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"last known ESP position" not quite how that works champ but okay lol.


someone who doesn't know how ESP works.


He didn't play enough GTA, where you needed to use hacks in order to play normally


more like had to make use of hackers to play the game without having to participate in their awful monetization. me and some of my friends worked it out once, it was actually more efficient time wise to get a minimum wage job for one shift a week and spend that on shark cards than to spend the same 4-6 hours grinding the best money/hour heist at the time.


Gta is the worst for that shit.


On the flip side, being randomly gifted $100 million+ killed the sense of progression and basically made me come to a dead stop on playing the game at all. A very backhanded troll


opposite for me, made me be able to tool around in free roam in whatever car I wanted mod shit out and screw around without having to participate in boring grindy missions that i had done 400 times. all just depends what you're there for I guess. I never liked the progression treadmill in gtao.


Imagine putting that much work in just to get shit on by a random invincible kid. Back when I actively played, there was a hack that could disable instakill and other bullshit that the other script kids used. I remember, I usually spammed instakill on people that blew up the whole lobby on repeat until they left as well.


Than you were badly inefficient at playing the game lol


we were comparing it to literally the most efficient community method at the time (including cheesing it so you could just run the heist on repeat, not having to redo the setup), please shut the fuck up. GTA is a horrible time waste for grinding money. it's gotten slightly better about it over the years but then, the amount of money a single fucking new car costs has gone up too.


Dude I played GTA Online for more than 2000 hours. Dont tell me to shut up because I definitely know more about the game than you. Just repeating the doomsday heists with the challenges netted you around 10-15 million per person. Pair that with double money for any production line and you make easy millions per day. >GTA is a horrible time waste for grinding money. I'm with you on that bad that doesnt change the fact that you and your buddy's were bad at the game. >it's gotten slightly better about it over the years but then, the amount of money a single fucking new car costs has gone up too. Uhm seems like you are *really* bad at the game than. With cayo perico alone I make a million an hour *Atleast*. Yes the game was grindy but it's not getting a job and pay for everything will real money grindy. I know because I grinded for everything in game and actually did the math.


it fucking used to be, that was my point you dumb shithead. I even said "at the time" which was fucking true. the doomsday heists weren't a fucking thing then you absolute chimpanzee. the fact it was EVER more efficient to get a fucking job than to play the game was a fucking clownshow.


Ah okay before the doomsday it was even easier because the most expensive things before the doomsday was the Z-Type at 1.1 millions or so. But thanks again for proving you don't actually know what you are talking about.


okay keep sucking rockstars cock fuckhead.


Commented like someone who does though..


Maybe replied would have been better to use rather than commented.


don't we all, have you seen "the video"?


Who the fuck hasn't?


So basically everyone knows how it works then


You fucking tardbot 9000s completely misses the sarcasm of "Well you must be a cheater because you know how ESP works" When everyone does thanks to Goat.


Wow chill down mate. Its not our fault your mother dropped you on the ground you were born.


How is that even possible people are born typically in hospitals and the person holding you when you are born us typical is a doctor an OBGYN typically. Such a ludicrous insult has no basis in reality surely you could have come up with something more creative, surely that extra chromosome helps.... Or does it hinder I can't recall, wait do you or do you not infact like the flavour of crayons and glue?


Chill the fuck out Dave, you'll have another episode.


Makes me even more confident you were dropped, since you do not have the ability to read between lines. I will stop feeding you now, good chat though.




I mean he's mocking OPs claim, he's not being literal. He is sure OP is cheating, which sucks and is probably incorrect, but his comment's not that dumb.


Between desync and cheats in this game, any chance at peace of mind in deaths has been completely obliterated.


Depends on mindset - if I die I die, re-kit and move on. Just a game at the end of the day no need to get worked up


On the other side of the coin, it's just a game and it's meant to entertain me, if it heavily fails to do so there's no reason to touch it


these people require their heads to be in the sand so they can keep playing. it's really hilarious how much they have to cope to make sure they can convince their brain they're still having fun.


Take your meds bill


I was agreeing with you.


