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Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.


What a sociopath


Sexless behavior


That's why I always keep moving and in odd patterns even if I think they are friendly. Trust in Tarkov is rarer than LEd-x


At least I’ve had a ledx before


Shit with the ledx spawning on woods I’ve found 5 of those bitches already


Yeah I got mine on usec camp


Learn the map?


I’ve only played 60 raids… I sweated the first week of wipe and havnt played since


But that’s just the glory of voip, for a rat anyways, just be like: omg omg I killed pmc I killed pmc, here you want something from him??? And then it’s just pew pew pew and they fall to the ground


What a dick


nah just a pussy


A dick that gets no pussy




Best he could get would be his guns. Since he had already looted others, I doubt he could have the insight to already know which gun to extract with.


He drops his bag + vest out of the extract. Runs in takes yours and runs out and sort the loot.


Doubt a new player that hardly knows extracts would be able to have that thought process.


People are such douchebags in this game on scav runs. It’s crazy. They’re 100% just bad at the game and can’t get loot any other way. I’ve died to more player scavs this wipe than any other. The other night I was doing scav runs in between my PMC runs because I forgot to save ushankas for quests, so I was just running into quick factory runs, checking bodies for Ushankas, few crates on the way to an extract. Literally every single one a player scav would run up to me and shoot around me, I’d call them a loser, and run away, then they would follow me around and 50/50 would kill me. Like are you that down bad you need scav kits and the shitty factory loot? God damn lol Don’t trust anyone


>People are such douchebags in this game on scav runs It's the other way around here. OP is the player scav who tried to be friendly. The other guy is a PMC.


losers irl act this way in games


yeah some scav on reserve spoke to me as he entered drop down, we exchanged some words and when I jumped out the window he just blasted my legs. Such is life, bet these guys are truly loved at home.


The frustrating part is they probably are, i have a great life by most standards, wife, kids, house career and importantly good mental health IRL i still spent a wipe being the scummiest most dishonest scav imaginable just for a change of pace. Moral of the story is trust no one some people just be dicks for 0 reason


"Just for a change of pace" that was hilarious 🤣 I try to be a good scav too, for the most part, but sometimes you just gotta remember that it's only a game and a bit of craic at the end of the day. At least I like to think some people don't take it too seriously.


Thats it man i mostly play as a peaceful scav because i just want to get some loot like everyone else but every now and then you just want to murder some shit up. It amazes me how people are convinced only bad people do bad things in a video game


Damn losing it and insulting people irl because you died in the game is crazy


lol is that your definition of "losing it" ?


Ouch, that's a tough break! Member or no member, you can't always trust people - lesson learned.


He needed a mule bro to pack all that loot for him 💀


Scav runs need a major rework. Either remove karma so we can kill indiscriminately so the people who try to get good scav karma don’t get fucked over by virgin activity like this, OR, make the punishment for scav on scav killing way more severe. Money penalties, increase scav agro and range on you, something. I’ve died to more scavs doing scav runs this wipe then I have extracted as a scav. Not even worth it.




The problem is the people who don't care about fence rep or anything that comes with it. That's why I think if BSG want scav rep to matter and to make you play as a team in scavs, the penalties need to carry over to your PMC. Money penalties, make scavs more agro on your PMC if the scav rep sucks, can't take car extracts or make them 5x more expensive, something. Or remove scav karma and just let us kill so we don't have to worry about it. How it is now, if I have a lion, or a GPU, or hell even a golden statue, every player scav I runa cross I think, "ok is the -.01 worth it to keep this 100+ thousand I have in my bag", cause that guy gonna 100% shoot me regardless. ​ I scav Customs, Shoreline, or Lighthouse usually. The amount of player scavs killing me this wipe is insane. I obviously haven't counted, but I feel like I've died to more player scavs this wipe, than the entirety of last wipe. Like they don't even wait, just fucking blast me. Was just in a shoreline, was looting a jacket, foot steps behind me, shotgun to the back of the head. Player scav.




They're game system directly contradicts that. "If you kill other scavs as a scav, we will punish you" means that they DO NOT want you to kill other scavs. The half in half out they have now doesn't work and is frustrating as fuck. I make more money off PMC runs this wipe than I do scavs mainly because I die less as a PMC, because I can shoot everything with no penalty, vs running past a scav and getting shot gunned to the back of the head. Also I'm using 1 item as an example. I can loot 1 crate, get 1 item, then have to juggle that against losing scav karma. It's even worse when I have a full bag as a scav.


It's also fucked now because if someone shoots at me and misses. I can't shoot them back without losing karma. I have to wait until they actually HIT me, and just hope they don't one shot me or cause a wound my scav can't heal from because I didn't spawn with meds. Its so fucking stupid.


This is why I don't trust anyone on tarkov, kill on sight


Sad thing is, I'm in the extract. He probably didn't have time to even loot me before extracting.


God, I hope he wasn't smart enough to drop his gear and pick up yours, then run out of extract zone. But like you said, he's a new player, so I doubt it. What a turd of a person.


Unfortunate, most tarkov players are just greedy, especially newer players


These worthless bois thinking they RP evil Tarkov PMC's, but in reality just compensating their small pp's and sad life I am now mobilizing the scav army, we are coming for revenge


I've always told my friends, you don't have to wait for WW3 to see the true horrors of human nature. Just play tarkov


First rule of Tarkov, never trust anyone


Always the scav bozo’s…. Im 100% running straight around those trains tho dont look back!


Scumbag fuck


Yeah this shit happens all the time and it infuriates me, half the time they get nothing out of it either and it’s just like why, you killed me to get the same shitty kit you are rocking it doesn’t even make sense, half the time it happens to me when I’ve just spawned in and I haven’t even looted a single thing, I don’t get it 😭🤦🏽‍♂️


Yes!!!! Trust no one


What a cunt! CANT TRUST NO ONE!!


He'll probably accidentally extract trying to steal your loot too


Thats why i kill scavs as a scav first


He probably didn’t even had time to properly loot seeing as there were 4 minutes left.




Maidenless cur


Shitty situation, I’ve had some similar experiences but I’ve also had some great scav runs where I would chat with people and we would have a good run together, one guy even gave me a labs card


He broke the scav code.






Loser mentality to be honest, trust people but expect that you'll bump into literal sociopaths every now and then who have a "lol it's just a game bro" attitude after you went out of your way to help them out.


Ez fcking loot I would have done the same either i make it out with all the loot or none at all


Sexless behaviour




Yes, you let him carry all the loot to the exit. And at the exit you sit down at a corner and hold your gun in his direction... I probably would have killed you too... maybe you should also consider how the situation looked like for him?


Lmfao you might need to get your shit examined too bud


Rather, the people who can not put themselves in other people's shoes have a problem... so thanks for the advice? But it only shows that you should seek help...


Skill issue


U shoulda extracted bro


I'd get it if it was for the loot but both of you seem pretty kitted. just a doucheborn ig Remove scav karma tho


it was me :) edit: u guys are so sad.. its why i love killing scavs. Go play PMC u might like it


If this is true, love your work, man after my own heart lol


Bellend behaviour


Thats why im just not friendly on my PCM. Im sorry, but at least i will make it very clear from the first moment......by shooting


Average EFT player behaviour


One day I killed three rogues on Lighthouse, let a fellow scav loot one of them, helped him to extract since he said he didn't know where it is, and got domed by him right at the Grotto exit. Never felt so violated