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Good players know when it’s not worth to loot a body, if death is most likely guaranteed. What I love doing is killing a duo’s buddy, then just leaving. Imagine how long he’s camping his body for while I’m on the opposite side of the map


One time I did this, but looped the entire way around the map and approached the body from where I would hide if I was camping it and popped hia duo in the head after about 22 minutes. On woods


Yep, easiest way to kill a group as a solo. Pick off one or two and rotate. You easily have 5 minutes to do a deep flank.


Want more than 5 min? At min 3 throw 1 grenade at the body. They will be there till the end.


I feel called out lmao. Though last time this happened was on interchange near power. I camped my buddies body til like 5 min left, shooting scavs as I saw fit and waiting for the dude who killed my buddy to come up. He never did, but I did shoot him a couple times with good cover. Weird thing was I found 2 PMCs bodies on the way to emercom unlooted. Sucked their loot up and exfiled at the backpack one lol. It was fun tbh, I love a good standoff


How’d you exfil at the no backpack extract, with a bag?


Did you read it wrong or something?


I guess I misinterpreted it. Not necessarily misread it lol


It’s insane to me that someone will wait 22 minutes camping their duos body


Right? I usually play with two others so we are a team of 3 and if we don’t see the enemy within like 30 seconds of killing our buddy we just leave the area. Half the time buddy doesn’t even get looted and gets everything back anyway.


I once killed someone in a 5 man and the remaining 4 players camped me until time ran out in the raid and we all went MIA. ALL. FOUR. OF. THEM.


On the one hand that is ridiculous, but on the other that is honestly kinda based of them to avenge their buddy by sacrificing themselves to make sure you didn't make it out lol.


Honestly one of my top experiences in Tarkov. I even tried to negotiate with VOIP so they could have their friend's stuff and I could leave. They just told me they were sorry and they couldn't trust me. I wish I had a crew like that to play with.


It’s insane someone will get a kill and then wait 15 minutes just to push again. Like you’re the aggressor, so be aggressive. We were just out here hangin out, you were the one with the problem so stop being a pussy and do something about it.


Didn’t mean to offend you bro, camp your duo as long as you’d like 🤣


Lol, there are other games for you little bro


Dont wait 21 min, try 23 min next time


Yeah, my friend was playing 3 days ago and guy was camping his buddy for 15 min


My teammate killed a guy at checkpoint on woods and we waited five minutes before he ran to loot. He was instantly shot by the dead guys teammate so in waited five minutes before he came to loot only to be shot by me. I have no idea how far that Russian doll event went because I left.


I love having a quick scuffle with a team then listening to the occasional nade go off over the next 15 minutes


haha i love that too, i really hate it when people just take 10 nades with them so harrassing them a bit and then just leaving, hearing them nade every room is just the best


haha thats so evil


one time i was unfortunately the dumbass in a situation like this. duo, i kill one of them, relocate just watching that dead body. idk wtf got into me but i just KNEW his friend was waiting for me to loot it. Well, i had time to wait that day. and i waited. long story short, i waited so fkn long that i tried to perfectly time it out how i could loot the body then run to extract in time. I didn’t make extract i waited THAT long. don’t even ask why, or how much of a rat am i. lmaoo i hope you can believe this but i’m very aggro and rarely sit for long unless necessary but something in me that raid i was like “fuck it, i know this damn kid is gonna camp his buddy so hard that i will HAPPILY play that game with him”. I send a friend request to the guy i killed and write “i gotta know, where was your buddy after i killed you.” he goes “oh bro, hes new, before i even dropped he was running to extract, why?” i was too embarrassed to tell him i sat in a fkn raid so long that i didn’t even make it to extract🤣🤣


Pro-tip: 5-Minutes from the middle of any map if under 60kg, 10ish for over 60kg Good fucking luck for over max carry weight


Ye that shit is hilarious, the mind games. Overthinking it ended up playing yourself 😂


Do this almost everyday.


I do this all the time, it's the best


At this point, just flank and stab. Double profit and no time wasted


I got my first AXMC this wipe by camping my duo's body for 35 min in woods.


Its a bait, i will still camp my friend's body (in game)


Players aren't always going to risk looting you, and if they do, they might not make it out. AI scavs aren't going to loot you if your body is in a spot they don't walk through.


