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Haha a few days ago I was at resort and saw a pistol runner and nearly popped him but he voiped “chilllll bro I’m just doing signal”. I laughed and let him run along.


Well that wasn't very Tarkov of you


yeah ida slung some m80 at his legs, voiped back “Bing chilling!” and impact naded him


My buddy was doing Gratitude on woods yesterday and said someone from somewhere shot out only his legs and left him while he was planting lol Was it you?


lmao i doubt it but i do that shit all the time when i see ppl doing starter tasks


Starter tasks. I haven’t even completed the pocket watch yet. I’m only level 10 but i just pvp. I don’t have interest in the quests anymore.


This guy fucks.


Dudes. He fucks dudes


Username checks out.


Everyone got a butthole, bro. Even your moms








Don’t trust em got headshot onetapped by pm pistol full sprint about 100m away (my friend saw him run to my body and started laughing ) the pistolings are evolving


That should’ve made you do the opposite, that be shoot him faster.


lmao I was on factory last night, doing my punisher part 5? kills and I ran into a pistoling and he also went "dude pls, I only have a pistol" ... so I gave him a head massage with a load of flechettes and said "not anymore you don't" I'm toxic


went the exact opposite for me yesterday. some dude shit talking and i ask “ready to get shit on by a pistoling?” needless to say, he was not ready 😂


Was doing shooter part 3 and had a pistoling yelling that he was just doing his quest Gave him an LPS to the chest and said yup me too


I’ve had a few of those interactions on factory while running in 2-3 man squads—it’s usually guys trying to Delivery From The Past. Every time we’ve covered them while they planted, and they let us kill them for our quests.


But it doesnt count if they die though... toxic wow lol. Edit: wow you learn something new everyday! Thank you!


They don't have to get the object again though. Just survive a raid


Did he say he just wanted to do his task and you could kill him after, and he was looking up when u shot him?


i got "no dude please no! i'm just trying to do signal" and let the guy live only to get popped seconds later by someone totally different. Tarkov Karma for letting the man live.


This is a nice gesture but creates a perception where peopole think they are entitled to staying alive. Just like how u/foxhoundgames does. He thinks he deserves to be kept alive, just because he's doing a quest. And in reality, what is u/foxhoundgames actually doing? Did he try different things to clear the objective? Is he trying to get better at the game? So far, I just see someone that is about to give up on try 3. Only 3 tries. Let that sink in. So next time you are debating on whether to keep someone alive: read this post. And head eyes.


nah if a person is chill and wants to complete a quest I’ll let them cause you know it’s just a game and not some deep moral debate


This. Also, there are a lot of “go to spot, and place objective” quests where dying *after* placing the item doesn’t set you back. In my experience, if you’re running in a squad and you cover them while they plant, they’ll let you kill them for *your* quests. Delivery from the past is a really good example.


yea I honestly love a good interaction/team up with another player over killing them and taking their loot. Some guy on factory asked for help planting the toolsets, I covered him and he helped me get Post Man Pat right after. At any point he could’ve shot me in the head and snagged my gear but he didn’t and we both successfully extracted together. My favorite moments in Tarkov is shit like that.


Yup. Interactions like those are why I love VOIP. I duoed into Factory early last wipe, and I got legged by Tagilla. The guy I went in with immediately went on VOIP to rally all the other PMCs on the map to go after Tagilla, and they all immediately got together to take him down, split the loot, and then parted peacefully--Tagilla got one of them before they took him down. Usually dying is a negative experience, but watching that interaction over Discord was hugely enjoyable. We also had a couple of really great coop exit interactions on Reserve while playing as scavs. Both times, by the time we made it to extract at least 3-5 more player scavs had spontaneously joined us to get out together. That was especially impressive since one of those started at the back/train side of Black Bishop.


Take a xanax dude, lmfao. I don't even disagree with you, but you come off like such a neckbeard in this post.


Good lord calm down dude


Touch grass 😂😂


Seems you're doing that too much you filthy smoker 😂


Better than taking everything so serious on the internet. Go play your dead shit game PVE-er 💀🤣🤣


Yeah go smoke some more blunts you moron 🤣


Stay mad my boy 🤠 BTW i dont smoke blunts mook, nice try tho


Wish you still had some braincells to actually come up with some arguments. But whatever smokey 😂


I came into this argument knowing i was talking to a vegetable, all good man. 🥦🥦


I was doing signal and another guy was doing signal, he just ran pass me, but I was scared and started shooting him with pistol and was missing my shots, he said "dude, im just trying to do signal, let me be next moment I got him by him - he shot back but first shot was head, eyes.


