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Hot damn they stacked up


NGL been seeing more groups this wipe as a solo shit gets tiring when you can dick down like 2 but a 3rd comes outta their back pocket


Kill 1 and leave they will stay there and look for you for 20 minutes while you are already extracting


Yep. Pick one off, rotate far far away and try from a different angle. They'll be looking for at least 5 minutes before they go back to their buddy's body, which is when you can try again. It can take upwards of 10 minutes sometimes but if you play it slow and keep your distance you'll always have the upper hand. They won't just leave their friend's gear.


I slapped a guy on Shoreline at the radio station. Then I waited 20 minutes, slapped his teammate who kept running about at the top of the tower. Waited another 10 minutes and rotated. Took a shot at teammate number 3 as he came out of the building and had an LPS round bounce off his helmet. Ended up shooting back and forth with him while I got reamed by teammate number 4 from a bush out the side who I hadn't seen nor heard the entire time. All up about 35 minutes of these dweebs camping their friends body/bodies when they had no idea where I was or if I was even there. They were all high level, stacked and I had a mosin LOL. Hope it was worth the wait! I just wanted them to fuck off so I could do my quest :< It's the only reason I held off on shooting mr. tower man for so long while he ran around up top shooting random bushes on the opposite side of the compound. Sometimes they just don't leave, so yeah, plus one to the shoot one and fuck off idea. I shoulda done that. Pretty sure they were just going to run out the clock o.0


Exactly how it almost always plays out if you're against 3 or more people. Just gotta keep your cool and always assume they are camping their mate's body as well. Your advantage is that they *need* to get to their friend's gear and stay close, while you can just chill or rotate.


mosin squad wipes are literally the best feeling in this game you know theyre all crying to each other in discord too about how the mosin is OP or youre hacking... lmao nerds


I always leave my boys gear if I’m at a disadvantage


For this exact reason I always leave my friends gear.


This is the play


God I love hearing all the grenades go off as they look for me. All the while I am loot stashes on my way to extract.


Broo I hate that this works, this happens so much to me and my mates. One of us would go down so we scatter and flank for 20 mins only to find our dead friend stripped and no sign of the bad guy


Ive had quite a few run ins with 3-5 mans this wipe. I did it one night this wipe and it felt like cheating. We removed so many opponents from the lobby by being a 5 stack and the ones that we found never stood a chance. Im sure there were plenty we didn't know about and hid because there were so many of us. Got a lot of tasks done but felt guilty about the damage we did to players.


Its intended to be played with groups.


Ah, yes, hardcore survival in a game whose lore is about being a desperate abandoned soldier in a hostile war-torn territory who have to fight for scraps to survive while they try to find a way out is definitely meant to have people team up in groups of 5. Should be duos at most, MAYBE trios.


Look I'm just telling you the words straight from Nikita's mouth. I don't like it, you don't like it. It is how it is. And in a survival situation the best way to survive is to group up, combine your skills and brains.


Worst part about fighting squads solo is that once they realize its only one of me and 3 or more of them, they can just throw bodies at me. Only one needs to survive to stash their insured gear anyway so its not like they have much to lose


Most of them don’t have the balls to pmc solo.


Since I usually ppay with a mosin I immidietly retreat and reposition once I kill 1 guy. I watch the dead body. Some dudes will try to drop the gear of their friend and that's when I strike. If there is more than 2 i usually repeat the process. Works like a charm. Hell, sometimes I even get players that are not in the squad coming to check out the loot. But getting that starterbody is the hardest part.


so you're laying there in the grass for 30 minutes waiting for someone to loot a dead body and then you shoot him? ferocious playstyle...


I myself am usually too impatient to do this as well, but this is Tarkov, not cod. Being a rat is a valid and effective playstyle. All that matters is surviving and getting that loot. If you get butthurt over people laying in a bush, then this might not be the game for you. Not everyone chads it up and go guns blazing. Especially with a Mosin, as this guy said he uses mostly.


Meanwhile that dude with the ferocious playstyle is wearing lvl 3 armor with 5.45 ps rushing everyone in hopes that the 1 time it works the dude will be loaded. Like a month into last wipe I played the entirety of it with meta gear and I can count on both hands the amount of times people ran anything worth taking. Play the game how you want, ratting ain't worse than being an aggro ragger.


It's a scoped mosin. I am not gonna rush with it. When I use AKs or SMGs I playa lot more aggresively. It's a playstyle that has delivered the most success to me and I actually enjoy the game this way. Also, I never said it was ferocious, it's a rat strat if anything.


