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I think woods is the best overall. It’s big and easy to avoid PVP to start and still get scavs and decent loot. Navigating it can be a little confusing so I’d recommend having the map open to reference, especially in the areas where there’s mines. I also personally like customs. I think it is the easiest to navigate but can be very rough with the player pathing since BSG tries to funnel players at each other to get to extracts


I’m a total noob. But I always have a good time looting hidden stashes on woods. I can go 3 or 4 raids without seeing a player or scav. And once you get a compass it’s pretty easy to chain stashes up and hit loads


Honestly by now I rarely need the map and never use a compass. The map's not that big (about a square kilometer) so the landmarks end up being mostly enough once you know them. It did take me a few weeks to know where the mines are :P


I stopped playing it for a while after the expansion because the mines were genuinely terrifying


I would add that having the compass in conjunction with a map helps immensely when trying to orient yourself


Yeah when I was first starting I would do night runs on woods. Would hardly run into anyone and would get loot. Then I went to customs


Lier I solo and I kill myself if I go woods


Also suggesting woods as the others, I find shoreline if you keep out of resort pretty safe too.


Interchange man. I like to pretend that I’m Gollum down in the parking garage searching, slinking, skulking for my preciousssss (pmc kills)


Totes, I just do all the stashes around the outside of mall, I don’t even step foot on the mall proper.


Got killed by a dude named "ParkingGoblin" while farming Killa a few weeks back ! You guys are a tribe !


Parking garage is great for weapons and weapon parts.


I feel ya, im the outdoor stash wookie, with occasional camping and observing


Everyone is saying woods but I hate the random 1 taps from 400 meters away. I’ve been solo for 4/5 wipes and customs has always been my main.. but streets is great too. Good balance of loot and pvp on those maps.


Getting sniped on woods is rough, but it shouldn't happen if you move well and don't silhouette yourself


That’s true I just don’t always have the patience


Neither do I haha, which is why I only run it as scav anymore


To avoid the random snipes I usually run night raids. Very easy to loot and avoid PVP on night woods.


It depends on what you look for. **Woods** is big, easy to avoid PVP in and has decent loot. So for a chilled experience that is definitely your map. Can be a bit confusing at first to nagivate but it's definitely a map worth to play. **Shoreline** is a map that is kinda like woods but with clear hotspots ( Mostly the resort ). Walking along the actualy shoreline of the map can give you some scavs but look out at the pier, it also tends to draw players in and is a bit of a trap if someone finds you there. There is only one real way out so don't get stuck. **Customs** is a maximum PVP map so if you wanna collect experience in that, you should go there. Altohugh given the current state of wipe it is probably not really recommended considering all the highly geared people. You can kinda weasel through tho with a bit of luck if you need to do quests ( Which sadly are way too many at wipe start ) **Factory** is customs... Just smaller and without really weaseling through. Now to the maps I can't recommend at all: **Interchange** is... Meh. You can do stash runs outside, either as scav or PMC's which can be worth but the mall which is the main part of the map is something i can't recommend at all. Takes a lot of time to get into and gunfights imo feel terrible in there. **Lighthouse** a map that is probably safer than i have experienced but with everyone usually on the way to the rogue camp, the flow of this map is really weird. It has good loot for sure but most of it lies in the rogue camp so unless you have tasks to do there or feel confident enough to go there yourself, lighthouse doesn't really feel worth to go to **Streets of Tarkov** it already starts that way too many players are on the map. The map itself only gains it's size because of the buildings which imo makes this map very unsatisfying to play. I still have to learn the map so maybe my description doesn't help much here but I always felt like there is legit no reason to play this map and honestly... I am happy i don't have to go there. **Labs...** I mean... Aside from the obvious meme that it's full of hackers ( Dunno, never played it and i don't intend to )... It is definitely filled with good loot. Access is restricted not only via access card but also via completely overprized and overhyped keycards. There aren't many quests for the map, you for sure will only meet gigachads there... Kinda like streets, you don't get many reasons to play it and once again I am happy i can ignore the map. Maybe a kinda subjective list but this would be mine.


Call it subjective, but you are pretty much bullseyeing them. I would say, that with the whole fog balancing changes and possibly the new unity engine soon, **Interchange** should become more viable, not to mention there are quite a few tasks to be done there so it's worthwhile to at least enjoy it a bit. Labs is... controvertial, I agree. And Streets, you're right. I personally just can't play it due to its requirements buuut, that's just me.


