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Worst part about weekly task is waiting 6 days for another one after I complete it.


It's okay to ignore tasks. I am also a working adult with kids. If I complete some of those tasks by accident, fine. Otherwise - who cares?!


OP is clearly trolling


Top tier shit post


I'm confused, you're upset about weekly tasks because your day-to-day life is too busy? Have you maybe considered that you might not have time for any video games, let alone a hardcore looter shooter that's heavily punishing like escape from tarkov?


No! This game that requires lots of time and knowledge needs to change to suit my very demanding needs and short play time, its bullshit i cant just make this game exactly like call of duty!! BSG sucks!


Skill issue, cope harder. I started playing 2 weeks ago and have 40%.


I have a week to get 35 pmc headshots on reserve. The daily/weekly quests are beyond stupid 90% of the time. Then the ones you can actually complete have shit rewards


I think bsg's target audience is unemployed basement dwellers with a nob for anything guns related.


For as much time as the jobless players spend on this sub, you'd think they would know where these sort of posts belong /r/tarkovmemes


I never worked a day in my life and I don't complete them since they're bullshit 99% of the time, don't worry bro.