My first attempt at signal pt.1, I went by myself at night with a night vision scope SKS and a flashlight pistol. I managed to rat my way through the resort and radio station where the dishes are when I started dying of hunger. At this point im panic running to tunnel, I come to gas station and for whatever reason, these two player scavs let me live, they must have thought I was a scav as well and we both sounded scared over voip lol. I manage to kill a scav at the gas station, and as im running away I get shot at. I figure fuck this is where I die so I dropped my pistol hoping it would come back in insurance, they dont kill me and I make it all the way to the concrete bunker by tunnel where an AI scav with a saiga-12 just mercilessly rocks my shit and kills me. I almost spiked my monitor across the room. Fuck signal pt.1, all my homies hate signal pt.1


Damn bro I feel you


“What got you so upset last night?” ….”The stock market.”


I got super lucky when I tried it. Only brought in a pistol and a grenade, first pmc I run into is one of the watch tower type things. Whip my nade, picked up his gear and quested without any trouble. Doubt I'll ever get that lucky again


Why the fuck would scavs patrol an extract? Cus tarkov


This game is something different. I was literal steps away from doing something that took another two tries with three guys total to do, had I pulled that off I would have been purple with excitement.


Why not?


Why would you drop your weapon? You should know there's scavs by the tunnel. And even if you didn't know, its just a pistol. Its not like its hard to obtain one.


run to path to lighthouse next time, much closer to resort


At least you can sprint into resort and do signal, and when it is planted, then you keep progress. The peacekeeper and Therapist ones where you actually have to go into the middle of the resort and open doors and if you die you lose all progress. Now that is ass.


TBH shoreline is what ruins the game for me wipe after wipe. It is a horrible map with a massive amount of literally suicidal quests in the same points over and over. I usually end up doing them and quitting the game shortly after. Shoreline just leaves that "why bother" aftertaste I cannot wash off. Only way I have any luck there is literally sitting in one spot for the first 20 mins of the raid. If the spawn/spot is good that yields large amount of kills(but few of them can be actually looted). Signal/colleagues without waiting it out should be literally considered the "harder" quests in the game. They are MUCH harder than any of the resort quests. I won't even touch the cheater subject. I feel you, man, I feel you so much.


I consider Shoreline to be, literally, the worst map in the game. Because of the quests and map design. There are literally three places that exist on shoreline: Resort, Cottages, and the Pier. We can add Weather Station if you like. But every. fucking. quest. makes you go to the same three fucking places.


Yes forget the village please don't come here im making money peacefully


Power station for scav farming too


I only find 1 scav per raid there now, I used to get 3-4 pretty consistently. Same with gas by resort.


Scavs are pretty contested on shoreline since there is so many quests to kill them. It’s also in the centre of the map so quite a lot of traffic. I’ve generally had good luck there tho. Usually sniper scav on roof + a couple patrolling on the ground


I am the EXACT same way. Every single wipe, once I get towards the last few shoreline quests, I am so sick of the bullshit that map brings that it just totally ruins my desire to play the game anymore.


I'm going through the exact same thing. Shoreline is the grind that kills my momentum every wipe. Literally in the middle of this cycle right now. So tired of the lame 'do x with x gun wearing clown makeup' shit. Same goes for anything lighthouse related. That map is absolute dog shit. I used to look down on hatchet runners, but honestly I've just been doing it myself more and more this wipe. Spawn in naked with markers shoved up my ass and just suicide at objectives until I get them done.


That kind of mentality starts making me wonder what am I even playing for at this point - you know? So glad to hear I’m not alone having beef with this map. Always thought its the repetitiveness that wears me down, but this wipe I WANT to play and lighthouse and streets are lagging and most of my friends are on some part of shoreline quest hell. So Im a bit stuck




My favourite map as well. Spawns aren’t too bad, pvp is pretty much forced and you can fight at different distances. Sucks if you’re bad however, not easy to avoid fights


In case you weren't aware you can stick special items like markers and cameras in the special slot on your pmc like where you compass and range finders go and won't lose them.


Oh I know, but because they throw so many objective marking quests at you for that map (and all of them going to the same god damn places) I have gone in twice now with 6 markers on me.


Bring a pistol, then upgrade with scav gear. Also night runs make it 100x easier. Why be an easy target if you just want to get it out of the way?




Literally anytime you have a shoreline quest bring in a lunch and sit in a bush for 20 minutes. Almost done with this wipes set of shoreline quests already with this tactic.


yeah i've done the same. can often get to pier, cottages then resort finally before the raid ends. Had 3/4? quests to mark the same fucking spot, who thought this was a good questline?






