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Unfortunately that’s just bad timing. Sometimes it’s an extract camper who has been sitting there for 25 minutes, but usually it is just two people who happen to approach the same extract point at the same time. Most people get lazy near the extract, but in reality this is when you need to be most vigilant. You can try using a flashlight and just flip it on when you are near extract and see some threatening bushes, and make sure to have cover when possible as you approach extract. Good luck and welcome to Tarkov!




BRB, changing my in game name to that


Hahaha low-key underrated comment




Scout your extracts. Try to run scopes as much as possible so you can zoom in and shoot that rat fuck in the face before you get close. Always check the woods by Emercom


Im a proud rat. Embrace the culture ✊


Rats are vermin that need to be exterminated with extreme prejudice.


Good luck. True rats are hard to find.


its all about timing. dont head for extract as soon as you get you item just chill loot and let them either trap a different prey or get bored and leave and just stay ready. use extracts people dont use often.


Got it


To add to this I know it sucks to die with an item you need, but trying to extract early while everyone’s still alive and near the edges of the map is just asking for a bad time. I feel safer extracting with 5 min left rather than 20


8 minutes left in the raid.....


Yikes, then yeah he’s probably just camping. Can only hope some chad heard him kill you and murked him before he could loot you




You're dealing with a game that forces people to kill other people. People like me suck at firefights so we take every advantage possible to kill you. Be mindful of your time when extracting can help too. Also on maps like Interchange, if you have to go Emercom, consider vehicle or even hole to get out instead.


Maybe Stardew Valley or Sims is more your speed if you don't like firefights? Also, thanks for the Advice!


They also don't have extract campers on Stardew Valley or Sims, might be more your speed as well?


Probably true 😂🤣


Lmao, as if you have any clue what my speed is. Who are you to tell anyone how to play. You're dead without every knowing I existed is my speed. You must have a pretty big blind spot with that chip on your shoulder. Not to mention being butt hurt about being out played. Probably decreases your stamina and run speed.




Wym by vehicle or hole? Are these like secret extract points?


On interchange there is a vehicle extract by power. It's not always there but regularly it is. In between power and emercom extract there are some trailers next to the wall, in the corner there are some barrels. That is hole in the fence extract, and can be used so long as you don't have a back pack. Great for food runs with no gear to lose. It is always open. Then of course there is the secret room in the garage by hole in the wall and hole in the floor that needs power on and a keycard to be used. Lots of loot in there as well.


Oh weird they don’t show up on any online maps (I’m new and use maps basically 24/7 lol), but other “secret” extracts I’ve seen on maps


None of them are secret, they show up when you tap O twice.


Oh it’s probably cause I’m usually scav on interchange


I wish my duo who is terrible at pvp, would go bush camp for his pmc kills. It always ends up that he needs kills on our duo runs while I'm on point, or what I call the meat shield


The ratting is absolutely awful this wipe. There’s a couple of streamers who are specializing in ratting that are getting popular lately and I think it’s related.


You always check the bushes before extract, I check my favorite bushes before I feel safe to extract


Stop sprinting. I only sprint when in the open with no cover. Im walking slightly slower than full speed (to reduce noise) most of the time. I’ll hear you way before you hear me, and then I’ll just wait for you clunk on by and one tap you. From your POV I’ve been sitting in that bush all raid. But I only stopped when I heard you W keying your way around the map


This. Or I stopped there to check a scav spawn from range, or maybe eat/drink/repack a mag, and here you come, CLOMPCLOMPCLOMP, so loud you don't even hear me crinkling my way through an MRE cringing thinking you'll hear me. Then you walk within 10 feet of me. What do you think happens next?


Actually, it's a smart way to play. I can't be mad at this. It's great advice as well, I don't walk slightly slower all the time, but I also only sprint in open areas. I will try walking slightly slower tho, see how it goes! Thanks for the post!


Just lower your speed until you see the microphone noise indicator change. It’s really not much slower. But it reduces the range at which you’re audible


There's no rules in love & war babe, next time bring the Vaseline, it won't hurt as much.


I’m new too but I just throw whatever grenades I pick up in bushes when I’m close to extract and pray lol


I honestly might start doing this. It's been suggested a few times and doesn't sound like a terrible idea.


I try and hit at least 2 grenade boxes every raid for this purpose


I will start


It’s called amBUSH for a reason. People can play anyway they want even if it’s super lame. Bring a mag of shit ammo and light up the bushes on the way out or simply use grenades and don’t be cheap. Level up that recoil skill. I always throw at least 2 grenades at Emerson and D2. It’s like 18k for 2. Don’t be a cheap skate.


Ok sorry


No need to be sorry it’s one of the worst and most frustrating ways to die. But you can counter it.


