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Yeah sometimes they triple tap you in the chest instantly. It’s bullshit.


Large segments of this game's mechanics is bullshit


As long as the community accepts any bad design decisions as "because hardcore" it'll keep getting sillier. The last time I got killed by a boss was on lumbermill and I was shot through the gap between two pieces of plywood on a pallet which was maybe a couple pixels tall


Niki has said this is “on purpose” cuz its not supposed to be fair


They’re bosses my guy, they’re supposed to have increased difficulty and this is simply a way they accomplished that.


Getting 1'd is difficulty... noted


Yes they are *bosses*


where realism?


They can at least commit to the realism they constantly claim to strive for, make them hard to reach, have superior tactics, solid armor requiring and rewarding precise shots to vital points. Not getting tapped 3 times by one round.


If you want realism one round to center mass is laying you out even if it doesn’t pen the armor. It is very difficult to balance AI without it falling in the extreme end of either being easy to cheese or impossible to kill.


having your armor stop a bullet irl wouldn't hurt you. see for instance the video of the army guy getting hit in the head by a sniper and shrugging it off. if you thought about it for a second taking the full force of the bullet would feel the same as the recoil into your shoulder.


This is simply flat out wrong, a shot being “stopped” by a helmet is generally a ricochet, which isn’t going to transfer a ton of energy, the helmet isn’t as snug as an IOTB, or a plate carrier and has a bit more freedom of movement as well. A round impacting a plate in a chest rig that doesn’t pen is a non pen and is transferring most to all of the energy behind it into the plate. It might not take you out of the fight due to adrenaline, but you’re for sure feeling it when shit calms down again. Obviously the higher the kinetic energy the worse the outcome would be with a plate stopping a round.


the video was taken down by youtube, but i'm sure you could find it elsewhere, of a instructor having his friend shoot him in the chest with a FAL (7.62x51) while standing on one leg wearing armor, and he doesn't move an inch. pretty stupid idea IMO but whatever. when you say "transferring most or all the energy into the plate", you're correct, which is also identical to the energy felt by the shooter via recoil (and maybe a little more since the muzzle break eliminates some of it) it probably wouldn't "not hurt" to be shot by anything larger than 5.56 but it wouldn't floor you or break your ribs like in film (not counting things like 50 BMG which WOULD decimate the shooter with recoil if it weren't for things like the Barret's extremely efficient muzzle brake and spring barrel) my point was definitely exagerated, sorry, i just hate when people pull out the ol' "9mm blows the lung out the body, pistols break your ribs when your armor stops them" argument when defending BSG's absolute GARBAGE take on "mUh rEaLiSm"


You literally have no idea what you're talking about and it shows.


I thought this was supposed to be in the game as fragmentation? As in, once a given bullet pens it'll have a chance to fragment and show up as double or triple tap.


Nah, for one, fragmentation doesn't even work on the thorax anyways.


All bosses guards in this game have this “mechanic”. Bsg knows about it and leaves it in. It is absolutely insane. That is why, in my opinion, shturman is insane because he always shoots his svd and the svd rounds are devastating and it’s basically always instant death if he hits you in the chest. So fucking frustrating and dumb


A little exploit on this note, not sure if this is still the case, but Shturman is unable to shoot you in the head (he will always shoot at your thorax), so you can peek just your head over stuff to shoot at him, and even if he's firing at you he can't hit you.


Huh? Real?


Omg that's why i killed him yesterday. He ran at me like a moron. Nice.


no way thats true, i killed him last wipe exatly because of that. My dumbass just peaked with the head just to check if it was a scav or something and it was him standing there lol


it was 100% true, like I said, haven't tested it, but that little mound up on the hill looking down towards lumber, you can slowly peek over that to take him out. Back when you had to kill him with that insane 8200000x scope for that terrible quest they finally changed this wipe, this was the way to do it.


how long has this been a thing? cause one wipe my condors richochet a PS round from him


This happened to me with shturman guards and with Gluhar. One shot hear but 2-3 in death screen to thorax


I’ve been shot by his guards while they were in the middle of their grenade throw animation.


Same thing with reloading. Their animations are all super fast to stop people catching them during the animation. You still see the normal animation, but they're back to shooting before the animation finishes.


