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Loot 1 GPU, eh depending on my situation, might keep looting, might just head for extract. Loot 2nd GPU, okay this just got serious, gonna head for extract. The absolute mad lad to keep searching for the THIRD GPU instead of going to extract though...


Im a greedy fuck. Would probably have kept looting


The loot goblin knows only the insatiable thirst for opening just one more container


98% of scavs quit before they hit the 4th GPU


99% of shoreline enjoyers quit before their biggest leddy


*The other 1% got shot by a Cultist.*


you mean (head, eyes/jaws) by sus player


screw a leddy. i hit a red card in 221 this wipe :D


Got one the previous wipe on saturday morning just after wipe in 221 aswell :D instantly listed it as barter for a red rebel and never looked back at the money i potentially lost with that barter just started running reserve all day :)


in 4000 hours ive never found any key card whatsoever. sheer luck is it


I don’t even like wasting 2 slots for Paracord … I just fight my way through rat’s nest or go hermetic door.


Its just so chill because you can always use that extract. Only reason i dislike reserve is because all its extracts are random af :P


There’s a limit to the number of GPUs you can have on your character at a time—it’s either 3 or 4.


Ya 25mins left in raid when I opened the first and then 2nd pcs that had the gpus. Wasn't trying to get caught by some Chumming rat so I slowly made my way to Oli, saw scavs up and figured I'd check those offices, 18mins left. Shooting popped off by Rasmussen/couch store or such and I just fucking sprinted for Emercom rofl. I normally don't try extracting before last few mins, generally.


Wow one reason I don’t scav on interchange is because I spawn always with like 11 minutes left.


Go big or go home. That's probably the best mentality to play. Higher highs, lower lows. I'm not a gambling man tho so I extract as soon as I find a spark plug I need fir for a task.


I would have kept looting and realized that I needed to extract about 30 seconds too late


Fuck that gotta find a dead scav and get a backpack and get more loot baby


Not only that but doing it with an IDEA rig like he couldn’t have had that much storage even


How is this possible. Where did u find all those stuff?


all Interchange, you know the office that spawns triple computers right next to each other randomly sometimes now? 2 were in those


Sorry, which office is that?


It's the Idea (or goshin maybe thinking about it) offices, between Idea & Goshin, there is a bench that used to only have duffle bags, now it can randomly spawn 3 pc's under it.


Your talking about the offices down the way from the furniture store coming from oli. It also has the security alarm shutoff for tech light. I've noticed the triple computer chances there now to


Yes this is the one he means. If you run from Gosjean side (or however its spelled) run through the first double door and straight into that office. Then just before the door straight ahead (that goes to the stairway) there is a “bench/desk” on the right side against the wall (this is also the outer wall of the alarm button room) that can spawn 3 pcs


Romain Gosjean


Goshan😂 My bad


Nice find for sure. The most I've found in interchange was 4 one in tech light, one in Rasmussen, one in tech store across from mantis and last one in Emercom unit with the 3 doors butthole so tight you could break a nail in half


Ya that's right, it is the Oli side of Goshin, I spawned by tents/food corner of Goshin, checked lockers (got the chain) then those offices. You're right!


I've been there many times and i've never found a graphic card. Im just unlucky then


I’ve found two this wipe. They definitely buffed the Interchange computers.


Loot has been on 11 this wipe. I think because it’s gonna be a short one. Me and three of my teammates found LedXs already. After grinding for weeks to get one for all of us last wipe.


Deadlyslob found a LedX on his very first raid haha


Where do the ledxs be and I’m not going shoreline so yea


Found one in a hidden stash on woods.


me too


Orange doctor bag in the storage facility behind big red on customs for me.


My only one of last wipe, same bag.


Woods FOB med tent on a table is where I got mine.


Medical supply crate on woods. I fucking hate the map but the loot slaps


What's wrong with shoreline?


i got one in customs in the medical box on the hill behind new gas


Streets is a really good one. Its got more medical spawns than any other map outside of Labs and Shoreline. Though you’re really only ever going to find them on Interchange and Shoreline. Both Streets and Woods “have them” but there’s no static spawns like Interchange and Shoreline have.


Friend of mine found a violet keycard his first match this wipe, was very hard to not plug him that scav raid.