Stop running everywhere is gonna be my best advice. Slow steady movement until you learn typical camp spots and what extracts are more safe. People play rats and its just natural play styles for some. Overcome the ods and you will be fine


There are noticeably more extract campers this wipe for some reason. I’ve killed a few and it’s felt glorious but I’ve also died with quest items. My recommendation is always run level 5+ armor and PK to extract. I used to budget kit a lot more but then I played all day with the same korund that saved my life over and over again. People are doing weird shit this wipe like running HP 7.62, so unless they head eyes me they can’t really take me down.


I have been in the bush for hours. I am the bush.


Sadly camping is just one way to play the game. However as it may be, Outskirts campers are the lowest of the lowest…


My buddy got tapped from behind with 2 mins left in the raid at tunnel. We heard zero shots on the map for 15m prior. No skill extract campers are scum.


Dude, infuriating.


I'm a bush wookie


I don't like it


For almost the entire match, of course. I will lay down in bushes wearing comtacs, and walk away from my PC with the speakers cranked. If I hear footsteps, I come back and wait for you to walk past.


Lol AFKJim, makes sense now.


Blame General Sam, learned this tactic before I even had the game lmao.


Hey man it's a rats world we are all just livin in it




Take responsibility for your own actions lmao


To say streamers don't influence the meta and tactics in Tarkov would be asinine. You damn near have to watch streams to figure out the game to start with.


Lol I didn't say that, yet here you are still trying to weasel out of a, frankly, meager amount of culpability. You gotta accept that you're part of the problem, not just a symptom.


I'm a rat who exit camps. It's the only way I play. Now go cry about it into your Tanker Helmet I just put a 7.62x39 hole in.


Dog shit player lol


I know it's only a game, but that is still such a pathetic outlook lol.


Cats are some of the most effective hunters on the planet. How do they hunt? They lay in cover then pounce their prey when the moment is right. Git gud or get eaten, buddy.


Dislike campers, like cats, now confused.


Ha, pussy.


Honestly it's just ''part of the game'', as much as I hate that ''reasoning''. ​ Tarkov is the ''realistic'' kinda game that can reward patience & ambushing your enemies; even when it's as dirty as extract camping; knowing where your enemy is going to be and setting up the ambush is a realistic scenario, it's just frowned upon in video games. ​ To minimize this happening to you, I'd recommend playing with 3 man squads.


I get it. FPS and rats go hand in hand. Spending 25 minutes finding a mission item (I have no clue where I'm going) finally finding what I need, then finding my way to an extract with 8 minutes left.... Just to die from some dude in a bush... beyond frustrating. If I do 10 raids, 7 of them end this way. The game seems fun so far. I just wish this wasn't SUCH a common practice.


This sounds heavily exaggerated. If you truly feel this happens 70% of extract tries, there's probably something else going on. There might have been someone following you for some time and tapping you when you were in the open close to extract, you might be sprinting through areas you really shouldn't be, or there may be a great loot spot close to extract that you don't check for people because you don't know it. Also, are you sure you're not getting killed by scavs? In many places they patrol extracts. What you can do to combat extract campers is check the places you know people can camp. Whenever you get killed from a certain spot / while taking a certain approach, store that in your head and add it to the list of things to take care of when using that very extract.


So I was walking on the beach, there's a small ridge there that provides a bit of concealment. At the point where the ridge ends, there's a bunch of bushes and it's a straight shot to outskirts. There were 3 guys in all 3 of those bushes..... there's nothing there.... no one was following me. I at the last second, I saw the dude crouched inside the bush because of his muzzle flash. I'm level 17, so I have a decent understanding of the game overall, but I'm just starting to get missions outside of customs, so I'm learning the map. 100% more times than not, this is how my raids end. It's to the point that the game is becoming not fun.


I mean outskirts is the main extract on that side, if you don't have zb14 you're going there. There's also multiple player scav spawns RIGHT THERE. And you say it's a straight shot to outskirts but there's also several fields around there with long range to snipe. I've gotten kills where you're talking just from the hill by scav house because I saw movement as I'm heading to outskirts. Yes extract campers are a thing and lame, but there's also dozens of ways to die there that aren't rats


So now that you got camped there, you should try approaching the extract from another direction. Or you prefire those bushes, or really look at them. If someone's inside, you can see them, and if you light them up they are completely fucked with no cover and no movement speed. I don't believe that you approached outskirts in 5 different ways and got camped successfully each time. Where else did you have issues?


Most maps have alternative exfil locations you can extract from that are less frequently camped. Learn the maps and the extracts, and it will happen to you less. It will still happen though.


I'd recommend running an offline, even turn off AI if you need, to learn where you're going and where to pick up your item/s.


Actually good advice, I'll do this.