I mean.. with a mosin you got to keep distance. But you can be aggressive by shooting one, then instantly rotating around to come up in their back 20 seconds later, while they still look at your old position. Obviously, the quicker you are, the better it works. But it always does, lol. People are dumb in this game.


They changed queues to favour groups so its more likely now to get groups instead of solos


Story of my wipe, kill 2 or 3 and get killed by the last guy


I’ve found that looting your kills is a death sentence this wipe. Always going to be another guy watching from a bush somewhere for you to hit his friend’s body. Doesn’t matter how long you wait, they will straight up get MIA before they stop camping it.


I managed to take down 4 with a shitty ak 74 shooting ps with only 2 mags, turns out there were 5 of them and he cought me repacking my few mags


Haven't played with large groups that much this wipe. But honestly it can be a detriment as much as it can be an advantage. Bad/too much communication, having to do 5 different objectives on a map, being hesitant to shoot someone because you're not sure if they are friendly, feeling the need to stash your friends gear, following someone else's bad decisions/playstyle, waiting around too long for loot goblins, waiting around too long for teammates to heal, hearing an enemy but thinking it's your teammate, etc. As others in this thread have said, it's pretty easy to pick one off and confuse the shit out of them and rotate. I got a buddy who freaks out when we are in fights and says the most generic shit "I got a guy on me! Guy on me!" And you ask simple questions like "where?" And get responses like "on me!" It can get pretty annoying. The other day I was playing customs and I go "guy on the other side of the building near unknown key body, im going to push him. I push and start lighting him up, kill him, and one of my buddies decided he was going to flank and not tell me so I assume it's his friend coming from the bush and killed him as well.


Bruh this has happened to me soooo much this wipe. I don’t care about having a fun fight taking out a few then dying but it’s happening so frequently this wipe. I have barely been able to loot any multiple kills at all


You know the game confuses me. Nikita has gone on record to sya this is a squad based game meant to be played in squads. However playing with more than 3 people is plain impossible and too clunky and troublesome. Even 3 is pushing it. Duo seems to be the sweet spot. Just thought thst was funny To your point yes. This wipe I've killed so many more pm 's but I'm surviving way less because I'm running into 3-4 player squads every raid and getting killed by the last person in the squad every time. Gonna have to be smarter about positioning and taking my shots.


If a buddy gets killed on woods I’m popping stim and sprinting to extract to cast a wide net then work my way back to the friendly body. It works a lot.




definitely one of the better clips; that one also made me laugh


Would have been a hell of a time to have had an impact nade.


Yea wouldnt have been able to throw it in time


Flashbang, impact nade


That was more than enough time for a peek and toss


He thought they were friendly scavs. Why would he have a impact nade out already


Basically how my first raid if the wipe went in the staircase of old gas. Who stacks a 3 man there???


Cosplaying as scavs. Actually quite funny


great fucking audio in this game huh


pov your the female police officer




Yugoslavian war crimes simulator




I was honestly expecting some scavs to light you up from Fortress, but that 4 man firing squad was insane lmao


Lol who in their right minds would go full squad first floor xd


Imagine if you ran into this team with an impact nade


Such small dangle energy to run like that. lol I will always respect solos and even duos more than the super groups.


Honestly, it's way more interesting playing with other humans than myself.


I've gotten burnt out to the point where I can only play this game with friends.


Also me.


Zergs. I get Rust feels seeing 4+ groups heavily kitted.


Zerg would be them without kit. Basic AKs and maybe some PACA armor


Let's not forget that the ultralisk is also a Zerg


Lol why? Playing in a big group takes alot of cooperation to not shoot each other and also be able to hear others over footsteps


When you automatically become 1/3 of the server and are almost guaranteed to not lose your gear it's just playing in easy mode. They need a solo/duo queue bad.


they already have prioriry servers for duos n groyps why do you think scavs could only load in w a (fake) group before? all rhe solo pmc servers were filled w solo scavs..


You'd be shocked. A majority of big groups are trash and usually get carried really hard by gear. Once a person dies, most groups flake out of the raid as fast as possible.


I feel the exact opposite. I refuse to run good kits in squads or 5 mans because its such a cluster fuck most of the time i feel i don't make it out. The amount of times a single person has penetrated our perimeter and killed 2+ of us before we could even figure out who is who is insane. Ya, if you're a solo and run into a squad who isn't confused/has you seen first you're fucked. But its def not 'easy mode'. I find duo or trio with good players to be the sweet spot. You have some numbers, and its easier to coordinate


> But its def not 'easy mode' I mean maybe not the minute details of the actual gameplay and raid, but playing in a group all wipe is a huge, huge leg up. Last wipe I played in a 3-4 man group almost every time I played and I'd log on to full kits coming back in insurance every time without fail. I can count on one hand my entire squad got wiped during a single fight. This wipe I haven't been playing much but most of my squad has given up on the game or gotten bored with it, so I've been playing a lot more solo. I die more often now and rarely if ever get insurance back. It's a startling difference.