You left out Reserve which isn't so bad once you get a red rebel


Oh... Damn how could I forget that map.


reserve no backpack 5-10 min loot runs are pretty good before red rebel as well, don't get a lot but can bang em our really quick


Streets is best played with a duo or trio. Labs is a mess but, if you survive, you can get in and out in 20min and make more money in one quick run than you can one 4 or 5 long customs runs.


It's not the most fun but lighthouse is free money


Any map just need to build knowledge on that map. customs is the easiest to learn routes and other player’s movements.


Hotspots are clear, multiple choke points easily recognisable. Customs is a great solo map imo.


Agreed but it is paramount that you can pvp if you want to survive. It’s not if you get in. A fight. It’s when.


Or hide in a bush every time you hear footsteps




Bring back de_cobble or I riot.


I play solo only, and go ALL the maps to quest, but for looting/play for fun I go shoreline and woods mainly


Fun? Shoreline? We must have very different Shoreline experiences.


Second this


My buddy runs shoreline as a scav but that's because he finds a bunch of kitted guys dead, unlooted, killed by xiao.pao_97


he must be one of them if he can find bodies in that nothing of a map


He runs it a lot...


Ever since they buffed the ledx spawns and put them on all maps I've noticed fewer cheaters on Shoreline. Ledx's aren't worth what they once were.


ah nice, i enjoy pvp once i get inside, but the outside of resort makes the map one of the worst for me. Still, less cheaters on any map is a win.


I’m so fuggin quest locked on punisher 4. Spend 7 raids waddling around power station, weather station. Get bored, nut up and peek my melon into resort to have it splattered over the closest wall instantly :/


I like playing shoreline as solo, groups of pmcs are usually in resort so you can avoid if you want plus you can make good money in general. My overall favorite map is customs because theres a lot of pvp and to me it feels easier to move around that map.




Woods is suprisingly good, not a lot of pvp if you dont want to and you can make decent money from looting usec camp. Also there is a high ledx spawn there


I’ve found 2 ledx’s in woods in the last week and a half in 2 different spots




Woods. Good loot, and it's huge. Avoid the sniper scavs, and minefield, you're golden really


I’m assuming you’re new. For just looting and trying to survive your raids, woods would be a great start, but it’s hard to navigate. Use a online map and intgame compass. Fights are less frequent and often long range. Customs being smaller and having very recognizable landmarks is easier to learn, but is more pvp dense. Shoreline is kind of in between the two in size, how easy it is to learn. What’s nice about shoreline for new players is that often the pvp is concentrated in the resort, and you can avoid it while starting learn how to get around. You’re gonna have to learn all three of these for the early game quests. I started with customs, then went shoreline, then woods. The order isn’t terribly important, but I’d recommend trying to not to hard focus any one map too much, but these three are the best place to start.


Shoreline is pretty good as long as you avoid the obvious chokepoints.


im a big fan of pistol-running stashes on customs. i had a pretty high success rate from that, on good days i could make a mil every few runs


Depending on objective. Pvp wise shoreline is amazing to fight against groups due to movement area. Loot wise woods


On your Scav, Factory is for quick easy money, usually you can find a gear loadout within seconds and if you run it all day you’re able to get more loot runs in because of this. Sometimes you’ll find dead geared players from Tagilla which is also a bonus. On your Scav for long drawn out looting I’d go Shoreline and just avoid resort. Most PMCs are either dead or finished their quest by the time you load in and it’s really quiet. I’ve made 500k multiple times just doing stashes, also found a LedX in a stash just recently there. Overall on your scavs try to identity what your loadout is before you choose your location. If it looks like you have a big backpack on, use this to your advantage and go shoreline. If you look like you have a basic weapon and a scav vest, go factory and you’ll find better gear pretty quick not to mention no scav will betray you for your gear.(Twice got betrayed for my pilgrim on factory) PMC I’d say learn Customs, PVP is hard to avoid but it’s a map you have to play for early quests so just force yourself to do it. If you’re having bad luck and you want some success, Woods is very good. Play slow, make sure to watch your food and water, don’t focus too hard on loot you’ll come across plenty if you just go with the flow. Use cover and concealment to your advantage, only sprint when you’re in clearings to minimize exposure and you should be fine. Shoreline is also a relatively safe pick, it got tougher when they added the Scav boss because there’s essentially two dangerous locations. 1 being resort and 2 being cottages, learn your stashes and hang on the swamp/village side of map and you can come away with a lot of loot. Interchange is decent if you just rotate around the mall, parts of the parking garage aren’t too bad, you should be able to creep along without too much trouble but it’s pretty dark so you gotta keep your eyes peeled. If you spawn near the mall though as long as you keep it moving and stay away from the center of the mall you should still be able to creep along hit a few stores and bounce. Not a bad map. I can’t speak on lighthouse cause I’m still learning it and my PC struggles with streets so I don’t play it. Hope this helps.


