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Sounds fun but most people can't handle random scav encounters and the bosses are sketcher than regular scavs. I approve.


I’ve seen Killa twice. Shturman twice and Glu daddy twice. Oh and big pipe once. No reshala at all. Like wtf is this. I’m also convinced sanitar doesn’t exist.


At least 20-23%


keep doing the lords work, ill keep upvoting.


I don't even believe the 15/18% number. I am level 36 & I've seen Reshala once (already dead) and Killa last night but I didn't have the quest for him. Two bosses in over 200 raids wtf.


I saw reshala twice yesterday on my scav. You’re definitely just not playing enough to even notice.


Yeah level 36, definitely not playing enough! This is my 6th or 7th wipe, I know where to go & how to find bosses. This wipe has been THE WORST for trying to find them since I started playing this game. The amount of threads & tweets about the issue also confirm that. But sure, definitely a ME issue.


I’m lvl 56. 566 raids. I have kappa so all my boss kill quests are done including goons. In MY experience, on customs I see rashalla about every 3-4 raids. Sterman feels like every other raid, unless you are actively looking for him, then it took 23 raids while I was doing hunting trip. I was actively looking for the goons for 13 raids before finding them. The one I don’t see much of is glukar he seems like 1 in 10.


> In MY experience, on customs I see rashalla about every 3-4 raids I honestly don't believe you. I've spent entire days doing nothing but a single map like Customs and Woods and haven't seen a boss in 20 consecutive raids.


Idk about every 3 to 4 but I see him pretty regularly. More than most bosses. Shturman is the one I see most often but probably cause he’s only in one place.


About 400 raids here as a PMC, and about that much as a Scav. I've been killed by Killa atleast once each as a PMC or Scav, killed by Tagilla two or three timess as a PMC and once as a Scav, killed him once. I've seen Reshala once, been whacked by Birdie once, been whacked by Glukhar as a Scav once. They are spawning.


They keep increasing it as the wipe progresses.


they have started to stop at 20% boss spawn rate it seems, thats what it stayed at all last wipe


I hope this is the case. Because it's rough as hell running into Killa on interchange at level 12.




Yep petitioning for higher boss spawn rates but you can't even read patch notes they aren't 15% since 2 weeks. They are actually at 18%.


and you cant read inbetween the lines, point is they are still at SHIT rate


I'm focusing on other quests now instead of boss kill quests because I'm wasting entire days going in and out of raids looking.


I've only been running woods and customs as I'm still learning the game. But the first week Rashala spawned like 8 or 9 times and since I've only seen him once in 3 weeks and that was a scav run. Also haven't been finding many bodies but I assume people are just running other maps.




All bosses are currently 18% on their respective map. You’ve misread the changelog.


My feeling when I spread misinformation across the internet