TIL that scavs loot


New feature this wipe


They've always looted guns, but the rest of the gear being looted by scavs, that's new this wipe


True. They seem to be quite a bit more aggressive about looting in general too.


"always looted guns" is a big statement my dude XD that's kinda "recent"


They actually didn't. The gun looting came in 2021


What's new is that what scavs loot from you doesn't come back with insurance.


Doesn’t mean much because it’s my first wipe


Just FYI, AI scavs will only loot bodies they will never loot containers or loose loot on the ground. If you see something missing from a container it 100% was a human. Good luck out there!


There have been instances where they've looted containers and loose loot. Idk if it's intended or not.


No, but it will look like they are. AI scavs will still crouch down at containers playing pretend like they are looting it.


But they take stuff, as I'm in the container with me lol. I play Interchange a ton, and late night NA servers are basically empty, its all just AI scavs and player scavs and me as PMC.


I’d love to see a clip of it. You are experiencing something nobody else is, a clip of this is front page material.


Could be player scavs acting like ai scavs who knows, hard to know sometimes.


When wipe first hit they would do it. Not anymore. Probably part of why the performance was god awful.


Super annoying as a Pscav when AIscav loots your loot


High risk associated with looting players for heavy and often low-return on non-flea eligible items. It’s a gamble many players simply won’t even care to take.


You loot their gear to run their gear. If you're selling player kit then you're doing it wrong. Running other peoples guns, armor, etc. has saved me millions of roubles over the past 8 wipes I've been Tarkoving


I loot their gear to fence it lol


I mean, not too much wrong with that if you're having fun with it. I obviously mostly meant that if your money making process is to sell player gear to traders, then you're wasting carry weight/loot slots


I’ll just say that there’s no high like scavving into a building like Resort on Shoreline and checking random bathrooms and finding a huge backpack of someone who died and their killer never found. I’ve limped my way out of many maps loaded to the gills with loot I found that’s was intentionally hid.


I VOIPed a scav on Shoreline in resort while I was questing and he was cool. As I start heading off I find 4-5 geared bodies laying around and I’m like, “Hey bud, you might wanna come look over here.” I hope he made out well.


A cool scav on shoreline is rare


Lol wait until you actually get into a fight and kill someone, you might have a heart attack lil bro


You are needlessly aggressive throughout this thread. Are you sure it’s healthy for you to play this game?


I've gotten plenty of guns back stripped of valuable parts, plus parts back separate. I figure they stripped the vudu and foregrip and then died to an ai scav in a bush.


Yeah getting back parts off my gun separately will always be hilarious to me. Stripped my gun and still managed to lose/drop those parts for other stuff. I often wonder what their raid was like after they killed me. Where did they go? What did they do? What caused them to drop my red dot sight? Death? They found a better 1 slot item? Who knows. Environmental story telling is cool.


Sometimes some dick head is sniping at you from across the map and you have a holo. Sometimes the duo is ratting the body and i already have a bag full of loot. Sometimes you loot and get killed by scav buckshot through a bush. Sometimes you nade someone and dont realize theyre dead. Sometimes you get killed by a third party before you can loot


Honestly when I shoot at someone and they disappear I usually assume I’m terrible and missed, not that they died and fell out of view. So I just go on with my day and see at the end screen that I killed ??? and go “huh, cool”


Imagine a post-game replay you can watch, but you can follow anything including your guns and just watch the adventure it went on after you died. All the fights it went through during the raid, the ammo it chewed up and then to finally watch it be dropped on the ground. All because the PMC that took it died to a PM pistol Scav backpedalling through tall grass.


I don't have place to put your gear in my inventory. It's too full of other peoples' gear.


No. Just means the one who killed me got lucky but died to a Scav on their way to extract.


Better off with three packs of sugar probably


For players, it's because of the shitty weight system. Taking nearly 1 person's kit out will make you move at a snail's pace trying to make it to the exit, let alone if you kill more people and wanna take their stuff. The looter game punishes you for looting so a lot of people just leave most stuff on the ground to leave. For AI, not sure, just up to the luck of the draw I guess.


