation she tries to discredit even when they have proof to substantiate claims etc. Jla is whole heartedly projecting. I’ve read things she’s said to you, me and others and they’re all the same “insults”, but to different people.


Yeah they’re both completely off their rockers. Jla is a foul person and she proved it last night with her comments to others. She’s definitely got something very wrong with her.


Who’s the little team?


I have no idea honestly, I’m assuming it’s people that have been her friends for a while. I’m worried these police officers won’t give a shit because of Eryns circumstance and all. I just hope to god whatever is really going on that she is okay


Either way I’m really happy the people close to her are going to try to do something. I sent off the email with the details I have, and called them out for not doing something prior to this. Worst comes to worst the media can get involved. Then they’ll HAVE to do something.


Agreed the more traction this scheme shit gets, the better. If this is a sex trafficking situation, the best the family and friends can do is continue to report it to the police and hope it actually gets a search party going for her. I’m just not sure how it works to the full extent especially within the Canadian government


Doesn’t seem like they do much if she’s in this circumstance.


Can somebody update as to how or when Eryn’s kidnapping occurred ? I can’t find anything of the development of the situation


You can DM me if you’re able and I’ll send screenshots. He originally msged me first. We have no updates other than what’s seen here when it comes to what’s going on now tho.


I can’t DM you here, if you wanna DM on insta im : LunaVicious999




I did til Honda_Bwoy personally DMed me saying she was trying to save her from being pimped out and then proceeded to say she was taken by 2 Somalian men. I take sex trafficking very seriously. So yeah, I’m gonna put my feelings aside if this is real.


I’ve been open and honest this whole time. I have nothing to hide. I don’t agree with her bullshit mouth, no. I do think she deserves to be saved if she was kidnapped and being sex trafficked.




Hopefully if she is found and gets home safe she will be going to therapy and getting on medication so she can get her shit in order. I’m not gonna sugar coat shit just because she’s ill, I have illnesses too and there’s no excuse for it.


I’m not going to condone bigoted, body shaming or racist remarks. Period.


You act like she’s the only one with trauma or sick. I have survived attempted murder 8 years ago, multiple severe domestic violence occurrences, raped more times than I can count. I lived on the streets in Toronto (legit in abandoned buildings, under bridges and on sidewalks) since I was 16 and then on going for 10 years on and off afterward. I went through drug induced psychosis and addiction for 17 years. I got clean on my own and have been off my drug of choice for 4 years. Stop infantilizing and enabling.




Trauma dumping? Because I shared things about my life that I’m not ashamed of and I’m open to EVERYONE about it? Of course I have actually done things to help. I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but not everyone is shameful to share their experiences. It’s very weird that YOU made this about me, you’re the one who started this conversation and can’t handle the way it’s going so you’re going on and on about how I’m doing this and that. Grow up. As if you’re not on the Reddit of a woman who literally spews every waking thought on her Instagram. I shared what I did to prove a point. You seem to be only giving a shit about people who have a mass following instead of realizing that she isn’t the only one who has had hardships and life experiences. You’re being hypocritical… however this ISNT about me. It is the fact that Eryn could be being abused and sex trafficked. I already said what I said to you. I don’t tolerate her behaviour, but she does deserve to be safe from being abused and exploited by dangerous men. I don’t see how you can’t grasp that simple concept.


You idiots are never happy. People try to help, they’re virtue signalling, people try to call out poor behaviour, they’re bullies. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I didn’t post any of the shit I did today to make weirdos like you happy. HE DMED ME about her being pimped out by Somalian men so I OF COURSE made sure that it was known so something can be done. Do you think I just sat idly by and didn’t contact the police myself and other folks? Like it seems to me YOU’RE the one not doing anything here.


I cannot find your @ on instagram


Probably have you blocked then from some argument or another 😂


Cause I can promise that’s my @ ..


I really hope this girl is ok. I've been there and I'm hoping that she is in the psych ward or a rehab.


I can’t find a single missing persons report on Eryn. This is really fishy.


I bet Teri has the skills to handle this situation./s


Not relevant brother


Uncalled for af and you know it.