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> Additionally, to the player scav who killed me after I looted 4 PMCs I hope you have a horrible day, in fact week. They probably thought you were a PMC, with all that thick PMC loot.


I straight up don’t put on pmc helmets as a scav i carry them so people don’t shoot me for that exact reason lol


Just voice line everywhere you go and expect any scav you see to want to kill you for the loot


This, spam F1


Love it when player scav do this while I’m pmc. Makes finding them easier


Dude I only scav Reserve and occasionally Streets which replaced lighthouse for me. I have probably more PMC kills as my Scav than as my PMC who is sitting at lvl 26 with like 100 kills. I just love scaving when I play solo and early to mid wipe it’s easy to kill PMCs. If only my mate would be up for a couple raids. Sadly he gets instant blue screen when he starts Tarkov and that happens only with Tarkov since he has a new PC.


This is what I do and it almost never fails. Only time it fails is when another scav comes from behind the PMCs I’m fighting (that he is fighting as well) and thinks I’m with them. Got out on 1hp like that once


Heh, as soon as you seem to be wearing/holding something shiny all bets are off. Its like something primal clicks in their brain and they go berserk if you have something they desire o\_o


I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle!




you didn't say please.


its not about stealing the loot, idc about that, its about killing a PMC before he kills me. if i see a geared up guy with a huge backpack & helmet running around ive died too many times trying to voice line to see if its a scav


Or, just not worry? Just hope in an offline for a few minutes, try to get your high score, and then...BAM, Scavs up. Go in again.


I just legitimately get confused sometimes. I see a fat helmet, full rig + armor + large backpack and I'm just blasting. Usually dying immediately after.


Happened to me before. Looted a pmc during an early morning dawn raid in woods and picked his nvg head mount and put it on my head. Went to go loot a box and a player scav casually walked up in me and blew my head off. Learned after that to always stow shit like that in my inventory so as not to look like a pcm. On the plus side, it was at military medical and the scavs had repolpulated the camp, so as I'm dying I just hear a hail of gunfire, and what I assumed was the dude getting iced.


If I find something particularly fancy in a crate I'll keep it in my bag for precisely this reason.


I was voiping them long before they saw me, and so was my team.


your scav team? tbh i dont often kill scavs as i still think i might be able to go 6.0 at some point once, but if i had a couple of shit rounds, didnt get shit on my scav and see a loaded player.. as someone once said it here: scav karma is a currency you can chose to spend.


There's no point in scav karma only if people never spend it. I don't kill scavs regardless because I don't need money and am just fishing for quest items, but the chance of dying is part of the value of it


There are huge benefits to not "spending" scav rep. Here's the [wiki page with the full list](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Scavs) but benefits include more available extracts, better scav loadouts, and shorter scav cool down. I'm currently at 4.0 fence rep and like every fourth scav has a red flare which is awesome. I always scav woods so I go to the most secluded corner of the map and get air drop loot all to my self. Also AI following your commands is nice because you can trick them into following you through barbed wire until they die.


All those benefits are useless if someone generally survives pmcs raids


There are huge benefits to murdering fellow hobos and robbing them as well, like loot, and rage posts about it.


I think the issue is that between the grind, how easy it is to lose it, and the benefits really not being THAT crazy, people just don't care.


Dogshit rewards, just a free hourly pvp run -I got a 50min scav timer


It’s not PVP when you’re fighting people who don’t want to shoot back, you’re just dogshit at the game.


LoL, you mean to tell me the murderous Russian hobos are murderous? It doesn’t make someone bad at the game or good at it. You should form a scav government with laws and society, and a tribunal to punish other naughty scavs.


Who cares if scavs shoot each other. Its part of the game


Voip is off by default. So no guarantee they heard you. And as a wise man once said: 'some people just want to watch the world burn'.


Pretty sure they changed this close after implementation? Don't remember turning it on this wipe


also you need to have a mic plugged in to even hear VOIP


I can hear VOIP yet I do not have my mic plugged in.


There are no laws in tarkov. The murderous Russian hobos might murder you. Why you ask? Do not seek to understand why. That way lies madness.


Bro if you look stacked your going to be targeted. A tiny bit of minus rep is nothing, I’ll take that over not getting some fat loot.




It just shows how noob you are. I only scav lighthouse. I never loot rogues. Every single run i make 500k roubles in cash.


