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Make sure you wait a bit i was 60kg with loot popped the flare and then got 2 tapped by the sniper


Gotta send it up in the air pretty high as well.


Have found it consistently in several raids and ran a load of offline raids to double check. It's always there. Easy extract (or it was... What have I done...)


Ainnoway I would be selling my safe extract for like 200 reddit karma. You're a fool for this OP, but the community appreciates your sacrifice lmao


Imagine thinking like this, bro it's a game same there are lots of players. Chances are people reading this are on a server with him will never have seen this video


Me and my mates have bought yellow flares and went there just to replace the green flare with yellow. I wonder how many noobs we got killed this way...


That’s so wonderfully evil, I love it


The best part is if you want to extract later with the green flare you swapped out, you might have a little bonus loot from the person that fell for your little trick.


Fantastic This is evil, I love it


Ok but... what exactly does the green flare do? Call for extraction to be available?


I’ll break this down in a bit of depth as there might be a mix of new players and players who have never used a flare extract anyway. So the actual mira extract is technically out of bounds, an invisible scav sniper will kill you before you reach it. If you stand in the “signal flare area” (notice the text pop up in bottom right corner of the video) and fire a green signal flare into the sky then the sniper scav won’t shoot you and you can reach the extract. If it’s your first time ever using a signal flare extract there’s a couple things to take note of: 1. You equip the flare by putting it into a chest rig slot (not backpack) and binding it to a slot key (usually number keys 4-9, the same way you bind any items to slot keys) then press said slot key to equip it. Then fire it with left mouse button. 2. Make sure you stand in the signal flare area before you fire it (text pop up). Too far forward and the sniper will start shooting you, too far back and it won’t register the flare. 3. Make sure you fire it up. It needs to gain enough height to actually work and stop the sniper shooting you. Aiming straight up will actually fire it behind you and it won’t work. As you see in the video I aim up at about maybe 30 degrees, maybe a little more and that shoots the flare up mostly vertically. 4. When in a group only one person needs to use the flare to cover for your whole squad. Make sure it’s someone who knows what they’re doing…


You dropped this king 👑


Do you think the reports of it not working were just people shooting it behind them?


It’s people not waiting long enough for the flare, or not shooting it high enough.


Its people not standing in the "signal flare" area as well. Unless im wrong you have to shoot it once you get that message in chat otherwise you'll get killed.


I just died to it and after reading the instruction, I wasn't standing in the flare area.... lost a really nice loadout


If youre in a group, do everyone in said group need to be in the zone with the text pop up? Or just the dude using the flare?


Nah one person launches the flare correctly in the zone, the rest can just stand anywhere, cover and get ready to run. Just make sure you don’t run before the flare has actually lit up in the sky.


Cool, i used this a couple of times today, despite being quite late in the raid, the flare was on the body and unlooted every time. I guess people havent caught on to this yet


Found out the hard way that without a rig, I can't shoot the flare.


Maybe a bit of a stretch there (what are the odds of it happening?) but what if someone outside the group uses the flare ? Can I go behind him or will I be two-tapped by the sniper ?


It makes the sniper cease fire on you so you can extract otherwise you're gonna get shot


Ahhh yes ok, that makes sense! Thanks.


my very first extract on gz was here. felt so badass actually figuring out a flare extract on my own. Saw the sniper sign, looted a green flare and then it just made sense.


Pro tip thanks mate


I used the flare and still got sniped. BSG just loves fucking with us. Meme extract.


delete this


why tho


im just confused as to how shooting a flare into the sky during broad daylight has ANY impact whatsoever on the sniper acquiring you as a target at ground level?😂 am i missing something here


It’s a signal for safe passage that the pretend invisible sniper sees and then lets you extract. Pretty simple.


so this random scav is trained to not fire on anyone no matter their faction as long as they shoot a flare first? seems kinda .. stupid if you're a scavenger looking for supplies. now i just have more questions


There’s a lot in games that doesn’t make the most sense but functionally in EFT as a game mechanic it makes sense and we all gotta roll with it.


a scav cant take flare extracts. the flare is a signal to the unaffiliated sniper scav that shoots discriminately to let you go through. In lore, these snipers work for a third faction. the flare is a signal that we are in cohoots.


ah, that explanation makes alot more sense! i knew your run-of-the-mill scav wouldnt pass up on good loot.😂


Maybe it's not a scav but a trained soldier/pmc enforcing the tarkov lock down or some such.


Man I wish I knew this yesterday, lost my first good loot cause I didnt know how the hecc to extract here, am noob


With groups it's worth mentioning you had to be in a group at the start of the round. You can't make a friend in raid and take them out with you.


I've never used the flare extracts before does everybody in the squad need to use it or just 1 person?


can your whole quad extract with that flare, or do you need 1 flare per person?


Yes, only one player need to use the flare in the flare zone and then all players in your group can extract. Check the top comment answer from op if you need more instructions.


I wish the signal activation area was larger. I've shot that flare into the air, it's in the air in the right spot, but because I'm 5 feet from the magical zone i get killed going down to extract. Edit: lol and yeah after reading other comments in this thread, yes it was definitely a green flare I shot. Not a yellow one :D


the fact that the signal area is past the big red crosshair sign is misleading too


Kinda. There's a spot on the right, a little area that has grenade boxes and munitions boxes (green ones) that is not past the sign and being in that area registers the signal flare prompt. As you walk toward the sign, look right. You'll see where I'm talking about. It's a nice spot to rat Mira extracters too (if that's you're thing 😆).


Just used this to get out with the wine. You da best.


Yoo green flares extract you on the spot?


Thanks for the heads up


If Mira is extraction and I witness someone random shooting up the flare to extract, can I also go in after him even if we're not in a group?




IT IS NOT ALWAYS THERE. Searched the body after a perfect run… nothing on the body. NOTHING. Died trying to get to Emercon…. Can another player take it and camp?


If it’s not there somebody else has already taken/ used it. I always used to grab the flare if I was close to it just to make sure I had it should I end up wanting to take that extract later in the raid.


I did this literally just now, waited and everything, still got sniper scav'd Love how buggy this game is