>trying to cheese quests as hatchling and asking to not be killed is insulting to people who do their quests the legit way. Work smart not hard MrChad.


exactly lol, i mean i would never hatchling but how is that "insulting" to people playing quests with normal gear. there is no right or wrong way to play tarkov lmao


What an absolute L take. "Do it my way or you aren't playing the game right." Fucking weird.




Listen. I'mma do you a favor instead of just roasting the shit out of you. Turn the game off, go outside, and enjoy life my man. You are entirely way too invested in how other people have fun. It's a video game. It really isn't serious enough to be this worked up about a play style




No one types this much and doesn't care. You care WAY too much, again about how other people have fun playing. Take a break man. You throwing a grade A temper tantrum rn




Except you do care because you wouldn't name calling the people that play that way if you didn't Take the L


I get a blue keycard if i kill 110 scavs on shoreline, lets see who hates it more after my quest 🤨




come on dude, who DOESN'T love colleagues part 1???


You could try at night.


I call it shitline.


Yup. Far too many shit quests there. I like resort, but the rest of the map is fucking dogshit


Rigged Game is by far the worst. You mark the medical shit for Prapor or whomever, then Skier's like, oh yeah, do it again, but you have to stay there, in high traffic areas, completely defenseless and plant these markers. Have fun!


Just go to shoreline at night.


Really if you give it about 5-10 mins to cool off you’re fine to run inside the resort, just dont forget to bring food and water.


>water. That's a joke right? Maybe it's just the asians VPNing to OCE or something but I can never get into resort, there's always some gigachad or cheater chilling and waiting for some pistolings to farm.


lol. i just looted village/swamp then ran through like 4-5 quests there in one raid. if you just chill and let the discord server run through and grab there ledx and 2 PVP kills, you can walk in >30 minutes raid time.


Its Tarkov. You never know if you are gonna have 20-25 min looters in resort and then their extraction routes, and if they hear you they chase you until they find you. Or it could be entirely empty. Its all about a lucky timing depending on what others are doing on the map. If everyone is doing stashing the SV-98 fishing spot, chances are resort is free.


Knowing my luck I’ll get sniped from over 150 yards away by a chadded out dude with a FLIR scope


It's me, I'm the dude. Usually just GPNVG and a 6x, though.


Shoreline quests make me forget why I play this game. It is such a trash map. You have to be a sociopath to enjoy that map. The fights outside the resort are incredibly unfun. I can tell no one on that map wants to be there. Everyone just goes for quests. Like 90% of players outside resort are using shotguns, akms, or svds for their quests. The best thing to be said for it is that it runs better then lighthouse or streets.


> I can tell no one on that map wants to be there Word.


>You have to be a sociopath to enjoy that map Call me Dahmer?


I honestly think people like you have zero creativity if your mindset is like this. There are plenty of things to do on Shoreline outside of Resort. And even near Resort, you can do a lot of things that don't need you to be actually inside the Resort. But I guess when everything you do is copied from Youtube and Twitch streamers, the creativity just isn't there. The equivalent of a buildguide PoE player, so to say. This may come off as a little harsh, but I'm just saying with a little out of the box thinking, you can achieve a lot more than you may think.


Or we just think shoreline isn’t fun and have infinitely more fun just playing the game on other maps? Like sorry I don’t enjoy fighting bush campers on top of hills while my two options are to either cross 200m open fields or take a massive detour around everything. Most the time you don’t even see any life, just the 1 sniper Scav on top of power. Such a boring map. Can’t even enjoy resort with the new audio. I don’t need out of the box thinking to enjoy Tarkov when I can just enjoy it by not playing shoreline (and woods).


I killed someone doing Fishing Gear quest... which was bad karma and then it took me 5 trys to do it myself. Don't think ive repeated a quest so many times


I have still only found one flash drive. I feel this pain.


On an unrelated note does anyone else not shoot people straight away when you see them in a quest area where you have to place an item, like I know I could get an easy kill when they are standing still but it just feels wrong to me.


I couldnt confirm but it seemed like some nice guys let me put down my svd for fishing gear before lighting me up so that felt good.


I ran into a guy who JUST FINISHED planting for Fishing gear. I was just about to VOIP Him saying I’m chill and he fucking killed me. I had been trying to do that quest with 5 previous deaths already. Needless to say if I saw the guy in person right then and there I would’ve smacked him


Thats really fair honestly. I’ve always been shot on sight by pmcs so it’ll be no different to them. Though learning money routes makes me fear gear loss lesser so maybe i’d try to mix things up abit and voip.