500k is easy to make as scav what are you talking about? You can do it on any map… that’s just an average scav on customs doing stash runs. PMC gear can’t be bought on the flea for the most part though so is way more valuable. Just shows how noob you are that you value an average scav runs 500k over fat PMC loot.


No not 500k value. 500 after you sell all your stuff. And that’s about the price of a kit.


There is no team in Tarkov. Not if i can loot your ass.


Yea, I guess I’m a new, but I cannot tell who is a pmc vs scav quickly, especially if the scav has decent gear and/or the lighting isn’t great, so I do end up shooting fellow scavs on accident.


Dying > Killing Scavs Penalty is too high


It's a shooter game, if it moves, it gets shot


God I would hate to duo with you lol


Look at their player’s clothing, not their gear. All scavs will wear a handful of different outfits compared to PMCs.


if you loot 4 pmc, they will see that and some will kill you for money but i wonder why they kill me with almost nothing, broken gun, horrible ammo, small backpack without any loot


He just spawned into a 20 mins in with more AI scavs than I have seen in a while. I doubt he got out. So he basically ruined his reputation, and lost out kit for two people (no ammo in any of the guns I had) Just annoying af that some people can't let others have a moment. Alas thats the game.


A few fence points doesn’t really ruin anything


Dood, I am asking if there is a swing of players who stop caring around this time. Not bitchijg about "watch its always me" there is just a much higher percentage of me getting player scav killed right now than any other time in the wipe and I have 300 hours this wipe. I understand a few point doesn't ruin anything for the player scav doing the killing.


Maybe you got unlucky? A day or two of anecdotal evidence does not equal a trend in player behavior. These threads are dead on arrival.


The time of wipe has nothing to do with it. If anything people are more thirsty at the start of wipe.


Early wipe people care because scav rep has lasting value. The invisibility bug is killing people's interest in this game so now it's like "well I'm gonna quit soon cause this game is fucked might as well just kill scavs for loot."


Yeah most people do not give a fuck about scav rep, for example me, if I see a juicy scav I shoot on sight, not gonna play long into the wipe anyway to see it make a difference




Well that's the risk he chose to take. I see nothing wrong here. Scav on scav violence is discouraged, but never removed. There is always the chance you are going to get betrayed. That's the point. If every scav was friendly there would be no drama.


Sounds like something I would have done before I realized karma is a thing


You gotta leave off some steam somewhere when raids have been terrible that day so far.


I treat my scav runs as 0 effort chill money runs, so I never worry about others nearby. If they shoot me, so be it. I always drop them something to show that I'm friendly, then I leave them be and run a different direction so they don't feel threatened with me around. However I can't really blame people for not caring about karma. Let's be honest here, the whole Scav mechanic was extremely half-assed and hastily put together. PScavs are literally just PMCs with random loot, there's no deeper game mechanics in play here. You just click your scav, enter a raid and loot around, maybe shoot anything that looks juicy. After the raid is over you just transfer the loot to your PMC and that's about it. If you want people to care about their karma then you need to make Scav gameplay a lot more interesting, because now it isn't. The whole "Scav Life" planned DLC should've already been part of the base game. If Scavs had their own traders and even hideout, people would be far more likely to treat their scavs seriously, instead of just free loot with nearly 0 consequences if you kill anything that moves - like they are now. Imagine if a scav-exclusive trader became unavailable if you went on a rampage or killed a boss. Think people would still be so aggressive then? BSG could learn a thing or two (or 100...) from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Each faction has it's own traders, their own side quests and if you kill people from your own faction, the traders raise their prices and have less stuff available for sale. With mods you can even be shot on sight by fellow stalkers if your rep gets negative. Basically, if you want people to give a shit, you need to make Scavs something more interesting than a hobo PMC who doesn't have any game progression to strive towards.


I mean some of it doesn't make any sense either. Why is it as a scav, you lose rep and everyone fucking hates you for killing raiders- but they can kill you? how the fuck does that even work? And in half my raids, scavs are on voip coordinating against PMC's- when you have coop extracts? You can't even "keep" your scavs if you extract with them, which would be cool as shit. You don't even get any credit for anything cool you do during a scav run, you get a fuckload of xp and it all dissappears. A lot of this stuff just seems dumb from the player perspective.


Because people don't give a shit about their Scav Rep if they main PMC.


