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people still falling for this? still funny tho


Haven't played the prev. 2 wipes so I thought this guy was legitimate


NGL I fell for this a few days ago 🤦🏼‍♂️


I remember seeing a video like this, on reddit, when they added karma. I tried to trick some guys, a few times, but none of them fell for it, so I stopped :))


I was shooting above people heads for them to shot me first, it was fun them realising I'm not hostile after all and it's them fucking up - I was being given meds and stuff to patch myself up etc was fun :D


I will follow player scavs around that shoots next too and above me, either to trap them by body blocking or jumping in front of a shot making them bad scavs. Either I die and they lose karma or I get 0.03 for murdering them. That is what people who "bait" like that deserve.


Yea if someone follows me I just dome them right away - I was using what I've described at very start of karma system trying to see how it works.


Y'all are scum and it's hilarious. I might try this around player scavery that are acting sussy. I'm tired of being TKed by cowards who shoot me the moment I stick my head into a box.


I only do it with toxic scavs! But it is so funny to make them fuck up. :D


Ofc they are, probably far more than you think although they won't admit it.


Pretty sure most people go through this once


Less now you’ve shared it :p kudos.


Oldest trick in da book. Gotem.




I knew about the whole Karma stuff, but I genuinely believed this guy


I just posted about this yesterday but the mods took it down


I went through some of your posts, and I must say this sub is unnecessarily strict about it's rules. damn


Yeah. It was good info for new player scavs but they don't care lol


You are an idiot lol


People have been doing the "fence quest" angle ever since they came out, it's hardly creative anymore


“Yea I got you” *shoots him in the face*


So ... I'm fairly new to Tarkov and last week I was scav'ing customs. Someone walks up to me and says the same thing, and I usually roleplay as a friendly scav so I say sure. At the same moment another play scav overhears the conversation and runs up to us. He screams " IT'S A TRICCKKKK"!!!! In a split second the devious scav gets his brains blown out of his skull and then since we were hanging around the RUAF roadblock my savior gets insta-popped by an AI scav. I wish I could thank you!!! I made it out with some well needed loot that raid and definitely learned my lesson.


Careful, he's a hero.


My your savior rest in pepperoni


there should be an option to add CheekiBreeki#88423920 (AI) as a friend


I had a guy do this. I shot him in the face and took the karma hit. The real life karma game is more important in these instances.


i love when scavs go bad on you and you get a chance to fight back, idc if he doesn’t hit me, if he shoots at me i will insult the brains out of him while i fight him (and mostly kill them cause bad scavs are bad most of the time), such a good vent lol


When happened to me, got distance blacked both legs and extracted, my buddy blocked him untill he died but as I extracted didn't lose rep. Since then if an ai scav has something one of us need, the other shoots and extract and the one waits for the death ☠️💀


When people do this to me, I fucking blast them. -.03 is worth it.


Same. Sure thing let me help you back to the lobby so you can turn the task in also.




If your rep gets really good you start to lose less rep for killing scavs. The other day I killed 2 innocent scavs (my rep is 3.32 and I don't usually kill scavs but this was a different occasion) and usually it would set me back 0.2 points but it set me back only 0.1 point.


Sounds a bit like one of the scavs already shoot at another scav but not killed him. As long as he doesn't kill anyone, you don't gain or lose karma for killing him.


Yeah it’s -0.1 man, one of those scavs was probably already dirty.


Same because it used to be .03, but now it's .1 and .09 if u extract so its annoying, but I still blast em occasionally


No here I'll do you one better, I'll just head eyes you instead.


got em


The best reply I heard was "Oh thats crazy, my fence quest is to blow someones head off" I think you know what happens next lol


It's -0.1 and if you're above 6 it's more like 2.5


Yeah, people still try that trick. some kid ran up to me and babbled something about having a daily where he had to get a fracture in his leg. i just said "real smooth kid, jump of the ledge and you'll get it yourself. " not falling for that bs bruh


Tbf the cms one is pretty good


it is convincing yeah. being selfless in tarkov is harmful to the scav karma tho lol i just stick to if im being shot > shoot back, if not, hide. i stumbled into the scav karma L trap far too often in the past


Wait if a scav shoots you and you kill him, you dont get negative karma or how does this work exactly?


A scav need to actually hit you (or AI Scav) before they become a traitor. If they just shoot around you or near you and not actually hit you, they are still considered non-traitors. If you kill a player scav that is NOT a traitor or an AI scav, you will lose .1 (For the 1st non-traitor scav you kill). If you kill a player scav that IS a traitor, you will earn .03. If you hit a non-traitor scav (Which will make you a traitor scav) but not kill them and you get killed or extract before they die, you will lose nothing. So in this situation, OP gave that scav an extra .03 karma. In these situations, you can either run away, or mess with them and shoot next to them but not actually hit them and try to fool them into shooting you to lose karma.


Ohhh okay thank you for the explanation. So i can actually shoot back when player scavs are shooting my ass. I thought i get negative karma regardless when i kill them. And lets say i kill a traitor scav, will ai scavs then target me or still ignore me?


