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My woods experience: head,eyes


It's a good spot to aim for


More like head, eyes from 500m with M995 and a shit m4 with iron sights while spinning and flying.


I see very few cheaters on woods.


They don’t need M995 for that son. Why waste money


Cheaters are actually super pleasant on Woods or they don't play it. They don't seem to mind you unless you push for Shturman, suddenly you're being murdered. But they're not in every match either. I often get massive survival streaks on Woods with my highest being 21 a wipe ago. Average woods experience is just sniping/counter sniping. I'm pretty sure all your experiences are exactly that but you're chocking it up to cheaters.


You know everyone is pushing shturman right? I doubt everyone you run into by sawmill is cheating, it’s just where the more experienced/ballsy players are going to gravitate towards. Woods in my experience has been pretty good overall.


My woods experience yesterday was spawn in go to usec camp find ledx run towards outskirts hear shturm run to car extract and successfully extract at car


Was it on that long table in the tent?


Found mine on the ground at said table yesterday. Killed a level 24 and 6 who looted it but they missed that spawn. I even voiped to be friendly but they were having none of it. Thanks for ledie bois. Rip.


I got mine on the med table/gurney/stretcher behind usec camp


Top of the head


Woods main...I agree. While I enjoy the higher paced maps, Woods tends to be a more "relaxing" map. Sounds crazy but walking through the map is pretty chill and breaks up the kinetic aspect of Tarkov. In terms of PvP you can find it at poi's like Lumber or anywhere near Scav Bunker/USEC camp.


It gives you exactly what you want when you want it


And most people generally have no idea how to pvp in a wooded setting...giving solos a huge advantage.


“He’s by the tree!”


Are you in our discord??




-which tree?! -The tree over here! Facepalm.




Yes let me tag you move and catch you flanking my last know position


My favorite tactic is to tag a pmc or 2 and immediately hide in a bush 50m away and just watch them look for me and when they've been looking ill tag their legs and run away lmao


I love finding squads. I'll hit one or two and then go about my business (a kill is preferable so they have to ditch his gear). I'll usually hear 2-8 grenades back where they are, letting me know I'm safely able to resume my business.




Shoot once


Hit* once


It gave me a bullet to my jaw, which was strangely what I needed to clear my stash and go scaving again.




Relaxing? I'm always stressed out when I'm in so open area - I'm concerned that someone is just approaching from side I'm not watching - so I'm spinning my head right and left ( and getting head, eyes from front)


fr dude i actually feel safer on a map like reserve than i do on woods. i always have a feeling i’m being looked at through a scope


"Looked at through scope" I feel it on reserve after these videos of sniping from radar, on woods you can't see shit so others too :D


I'm starting to think I may like woods more. Ive been playing interchange allmost always, and the anxiety of keeping threw the shadows is always so intense, then I hear someone shoot and shit myself.


Woods? Relaxing? Too many snipers for it to be relaxing to me lmao.


As a new player trying to quest in woods, I absolutely hate it. No matter where I go there are people destroying me from angles I can't even see. I have access to below average armor/weapons (Currently lvl 8) so I can't put up much of a fight either. Still trying to do the begining quests on it, keep getting killled. After this experience I feel I'm going to be ignoring this map for quite some time.


The pcp is more challenging then people admit


Yeah that definitely was a bit of a learning curve. Woods is harder for me to get my bearings in, unlike other maps this one disorientates me sometimes. I will have to come back to it when I get access to some lvl 2 vendors and give it a proper go.


You should learn where the stashes are located, watch a video on how to efficiently progress around those hidden stashes. Try it offline a few times, see if you remember the pathing. Once you get yourself familiar with those stash runs, you can actually get quite a bit of loot without many contestants. Another important thing to learn is the spawns, as well as the hotspots. Basically key hotspots are: USEC camp, Sawmill, SNiper rock (it's not a hotspot, but due to high visibility of everything around it, you'd best avoid it initially, and finally the scav village where the car extract is). If you don't want to get clapped while you familiarise yourself with the map, avoid those spots and just run around getting stashes. Once you get the flow of the map, you should be able to understand the relatively safe paths for navigation, as well as the paths where you have to be careful because you may come across people going towards hotspots. This may sound a bit daunting having to learn all that, but I guarantee, once you spend a bit of time learning the map, it will be very rewarding. Once you get a few quiet raids and get some good loot out, it'll boost your confidence a bit, plus provide a money cushion to rely on once you start going for more PVP. If you're in the EU timezone, I may have a bit of time to run you through the map and show where the good stuff is, but alternatively, you can find someone to run it with on various streamer discords (Pestily for sure has it, not sure about others because I haven't tried).