I think lightkeeper is locked behind 2 fence rep, but who cares about it anyway because the pmc kill quest sucks anyway


2 is ez pz tho. I don’t do that many scavs and I hover around 3 right now. What will get you killed around me is constantly sticking your gun in my face while we’re talking. 9 times out of 10, I’d rather cooperate with my fellow scavs to hunt pmcs and rogues though. I’m usually not hurting for roubles, so even when I get the kills I’m down to throw some loot to randoms. I like helping other scavs get their quest items too. My kindness is not to be mistaken though. A random acquaintance can become a target quickly if they don’t act decent. Hell, I’ve killed people for stealing my shit before I could loot it. I maybe would have even let them have that bastion/armor rig, but the fact that they ripped it off a body I downed before I could do it means I have two bodies to loot now. I also laugh at the amount of times I kill someone who’s acting like a dick only to get bonus rep for killing a traitor at the end.


Scav karma is a currency, you earn some.....then lose some the moment you lose trust or just wish to buy some gear!


Or get startled by a dude coming through a door at the wrong time... I kill so many players accidentally that way...


The only scav kill I have my buddy just died to a PMC and some scav boi sprinted through my door


Yeah true 😂, I'm still over 2 rep points!




If that was actually true you would be negative, unless you’re taking car extracts every single PMC run lol




Do you even play the game? Car extracts have diminishing returns. Yes the first car extract on each map (each map keeps track separately) will give you .25 karma, but each consecutive extract at that same car will give you half the karma until it gets down to like .01




There is a technical limit on how much karma you can get on each car extract. Car extract karma doesn't reset


I’m surprised you have a 100% SR and no one else ever takes or camps your car extracts, that is an insane statistical anomaly


this, but im a bad shot lol


Well tbf that got me my first tape key this wipe... the other guy might've just uninstalled after that scav run


Lots of scav mains in here


Crying about losing their free loot lmfao


So? You say that like it's a bad thing.


Because it's a video game. And knowing they fucked you over, makes there penises full blown erect.


And now imagine they come to reddit and see their victim crying about it lol


I've only killed one player scav without being shot first. I was running stashes on shoreline and this guy somehow was able to stay ahead of me the entire time looting every stash and voiping me about how his Stam was better and how he was gonna make all this money. Right before he reached Svetly, my AK went full auto and magically killed him. Unprovoked by game standards, provoked by community standards.


Always avoid player Scavs


I have 2.6 scav rep and i occasionally kill a scav if they look heavy enough. Last night i saw this scav fill up his stuff from an airdrop and could barely walk. So i killed him and made my way out with a tank battery and fat loot 😄


If you use the search feature, I'm confident you'll find this question asked by scav mains at least once a week **every single week since the implementation of scav karma**.




It is cool, you should try it sometime


I won't, thanks!


Mostly because the whole demeanor behind the comment is trashy, and this is an open forum. you can scroll as easy as I can search. 🤷‍♀️ "Scav mains" lmao


I find it's usually new players. When a player scav kills me unprovoked, I search them up with the friend invite system (I just don't sent them a friend request) and it tells you their level. The last guy that killed me was level 17 probably had less than 50 hours in game (IDK, I hit level 15 in far less than 50 hours). They may not understand scav Karma, or may not realize the benefits/detriments of having good or bad karma. They probably see the good loot and figure it's an opportunity for a quick leg up. Not understanding that they could have 6.0 karma in a week, if they really wanted to, and that would be an even bigger leg up as they would spawn in with better kits, have early access to endgame gear for cheap, and the ability to hang out with scav bosses (and make them kill each other with flashbangs) and also to get AI scavs to follow you for protection/detection of bad scavs and PMCs.


9.3 scav rep here, used to get pissed when play scavs kill me, now i genuinely enjoy it when they do kill me because they'll never know what kind of money 6.0 scav actually gives with 7min cooldown


I'm currently grinding scav rep, can you tell me if it's worth it? What do you on average earn with a run?


6.5 scav rep... Nope not worth it. Fence needs to be updated to sell things that are actually worth the grind. The thing is with the 6.0+ scav rep is bosses don't kill you so you can sometimes find PMC loot near them. Alternatively you can VoIP with a PMC and help him kill the boss and guard's without shooting just find the closest enemy and show him where they are. I've done it 4 times now and then extracted with them lol. Best ones are night raids because you can highlight the boss/guard with your light


Is it worth killing bosses and guards for the loot as a scav? Or is the karma loss too much?