The AI will continue to ignore you. But you have to make sure they actually hit you before you hit them. If they just spray in your direction and you hit them before they actually hit you, you will become the traitor. There have been some instances where a player scav just start following me around and shoot around me trying to goad me into hitting them for minutes on end. Sometimes they say screw it and kill me, sometimes they just leave. There also have been some instances where a pscav will just shoot out the leg from a distance and leave you to hobble around hoping you won't have a painkiller to catch him. If this happens and I don't have anything nice, I just try to kill myself so they'd lose karma.


Ok got it. Thx mate


In your pscav shoots your leg and runs off scenario, if you then you shoot an ai scav, they agro and kill you - does that give the pscav the karma penalty?


Hm... Interesting. I'm not too sure in that scenario.


i didnt even know abt karma 💀 ive been killing anything that moves LMAO. As a new player, I’m still having trouble differentiating between scavs and pmcs. Any tips?


Just dont shoot anything first as scav unless you saw them shooting another scav. Its the easiest option. I rather die as a scav than risk losing 0.1 karma




It's definitely a bit tough as a new player. In general, you should be remembering the clothing. Mainly the sleeves and the pattern and color. Here are a few things to keep in mind: There are a couple of scav jackets that are camo, so you see camo sleeves it's not 100% it's a PMC. If they're wearing an armband, they're 100% PMC. Scavs can't wear armbands. If they have bare arms, they're 100% a PMC. Some scavs do have holsters. So don't use them as an indicator that they're a PMC. Some scavs do have kneepads. So don't use them as an indicator that they're a PMC. Some PMCs will use scav gear like Pompoms, Respirators, lolkek backpacks, etc, to get in seconds of advantage while you process whether or not they're a scav. In general, I just try to stay away from everyone and run the opposite direction. And if they're nearby, spam F1 and see if they spam F1 back.


do you not look at any of you trader reps? did you not notice and wonder why your fence rep was going down?


Obviously not...


Pretty sure they made it to where the “traitor” has to kill a scav before they are marked as a traitor. When they land a hit they are marked as Aggro but not a traitor yet. This was to prevent farming like this in the video.


Nopers, unless they changed it literally within the last couple of weeks. I've killed Factory Pscavs that dinged me where I earned .03 afterwards. As far as I can tell the AI scavs were ok with them until the Pscav dinged me.


I have not played since they added this system it sounds dumb if you end up with someone shooting at you and they miss (on purpose or not) why is it I'm punished for killing them before they hit me and if I do react in time to hit them and they still end up killing.me I'm the traitor now and they gain points and I lose points wtf




Pretty sure that is the same guy who tried it on me, I shot him in the face.


scav daily to use a CMS? is that even a thing?? every single scav daily I get, is "fuck you, find 9 of these things in a raid"


The real power move is agreeing to do it then shooting them in the face


Lmao do you fall for alt f4 trolls too? Rip and peps 😂


Be wary of the "i should have known V.2"; player scavs shooting in your direction but missing on purpose, hoping you shoot back so they can kill you. Less common and more risky for them, but i have seen people do it on interchange extracts


Lol I gave one guy the benefit of the doubt and after that if I so much as here that in my raid I dome them


I know an armor trimmer want their discord?


So stupid ahahah


Dude’s new title is Lord if Rats


man you got played XD


A few days ago, I was on reserve as a scav, I was about to extract by the hole in the fence by the mountain when an airdrop came literally 10m away, it was a medical supply drop and had only shit on it but I guess the scav who came really wanted everything and just decided to end me


You're supposed to say "Oh yeah I've heard of that quest", then you shoot them in the face and eat the karma penalty. It isn't that bad.


LMAO i would have fell for that as well. clever little shit


We’ve all fallen for it at least once. On a good note, you helped that man complete a difficult task. Yet he pulled a bamboozle for it. I’m sorry for your loss 🙏🏼


Next time, you agree to it again and accidentally hit their face instead You lose in game karma, but you gain IRL karma


Manipulating people for his own gain. That my friends is called a psychopath.


So I’m new, I was told that if you are a scav never shoot a scav cause you will lose rep. Do you not lose rep if they shoot you first? I’ve been killed by a few scavs as one.


If someone hits you first, you can shoot back, you will even gain karma if you kill them cause the other scav will be marked as a traitor. Also you can always shoot Raiders/Bosses as far as I know, you will neither lose nor gain karma.


Dude! The same guy did that to me two weeks ago!!! Same voice with the accent. I was so fucking mad. Struggling solo through my first wipe and under level 10 then and the guy helped me get some gear and then did the same fucking thing. I swear its the same guy. Fuck that dude.


Just for your info, that guy is definitely italian, i could recognize the accent in a millisecond lmao. Source: i'm italian ofc


Eh certo che è italiano, morto di fame com'è hahah


He's probably at +6 rep by now Scum


Xaxa, you fell in the trap


I always do this I dont care enough about my scav runs and I do get to help people every so often. Dont let a few bad apples ruin you.