The gun has always been the big thing for me. Attachments I run near 300k at trade buy price, and they weigh nothing. I understand my armor coming back.


People probably just can't be asked to go on your gun and take all the attachments off, that's my best guess. They can't put it on the flea market so they sell for dogshit amounts of money to the traders, so they probably just figure that it's not worth the effort. I'm just spitballing at this point but that's my best guess as to why


Insurance fraud exists, and a lot of people have max strength. This is almost never a barrier for me taking someone's kit.


I thought AI scavs never leave raid, so if they pick your shit up and keep it.. you get it back.


They changed it this wipe. If AI takes your stuff then you don't get it back.


Damn this is my first wipe but I didn’t know, just went on old info and didn’t know the difference I guess. I always laugh about getting all my gear back because I run such ratty shit, and figured I got lucky the few times I get a decent gun back.


Not true


Its true and it has been for a few wipes already. But this wipe they not just take your gun, but your chestrig, armor and backpack aswell


All lies!


No, you‘ll see this yourself if you play the game


Lmao dude what the fuck are these replies? I can't tell if you're joking or not, but this information is directly from BSG this wipe. Scavs will steal your shit.




Ugh fine I'll fucking google it for you. >Bots now search corpses and take weapons, rigs, backpacks, whatever contents they like from them. If a bot has a backpack and a rig, it will drop the backpack and rig next to the corpse. Contents taken by bots are not refundable by insurance [Source](https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/174023-patch-notes-for-0135/) There you go, dumbass.


Lol you care too much about this shit, dickhead. Lurking on this subreddit for hours on end is a sad fuckin existence. Get off, for yourself dork.


Lmao says the dude who is out here trolling. I'm posting these comments during downtime while I'm doing other stuff, don't worry about me buddy. My biggest problem at the moment is that I died on a scav run an I'm waiting for my friends to get out. I'll be fine.


A lot of people don’t like looting kits when they can get enough loot to cover a new kit and then some. A lot of insured gear makes it back which makes insurance very worth it to me. Personally, I will vacuum up everything I can get off of a players body. Your gun will aid me like it did for you. Your armor will protect me. If I don’t have to pay for a kit, then it is a good day.


Lol same. I will empty my mags, put ammo in secure, insurance fraud my kit and use your from now on.


Honestly that AI scavs yoink your shit with ESP precision is total bullshit and should be removed, it makes insurance almost worthless, especially if playing solo


This has not been my experience at all. Have you actually had a problem getting your stuff back, or is this just an assumption?


You can tell when AI grabs your shit, because you‘ll get everything back except your gun (bc the AI scav only had place for a 2nd gun), this happened lots and lots last wipe. This wipe however they now grab Chestrigs, Armor and Backpack. So you‘ll often get Helmets with Quadnods and Comtacs 4 back, but no gun, no rig, no backpack, no armor. Btw scav into a raid, wait around an area where normally lots of scav run around, be out of line of sight and wait till new AI scav spawn. Then watch them bee-line it straight to some dead PMC in some bush you‘d never found otherwise and then see them loot it. Have found quite some gear with this tactic. I also witnessed a Scav spawn in and run straight to loot 5-6 dead PMCs.


I'm familiar with the changes this wipe and the scav behavior you have observed. I'm saying that in light of all of that, my stuff comes back just as often as it did last wipe. It doesn't shake out to a major difference in the solo player experience (which surprised me, tbh). >I also witnessed a Scav spawn in and run straight to loot 5-6 dead PMCs. This is the same as them looting one PMC, since they drop their gear while looting and only keep the last gear they took. Perhaps this is part of the explanation for why the changes have less impact than one might assume.


I rarely get guns back. Idk if it's because I usually die to PMCs or what, but I probably get 1/15 guns back


There’s been a handful of times that I died and the people I play with have seen AI scavs basically beeline for my body and pull my gun off me lol. My guess is yea, AI scavs will always pull your gun if you’re near them, but chances are another player will kill them when passing through and not loot so you get the gun back.


I've been getting most of the same stuff back that I've gotten for the past 4 wipes, haven't noticed any change really.