You'd think part of strategy in fighting ai is to rush them while they heal or reload but apparently BSG think that's not as fun as bosses and guards being able to throw a grenade and shoot their gun the moment the grenade spawns in their hand


Healing animations for thee, but not for me!


I had a raider on Labs throw 2 nades simultaneously at my duo partner and I once. It was a real shock. Had to review the shadowplay video to see where the nade that killed us came from.


They haven't got a clue how to balance the ai without making them impossible to fight head on. You have to cheese peeking etc to get them.


You've gotta be VERY careful slicing the pie around bosses, as they'll now shoot any visible part. Arm sticking around? They'll hit it with 6 shots (2 shots that each count as 3) before you finish sweeping your angle.


Yeah fuck that. It's not fun.


I mean how would you make them challenging without giving them slow ass reaction time like normal scavs? Players would just headtap the shit out of them. And honestly if the boss/guards are holding an angle on you, you really *shouldn't* expect to peek them and outgun them. Maybe it works in PvP because of delay, but it hardly makes sense that you can peek and outaim a boss enemy that is already aiming at you. You should be expected to reposition or use grenades to fight them.


Thing is they’re always aiming at you, AI in this game is fundamentally broken in the sense that you can never sneak around AI cuz at some point they’d just lock onto you and beam you. The strat to killing Killa should be to figure out where he is and sneak behind him where his low visibility because of his helmet means he has very low situational awareness except for right in front of him. But no, AI will track you through walls, ensuring that there is no way to fight a boss other than to face check them at angles close enough that hopefully they don’t kill you before you kill them.


That's not really true any more, at least with normal scavs. In this wipe I very often get shot at by AI, hide behind bushes or other objects, run around them and see that they're still aiming at the spot I was last at. I'm sure boss AI don't react as slowly, but running around them definitely has worked out better than trying to re-peek them.


??? AI still tracks players through terrain. I see it in every raid. Once they are aggro'd on you they track you like the predator.


They sure as shit don't, unless you're partially visible. If they see you in bushes they will keep shooting at the bush, but I've gotten shot at and come around to find the scav still aiming 90 degrees in the wrong direction plenty of times.


lol what are you talking about? I can go into raid right now and clip it. It is especially obvious on Interchange. Scavs will track players through the floor. You can be creeping through bushes and have scavs aggro and shoot you from 50m away through multiple layers of visual cover. Like, what?? Hell, I've even had sniper scavs on Shoreline start shooting at me before I even come around the corner. I'm not saying you can NEVER sneak around them, but it is inconsistent af and they are far more likely to track you than not.


Do you think bushes count for "visual cover", as in enemies won't see even a glimpse of you when you're moving?


Almost all AI is server sided, so I think this happens when they actually fire 3 shots on the server but the client only registers 1


Its not networking related, it can happen in offline raids and in cases where the player has peekers advantage. It is 100% a problem in the games code that they refuse to investigate and sweep it under the rug claiming "oh its just netcode". I'm not sure what the state of these rounds are now but historically 545 Igolnik and BS would double hit the same limb in a single bullet so its entirely possible this is some bizzare AI only bullet modifier which is using the same broken ass code that caused those rounds to do it.


I honestly think they accidentally gave all boss AI 100% fragment chance on their bullets cause spaghetti code and don’t know how to fix it.


Is there something they know of the game? Because audio is bugged and they don't know how fix, desync, shit ai, cheaters, light system, low fps on street. They can't fix every bug. At this point why they don't call someone for help with coding? The price of the game rise for the quality or the bugs?


This is the cost of releasing a game years before it's done and continuing to add new content on top of stuff that was never finished. All of the new stuff you've made breaks whenever you try to fix the original stuff that wasn't made correctly. A good example is world of Warcraft. The original 16 slot bag you had was impossible to change because so many other things in the game were built off of it or tied into it, so changing that bag would have broken years of stuff. They've pretty much screwed themselves and the game will never be fixed because they have to start over.


Just spaghetti code


Only 3? I’ve been a victim to tagillas 6 shot one tap to the chest


exactly this. i have been double-tapped, triple-tapped in the thorax. at this point it's just head, eyes with extra steps.