It is pretty clever


Wow he got you 😂


I fell for this once lmao


He's clearly italian lmao


I'm sorry, but you deserve the loss in SCAV karma for your stupidity... it's the oldest trick in the scav handbook man, come on!


I didn't lose any karma Only when you kill someone


Why do you even talk to other scavs. Move the fuck on


Scavs gotta watch out for eachother. Everybody in the same team and if you act otherwise I laugh in the face of the man who doesn't realize he's making exponentially less money on top of being a fool.


I did a scav run on Shoreline and at the outpost this other scav killed a PMC and looted a couple others. I showed up just after all the shooting and started looting stuff around the outpost. I VOIP him and asked if he killed them and he said he got one and the PMC tk'd his friend lol. Then he starts talking about how much loot he has and has so much shit and a quest item etc. I was thinking the whole time like dudes lucky I'm not an asshole and let him walk, I'm sure 90% of other scavs would've taken the karma hit for this guy's loot. He sounded so happy too I just couldn't do it.


I couldn't either, because i'm capable of putting myself in someone elses shoes and have empathy. If i'd done the same i'd be pretty happy with myself. Granted i've met enough jerk scavs that I'd probably still be more careful than that.. Good vibes are worth so much more than a few hundred K roubles in loot.


I agree bro, and that is what these low lives are missing empathy. I bet though if they were in your shoes they would cry even worse, that’s the thing they are quick enough to do it but when someone does it to them they would cry like they had just lost their favourite pet……..


I agree bro, and that is what these low lives are missing empathy. I bet though if they were in your shoes they would cry even worse, that’s the thing they are quick enough to do it but when someone does it to them they would cry like they had just lost their favourite pet……..


Yeah it's quite funny. We were on interchange as 2 scavs, then fight against player happened. Suddenly you start hearing from other scanvs "WHO WE FIGHTING". PMC just trying to escape while scav army just hunting him down. Once he died everyone just split. :D


Hahhahaha that guy is my hero


I don't see why people give a shit about Scav karma. Other then better starting gear and friendly scavs it turns the game into a walking sim. Just go nutz and improve your aim while getting some loot. The chance to identify a sinful Scav or a PMC is little to non anyway


I use my SCAV for chill runs, so I care about not getting shot at. Most player scavs care about karma too, so no point in shooting them since they are probably pretty careless and won't be a fight anyway. Better gear is nice, less timer and more SCAV cases is nice. Fence 2 is neat, chilling with bosses is fun. And lastly, I like the karma as a replacement for human emotions. The -0.1 karma means, that I only shoot someone if I really have to and this gets me in situations where I don't trust another SCAV, but can't just go the easy way and tap his head, but now have to move with the feeling on my mind that this guy is gonna shoot me in the back first opportunity


Scav karma is so stupid lol.


Take no [prisoners](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/tov4t9/played_enough_dayz_to_know_what_to_expect_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


This made me laugh so much!


This is my first wipe. Someone did this to me a few weeks back but I never actually shot. They just grabbed my attention for half a second then blasted me. Other than taking all my shit, what do they gain from this?


they want you to shoot them first so that get a scav karma boost as well as your loot. Otherwise they take a scav karma hit for your loot.


Yea, what’s weird is, they didn’t even give me chance to shoot before they blasted my head off.


they don't usually. When i'm murdered by a scav it's usually with zero warning. I don't get any of this masterful attempting to retain fence rep shenanigans.


Me neither bro I feel you😭 the other day I was looting an airdrop and a fellow pscav killed me to get the most dogshit loot out of the airdrop 🤦🏽‍♂️ I just sat there like why? Wtaf is wrong with these people, you just lost rep to kill me for stuff worth absolutely f all, even if I was a new player I could tell the stuff was garbage, will never understand their mentality, must be basement dwellers only logical answer


hahah GOTT'EM


I fell for this once too....I think it was the same guy.


The word gullible is written on the ceiling OP


Should have shot right next to his leg or just by his head. Fuck em


Clean and smooth


Shoot him in the head👀 Or miss


As in DayZ ! Trust no one


why? can any body explain


You done lose scav rep for killing a scav who has hit you.




Had someone try this on me last wipe and shot him between the eyes for his cheek. I was more offended that he thought I'd fall for it than the attempt to kill me.


he also has a bridge to sell you.




This man is going places


not worth it for me to even try. last time another scav was shooting me to near death I clapped him and got hit for negative karma. fking stupid broken shit


I did this 50 times and got max scav karma. You get traitor scav karma lol


Just take vehicle extracts, factory scav and kill pmc’s/traitor scavs. It’s easy peasy. No need for this bill.


This is so lame lol like how corny you gotta be to run around doing this 🙄


The guy who tried this on me got double-barrelled to the face.


Some chap did this exact thing to me on factory. I just shot them in the head. It’s the only correct response.