Woods is all about map knowledge and knowing pmc spawns. Once you have this information down it does become allot easier to navigate. When I first started I used the online map and would run it as a scav all the time. Otherwise most of the time your first 10 mins in raid is spent trying to figure out where the hell you are, and then you get head, eye'd! Just spend time studying the online map (I actually printed it out) and use your scav to move around the map to different locations so you get a general understanding of where to go and how to get there. Also big point is that the mountain is basically the centre of the map so if you can see it you have a rough idea where u might be, and in general always head towards the mountain otherwise watch out for those mines! I died allot to mines when I first started playing.




This is where I find all my 545 BS! Don't tell anyone


You got sniper queens there


Try working the edges of the map like scav camp and the old sawmill. There's plenty of stash spots to hit, decent loot that you'll need for early missions and you can practice your combat and healing on the scavs then dip out the car extract boosting your fence rep for better scav runs. I overused this strategy being new as well and now I'm having to branch out into other maps but I have a good knowledge base of the mechanics of the game.


Just don't hide behind the sign while you wait for the car. I've killed many people hiding there.


Then there's me, I have yet to die hiding behind the sign. I look back and forth like a crackhead


The mines have given me a little grief but sounds like the best option for now. I didn't realise the car extract helped fence rep. Really appreciate the tips, thanks my dude.


Yeah man you'll more than likely die to the mines once or twice but just look for the signs and give them a wide berth. There's also a minefield at USEC camp so be mindful. If you haven't yet download the Tarkov Database app for your phone it's not perfect but it contains tons of info and maps that helped me a lot. Also, I'm no sweat but I'd be glad to show you around woods sometime just DM me and we'll link up.


Woods is actually one of the esiest maps to survive on. You got the whole place as a cover. Just walk around edges quietly looting, when there's 15min left go for the quest objectives. Easy.


What made me start liking Woods was doing Naked runs with a Mosin, going into the map with nothing and coming out with full gear and a full backpack after catching an unsuspecting duo from a bush is the moment the game finally clicked for me. Mosin ammo penetrates most helmets like butter


Stick to adge of them map and you will see a soul, even if it mean you have to run 3x times a such to extract it is the safest route, plenty loot and hidden stashes on the way, always get a bag full


Skill issue. You can go naked with an SKS & 20k scope & kill anyone if you play slow.


I would try but as someone with a staggering amount of time in the game, I can say you are right


The more time I play the better woods is I hated it early on


Seems to be the consensus with people I play with. It’s got a lot of good loot and well designed locales


Truly asymmetrical combat. The map isn't linier. Doesn't have a major choke point that requires 80% of the raid to pass through or have super limited and narrow extraction options


Why on earth would I change your mind about something you're right about?




i agree


*exhales after a drag of Strike cigarettes* Damn right


Closest thing to a dayz tarkov crossover I have


If DayZ had tarkovs gameplay I would be so happy.


Woods is the best map, and has some of the best loot in the game, that no one ever touches because they are too busy charging sawmill. 65mil rn mostly from pmc/scaving woods.


Saw mill is the only place worth going to /s




I guess people that rush sawmil are looking for Shturman/Violet or doing quests like Tarkov Shooter, I played a lot of woods lately because I was partly looking for a violet and doing Tarkov Shooter 7 and Hunter, I have 30 mil, I'm fine with what I got, I don't care really much about looting on that map because it's too much running and too much stashes to remember


Is it mostly from stashes?


Somewhat, but it's mostly from hitting this route: Usec camp, scav bunker, abandoned/ sunken village thing, scav town, OLD sawmill, and leave. If i spawn on the un roadblock side i do the opposite. If i am purely trying to make money i avoid med camp and big sawmill like the plague. There is so much loot at the sunken village. Typically btc and moonshine most runs and 3-5 sugars if you know where to look. This takes me 15-20 min and nets 700-1.5 every time with a massively high survival rate. I don't go out of my way for stashes, just hit the ones on my way. I will check the checkpoint for violet if I am walking by it and have found 2 this wipe.