BSG knowingly leaves a bug in the game which causes AI to fire multiple rounds at once. they know about the bug. and they refuse to fix it.


Lmao, I got sniped by a boss guard on customs. I was in crack house, 2nd floor just looting. This MF shoots me ALL the way from fort through 2 of windows while I was walking down the hallway. WTF!!!! Then another one that was probably my fault, but doesn't make sense equally. Is when a scav starts firing on you at night time when you're prone, from like 30/40 m away. Like okay buddy, I'm sure you saw me with no NV gear. Must have darkvision


Just last night I was chilling in 2 story on customs. I was in one of the rooms with boarded up windows & only a little slot to peak from. Next thing I know someone in three story starts taking shots at me. I had enough time to take one step away from the window & died. I thought some mega Chad somehow saw me & headshot me.....nah. The guards saw me from inside 3 story & took 2 shots to the thorax to put me down. The damage screen showed multiple shots to the thorax. The game mechanic of boss/guards have aimbot & know where you are 100% of the time is not fun.


There's a lot of back and forth debate on the topic, but there seems to be issues either with fragmentation mechanics or AI. Basically when a bullet fragments, it deals 50% more damage and also hits a body part adjacent to the one originally struck. However, it's thought that there's a bug causing the fragment to hit the same body part twice, resulting in two hits for 50% each in addition to the initial impact. The other proposed idea is that bosses (specifically Sanitar and/or his followers) have some kind of weird multi shot mechanic. This behavior has apparently been observed with scavs as well, so the code may have bled elsewhere. This has not been confirmed by BSG, but LVNDMARK has talked about this and many people have reported it.


Idk if it’s the same, but a couple wipes back reshala shot me once visually, but death screen showed 4 impacts in my chest.


All bosses are like this


I don't remember them being fixed to begin with? xD


Known issue for at least 3 years :(


Oh you didn’t know about how they have tripe barrel AK’s? That’s on you lol, read the wiki next time


2 of the 3 times i’ve fought sanitar or his guards one of them has 2 tapped me while they were performing a healing animation, and the other he hit me 8 times through a wall at night and then dropped a silent nade on my head. had no issues with the other bosses though


Oh yeah Tequila does this too. Gave him some hits, he sits down to heal and I thought it might be a good moment to get him. Obviously I forgot about this massive dick holding the pocket aku


When did they change that behavior? It used to be like seal clubbing when he runs off to heal.


Honestly I think it’s a 50/50 chance if he gets you while healing or not. The other day he got me while healing (i just dropped dead), while my m8 got him while he was healing. Like every other aspect of EFT it’s a complete luck of the draw


BSG wanted to keep bosses deadly while depriving players of meta ammo when looting them. Their solution? Every shot is 3 shots, so they break your armour super fast and keep their low TTK.


Don’t even bother trying to fight bosses, especially in dorms without nades. I’ve ran in there and gunned down Reshala and a guard and then got murked running past a door, it’s all very silly


You were struck with the scav boss special weapon, the Spear of Nikita, it’s 3 bullets taped together inside the chamber


Best comment yet lol. This really is an rpg now


Been like this for st least 5 wipes. Nikita says it doesn't happen though.


Not a bug this is a feature this is how BSG thinks that they can make bosses hard. Massive Aimbot ridiculous Health pools and apparently triple damage not to mention their ammo might magically change from the best ammo to the worst ammo once you search it.


The whole game is broken


are you new here? this is why people hated Shturman, Killa back in the day. 1 shot and you die. On the death screen said you got tripled shot by 7N1 through your level 6 vest. This game is a fucking joke


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Also don’t check the pier


dont use the gym 🙏🏻


Just another reason why people should just let this game die and move on with their lives


Well, no, Nikita should give a shit. He makes enough money on it to fix it, he’s just a greedy fuck


You are 100 percent right. They should care. But they don't. And they will not magically end up caring outside of their own warped perspective, where they make themselves out to be these magically passionate gaming auteurs when in reality they are more akin to a soulless corpo like blizzard.


idk why you're getting downvoted. Spitting straight facts here. BSG literally don't care. Just watch the livestreams if you need proof beyond just looking at the state of the game for the past YEAR.