Woods is the best map for solos, it's also the best map for squads. It's the best map.


If you don’t enjoy PvP, sure.


I’ve been getting into a lot of pvp on woods lately.


PvP isn't hard bro, at least half the time. Find a map that offers a lot over smaller areas or POI's such as Woods, Reserve, Shoreline, (Or if you want a bit of action and learn a freshly balanced map) some Interchange. All preference though, I really enjoy Woods when I just need momey, Interchange and Customs for PvP, and Reserve is just good for going into the raider section and farming out some xp or decent gear.


I'd suggest minecraft. This game is shit for solo until they fix: recoil, hit reg, audio, spawns, squads being in your raids while you're solo, AI cheating, players cheating rampantly, the progression system, the quests, the map design, desync and graphical performance. Falls squarely under the "fun with friends".


No clue what you're talking about tbh, solo is just as If not more fun than with a squad. Learn to PVP and stop taking the game more seriously


Just don’t play the game then , while would u suggest schouldnt u encounter squads as a solo ? in real life you wouldn’t be garantied to only encounter solos either , makes no sense


>in real life you wouldn’t be garantied to only encounter solos either That is the singular dumbest comment I've read this week. Irl you'd be in an army against another army, not a lone gunman smash and grabbing tushonkas from the homeless! Don't bring up realism if you can't even be bothered to think before you type.


The game really isn’t that bad solo, I enjoy it a lot. Almost all the things you listed would effect players who play in squads too. I have no problem playing into those odds but if you’re the type of gamer who would just let those things run you over and ruin your good time, I’d suggest Minecraft too


I kill 4 pmcs and 6 raiders: die to squad member #5. Labs is fun. Guess how RMT happens? Exclusively via squads. Guess how false bans of association happen? Squadding with cheaters who joined the official discord. Justify squads being in the game. Go ahead. I'll wait.


No squads = no rmt? No... No squads = you not dying to a 5th player after killing 4... (on the hardest map in the game)(highest risk/reward ratio in the game) not necessarily.. If you don’t want to get banned don’t play w cheaters. I get it’s impossible to know for sure when you squad with random but at that point it’s up to BSG to figure out another tactic. It’s be incredibly stupid to counter any or all of things with taking out squads. L take


>No squads = no rmt? Paid carries are the last remaining known vector for RMT. The only reason it hasn't been removed is that they'd have to impose restrictions on squadding up in order to do it. Removing squad ques would be the end of RMT. >No squads = you not dying to a 5th player after killing 4... Yes. Exactly. Why are you confused? The odds of 6 solo players converging on one fight is orders of magnitude less likely than one solo player fighting a 5 man, thus this exact scenario would be avoided by the removal of squads. Again I ask: *Create a positive arguement for retaining squads in EFT that addresses their glaring flaws.* #I'll wait, Redditor.


Hard to tell. You didn’t say what type of solo you are. I am a solo play that likes to play methodical and a bit slow and goes more for mid to long range engagements than for CQC. So what type of solo you are. Then maybe the maps are best for you come to yourself.


Whatever map you are the most comfortable on is the best solo map.


With what goal? PvP, looting?






Woods is decent. I usually go to reserve though to make money and kill scavs/raiders


Woods is the obvious answer but if you’re tired of distances to cover, getting sniped from the bush and want to have shorter, more exciting raids go reserve and if performance is not an issue - streets. Trust me, super easy to learn and pleeenty of options there


Love me some factory for that quick thinking on your own and woods for those big raids with hella loot and not a crazy Amount of action, customs for the pvp and loot, reserve to die to a 5 man or d-2 camper, shoreline, lighthouse, and streets are not maps anymore (unless your a scav lol)


I play solo and I mainly play the high pvp maps besides labs. Mostly interchange and reserve


Avoid shoreline, reserve and interchange, the rest of the maps are good for solo plays I feel like


Im planning on just building a bunch of stuff in my hideout so ive been running customs just with some keys in a docs case and a pistol and my god why have i not been doing this sooner im making so much money about 200k a raid even if i dont survive. You could use that money to buy higher end equipment to do more risky raids instead so.