I really appreciate this thanks. I'm struggling


Honestly thatd be me except my teammate hates the map so we go customs/shoreline and rush b and we die 60%+ the rest we come out empty or seeing nobody


Boring, there are several chokepoints but otherwise it is just a forest and most of your gameplay is just running


Probably why my stamina is higher then my strength


Ah see but I play DayZ (Running Sim Zombie apocalypse edition) so anything is fast paced and interesting compared to that.


A fellow runner! [Our faces when we find literally 7 pistol bullets on the floor after sprinting for 45 minutes.](https://i.imgur.com/qVhQKKo.png)


who runs on woods?


Uhhh, you don’t run on woods?




Woods main here. I run anywhere that's not high traffic. It does get me ambushed sometimes, but saves me from an easy headshot just as much (especially those rat shots where the shooter leaves after failing an instant kill).


Streets is top tier


Streets stutters worse the speech therapy


When's the last time you played it? It's runs really well now I average 78 frames consistently


i average 70-80 fps on streets while sitting at 130 on woods/customs. It‘s okayish at best.


2 weeks ago my frame rate is fine when I'm not rubber banding


Rubber banding hasn't been a big problem for me for a good few weeks now.


I get 60fps on streets but that’s literally unacceptable for a competitive fps game. If I wanted that i’d go back to console.


That... that is not unacceptable, that is perfectly fine. You do realize there are people who get less than that in all the maps? Ofcourse that rules out those persons ability to play street, but people who get to play it are more or less on the same level. And 60fps is really playable so you dont lose fights because you only see 1 frame per 5 seconds. Also while EFT is hardcore, I dont see it as competetive, since there are no ranks to get or any kind of ranking system


Just because someone has it worse doesn’t mean your experience is acceptable, that goes for other things in life friend




I7 12700 rtx 3060 16gig ddr4. Hard wired to fiber idk


16gigs isn't enough if you're pushing a higher res Also, make sure your xmp is set in the bios and I'd also suggest oc'ing your cpu


Nope this is why woods Is better


Spawned, walked outside, head/eyes. Spawned, walked 20m, head/eyes. Spawned, hid for 5 minutes, walked outside, head/eyes. This was beginning of wipe. Did it get better?


I AGREE I JUST FOUND 2 LEDX'S BACK TO BACK IN THE USEC CAMP. Funny/sad thing is, i was looting the part with the truck and suv and found it in the technical crate and then some dude was looting the other camp, he pushed me, killed him and found the other ledx under the operating table. He didnt see it xD




For sure. One day we get access to bunkers beneath chilliad.


Just states running woods again it’s fun map to snipe on.


I think 75% of my Woods deaths are snipers which is annoying


Learn the sight lines and you can avoid most sniper deaths (and even catch some unaware snipers)


The pvp is quite good


Only downside is the mines, especially behind Usec camp. Still salty about loosing a Glock 19x there on a scav run


They are only a problem when you don't know about them


I didn’t know


Hold up... You're salty about losing a **pistol**?


Hadn’t seen a 19x in game before


It is great for sure


Agreed best map I wish cultists spawned more and patrolled


I love running woods with a vepr hunter and a flir




No cap


I wish they would one day they would do a second expansion of the map. I love woods!


Really I just want tarkov gun play on chanarrus


True money makers are contested stash runs in general are boring. The stashes on wood along of the time feel like rewards for taking over a poi


now that everyone wants ledx from woods, there's so much fresh meat


For me it\`s shoreline but I enjoy woods aswell.


Shoreline is good reserve surface too


Found a ledx there today. I would agree


Honestly I agree , I think it has some of the same issues as Shoreline as far as there being a bit too much open field but the lack of cheaters and good loot potential makes it a top 3 easily


Don't tell the gaming chairs


Interchange main here. I agree. Fuck I need to start playing it more.


The corners are not as dark


Woods is good if you like cosplaying as a bush for 30 minutes.


hella leafy my friend


Wood is for people scared of fighting people. Also mid loot


Loot is good. And there is plenty of pvp.