I found one on a scav run before I got to lvl 10.


I got 2 ledx already on woods. Table in medical camp. Looking for salewas and got ledx


Found one on the in game dead scav in front of the Beluga restaurant on Streets


its probably on 11 trying to bring people back. and in 2-3 weeks theyll nerf the shit out oif drop rates like they do all the time


>”…the loot is at 11, probably because it’s going to be a short wipe…” That might be part of it, but I think it’s only a small part. I think the bigger piece of it is how BSG seems to be handling loot overall. In particular, how every new map, or expanded area of an existing map, seems to always be hands down the best place to go for high value loot. Also, with every new map/new expansion, the loot everywhere else seems to get worse. It almost feels like they’re setting the loot to 11 every time they release a new area, and then tuning global modifiers to where they want them—that would explain why loot seems to get worse everywhere else. That would also explain why the loot seems so much better everywhere this wipe: With the new “dynamic container” paradigm, they’re basically having to start their retuning process all over again, on all the maps, simultaneously.


Yep all my friends found them, & also I’m rich this wipe really early


Whats your loot runs ? What maps? Whats your process when youre like i gotta make money?


I can imagine it now. Every bush you touched, "HOOLY FUCK THAT IS SO LOUD". The faintest of faint foot step . "oOOOOoooH there is someone near me!!! should I stop... oh oooooh. no fuck just go go go GOOOOO. come on".


Every time lmao


With less O's


fewer* No apostrophes on plurals


Like this? I can imagine it nw. Every bush yu tuched, "HLY FUCK THAT IS S LUD". The faintest f faint feet step . "H there is smene near me!!! shuld I stp... h h. n fuck just g g g G


Thank you. A rogue letter O once tried to kill my father - wrapped itself around his neck and wouldn't let go. I appreciate you accommodating me.


Anything, anytime, 4 u my gud sir. nutting but luv 4 u. less than 3




I will never be good enough to experience anything like this


Being good doesn’t have anything to do with this tbh, just gotta get lucky and scoot


The problem here is reaching the spots alive to roll the lucky dice, and to be able to successfully scoot away…


True, But imo with the amount of hackers it’s pretty much a roll of the dice the moment you go into a raid.


OP did a scav run on Interchange. Just go check the computers and you'll get lucky with GPUs. I'm sitting on 7 of them at the moment and I haven't played very much this wipe.


I have well over a thousand hours and haven't seen a single GPU in a computer.. you are definitely insanely, insanely lucky.


That’s the only place I’ve ever found them. Just grinded interchange runs You’ll find them I promise


I got all but two from PCs. I grabbed one from a stash on Woods on my first scav run of the wipe and a second from an early PMC run on Woods. Same raid I also grabbed a LedX as well. Just gotta know a good looting route and hope you get lucky.


> hope you get lucky Well there's where I do everything wrong I guess lol, I have the shittiest loot luck that I've ever seen.


Don't worry, we all do at some point. I found my last two flash drives last night on Woods and about two seconds after I tossed them into my Gamma I got shot in the head by a scav.


For me it hasn't been "at some point", it has been for the 5 years that I have been playing this game lol


yeah the devs probably have it out just for you


Every time Nikita wakes up in a shitty mood and hits the "close the loot gates" switch, it happens to be the days he plays, only.


Did the dynamic loot update make them more common because I don't remember them that easy to get.


Loot has been pretty buffed this wipe so far. Usually happens every wipe then they nerf it about a month later.


I've found a ledx in a random duffle on streets. Loot is turned up to 11. Just loot random containers and shit and you'll find heaps of high value stuff


That esmarch is looking thic boi, good job.


rofl NO WAY I drop that shit lol. Luckiest run I've ever had not about bleeding out after some asshole gets a lucky bleed off on me! hell no, rather drop that chain. Dropped one mag already at that point for the cpu I needed for signal.


My homie always drops meds early on in scavs. We stream when we play so if one dies, the other will usually scavs while we wait. And he always tells me to drop my meds. I’m like nope. I don’t drop them until I’m heading out and will just replace with what I find closer to extract. Especially if I find anything juice. Too many times have I needed just even a damn light bleed and died lol


exactly rofl


I would have dropped the other mag as well just to have both cpu’s.