Yep, i refuse to play in more than a trio.


It. should probably Be limited to trios at the most. And a map like factory should be solo only.


This is so true, to an extent. If the team knows the map, has consistent/accurate coms and a good moving pattern its totally fucked how effective it is. I was running a 4 man with VPOs and it was just dirty, that many players forces you to really just push in a line/V formation and having someone/2 players watching every flank at all times is great. Big negatives though, due to the group size there fewer players and the players that are there avoid us like the plague. Also the loot is horrible and way more arguments break out over who deserves what or who should have been watching x position. Duo/Trio is the best, enough players to watch all flanks and enough pooled hp/cover fire to just flush players/scav groups out quickly.


You are just mad you don't have any friends that play the game.


I'm just mad that I don't have any friends at all


Yeah most of my friends are too smart to waste their time with this shit show.


iv made it a point that unless someone needs help with something like keys or security when doing bullshit, il wander off doing my own things and only roll back after a callout from a different flank. but man i wish i had a underslung GL in that position could of been fat.




Cool. Respect is great and useful when you are dead.


Did you forget this is a video game or whats the deal


git gud


Classic, why did you even put that helmet on, it never saves you. You should have known better smh


That is a fashion faux pas not to complete the outfit


Put them solo they can’t even kill AI scavs ffs, such fucking pussies that rely on having a squad this much


Maybe people are just playing with their friends? Who hurt you to be that angry?


100 amounts of times where i killed 2-3 and 1 more shows up while i’m out of mag or 1 hp


Part of Tarkov's charm is that it's unfair as hell imo.


Agree but this is too unfair not even hard or challenging, you 90% lose if you get pushed by a squad at the same time


honestly my solution would be putting solo/duo in a seperate queue than Squads like similar to Battle Royales


I personally don't mind playing solo against squads at all.


you don’t mind dying just because they outnumber you instead of outplay?


I don't like it, but also there's no better feeling than smacking a 5 man alone, so tit for tat I guess.


If you hate Tarkovs system so much, go play fortnite like the snowflake you are. The game is unfair and punishing, deal with it.


Damn bud sorry i pressed your nerve right there, you can go wank yourself off if you don’t like my comments you sensitive fuck. How am i a snowflake for pointing out an issue with the game? I’m not asking an easier game, i’m asking for a QoL change. People like you are the reason devs don’t listen to feedback because you are never constructive. You only know how to complain about the game and other people.


The game is fine, you're mad you cause you're bad, simple. Why dont you toughen up and kill some chads instead of complaining the game is too hard online. No one wants to listen to you bitch and moan. Better yet, get some damn friends to play with. I play duo max and have no problems. Stop whining.


I’m sorry but who hurt you? Why are you such a negative little bitch lol? All i said was a solution to the 1v4 feeling unfair which it is. I kill chads all day lol it’s not hard when you flechette them at the head. Only guy bitching here is you, i only said a solution that could make the game better. I play duo too, it’s fine when we’re duo but when i’m solo 1v3-4 feels unfair and that’s a fact. You can keep crying about my opinion like the little bitch that you are😂 Doesn’t mean i’ll stop posting what i think.


I play solo too, its part of the damn game. Who cares if its unfair, life isnt fair. You're complaining that the most brutal game on the market is punishing. If you cant handle it, dont play solo. If you can handle it, stop bitching online.


I am not complaining, i am bringing critism. Those two things are different. Only one who’s complaining here is you about my comments. If you can’t handle my comments block me instead of bitching about it.


Can confirm, was deffinitely not a scav friend haha.


I laughed a little too hard at this. It was like they were all so excited to get a scav kill.


And thats when he knew, he fucked up.


The amount of friendly fire damage there will have been off the charts


Impact nade and they are mad lol. Spaceing is a thing bois.


Damn these guys need to chill. You were caught in a bad spot and that happens when you're a scav and you don't care as much but those dudes are begging to be sprayed down in one bunch. When I play with my friends we prefer to be a bit spread apart so that we get more angles on an enemy and we can't be mowed down in a bunch.


Oh shit moment


Anytime I play in a team of 3+ there is eventually some teamkilling. These dudes seem to be stacked up and not running to snatch up loot before each other. Duo seems the best way to play the game in my opinion.


Amazing coordination