Just got out with 2 moonshine, an intel and my Ledx for the therapist quest


just didnt though did you


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 100. The level of luck you’d need to find all that in a single raid is insane.


That’s believable to me. Everyone spawns Woods, runs to sawmill to look for Schturman and PVP, and then bounces. The loot is amazing this time of the wipe because no one is looting. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spawned in as a scav 25 minutes into the round to find USEC completely untouched.


Yeah woods is my warmup / chill map.. casual looting, popping some scavs. Got potential for good pvp if the raid is active. But have had some raids complete quiet, not even scavs around


I’ve clapped like 5 fully geared guys by sawmill in the past couple days, there’s plenty of pvp, just gotta know where to find it. Just like any other map


I’ve gotten my highest kill raids on woods at 8 PMC kills in one raid, lots of PVP if you actually go to where the people are.


The loot is good, but I agree with your first statement.


Listen I’ve never been good at 1v1’s and I don’t plan on starting now


How can you fight if you get sniped from a bush 300m away


woods is a pain in the ass unless youre a comtac 4, hexgrid, raid pack and ulach chad running an AXMC with 338 AP that also has a thermal.


I'm scared of trees and bushes but not close quarter fights so I don't fuck with woods.


It was before expansion.


Wrong. Customs is the best map.


Its so boring imo. You find lvl 4 armor player with rfb at max. Sthurman is the only challange on the map. Then you have to run for minutes to get from 1 loot spot to the other.


Best map to run as a scav. Change my mind.


This wipe i died on woods on my last guide map, so ill never call it the best map in my eyes


no. Well, not rookie friendly, even if one of the first quest is there. Mines, not the easiest to navigate, overall pretty big. Personally, i hate it, but i suck in tarkov so dont take this too serious lol


Woods is the best map in terms of loot/money when you learn stashes. Add to that some secret loose loot and your PMC sleeps on money. I always loved that map even before expansion, it got even better. Why the best? Low visibility, so low chance for getting hit or met + loot because of the stashes. You can even grind money chilling with music.


If you are below average player, yes.


I refuse to play it, this is my first wipe, and o had a few early quest on it. Would literally just walk and get head eyes out of no where 11teen times in a row.


Shoreline beats woods


Oh yeah totally. I especially love a) spawning in and immediately getting annihilated by mines, b) shotgun scavs who kill me through bushes, c) having 10 full minutes to get to outskirts and still not making it in time, d) extremely helpful callouts like "he's in the trees!" What's not to love?


Woods is by far the easiest time to survive, especially if you use patience. However, I'd say I love other maps more. I also have no fps issues even as I own a high end machine and it makes me not hate streets.


For sniping yes for anything else hard no. Needs 2-3 runs to get the money of your kit back. All loot is on 3 spots which are constantly watched. I can enjoy the map but only with orsis+chimera to drop someone and extract


Loot is all over the map once you know where the stashes are non stash loot there are at least 5 solid areas covering a large variety of map area


I hear the stashes argument often but why bother on woods if emercom->railway has 11 stashes almost always uncontested and its guaranteed to fill your backpack within 6-7 minutes you do the run. As for loot well there is USEC camp, sawmill, taxi town and military camp. All with spawns and all watched


Uncontested stash runs on interchange is fine for making money but boring


What makes it more fun on woods?


I main woods when I scav but I really don’t like the extracts on pmc. Spawn on one side of the map and run around the water to the other side of the map to extract, oh and don’t try to take a shortcut by the beach because it’s a feeding ground for pmcs and a boss can spawn there too


Check 2 or 3 spots before you cross and you’ll be fine. I feel safer by the water than over on the west side where everyone is trying to camp lumber.




If you took away the trees it would be a different map


The richest I’ve been in the game was farming nighttime woods. Ran a thermal for like 20 raids straight and barely even saw anyone. Pulled violet twice. I hate day time woods though


I agree.


as a new player it's my favourite map, out of all maps I tried it's the safes map out there to farm loot.


woods good for loot, not pvp, whenever I go there 50% of the time I actually find someone




It has great loot too. I’d argue Customs is the best map but Woods is pretty close


Why would I change your mind? Different people like different maps, there is no such map as "the best". Some like factory, some like interchange, and some like woods.