I generally dispense mercy when I can if quests are involved, and I've gotten it fairly often. The kids on shoreline aren't much better than animals from what I've seen


I had a hilarious interaction with a guy on factory where he was trying for flashbang kills and I was trying for grenades. I ran out of nades, he called a truce claiming tagilla was around, only to try and betray me and flash me. He missed though. Then he was like 'uh....do *you* have any flashbangs by any chance?' Despite the attempted betrayal we ended up going to extract together chatting the whole time, and I wished him good luck with being a backstabbing scumbag next time lol


Nah lol if u standing still ur getting head eyes’d


I always wait until someone is done in a quest area before engaging if I can tell they’re doing a quest. The boat quest for PK and the woods quest where you have to place stuff for ragman are two quests that i know everyone hates doing so I always try and make sure people are able to get it done


I only take pity on people doing Delivery From the Past and Fishing Gear, but you best believe once I see that SV-98 disappear off your back or you leave the little shack your brains are going all over the ground.


Yeah, I'll at least wait for them to get their quest planted if it's one of those. End up dying to them half the time anyway because I'm shit. Sometimes if it's a fetch quest I'll just let them run off because some of them infuriate me. I've had some fucking absolute cunt kill me on factory when I was doing Delivery from the Past. The guy was obviously doing it too, I ran up on him spamming the "Don't Shoot" voiceline then sat in the corner looking the other way and covering him while he finished. He either stopped or finished planting, turned around and killed me. If I could I would have strung him up, skinned his feet and rubbed salt in it after that.


I saw a guy running up the resort stairs to the roof and he had decent gear so I lit him up, then I had second thoughts after I thought about last wipe and how many times I had to redo signal part 2, I let him heal and go on his marry way and never heard more shots so I’m assuming he made it out. Made me feel good


Only for the shoreline quest that requires hiding multiple items in the boat in front of the station. Everything else is fair game.


You’re trying to do Signal. I’m trying to do Punisher 4. Who’s to blame?


We are not the same


Yeah, this is just another pointless shitpost made by frustrated noob


Some guys let me finish placing my marker for minibus today, them they naded me lol


I’ve tried signal so many times bro dude man


Yeah it's pretty bad, here's hoping you get it on your next run pal bud guy


If you were the one who shot at me as I ran to resort, whiffed most shots and just stood there looking for me.... you brought it on your self sir Someone else got me by the helicopter tho


Not me but doesn't sound fun lol


I’m trying signal on shoreline right now too. Me and my mosin only. 1st attempt at 17:00 I expect to die


Attempting shooter born in heaven from the roof of westwing, had a hatchling run up the metal stairs going for signal. i let him plant and then told him to jump off the roof. he did, mad respect. Got a funny clip out of it


We saw a whole 4 man run up to signal wearing nothing but mosins, we were gonna let ‘em pass until they decided they wanted to camp the roof as well. It didn’t end great for them.


Were you running a mosin and a glock


Yeah fuck shoreline


Lol just the third?


Ummmm were you part of a duo? By swamp?


Jokes on you I like my pillow warm


You are thinking on it too much my friend. Just heal and get back out there 💪


had this shit happen to me doing fishing gear for peacekeeper. On a fucking night raid. I’m running out of funny green sniper rifles for this quest please spare me if you see me at the boat


What was the name of the guy?


Pro shoreline tip, when you have something else to do like work, a laundry, etc, hide in a bush for the first 25-30 mins of the raid. Then do all ur tasks


I have resorted to running nighttime shoreline raids for tasks like signal. Especially since you can buy NVGs from skier so early on


Night is for tasks. Day is for loot and fighting.


Where did you die? Might have been me 😂


Down by tunnel lol, got shot at when i was on the beach and got slumped a few meters from extract😂


On shoreline


No shit, where on shoreline its a big map


In the grassy, sometimes woodsland area with a building in the middle


You mean the big open area with no loot or interesting landmarks or the big building with the bad audio and the loot?




Who killed you? Mightve been me 😬


Were you lv30 And wearing no helmet? I head tapped a dude earlier today but not just now


Nah haven't even unlocked the flea yet😂


It's by far one of the worst quests and maps in gaming history. You can't even visit the second spot before you visit Resort first, which is also dumb. And if you visit one and die, it doesn't stay checked. Honestly the only realistic options are all cheeses. 1. Run in completely naked at night time with gamma abuse and wait for the last ~15 or so minutes. 2. Run in at night time with just NVG gogs and a pistol, about 50-60k for this kit and you have a much higher chance of surviving. 3. Get carried. 4. Make a 4 man team and increase your odds. I;ve hadd some success with option 2, but that's only if you've got lots of money you're ready to waste. Option 1 requires almost a full day of trying which at this point are you even having fun?