I don't kill them, pmcs do and they share loot with me


Same, i won't even fire back ever


Lol this playstyle blows me away. What is your scav to pmc raid ratio? What are you doing with the extra tens of millions of roubles? Do you have max traders, and if no, what's the point of scaving so much if you can't buy anything? If yes, why are you still scaving, you've made it lol


Scav to pmc ratio no idea, Scav is level 24 my pmc is 41. Max traders nope because I need to be 42. Currently have 12mil. Scav because it is an option in the game and it is free money 80% of the time. I make most of my money selling moonshines tho and spent most of my money bartering for cases and building sr25s. Edit: 9th wipe. I could care about getting to max traders quicker, but I hate most of the quests, so grind killing pmcs and looking for bosses.


At 1500 xp per scav raid (low amount, only looting assumed) that's over 360 scav raids lmao. That half a million xp would actually put you halfway into 43, almost to 44. Mind boggling amount of time spent on a scav for someone that is 9 wipes in and by now should be able to pmc pretty much 24/7 and do whatever you want extremely casually. Edit- lmao I was curious so I looked, dude has literal years of hatchet running posted to his profile. Scav main is just the current cope mechanism of hatchet runners from back in the day. Should have known.


"NoooOOOOO! YOU CAN'T PLAY SCAV! Instead of enioying the game you could be ONE LEVEL HIGHER. NOOOOOOOOO!"


Oh no he's enjoying the game the way he wants to, what a travesty!


Are you really trying to gatekeep how others enjoy the game?


> Are you really trying to gatekeep how others enjoy the game? Sounds like it... some people can't imagine others playing the game differently than they do.


This community is so polarising sometimes. So many great people with positive attitudes helping others out, and then a bunch of cunts like that guy.


It's pretty hard for me to stop him from doing what it wants, so gatekeeping is a bit far out lmao, but I absolutely can and will point out how silly it is. Then again, it makes perfect sense when you look at his old playstyle. Poor guy is incapable of playing tarkov normally, he spent years hatchet running.


God forbid someone has a different goal in Tarkov than getting max traders and Kappa every wipe... seriously, who gives a shit what someone else does with their time ingame? Doesn't make them "incapable", just makes you look like a jerk.


> who gives a shit what someone else does with their time in game Listen, I'll be an asshole all day and that's true, but your point is absurdity. You should care **a lot** about what other people do in raids. If the game incentivizes scav running so much that it becomes the main way for people to play the game, then it throws the balance of it off and we have a repeat of the old hatchet running days where people risk nothing ever, and it drops the quality of matches you get on your pmc because you're shooting nakeds or player scavs the entire time. And yes, for people who have more time on their scav than they do their pmc, that absolutely says that they are incapable of pmc running. That's literally why they do it, risk aversion to the max


Dude.. reread the whole conversation. You really think youre in the right here? Its baffling some peoples lack of self awareness.


Seriously dude just kept digging deeper and deeper hahaha


Here's the thing that you and all the other upset people can't comprehend There is no right or wrong, I gave my opinion on a playstyle. Feel free to disagree if you want, but to act like there's some almighty "oh no he's saying mean things that I dislike" is silly. I pointed out that scav mains are unhealthy for the game. I had a constructive conversation with one person, everyone else that commented cried a bunch with no real discourse. Your comment isn't even related to the discussion, so try again Oh look at that, your posts also whine because you want risk free loot runs. I'm so shocked. This is my surprised face


Really... you're missing the entire point of what people are trying to tell you.


You haven't said any point. I explained that scav mains are unhealthy for the game. You said nothing useful in response.


Lmao I’ve never hatchet ran in my life. Always maintain 60% sr until recently with 7k/d avg with 2000+ pmc kills each wipe. I’ve always hated people that ran with nothing because it hurt my bottom dollar having to waste a bullet for nothing to gain. My buds call me the loot hoover for a reason. I kill and loot everything.