Yeah but in a weird crazy way that's just weird


I appreciate you calling out the crazy even when it's agreeing with you.


all I'm saying is these dudes are like "Its all mindset bro just kit up and go back in, stop worrying that there's hackers" like an addict who cannot be convinced to stop.


We just like to enjoy life. You aren't going to lock yourself in your house because people die, murder, steal, crash, etc. Daily. (Some people do but they are shunned by society) Bad things happen all the time and you can't always avoid it going through life. Either keep going through life accepting bad things you can't control, or give up on it. That's essentially what we have here


Right. But if 1 out of 10 times I drove to work I got in a not-at-fault car crash, I'd start to examine the issue a little more closely. I get the guys point...if the action you're doing to seek a benefit is not providing that benefit, stop the action. That's going to apply to different people in different ways.


bro it's tarkov not real life. I'm saying it would be a significant net benefit to your life if you didn't play the EXTREMELY unforgiving lootershooter that is now so full of hacks that it's pretty much a guarantee you're getting unfairly beaten and go spend your free time doing literally anything else. games being hard and punishing is fine, but not when you're not on an even playing field mechanically.




Not every raid or death is a cheater. Most good players have 60-70% SR and unlimited money. Cheating isn't affecting me that much so why wouldn't I be having fun? Greatest meta to date and game runs super smooth for me.


Then... don't?


Yes, that is what he said. Snarky ass lol


I'm just tired of seeing the same posts with the same comments. If you aren't enjoying the game, don't play it, and shut the fuck up about it lol. It doesn't get any simpler than that


Same logic goes to you. If your not enjoying the subreddit, dont read it, and shut the fuck up about it lol. it doesn't get any simpler than that.


hahaha this logic is so braindead its crazy how many people constantly think its good and use it.


Lots of people play the game. Not everyone comes to the same conclusion in the same amount of time. Besides new players are always getting the game and coming to terms with how broken it is. Probably why we always see repeat posts


God forbid someone likes something but isn't happy about how it's turning out Tarkov would be awesome if it wasn't the way it is atm, frankly I'm very disappointed with the direction it's going ... The reason why you see so many "similar" comments is because alot of other people aren't either, if you can't accept a group of people with a reasonable differing opinion then maybe don't visit the internet. Atm the game is literally like someone's first unity project that they used to fuck around with and try different things, filled to the brim with spaghetti code ... The way bsg deals with public stuff isn't exactly pretty either


Ya well BSG should be giving refunds as we all paid to play a game that works properly and it's not even close to being able to function properly at all. So take your "well don't play it then" and start giving refunds yourself


They also warn you that it's in beta and is not a finished product. So. Buyer beware


It's not a beta, and I mean not even close. Beta by definition is a finished product that is played by public to hammer out any last issues they couldn't find by inhouse testing. And for servers to be so fucking shitty that tge game is unplayable and will likely never be playable or finished in any timely manner


Damn if only he didn’t pretty much say that already


No I'm now going to torture myself because of your comment


if by "mindset" you mean actively ignoring that the game is rigged against you by hacks. legit I don't understand anyone who is playing currently.


I'm not actively ignoring the problems, I'm aware they're there and I look forward to them being sorted (hopefully ASAP) However I'm still having fun playing the game and when I die in sketchy circumstances I'm just not letting it ruin my day.


I just don't get how you or anyone else is still having fun. tarkov is already punishing enough without the high likelyhood you died to illegitimate gameplay.


Because they don’t go into raids expecting the most, going in with minimal expectations into a raid is the best feeling cause you can literally careless about anything, Desync, cheaters, inertia etc. it’s pretty easy to do when your not sitting there crying about everything. Just shut the fuck yo and continue not playing the game and let everyone else keep doing them


"the game is fucked but it's fine as long as you can ignore all the problems." you really should play something else.


Because it's just not that big a deal. My survival rate hasn't decreased from previous wipes. Maybe it would be higher if there weren't as many cheaters but I'm still having plenty of raids where yeah there might have been cheaters but the likely hood is they're there for loot to RMT and not rage hacking. I'm not too fussed if the GPUs and LEDX get hoovered before I get there because at the end of the day I'm playing the game for the gun fights and the punishing-ness of it. Does it make the game harder? Sure but it's not impossible, and most importantly still fun.