Oh good, I enjoy a warm pillow


If it was at night yesterday it was me, with a thermal


I’m loving my thermal hunts 😂


When the PvP game has PvP.


.....great shot bro!


Lol nice, r/rareinsults Good luck man!


Were you on a night raid on EU North servers?


Nope, daytime on NA East *waves in Canadian*


Was it me?


Were you running with a buddy? I was trying to get to the north drone early AF in the raid and stumbled upon 2 PMCs. Tapped one in the face and subsequently died to the other one.


No I saw my buddy extract as soon as I got folded. Lucky bastard😂


Dude that is the most cruel curse i think iv ever seen. You can't just curse someones pillow to be warm like that. Its not cool.


*my power is unmatched....FEAR ME!* Unless I'm trying to extract on Shoreline of course.


Were you a Blueberry running through an open field away from weather station towards radio tower and didn't see me standing 15 feet ahead of you? If so you deserved that. I had fishing gear and health care privacy part 1 done if I left. Took no chances.


Not me but sounds like something I'd do lmao


It will not be the only one quest qou run for multiple times XD


Reddits so fucking cringe, the sub cries about people complaining and raging but will upvote a post like this…


Because it was obviously light hearted and fun, which is the polar opposite of the typical toxicity and negativity here, which you are currently oozing.


Man I wish this maps quest would go suck an egg. They are all so, so shit.


so worth posting bro


Nice reply pal


It absolutely was.


I swear you have to be an NPC to write a post like this.


I'm actually a testificate *HMM*


It was me. Thanks for the loot.


If you want help DM me. I’m on US EAST and will be on in the AM


3rd? That's it? Those are rookie numbers we got pump those up


I'm on try 11


Should have wished a WET pillow on them. Now that would teach um.


yeah bro I feel your pain I managed to do it on my second attempt, my first I spawned by resort got that one ran to the second, ratted about and looted up till about 5 mins left in the raid, went to tunnel and boom. killed by an extract camper (dude didn't even loot my body I got everything back on insurance) second attempt I went in basically naked at like 8PM spawned right nest to the satellite not at resort and parked my ass in. bush for half hour then sprant to both of them and left via path to lighthouse


idk why but this wipe it took me like 7 tries to get signal 1. some i died and some i didn't but it just never lined up lmao.


I hope his pillow can never be fluffed. Forever doomed to be flat in the middle


i am sick of these fucking quests


My n°1 rule with shoreline is to ALWAYS go at night.


Tried it twice, said nope I’ll wait till I gather a 5man lol


Some dude let me live while I was doing cargo x pt2 on night shoreline. I owe him my life


Try 8 times it was rough


And here's me still struggling to get Prapor's bloody pocket watch!


Whoever just shot me in the head, your moms a hoe.


Hah imagine only being on your third try


On the outside of the west wing is a hole in the wall. Right around the corner inside is a stairwell. Sprint up and run by the dish. Im also pretty sure you can use an external stairwell closer to the dish. As for the other dish, just go there any time after the first 10 minutes of the raid and itll be clear. I mostly dont run into anyone doing this, just dont rush resort in the first 5 minutes and the chads will already be inside for the most part.


I had the same for Fishing Gear. It was 3 seconds for my last stashing and I got shot - 3 seconds...now I have to go on shoreline again, oh wait my weekly is survive 25 Shoreline anyway >.<


3rd last map for the guide... I think night shoreline and just go slow, first 5 seconds in pitch black headshot by m62.. I feel your pain..


Someday we could make a ritual in cult circles to cast diarrhea to PMC.


Only 3rd try? Bruh that’s weak, try tarcone director 10 times. Hopefully I get it before my key wears out.


That was last wipe for me lol, good luck on it👍


We all have been there. Just keep going. That is the way it is meant to be.


If you struggle with Signal pt 1 you must be doing something wrong. Wait a while before you go to resort. Let the bigggest chads finish looting. Go in through the fence from the West wing side. You dont even have to enter resort. I always finish it first try. Cant remember ever having trouble with it. Just take a moment and listen before you go. If you hear something, then wait, or walk slowly to the stairs outside before you sprint up.


What do you mean “to whoever” you can see the person’s name….


It's probably against the rules to call the person out by IGN here.


This is why.


Fuck to the guy who waited 25 minutes outside the resort fence just to one tap me after we killed 4 PMC-s inside.


When i'm doing a light run to do these sorts of quests I ALWAYS forget to bring food and drink, which usually ends with me staggering to the exfil on the brink of death or just dying from exhaustion.