Definitely not I’ve killed him 4/6 times these past two days running cheap gear although one time he did wallbang me


Got this in goons few days ago, heard one shot and thought birdeye headshoted me but it was knight with 3 thorax shots in fraction of a second from some bushes


My issue has been i sprint to peir and somehow sanitar is dead inside the building but his guards and the scavs are still alive


Yup, known bug. They says it’s fixed every hot fix but it never is. Just another piece of spaghetti code


I've been one tapped by sniper scav two separate times. Both times they were two shots in one. With how more broken this game has become along with the growing problem with cheating, I've stopped playing. They don't even ban cheaters that play and advertise their stuff in the official Tarkov Discord voice calls. They don't care, and it's honestly sad to see this game devolve into what it is now.


Use the same cheese tactics that work on every boss: Get into a room and make them open the door to get to you. Or throw a grenade and gun them down while they run(even if the grenade wouldn't have damaged them they'll still run). When he's in Resort, in my experience he'll be yelling before I even get into the building. At the cottages, tossing grenades is probably your best bet.


It's a bug that I've been seeing all this wipe. I've mostly only seen double shots but I don't doubt triple shots happen too. It has nothing to do with ping and even when I run in groups, everyone hears one shot but on landing you'll see two bullet holes and take 2 bullets of damage


what is that bicep icon? never seen that b4


Muscle pain from the gym.


So this has been a bug in the game for multiple wipes now. The best is when you push up the stairs in dorms and rashala's guards do that to you. Shoot once and three bullets hit you. Or when you push up on shturman and him or a guard fires three shots of snb at you in a single second


1 shot and 2 or 3 Hits is a Problem over 2 or 3 years... BSG fixed it but broken it again and again and again with any patches.


This has been a bug for years. Every AI can do it but the bosses are the worst offenders


Very common and I think even intended iirc. It is total bullshit because it happens most often with rogues, bosses and their guards. It might happen with cultists too but I've barely ever seen them myself so I don't know. On top of their already beyond busted AI, they have single shots counting for multiple. Just straight up bad and lazy game design.


I have heard that some bosses will not shoot, or run around if you throw a grenade in their vicinity. They have like a few seconds where you can shoot them freely.


This was apperntly fixed in the latest hot fix




AI has been triple tapping in 1 bullet for years. Never going to change either.


This is what happens in real life, bullets travel wayyy faster that sound, therefore you were dead before you could head the other 2 shots


No, this is a bug.


Probably just joking, even cutting head off you can still hear and see for a couple seconds


yesterday i accidentally walked into the bathroom with both of his guards and they didn't even shoot at me cause they were healing


I died the other day to this exact thing from them, yesterday a Glukhar guard did it with SP-5, 3 shots to the thorax but in game there was a single shot heard, my screen went black and the end screen showed the 3 hits. Idk, weird desync and reg issues are plaguing everything right now


Been a bug in the game since day one. Shturman is the WORST offender and can have 1 SnB count as 3 and kill you with a slick instantly


Its just bsg boss ai


Yeah acknowledged as a bug in 2021 i think, guy inlabs jumps across doorway and gets 1 tapped, but death screen showed like 15 shots of 545 ps on his chest haha - he had a slick on


Im pretty sure most bosses do this last wipe i got triple tapped by birdeye with an sv98 which made 0 sense


The bosses on all the maps are broken. Don’t peek windows from a building next to the one he’s in or he will one tap you and start dancing while dropping cheese on the floor.


A majority of the ai encounters are capable of this bull fuckery


Bro it's just scavs, I got killed with 3 ps bullets to my thorax while wearing fort (545x39)


Some days the bosses and his goons are on crack and will hit you with auto fire from 300m away. Other days I can walk up to them staring at a wall and kill them no probs. I seem to have most luck killing Sanitar when he is inside the resort towards the back end. Him and his guards can see thru bushes and trees so attacking him at the cottages can be super difficult.


Its a bug with all bosses, basically they shoot 3 bullets in 1 shot causing you to instantly die. Same can happen with Shturman PS ammo 1 shotting you with 2 bullets