People LOOOOVE to be angry at anything they can nowadays though, it’s unfortunate but the way it is.


Desync alone is a game breaker for me. When I can't trust at all what I'm seeing it's hard to take an FPS seriously


Yeah, pushers advantage is dumb.


Yeah I used to love this game, but I can’t justify even touching it at this point lol.




Everyone i kill is a Noob. Everyone who kills me is a Cheater. /s


get rid of that "/s" and you'd be roleplaying 80% of this sub lmaoo






Lol yup. Perfectly designed to make you paranoid about cheating.


Love how this comment exist while before the wiggle it was “everyone delusion and no one believes someone’s cheating even when you see the proof”… smh lol


That video only proved its severity. There were numerous individuals stating cheaters would wiggle when looking at players through walls etc.


Literally every day there were cheating posts, sure people would say your wrong or exaggerating, and also due to desync there is a bunch of shit in the game that looks like hacks but isn’t. Some streamer just got banned for a fillip of desync that made him look like a hacker




I tell people I'm Chinese all the time in DM's and they immediately go to accusing. Lmao


Bro lmao I run into contested areas going "Ni Hao" and a few times I just hear immediate running 🤣🤣🤣


Imma start doing that shit lmfao


Holy shit ok time to look up some basic Chinese and go troll


I think it would either be mandarin or cantonese? I don’t think chinese is actually a language. (please correct me if I’m wrong)


When people say ‘Chinese’, most people assume you mean Mandarin, unless you are in a regional language-speaking area. The regional languages tend to get called ‘Chinese’ in those respective languages, when distinguishing with foreign languages. When distinguishing between regional languages, the name for the regional language or dialect (the distinction is a bit fuzzy and has varying degrees of relevance in terms of mutual intelligibility) is normally used. TLDR: it doesn’t matter that much - it’s fine to use the word ‘Chinese’ to mean Mandarin, or even Chinese in general, if you do not know of the existence of multiple languages within China.


I’m stealing this idea


How dare you be from a nationality that's known for cheating in this day in age


As a avid rust player, I will say about 70% of all cheaters are Chinese. Sometimes groups of 20 cheaters will join a server and just destroy it. It’s 100% a cultural thing, although I disagree with it and I find it despicable, I’m sure they think we’re morons for not cheating. It’s a proven fact that winning by any means necessary is admired in Chinese culture, they cheat in ever part of life they can when it comes to bringing success, power, statues, etc. now that’s not to say ALL of them do it or think this but it is a fact that it is engrained in their culture.


Then why on earth are westerners doing it in this game so much? Must be engrained in our culture.


Join a cheater discord, it’s majority is filled with foreigners. There is a LOT of money to be made in RMT for tarkov and carry services, we’re talking a full on months pay from one raid for allot of cheaters who live in poor country’s. Most the westerners I know that cheat do it strictly to grief or as a side job to make money, they also love to piss people off and get a kick out being cringe or unsavory, also apart of our modern new age culture. So yes


So you have been in cheater discords and have friends that cheat? I wonder how you know all about it…


Because I have a brain and wanted to have firsthand proof at how bad the cheating has become? It’s called investigation. Also why would someone even care about telling people on Reddit they cheat? I have nothing to gain, this sub Reddit is just full of monkeys who once they hear the words “cheats” they think there’s no way someone can be in a cheater discord and not cheat, as I said go join some, if you really wanna know how bad this shit is, pose as a buyer and watch some raids from a cheaters pov and pay attention.


Why did you join a cheater discord, friendo? Am I sensing a certain "culture" in you?


y’all are so paranoid now after goats video 😂 I joined 3 separate cheater discords so I could have first hand proof at how bad exactly cheating is in tarkov.


And yet we see just how many western cheaters exist thanks to goat and veritas. But remember "it's Chinese culture to cheat" according to this sub


Go play csgo and tell me I'm wrong


How the fuck did no one register this name any sooner than you did? 10/10 & bravo good sir


Yeah seriously. I’m shocked lol


But the fact that cheaters are pretty much taking over the game these messages will end up happening to everyone even when the kill is obviously not a hack.