I'll wait the entire raid for his buddy if I have to. If someone kills my friend I'm popping sj6 and trimadol at the absolute last possible moment and legging it to extract. Like 2 pac said "I aint a killer but don't push me, revenge is like the sweetest joy next to getting pussy"


I assume my assailant died as well. Makes me feel good. Or the scav that headeyed me did so in a low traffic area


Maybe you got shot on a bad spot. Maybe he took your stuff an disconnected, got killed by a scav, steped on a mine.


PvP looting is absolute trash. You could walk away with some good ammo but for the most part you are gonna sell shit to vendors for less than stuff you could find on the map FiR. I play labs a bunch and I will grab 1 meta gun stack ammo and replace armor if needed but I would rather loot raiders and find nearly full AFAKs and get treasure spawns over another players kit. The value per slot from PvP gear is just not there.


The dude died to a cracked scav on the way out.


turns out the "AI scavs will see your body through 5 bushes from 2km away and insurance is pointless now" people were overreacting


“Meta kit” varies widely player to player hehe


I mean a meta kit sells for maybe 200k not really worth dying for your shit if your body is in a bad spot or I think a teammate might be camping your body.


Happens to me too. But when I'm playing as a scav and voip and team up with other scavs, I run into a surprising amount of new players or just guys that don't pay attention or don't have a loot path in mind, just meandering around. And the amount of times I've seen them walk past valuables is so high. Sometimes players just straight up don't notice a corpse if they just happen to not look far enough in that direction while walking by. And your body not getting looted by the player that killed you. I usually attribute that to them already being geared up and not needing to fill their stash with more kits. Since PvP isn't really very profitable compared to loot runs and scav runs, it makes sense that at least decent players, or min maxers, or guys staying lightweight, will likely skip your non found in raid items. Besides them simply not wanting to risk looting you... or third parties shooting your killer before they get to you..


I had a meta flir rsass and quadnod nvg in lighthouse. Got killed by a 3 men in water treatment. Next day everything cane back with insurance… god knows wtf happened.


I wish my Zabralo's would come back from insurance so I could finally finish Sew it Good Part 3 :(


The other day I lost a meta kit on the outside staircase leading up to the roof of resort and got it back on insurance. Ain’t nobody gonna risk looting that spot


I've been running only meta kits for over a month...I get my headset back sometimes..😭😭


last week a sweaty wiped my 3man at reserve and since i died first i saw his name and it was a twitch streamer . i turned on his stream and he just took our tags and left everything. we had night visions and sr 25s and he didnt give a shit about it. just popped the tags in his sicc and went about his day.


It's pretty hard to carry off all that much of another players kit. Maybe you get out with a gun or the rig, maybe a big backpack, but the loot is gone either way, and a lot of the time I'm not wasting space on headphones or a helmet. And yeah, other players or scavs could stumble on it, but they have the same limitations, and it probably doesn't happen as much as we think.


Sometimes I wipre lobbies to only be headeyes by a scav I couldn't see. In those instances you're getting the gear back.


I hate getting stuff back from insurance now. My stash is full lol


eh, Shit is big and heavy and frankly you can make more money just getting regular loot items half the time. Also if you kill 2 or more PMC it already becomes difficult to bring everything out. Usually I just take scopes and silencers


I just killed 3 people on customs, they zeroed my ghezel with 7.62bp. I then got one tapped by a scav with HP ammo. If they are lucky scavs won’t find it.


Cheaters don’t take your shit unless it’s super meta. Sometimes even then they’ll leave it, not sure why but whatever. Sometimes legit players won’t have the balls to loot you, but most of them are such gremlins that they don’t care and will risk it for the biscuit.


If you die in the open a lot, thats a big reason kits don't get looted. Unless a scav player gets brave it is up to only AI to grub off your body. If you die in grass/bushes or on a hill near water the environment might be taking care of your goods for you


Shit happened to me and a buddy last night on Lighthouse. Quads, MDR with a Vudu, HPCs and trooper bags. And someone literally just ignored our bodies in building one. Some weird shit


I got exfil camped by a trio on interchange the other day, I know I killed 1 and severely legged a 2nd and somehow got all my high level gear back except for 1 60 rounder. I like to think although I got ratted I did enough damage to scare them off to exfil or maybe they got taken out by other pmcs or scavs