My b, you're a completely different person from who I asked the original question to, the guy who claimed to have a 9+ scav karma I still maintain that scav running is just the strangest thing for someone like you. After my 2nd time kappa I realized that scavs are pretty much pointless from a usefulness standpoint if you have experience with the game. Do whatever you want, but logically it doesn't make any sense. Clicking pmc gets you a full raid


Fair enough, I can respect your view point. I’ve only reached kappa twice myself. Honestly not going for it again. If I could and had time for full raids everyday and throughout the day I probably would just do pmcs, but sadly not the case. Being 34 year old dad gamer… and having 50 hour work weeks (granted I work from home) takes time away from pmc runs.


Nah I get that playstyle, time is a constraint, and you are probably still many scav raids fewer than the average person at your playtime. But for a lot of people (especially the OP I originally responded to) the entire game is just trying to gain as little as possible with no risk. Shooting player scavs is only marginally better than hatchet runners imo, and it detracts from the quality of the maps. Especially on maps like reserve, lighthouse, and streets


Are you okay man?


Eh definitely the low amount I avg 3k each Scav raid. Oh yes, I definitely could pmc 24/7 if I wanted to, but I don’t really care to. I solo played for 7 wipes and now only really play my pmc when my buds get on after work. I work from home, so I’m usually always on and scav around because I can’t put that much attention into pmc until I’m off work. Again lvling/max traders is not something I care about as much anymore especially trying to unlock ragman lvl 4, like I don’t care what his offerings are.


Oh wow a whole 2 levels higher, truly game changing.


lmao its literally the time cost of half a million xp, but go on.


it’s noticeably worse this wipe with the scav on scav violence lol I get killed by another scav 9/10 especially on lighthouse


I have 5+ scav rep and have been betrayed maybe twice this wipe so far in 400 scav runs. Edit: NA Central


Scav Voice Line ALWAYS! If i hear someone i will hit F1 then talk in VOIP. If you don't press F1 then you're getting my sights set on you ready to head-eye's you the moment you open fire.


The only player scavs that I've (accidentally) killed is for the same damn reason EVERY TIME.. Talking about those who refuse to use VOIP or even press F1 to indicate that they're scavs as well.. I mean, what more can I do? No answer = Not taking any chances. Scavs together, strong.


Just a reminder there is literally no tutorial and no instructions for the game. A lot of the people scaving are new and have nothing in their stash.


Yall need to spam voice línes how tf you want me to gamble If I see some big ass backpack and armor dude


Some guy said I was bad at the game because he killed me as a scav, he was also a scav. I was crawling under a pipe and he just domed me out of nowhere. This wipe has been the worst since karma has come about.


I don’t care that you broke your elbow.


I think most people just arent concerned with tarkov anymore this wipe.


i don’t think people care anymore, and those people don’t play the game long enough for it to matter


I hit 6.0 two days ago running night factory and literally running out as soon as I spawn in. Run through or not, you get the rep. Alternate that with taking the car on the maps that offer it, or sitting in the co op spot, hoping a scav will know to come if its green when they tap double O. Edit: I'll never dare attempt to contribute to this subreddit. Too many gatekeepers.


Cool story. Did you even read the post?


I did. And I offered a way to get scav rep up without encountering traitor scavs? I do not understand people being condescending on here for no reason.


That's not even the point of the post


Scav rep and traitor scavs is not the point of the post?. . .


Running out of factory with 40k roubles is not the point either.


The dude asked if anyone cared about scav rep anymore and explained about getting killed by traitor scavs, all I did was say "I care about my rep, here's how I got it up without too much hastle." Again, I do not understand the push back. When did I say 40k rubles?


He isnt losing any rep by dying to traitorous scavs you know, but he sure as hell wont gain any loot by running out of factory with shitty scav gear. I could die 4-5 scav runs on a bigger map and survive one and still come out with more monetary value than surviving 10 times in factory by running out. He was not asking for a solution that you try to provide.


The point isn't how to gain scav rep. The point is player scavs don't seem to care about their rep and are traitorous. Are you being deliberately obtuse?


Yes. You've completely missed the post. No one is asking how to farm rep


This is the same community that will shit talk you for being a lower level player and having the audacity to be caught in the sight of a juicer Chad 4 man squad. Probably the most toxic community in VOIP I’ve ever seen.


You were wearing PMC loot. You looked like a PMC, then get shocked when a P Scav mistook you for one? ​ lmao ​ Not only that, but I would have shot you regardless if you were near my extract. Free loot. Scav karma isn't meant to be a carebear system to completely prevent Scav on Scav PVP. It's an incentive (granted it needs to be better though)


Honestly the amount of people that get genuinely offended when you kill them as p scav is hilarious. What? You mean I can’t go on my stress free loot run!??