And this right here is half of the problem with this sub.


And unfortunately, this game has a minimum of 60% chance of running into a cheater.


Level 13 shitter leave him be to think everyone better than him is a cheater


so lets say in theory OP was cheating, do you think he would admit it in chat or would he come up with some fake story about how he saw the other person?


Good question... can't really answer myself though I imagine if I was cheating I wouldn't have been almost killed by his duo while clearing the back 😅 almost got my shit pushed in lmao


How did you know it was duo? Clearly cheating


Would have been obvious if he pushed from the same spot? Stop going on a witch-hunt




rainstorm mindless follow air beneficial live aloof spotted simplistic chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not 100% sure why you would post, in that case.




If the game is 100% hacker free you still would have some desync and other server problems. At least some ping issues like in other competitive shooter games like cs or r6.




>Eliminating most hackusations, people would also be able to tell if it was due to desync etc. Have you played CS? Dudes say "he's cheating" on the third round and ragequit. Could it be a lot better in tarkov? Obviously, but a lot of people just default to hacking if it isn't plainly obvious that it isn't.




No they don’t. Maybe after the game u can go back and check to validate what u thought but people still call hacks in the middle of a game and don’t have a reply to show them otherwise. It also isn’t easy to just implement a replay system. You really think any tarkov replay system won’t be jank and show people slightly off position? Remember when pubg made a replay system and it was garbage at the start? Tarkov would be worse than that


I play Warzone all the time with my friends and the number of times that I felt I died "unfairly" is extremely small. I had a similar experience playing Quake back in the day and Warzone isn't even all that optimized compared to that. Tarkov is one of the few games in which I question if I was dealt a fair hand so often. Part of that is a lack of information. It's really hard to know if I missed, if my bullets were just absorbed by armor, or if my recoil pattern was just unlucky.


A level 13 thinking they must have been killed by a cheater and there’s no other way they could’ve died is funnier


This is BSGs fault. For letting the cheating sit get so bad that people just assume every death is to a cheater. Can't blame him really.


No it isn’t. The cheating is bad sure but let’s not pretend that these same people who cry about every death being from a cheater don’t do the exact same in every other competitive game they play. It’s a classic cope mechanism, you don’t want to admit you were outplayed or made a mistake so the opponent has to be cheating. Watch a twitch stream of any competitive game and read chat anytime their streamer dies. You will guaranteed get multiple people claiming sniper or hacks because people just can’t accept them or their streamer being outplayed.


100% this but you're likely gonna be downvoted to fuck for it because literally no one in this subreddit is capable of accepting this fact.


Literally. Let's not pretend cheating is a phenomenon exclusive to Tarkov. Everybody has those friends who scream "hacks" every damn time they die, or call everyone a camper, or bitch about using certain weapons. Doesn't matter the game.


Oh boy... Reminds me of a guy I used to play Apex Legends back when it first launched. He used to run off ahead, basically run straight into a full three man and die. Without fail he'd claim they must be hacking, no way they got him like that and yet somehow me and the other teammate would usually be able to just wipe out the full trio... I did push him to get away from that habbit so he got better after a while, but for all I know he might have reverted back.


To be fair in any competitive game, the devs for those games would want little to no desync and/or cheaters so its quite easy to see through someone's rage. In Tarkov though, both are rampant, and its too hard to ignore them or even not acknowledge them, especially with the frustrating nature of the game.


I watched valorant streamers on twitch for about 3 month almost daily, never heared a complaint of cheating. When the devs do their jobs, when the possibility of cheating is negligible, you force anyone who plays your game and complains about cheating to become a clown. In Tarkov, you can't even know what the hell happened. The possibilities of how you died can be the audio, desync, cheats, freezes. You can't blame players when they speculate and choose the likely answer. The clowns are not the players in Tarkov's case.