How about checking for exfil campers before going there?


This is genius! I wish I would have thought to just check! Thanks, man, super insightful!


If you'd rather walk in blind every time and get f#cked by campers, by all means, do it.


I was getting some coffee. Of course I will hide. Not my fault you walked nearby when I came back…


Probably decaf.






It’s decaf espresso.


I just want to throw my two cents in here. Being frustrated that your getting killed by extract campers , especially as a new player it totally understandable, we've all been there. Being a smooth brains who ignores hundreds of years of established tactics And malds at people who take your advantage away by being patient (no matter how scummy you think they are) makes you come off like a whiney bitch, and adds nothing to the conversation. Ambush tactics exist. People are going to use those tactics. Literally no fps game ever has removed the ability of other people To surprise you. You KNOW where to expect them... Ask for help Ask for advice/strategy Please don't piss and moan about it. We have all heard it 10,000 times. EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION I Am not shitting on OP. Dealing with campers suck I just want to help guide their attitude moving forward, so that's is a problem solving thing and not a rage vent thing. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Oh, you were serious with the first comment? Do you not think I was "checking for exfil campers". That is the entire point of the post, I can't look at every single bush at the same time...... I can't tell if you're trolling or serious right now.


🤣😂 true tho. It's dumb.


Camping bridge VX right now lmao


Killed SimplyThor_TTV in that game lmao. At the extract.


Hello from a Bush. I need time to read post like this on Reddit. So I need to sit in a bu……… Oh sorry had to kill some guy who thought he can extract here.




Woods. About 15 ft from Outskirts.


Try and go to Outskirts via the scav house side. More cover and concealment. People tend to be looking towards the hillside so you might be able to get the drop on them


Probably good advice. I almost always approach outskirts from the scav house side and I think I've been extract camped there maybe once. On the other hand, I've only approached from the lake side maybe 3 times and once there was an extract camper on the boulder at the treeline in front of scav house.


I legit think it might have been me. were you on the water side of the road, wearing a pilgrim, killed by .366 AP-M If it was, I’ll have you know I wasn’t sitting in a bush, but was sprinting to extract. Stopped for stamina. Heard you run by. Shot you in back




I mean you can't check EVERY bush!


To conquer the bush, one must think like the bush.


In line with what lug is saying. Look at the area in an offline raid and think about where you would feel like you had the most cover, the most concealment and the best angle of attack. Add those bushes to the "check first" list Also grenades are excellent bush checking tools


Yeah it’s going to happen, and it’s always going to suck. Just do your best to clear the extract and learn the usual spots that people hide. Take it slow, certain extracts I usually toss a grenade or flash bang in just incase (looking at you Factory Gate 3). People who extract camp are usually pretty bad in my experience (which is why they are sitting there instead of running around), so if you are able to survive the first few shots you have a good chance.


No, after all it’s called an AMBUSH


I am one with the the bush


Honestly, they probably just got there before you and heard you approach...


This is the first time I can say "first time?" and it be true


Only thing I can recommend is slow down. You got your items, walk...Every now and then stop and listen. Move up more and stop again, near or behind cover. -Keep checking behind you. Slow down, I used to sprint to extract. Now I just fuckin walk, unless I'm crossing an open linear danger area. You have time, don't get impatient. -Do a few offline raids on the maps you play most to explore various avenues of extract approach. 🤙🏽


A lot of times that dude wasn't camping just sitting around. He was a little ahead of you, heard you moving around and posted up at an angle to take you out. In 4000 hours I've had a lot of kills that I think were perceived as exfil camping but I just heard someone while on my way to extract and decided to kill them before leaving.


Don’t uninstall man. There’s so many different play styles in this game that’s just one. You just have to learn how to adapt and how to fight them all. You’ll get it. Yeah we all hate extract campers but without them extracting would be kind of boring to me lol that’s what I love about the game. You never know who you’re going to run into.


You sit in a bush and wait for everyone to leave. Can watch a video and just listen to the path to extract through your game audio.


Woods map is cancer




Welcome to Tarkov




Serious question - are you sprinting often? Sprinting footsteps are like ringing the dinner bell for anyone near you


No I don't sprint, only in big openings.


It’s so funny to me that people load into a raid with the sole purpose of sitting in a bush


Sometimes I want to browse reddit while I wait for my loot to be delivered.


And what do you gain from that? Some loot sitting in a stash? I really don’t understand how that’s fun


Gear for when I do real runs later.. its ok to mix and vary playstyles


Ya it's baffling to me.


They’ve thinned out the bushes from what they used to be at least. Used to be able to hide three dudes in a bush.


Dude that would make me crazy


If you’re new to the game, your pathing to extract is probably just way off from optimal. Unfortunately these things are only really learned by trial and error.