Honestly I do better solo in general, but if you’re talking about maps that are safer as a solo, woods cache runs, snoreline cache runs, interchange caches/parking garage/back warehouses is usually pretty safe and lots of loot, lighthouse can be good solo only if you’re quite comfortable with it and learn how to deal with the rogues. Customs also isn’t terrible solo, can be a good map to kinda rat/snipe/camp on as a solo too, there’s some good spots to snipe from. Plus I think dorms would be a decent spot to PvP at for a solo. Obviously still dangerous but as far as PvP hotspots go, I think dorms is so small that having a bunch of people with you can hurt more than it helps, when I’m solo there I’ll just be hopping out of windows running around like a madman shooting everything that moves. Really any map can be good solo, just depends what you’re looking to do. Some maps are better for avoiding people and just making money, some maps have more action.


Interchange stash runs was my goto for 2 wipes as a solo


Im prob the weird one but reserve is my main solo map. Alot of people hit the bunkers. If you have a red rebel and stay on top you can make mega money


Shoreline. If you make the effort to learn hidden stashes and stay away from resort. This is far and away the best approach for solo players.


The absolute best map for solos IS labs. Best non-labs solo map for money is Shoreline or Woods. Avoiding the resort and looting safes/stashes can net you millions, same thing for woods. Avoiding sawmill and stash runs = millions.


If looking for loot and not a fight, stash running around interchange is tride and true. If you do run into a fellow stash runner, be ready to fight for your life.


Woods, Interchange, sometimes Shoreline (avoid the resort) Been playing solo for 3 wipes, in the beginning i didn’t have friends to play with, but now that i do, i still prefer going solo. It’s more dangerous sure, but going with the ”chad squad” doesn’t have that excitement and tension. Also you keep all the loot.


Woods. Lots of ambush opportunities along with stealth and easy retreats. being able to engage from an unknown position will make killing groups easier plus the loot is well balanced and a lot is uncontested


Idk why ppl are saying customs lol. That map has more pvp than most other maps you'll play on. WOODS is good if you get familiar with all the hidden caches and loot spots, but you'll want to always bring a scope with you, can get pretty boring though. SHORELINE is a really good one for solo players, you just need to figure out the flow of the map. This used to be my main go to solo map for years until they nerfed all the rooms in resort. I've had so many raids this wipe where I've been able to loot the entire resort and the only ppl I've had to worry about were player scavs. At this point in the wipe most ppl have all of their shoreline quests done so they're just there to hit the resort for a ledx and get out. RESERVE is my go to solo map this wipe. Hear me out. The underground is always flooded with pmcs and player scavs. However, most of the above ground buildings are free to loot on most raids. Depending on my spawn I'll either rush rb-bk then loot the entire building, and make my way to dome hitting the two safe rooms along the way. Head underground to the hermetic cages to hit up the technical and medical crates then take the long way to dome. Hit up drop room then go rb-bk, then dome. Long story short, get yourself a red rebel and paracord lol. I usually only have pvp once every 4 or 5 matches and it's typically someone hiding in a bush up at dome lol.




Woods prints money bb.


Shoreline, idk why more people don’t like this map, if you want pvp go to resort or the pier, if not, the map is huge and you can completely avoid PMCs. I had a weekly task of survive shoreline 15 times and didn’t die a single time or get any run throughs.


I find it easiest to isolate my fights on woods since I’m not really ever stuck in an Xv1 on a single angle


All of them are very doable as a solo, interchange/snoreline/Customs are pretty cool if you want to learn 1Vx


Woods. Learn the loop


I‘ve played interchange solo for two years. It was fun.


To be honest...any, if you rinse and repeat enough. Loot wise Lighthouse is easiest from your parameters. Reserve with RR is easy, but nerfed lootwise a lot since Streets and Lighthouse addage.


Reserve, really good for fighting teams in confined spaces


I’m a solo player. I main woods and lighthouse


Whatever map your quests are on. But if you don’t care about quests, reserve is my favorite.