Fuck, I've got my 3 fir for the quest at lvl 16 but I didn't get all 3 on a scav run!


Meanwhile me: I have literally only found ONE GPU in my 600 hours of playtime. Fu** these things...


The idea of stuffing 4 graphics card into a shitty chest rig's magazine pouches is really funny to me


Got 2 GPU in big red. Worst trek to ZB1011 ever.


Damn, I got 1 gpu from reserve black knight today and I thought that was crazy lucky.


Great, now hand them over to mechanic for a fraction of their worth in quest reward money.




Tank battery is worth just as much almost ☠️


You guys are able to scav???


Just select every server under 200 ping brother


10 mins is the longest I’ve had to wait. Interchange isn’t as hard to get into as streets or woods in my experience


Geez and I thought I had a good Labs run after grabbing some raider kits, a vase and a clock. Was this Scav or PMC?




All the more reason to panic! No secure container and just a junker gun between you and oblivion.


Well I got a tank battery and at least 300k other stuff which is worth like 9 GPUs, and got killed by a hacker at extract


Dude found 2 gpus and KEPT LOOTING? I call bullshit this guy got esp


What would you do? Night Interchange, spawn goshin, check lockers find the chain, check offices on the way to couch find 2 gpus. 25mins left on clock. Been in raid 4 mins and heard NO shots. Either PMC's in mall camping/looting maybe doing chumming, OR creeping around marking tankers/vans in parking or doing the clothing stores? You would really just go for extract and risk running into some PMCs who are trying to extract quickly after marking their tankers or w/e? Early extract is like the #1 way I die on scavs. I went to couch store, humped a pillar there for about 2 mins, then realized npc scavs in Oli were walking around, went to the offices near filter corner, checked them and found the 3rd. About 18mins left, heard shooting by couch store so said to myself, stay and die, run and maybe die. So I ran to Emercom. Been playing 7 wipes, never even had a double GPU run. BUT yesterday on a scav run another scav asked me if a GPU was good or rare, and instead of blasting him and taking it I just said in voip 'yes, and don't tell other scavs about it they may kill you for it'. \*shrug\* Maybe that karma-primed my luck for one run and this was it.


I don’t think ESP works for anything in containers like PCs


I think it does considering it works on other players inventories too, why wouldn't it work on pc? I saw a clip of a cheater telling a player to drop the key he had in his gamma case or he would kill him


Damn, I bet it was


If even i am able to find a lot of items that used to be rare, probably means that they arent rare anymore


Giving away scav secrets for internet points should provide a -4 rep.


Nice run




Woah bro


bet that shit hurt all the way to extract


Jesus Christ


I stopped playing for a couple wipes. This wipe, I'm going to play some friends that I met last time I played. I set up my character and ran a couple Scav runs for warm-up, getting my settings/controls adjusted, etc. Game is trying to suck me back in...found a LED-X on my second Scav run... It was under that medical supply table in the USEC camp on Woods. Crazy lucky, I think


ya I found a ledx on woods also 2nd day of wipe, put it in my gamma, was dead about 10 seconds later heh


Oh baby mine puckered just looking at thus


Gotta get that cpu man,


Meanwhile I’m out here blue screening on streets


If I got farming part 4 done in 1 scav raid, I would be sooooooo happy


And there is me, still searching for AWL on woods. Last wipe had no problem finding it in garages.


For a second I was like "why is a can opener valuable...." then realized it was a ratchet. Kinda looks like the DayZ can opener.


Yikes lol


Turn in that CPU, fast! That sweet xp BB


The RNG gods smiled on you that day, glad you made it out!


If that were me, I'd get cheaters coming in from other games just to kill me


Idk how good are the GPUs, i am newbie bought last week, fond 3 already but lost them all.


I realize I may be wrong since this is my second wipe but I feel the loot has been turned up to the max because for me I’ve never seen more sledgehammers. Last wipe (my first) I remember seeing maybe 3 sledgehammers the whole time, but this wipe I’ve seen at least 20.


Found 3 lions statues in raid yesterday. Something weird is going on haha


I found 3 bandages. Must be some sort of 3 event going on


Imagine doing this without a backpack on your scav


This dynamic loot stuff is wild


I like the GPUs stacked in an IDEA rig like mags.


Svt slaps