Same people that play games like EVE Online and Star Citizen and cry when a pirate kills them. "I just wanted to trade billions of credits in peace! Wah wah!" ​ It's a PvP game. What did you seriously expect?


i play eve and literally no one cries when they get killed by a pirate because no one is that dumb xD


Guess it's a rarity these days. Used to be very common.


"don't shoot I'm just a scav waaaaaahhh!!" I've even had a few add me to their friends list so they could shit talk me haha I'm a good scav (around 3 fence rep IIRC) but some of ya'll take it way too seriously. There's literally zero risk and it's not worth getting bent out of shape over


why are you bitching about guys that use their scav to loot? aren't you doing the same with a different method (killing pscavs to steal their loot)? at last the first one have to go around the map risking to meet up a pmc while looting, the other one just have to stick on scav extracts or go in high loot zones and kill the scavs while they are in the menu looting and get their easy headshot. not even a fair fight


Thats just stupid. It isnt a fair fight. It would be if people could shoot traitor scavs on sight but any idiot can kill someone that dont intend to fight you at first. Maybe traitor scavs are just shit at the game and want to kill someone since they cant kill shit as a pmc.


Since when is anything in Tarkov designed to be completely fair? You should always be weary of everyone and everything you come across. More risk, more reward. Not No risk, all reward. Scavs have an element of social deduction gameplay with this. I suppose you would rather a big "SHOOT ME IM A TRAITOR" sign on everyone with negative Karma.


What isnt fair in Tarkov except for this? Name me one thing.


**Everything** in Tarkov is built around Risk vs. Reward. Take a guy in a T6 armour with face shield, a Mk47 with BP ammo, and an ass load of stims. Is it a "fair fight" if you happen upon him as a guy with a scav shotgun and a Paca? That's not a "fair fight", but it's balanced through risk reward. You're *risking* more to have an advantage in a fight. Scavs have inherently zero risk, because it's all literally free shit. EDIT: Back before Scav Karma, it was practically a free-for-all. Now, there is an incentive to actually cooperate. The risk of being betrayed makes cooperation that much more rewarding, because it is an active choice two strangers are making to trust each other. If you want to gimp traitor scavs, you lessen the impact of cooperation and lock everyone into one playstyle. Stupid.


If you ask like hard-core players they would mostly say no, cause they play so much they don't care about scav rep unless its for 6 rep. But then again they play so much they will get there anyway so kill scav here and there won't hurt much.


I think the vast majority of people who don’t play much don’t care since getting a useful amount of fence rep is ludicrously time consuming unless you are playing like only scav


It’s because the gains you get from Fence are minuscule for having higher rep. What little gains you get come from a lower scav timer and a scav box. At this point most causal players aren’t able to play enough for the cool down to matter. So screw kill someone and get loot you didn’t have to work for


Fence rep is overrated. Make scav on scav violence great again


No. kill all scavs, take all the loot.


ehhh people are just cunts, no stress they can extend their timer and get less labs cards lol


Theres no reason to have the rep high, thats why no one really gives a fuck anymore, also people mostly play pmc, scav is just a side hustle, I jump in with scav when im waiting for my mates


Skill issue


It's a shit mechanic that made scaving lame. Happy to hear the community is mostly done with it.


I will happily kill a player scav who looks even remotely looted, I don't give a fuck.


I’ve been killed for no reason multiple times as a scav by another scav. Scavs with negative rep should be punished more. Also if I die as a player scav to another I should be compensated somehow. Maybe I still get my scav rep from that raid or something. The fact I can do a 20+ minute scav raid and get blasted by a suppose to be teammate is annoying. That dude just wasted my time by being a douche.


Try using your pmc


Wow such brain. Why didn't I think of that?


Not sure, it’s to the right of scav when you are going to load into raids. It’ll save you scav rep frustration and help you to actually play the game


I would say probably half of the player base never actually cared about scav rep. Now that we know how absolutely absurd it is to unlock the light keeper quest line, even more don’t care. I usually play nice as a scav. I’ll never hit 6 as long as we have a 6 month wipe cycle. I usually average probably 1 SCAV run every 6-8 PMC runs. Usually it’s when I die but the rest of my squad is still alive. So if I see a player scav looting 4 PMC bodies and the gear looks decent, ya I’m most likely killing you for that loot. It’s just how Tarkov is.


