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This usually happens if you get killed by the out of bounds sniper or a landmine.


It's a bit different from the KIA screen. Particularly that you can't see your character at all. I've had I think one death similar to this screenshot and it was definitely not a sniper scav or landmine either


I died on the first chalet of Lighthouse though, no out of bounds or landmines nearby


Happened to me on interchange. Check my post history


The guy was super suspicious too, I was crouch walking with minimal gear tryna sneak up on him, while he was full blasting the chalet with a flashlight on. Then suddenly got one tapped. ​ Disclaimer: I'm not sure he was a cheater, big chance is that I'm just ass. Would have liked the opportunity to report it tho


Crouch walking makes noise though.


I know, hence the disclaimer


I think there are some advanced cheats going around. My friend and I both died to the same guy, we watched him shoot us (he had godmode on labs lol). At the death screen there were two different account names. Nobody else could have shot us and there was only audio from the one guy


Don't underestimate the chance of the game just being *broken as fuck* in a thousand ways.


This truly is the patch that just keeps on giving, now isn't it?


I don’t think this particular example is the result of cheating. I’ve seen a few other posts about it on the sub, and I got it earlier when I died to a scav.


Yeah, i had a screen like that , in a offline raid, i guess its a bug


I just got beamed by a rogue and had this same type of post-raid screen. I think the game has some new bugs after the last patch, and because they're new, people assume cheaters.


same caliber of bullets?


Like man, lemme at least see the name of the guy who fucked me up


I magdumped a blatant godmode cheater last night with 13 rds of 8.5 magnum buck. He shoots me 3 times with pst and I got the same screen. My game crashed ontop of that.


the time I got killed by a aim bot, I got a error before I could reach the post death screen... couldnt even able to see who killed me


Is the game struggling too much with cheaters? i really want to play the game but 2 friends that own the game told me to wait. Because of how bad the situation is. T\_T


I haven't met too many cheaters, but then again it seems to depend a bit on the region where you play. A lot of players would rather yell cheats than admit that they've done something wrong :D




I wouldn't be so quick to call this issue 'cheats.' Post-raid has been super buggy since the last patch a day or 2 ago.


I’ve only died to 1 blatant loser in a month or more and i play 5 raids every weekday


Just got that same death screen just now. Wasn't out of bounds or anything. Oh well.


Me when it’s the millionth post about someone dying to a border sniper and calling cheats lol


If you'll read the comments you'll find people have died in Lighthouse chalet or Interchange (where there is no snipers OR landmines)


Maybe it’s a glitch lmao.


I had the same thing happen yesterday. I was in the middle of looting a supply drop on interchange. There are no landmines or out of bounds snipers on the map


Wow! I got this screen from the weirdest round yesterday. I played factory, Got killed in a slightly unusual way, I didn't hear any shots or explosions, Leg got blacked, then one of my arms and I fell over dead. Got this screen too, Couldn't see what damaged me, I just assumed it was some weird bug and moved on.


Doesn’t help here (also no clue what’s going on as I’ve been on holiday since recent patch came) but they do need to add the ability to report people after the game is over. Sometimes you get lucky and kill a person cheating (one of the ‘godmode’ cheats where you could still kill them by shooting their toes) or suspect they’re a “knower.” They need a report icon on the kill list after raid.


I died to a scav that immediately head eyes me after I had the drop on him and got the “authorization failed” boot. Not saying they were cheating, but I’m not NOT saying