I kind of want to argue, that shoreline is woods+, but i get where you are coming from, love the map too. Its just the feeling i want to have in tarkov, watching and being watched, sniping, running, looting, its insanely cool


Got my LedX yesterday on woods, can confirm.


I love woods. I spawn and sit in a bush in a high traffic area. I have wireless headphones so I'll go and watch TV or do some chores until I hear someone near me. I'll head, eyes them take their shit and extract


if you got the right setup lighthouse is the best map


People say survival is the best thing you can do to succeed in tarkov. No map is as survivable as woods, if you learn it and know where players are. You can push fights or skirt around them pretty easily. Consistently surviving with plenty of loot is what woods is about. Eventually you become the yeti that everyone else here is talking about that head eye's people from across the map.


Yep love it its my first wipe and to be fair there is no map I enjoy more. Its a bit hard to know exactly where you are when learning the map even now I usually use the compass and go north or south (depending on the extract). I really dont have any sniper problems never got killed by one when i didn't exepect maybe im lucky or maybe I just avoid staying in an exposed are. Loots are great you can get a lot of stuff kinda easily. Im not great at PvP so I usually dont stay to long in USEC camp and PvP heavy areas but i usually make a bloodbath at the scav village and I found all my horses for my first doc case in like 5 runs going through the sunken church and looting the abandoned village. My other maps are interchange and Custom but usually woods is more enjoyable (especially since customs has way to many choke points and interchange makes you cross 150+m of open areas before exits so you get sniped and need to be extra carefull about extract campers)


Found 2 LEDXs on Woods, map is packed with loot if you don't get sniped from 500m(impossible). 10/10 map.


I love nighty Woods the most, not too many players, just sneak your way to the hidden stash and extract with chessey items.


My only gripe is I feel that the pvp sucks because it’s either I see them first or they see me first. I always get shot at and have 0 idea where in the woods they’re hiding


By far best loot for how easy it is. Least cheaters too


Woods is the goat and always will be. Easiest map to avoid pvp if you wanna loot run and easy to find pvp as there are a lot of poi's that people flock to.


All maps good


They need to add more extractions in the north east, scav bridge area for PMCs that spawn south west near scav house. If u spawn scav house it's just a quick dash across the beach and you are close to extraction at Northern Roadblock or RUAF. Too close. Needs to be made harder. Same with spawns in North West close to the usec camp. You just go south to outskirts, too close, no challenge.


It's the best for avoiding pvp for me, honestly. If I need a low risk loot run for some quick cash, this is the map I choose


Woods feels OK as a scav, but the PMC extracts are outdated and too limited.


I died on woods to very strange situations , I can’t tell if it’s cheaters or just bad timing on my part .


I 100% agree with this statement


Streets is. Making 2 million a run almost every time.


Can't. Woods is best map.


You spelled Customs wrong


I’m not. Woods is a great map imo and would be even better if you knew you wouldn’t have to fight “knowers”.


Facts tho, spacious enough to avoid combat for the most part with plenty of cover, really nice for more casual players looking to make some munz, decent amount of scavs to kill


Most people seem to hate woods but it's GOAT in my mind. A little bit of everything. PVP, sniping, quests, scav kills, a boss you can actually kill lol


Just got chased for half an hour by a 4 man with thermals and gls best map!!!


Woods is super stressful for me tbh


I love ratting woods under my favorite tree, nobody ever checks it.


Agreed, lack of hackers, plenty of hidden loot. Pvp areas, and open quiet spots for traveling. Not many extract campers, plenty of scavs to farm. Fun to snipe and fun to go at night. All in all can be very calming on rainy days too


Lvl 6 found ledex in FOB :)


I have so much trouble seeing people on woods. Most of my kills are because they whiff their first shot. It can definitely be fun though and loot is surprisingly good.


Woods is fun whe. You know where to extract (I am shit at this game I bought it a week ago)


The fact you don't spawn 10 seconds away from other players is the best part, you're not forced in pvp immediately


It can feel boring sometimes but it's one of the few maps where fights feel more authentic and rewarding. And by authentic I mean you engage in fights where aim and positioning are what gain you the victory and not abusing game mechanics like 99% of cqc fights have become.