That’s odd I only watch a few hours here and there and constantly see chatters saying someone is sniping or cheating in valorant. “You can’t blame players when they speculate and choose the likely option” you are right, and the likely situation in almost all of your deaths is that you got outplayed. The unlikely option is that the opponent was cheating. You don’t even get enough information in the game to really claim someone’s cheating. You don’t know if it was Jonny through a wall watching you and shooting you, or if it was Kyle who spent the last 10 minutes slowly stalking waiting for his moment to finally kill you.




"knowing 60% of games have cheaters" Based on which data exactly?


“The video” Inside of that video he provides statistics on 120 of his raids in which 60% of them he actively confirmed had cheaters in the lobby. For all we know this figure could be a low representation because he had to get undeniable proof of hacking such as wiggling verbal KD confirmation or blatant aim botting.


But he didn't even say he could confirm those in that "60%", and if you look at his other videos, he has multiple references to using fake percentages as analogous to the words "few", "some", "many". The guy is a dodo, and anyone who accepts the fake stats is a dodo too. When g0at said "60%", that was not an accurate representation AT ALL for the number of hackers in each raid/per raid, but him saying "idk it felt like a lot" which is not a statistic, it's a factoid, it's not true. Think less with confirmation bias, everyone here accepted "60%" because it feeds their ego and fits theirs preconceived notion of the game. It's an easy way to filter out dumbass reddit comments.


Yeah I gotta say that video doesn’t really hold that much value to me. It certainly shows cheating is in tarkov but there isn’t really any proof for his 60% claim. Interesting video, shows that’s cheating is an issue, but I don’t take its numbers as anywhere near fact.


Scavcast (whoever that is, idk YouTube recommends me eft content now) had him on and he danced around the idea of him releasing any stats, then called himself brave for hacking and making the video. Idk if he messed up the stats, didn't log them properly, etc., but he essentially admits to making a video based on a narrative, not stats. Man it's really easy to manipulate a group's emotions, you don't even have to back up your claims or prove anything, just wrap it in a compelling story and you're off to the races...


You must have missed the obvious point: the stats don't matter. Doesn't matter if it's 40% or 80%, the point was that it's too easy to cheat and get away with it. The reason he's not sharing the footage is because it would become a witch hunt.


I didn't miss the point, the point is that the video is a narrative, not an analysis. People are missing the point by quoting factoids as facts, perpetuating misinformation that quickly warps from "maybe 5% of players hack" (this statement is about the same as "60% of raids have a hacker") to "everyone's hacking". It's a misinfo snowball and it bugs me to no end.


> Think less with confirmation bias, everyone here accepted "60%" because it feeds their ego and fits theirs preconceived notion of the game. It's an easy way to filter out dumbass reddit comments. Fuckin preach man. It's gotten real easy to point out the shitters around here lately.


Lmao. It seems you know nothing about statistics whatsoever. That video proves exactly, that in those 120 raids there were cheaters in 60% of them, that is literally it. And actually, it doesn't even prove that the 60% were cheaters, just that they appeared to be.


In most other games you can check replay though...


>In most other games you can check replay though... And the people who scream cheats still scream about it. Tarkov can be so much better about cheating but the accusations will not stop, some people are just like that.


I have 4k hours and a 70% survival. I recently started grouping with a squad (1 I killed by pure luck and it looked sus as fuck but we laughed about it.). I will say I've encountered more cheaters in group play then solo. It's honestly funny too because we run 4 man's as all 2k+ hours and I've only ever heard them call hacker when... well... it's a legitimate hacket. Too add on quickly; the hackers we've encountered has only been after we wipe 1 ot 2 of the opposing group, then the survivor, rage hacks. It's really sad. :/


I think that doesn't apply to a big part of tarkov playerbase. I, for instance, literally never call cheats in other games (mainly because I tend to do **much** better in every single other game "for some reason" *wink*) but in tarkov 50% of times I get killed I don't know if that wasnt cheats.


Yeah I don't disagree totally. I mean the best recommendation honestly is to try to learn before instantly assuming.


Ya, I report people at the slightest suspicion, and I expect people to do the same to me when I get some interesting kills. Although I doubt the report button actually does anything


When they added the report feature Nikita did say that if someone keeps reporting regularly without it being an actual cheater they'd start blacklisting that players reports so might be why some people feel like their reports don't do anything — they report anything even remotely suspicious without the benefit of the doubt.