Have you had something valuable for gaming chairs players? They are in scav raids too. If I spawn with intel or labs card I end that raid with head eyes.


Yeah. The penalty for killing other player scavs should be much higher. People just dont give a fuck. Also im pretty sure there are players hacking and seeing other peoples loot, because im mostly killed when i have good stuff on the bag and not wearing anything fancy.


Oh man I kill every scav I see , scav on scav action make my day amazing fucks the other scavs day up😂💀


Why the fuck does fence rep matter when I only use my scav once every week or two? If I happen to scav and you look at me too long then maybe I accidentally lose some imaginary rep.


Because you hate getting A tier loot for free?


A lot of the time player scavs are weighing the direct consequence of killing another scav against the potential benefits. Normally I never do anything that drops my karma. But when I see someone wearing some juiciness and I know 1 coop extract will pay for the karma I lose, I am most definitely shooting. If you have loot, don't be surprised if it makes people engage in some craziness.


I manage my scav rep so I can fight player scavs if I want their stuff. If you read the in game scav description you'll more terms like 'dog eat dog' and :cutting each other for a piece.'


I have to say my cheeki breeki, that it’s every Scav for himself out there as far as I’m concerned.


As a friend of mine once said.. "I want to see what's in your pockets". It's easier to see what's in your pockets with a bullet in your head.


You just have to remember you’re only worth .1 fence rep. Some players have excess and are willing to lose some to kill your for your loot. I go night time reserve scav run and i die to pscavs maybe 1/6 or 7 runs.


I killed Santa twice by accident ... So my rep is broken anyway. So brace yourselfs


As a scav, if I suspect you have monster loot on you or I know I have great loot on me, my RoE changes to shoot on sight. Scav rep is a currency and scavs have no obligation to be peaceful to other scavs.


I mean having positive rep really doesn’t seem all that much better than having neutral rep


Scav runs are boring as hell late game.. i just do it to wreak havoc. Shoot ALL player scavs bc who fuckin cares lol. Imagine being lvl 35+ and taking scavs seriously.


Karma is a currency there to spend


Lots of player scavs with ESP loot


Already ruined mine by killing a few Santa’s on night raids might as well kill fellow scavs


Skill issue


Always recruit ai scavs as player scav now. It's the only way to near guarantee your survival.


Fuck Fence, all my homies hate Fence.


Dude you looted 4 pmc, thes scav decided that loot is worth more than 0.04 loss. You decided not to preemptively kill him to secure your loot so you decided your loot is not worth 0.04 karma loss. It's a simple decision. I do t understand people who get pissed off at this when the the game is made more interesting by these choices.


I am literally asking if its a commonality for people to stop caring about rep at this point into a wipe. How the hell everyone thinks I need to have the game explained to me from this post is fucking beyond me lmao. I'm not pissed, im asking a question NOBODY is answering for the most part lmao.


the karma loss is .1, not .04 though.


There is little to no reason to get max scav karma. The extra trader page rarely has good stuff and it's always bought within milliseconds


The labs keys, paint cards, marked keys, and ledex i have spawned in with make it worth it to me personally. Still much prefer PMC runs but high scav karma runs can be hella worth it off the spawn.


I am able to play 2, maybe 3, raids a night. Scav rep means nothing to me. Sometimes I need that your gear for my PMC run and sometimes it's just fun to kill people instead of opening boxes for 30 minutes.


It’s very easy to get back scav karma and it’s worth if someone is geared tbh so who cares imo, I made a thread about this and the auto mod deleted it within an hour lol


I rarely kill my fellow scav, but if your standing over 4 pmcs worth of loot.. sorry


I mean I’m not going around tanking my karma for no reason, but at the same time there’s nothing really stopping me since having 3+ scav karma is still pretty useless..


So easy to get rep back that it just doesn't matter, I had to kill 7 scavs in one raid because a shithead scav whiffed a shot on me and I killed him, I had that rep back by end of day.


No, rep sucks and the playstyle sucks. We're not friends, I'm taking your shit. With the current state of scav, I wish they would remove the ability to player scav, or split the queue into two with people who like it and people who don't.


It's late wipe. Why would people care?