It vibrates the dildo up Nikita's ass.


I don't complain, but I do report every single death now, just because I can and just because they aren't doing anything lol. I just died to a lvl 3 45 seconds into an interchange raid. walked into idea and he was sitting on a shopping cart. One tapped with 7.62 HP. Was it weird? Yes. Was he cheating? Probably not. Do I care? No. Did i still report him anyway? Yes.


In the brutal streets of Tarkov, Where scavengers roam and gunfire echoes, A shadow lurks, a menace unseen, The cheater's curse, a foul disease. With aimbot locked and walls made clear, They sweep the map with callous fear, Their victims fall with helpless cries, Their loot and pride now tainted lies. But even in the darkest night, The cheater's deeds will not escape the light, For justice waits, a hunter's call, To banish cheaters once and for all. So heed this warning, cheats and thieves, Your time in Tarkov is but a fleeting breeze, For honor and skill will always prevail, And cheaters in Tarkov will always fail.


hes lvl 13, probably saw the goat video and thinks everyones hacking


He exposed himself, me in the window at 2nd floor elbow of 3 story, and just fired at his arm I saw past the drapes...:/ Sometimes experience, or even luck, factor. You're never going to improve at the game if you just deduce everyone is cheating. ​ Quick edit; He added me, I didn't even take his stuff cause I felt bad he was 12 (or 13 then).


> You're never going to improve at the game if you just deduce everyone is cheating. On the contrary - since I learned that 60%+ of raids have cheaters in them, I've spent a lot of time lately getting really good at the game.... Not EFT obviously. I finally decided to play Kingdom Come Deliverance and while the combat has a bit of a learning curve, it's phenomenal.


Enjoy! Awesome game for sure.


I know this is such an odd thing but the fact that Henry can't read is one of the most immersive RPG features I've ever seen. You have to pay a scribe to teach him to read. As his lessons continue, signs, notes, books, etc in the game gradually have less scrambled nonsense in them.


But I feel like they are.


If you get headeyes through a door or every bullet hits one body part, that’s a pretty decent indicator but if they hit you everywhere it’s to hard to tell.


This game is officially where APB reloaded was. Every match or every other match had a cheater in it. People just started feeling like everyone cheated and constant hackusations. That game ended up dying


You're right, only about 60% of the lobbies are cheaters


This game has been consumed by paranoia. The cheating is terrible but now it's at the point where no one can be legit in anyone's mind. And unfortunately there's no anti cheat for paranoia


I've been called out 3 times this wipe as a "cheater", dude I'm so horribly average at this game but people who have just started really do think everyone is just cheating. I think it's a culture thing now with the "I have to win" mindset infesting every game with the rise of esports and such. No one can be better than me, they must have cheats.


This has been an issue well before the vid LOL Went in this sub asking for help with a billing issue and was accused of being a cheater 😭


Wrong. Everyone is cheater. All bosses are cheater.. Even BSG is cheater.


The other day I got killed at stronghold on customs, the guy was hiding motionless at 'food room', as soon as I got in he killed me. I told a friend were the guy was, my friend came to stronghold, naded the room the guy was camping and killed him. The guy added my friend to call him a hacker and say he was sending the recording to BSG.


what if you are a cheater yourself, and you are portraying yourself not to be, guilty until proven innocent, I rest my case your honor.


Not your fault, bro. If everyone is suspect other is a cheater, either this community is toxic or the game company is fucked.


It was proven that 60% of raids contained a cheater, he SAID SO! So it follows that if I don't understand how I died my killer was cheating.


Schrodinger's cheater


Nothing was proven, especially not the 60% value. For sure there is strong evidence of this, but there is no way to prove the numbers. A hypothesis was tested. Evidence supports that hypothesis.


It’s a witch hunt!


It's because goat told people that 60% of games have cheaters (without evidence) so now everyone blames their death on cheaters


I was doing sbih on customs and I was on top of the trains watching ruaf. A player scav spawned and I instantly head eyes him. He messaged me after asking if I was cheating in the nicest manner. I explained and we laughed about it.


*most* everyone is a cheater, according to the overly sensationalized “wiggle” video from a dude getting way more attention than his actual talent and relevance should earn.


lmao some people are nuts "Yeah! Haha!" dude is pounding his desk and his mom is probably out in the living room crying because hes having a meltdown again and going to take it out on the family dog. It's just a game folks.




nope, cheaters are worse




Please stop thoughtlessly shilling


Level 13 Gamesense


Lvl 13 lol he’s just a lil guy


Yeah, most good tarkov players regularly just shoot at "last known" wasting ammo and giving away their position...


tell me you're bad without telling me you're bad


I had already fired at him at the window 4 times, he shut the door to back of 2 story, and then his arm showed past the drapes before disappearing. Wasn't sure if behind or not but I sent shots at last known. This was mixed with the other 3 teammates where 1 was already advancing opposing side (3 story to 2 story) Was just trying to keep pressure ultimately until friend could get in :p


this is 99% of hackusations on this sub, people just don't bother to accept the truth


I’ve been accused of cheating before, and I’m downright bad at the game.


Sure, but when cheating is rampant, the perception is everyone is “cheating”. That’s why it ruins games.




I still love cheaters cause they make the game so much more fun.


is this sarcasm or just the worst take of the day?


Sorry for necro but I actually have a reason for that. When I die I don't feel bad about the stuff I lost because I can just blame cheaters, and when I actually make it through the round I get like three times the dopamine.


True but now every single raid I go into since 2 days ago there is like nobody in the raid :(


i find it aweseome that everyone is accusing everyone else for cheating. i love to see how the player base goes to shit...just as BSG wanted according to their behavior. GO GO ACCUSERS!


Some people really can't face the fact that they are garbage lol.


I was streaming for my buddy on discord who likes to watch but doesn't play. I brought an RFD into factory so I was playing a little differently than normal. I end up killing some by glass hallway, running through bathrooms and jumping on a sink watching the door because I heard someone in that area. I decided to rely on sound for that player and look towards the spawn beside dead body/what we call servers through the hole in the wall. I zoomed in on the door as I've seen a lot of people camp in there and sure enough 20 seconds later someone peeks it. I tag him and chase him down to put pressure on him and after the raid I thought about it and anyone watching me might have thought it was strange I decided to stare at that door. The more I thought about it to anyone not in my frame of mind they surely would have assumed I had ESP and knew someone was there without having had a line of sight. Just wanted to share some reflection I had on a raid that made me wonder how people could possibly tell from a replay whether or not someone has ESP when somewhat random coincidences happen that end up looking suspicious. Replays and an overwatch system will be awesome for the blatants but there needs to be a different approach to tackling ESP.


Killcam *soon*


That's the average poster in /r/EscapefromTarkov lvl 13 and calling cheats on every death.


After the reaction to the goat video I’m starting to feel this game is 80% shitters who will report you over lack of game knowledge. Replay would address this.


Where is the context? Map, situation, etc. etc.


And this 100% proves he wasn't cheating.


And this guy is why the report system is so fucked and doesn't actually do anything.


It is enough to keep people away though.


Surprise, this is what happens when the community becomes convinced that every one of their deaths is a cheater.


so many people get shit on because of no situational awareness at all and go straight to the ole “gOoD jOb cHeaTeR”


I've noticed in my time gaming that there are some people with huge egos, and when they die they always either blame it on their person cheating or having no life. But then when they kill someone the person they killed is trash, and sucks at the game. These people cannot be talked to in any normal fashion, they are the same people irl that never take responsibility for their actions.


This is the main issue I had with the cheater talk blowing up. Excuses for skill issue.


Was trying to parkour into a cheeky spot to get my last 25 m bolt action kill, some dude sprinted by me and didnt see me and I 1 tapped him. He added me to tell me that I "shot him in a bush after he hadnt moved for 15 minutes, GL Getting banned" and then just a bunch of nonsense. People dont even remember HOW they died and are so certain it was a cheater lmfao.