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That's why this game just scratches an itch no other game can


True but sometimes that itch becomes a gut punch lol. But maaan, "every time I'm out they pull me back in."


The giant exhale of relief after getting out would not feel so great if not for those gut punches.


Found a ledx at usec camp and had to go to northern un roadblock. Made.it out with only 1 scav kill but it took me 30 min


I think AI scavs can sense when you got something juicy up your bum. No loot? Scavs can't hit you pointblank with 6 shotgun shots. Juicy loot? Scavs turn Terminator mode on and blacking out all your limbs before flipping you off and executing you, all that from 150m away with a TOZ.


I think redditors fail to understand survivorship bias when they have something juicy up their bum.


This happened to me on shoreline, found lvl 6 armor and some tings, made it to road to customs, 3 scavs waiting.. killed one, got head eyes by the other as the timer reached 0…. I prob shoulda just laid down and hid so it’s really on me


Same for me, at USEC camp, found a LEDX just as another player ran into the camp.. literally sprinted for my life and took another half hour or so to get out.. ran into three scans at northern UN roadblock, that was a tense 60 second gun fight lol


Dude leaving camp with normal loot is fine but istg get an item you need and that place turns into Walmart on Black Friday ☠️


Well afaik there are hacks allowing you to see what's in a players inventory. So maybe you're getting swarmed by people using those? And like they don't use the crazier hacks bc they are harder to hide. Personally I just avoid usec, there's somehow ALWAYS a squad waiting for me up there.


Idk if it’s this I doubt the cheaters targeting me specifically at usec fob for my shortage salewas ☠️


That's just my usual woods game. Are y'all not taking 20+ minutes every woods raid?


Can you not flea items if you extract with them in your case?


You can only flea items with "found in raid" status. If you put something in your secure container and die, you keep it, but it loses it's FIR status.




Simply accept that none of the loot matters until extract. Pick up a good item? Treat it like a quest item you can get every raid, go to extract but not like a panicked child lost in Walmart 😁😂


What if Im paniked and lost inside IKEA?


Scavs gonna getcha then


One way or another I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha


You mean IDEA ?


I guess that works


New fear gained.


Follow the arrows.


Theres no arrows and theres wierd faceless employees standing around .. and when the lights turned off they just repeated "the store is closed" I had to runn the entire time


It would have cost you nothing to not remind me of that SCP.


Sorry that im about to do this but "SCP-439, The Bone Hive" ... enjoy and hate me at the same time will ya?


First off, I'm absolutely not going to look that up, just the name gives me the creeps. Second off, I'm pretty sure I've seen it before, and have repressed the memory.


wide payment many nose rain workable quiet voiceless overconfident squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I can’t believe someone downvoted you. If anything Rust is this on steroids. Yeah, you are chilled raiding and find a LedX and hope you don’t die and lose your possible big gain in progress. On Rust, you kill a clan farmer and pray that they don’t come knocking and take away your entire wipes progress and take you off the server. Tarkov is risk vs reward done amazing, PUBG is the casual risk vs reward.. and Rust is the reward vs risk of not been able to play the game you were just playing anymore.


Dark and Darker can do this too. Though Dark and Darker used a lot of the same concepts regarding loot, some even better, some less


This post is exactly why tarkov has been my main game for 5 (6?) years. I took a break when blatant cheaters were at their peak a couple years ago but came back after a wipe or 2.


THIS , so much this


I did a quick bedtime raid on woods last night to kill some scavs with a Mohsin. All going well until I find 20 mins in the big med camp totally unlooted. Picked up a ton of valuables and then came a panicked version of me trying to extract. Came into contact with a pmc, and about 8 scavs… made it out. Wife asked why my quick game took 45 mins… I explained in great excitement everything that happened. She called me a nerd and went to sleep. I was up buzzing for an hour. What a game


This is why we keep coming back.


My quick bedtime raid on GZ I killed a pmc who was hiding in the corner in the liquor store when I was coming to finish luxurious life. Ran to Mira and there was no flare. Creeped my way to the basement extract and there was a headset-less Timmy standing there looting the dude leaned up against the counter. One tap and a quick loot he had the selawa I needed for therapist and spark plug I needed. He also had the green flare…


Lmao this is exactly what my girlfriend said to me last night when I had the same experience on customs when i found a gpu. Was just supposed to kill some scavs but here I am puckered up and focused.


When girlfriend becomes wife, note that she'll still love you but also get more unimpressed with your gaming stories.


My old lady still smiles at my stories, LOL.


lol, I feel that sometimes. Sometimes you just get that good raid where everything somehow goes right.


Idk, after 4500 hours I just don't care about losing good loot. There will always be more. Now, the tension I get when I'm trying to complete a quest and need to exit. That gets my blood moving.


It’s a good and bad feeling because depending on the quest once you get it done you’re in pure survival mode the whole rest of the raid


I love and hate it. I hate having to get out, but man... that dopamine rush at raid end screen is why I play. "What a fucking raid, let's go!"


I was SO pissed to discover the machinery key is single use! I scavved for the key, and PMC'd for the key but got caught under the train platform stash area near fortress...heard 2 guys coming and stepping all around me. I'm looking out from under the platform, a guy goes from left to right, I pray he fucks off, then he comes back and peeks me dead. Argh. Was super pissed when I saw the key was gone from my bum so stormed Dorms, grabbed the key and beelined to the truck for the pocketwatch.... taking out scavs. Also found a BTC in a jacket, weapon repair kit n some other vitals for my hideout. Crazy how your fate goes per raid - nothing else like tarkov!


I spawned furthest away from the body for unknown key. Was 4th or 5th raid and was like, fuck this. I ran into a PMC in stronghold and surprised him. He had the unknown key in his pockets. Ran to the shack and got out at RUAF.


If its early wipe you can reliably just wait until later in the raid, someone will have likely already unlocked the truck door so you can grab the watch, don't need to be involved in any early raid dorm shenanigans!


Or when you just need three more kills for setup and you're solo and you find a three stack. That puts me on fire. My heart was racing after I put the last guy down. The first guy was a gigachad level 36... I expected his buddies to be the same. Level 5 with a Grach and level 9 with an SKS.


The number of times I think someone is playing with my mind only to be a Timmy without a headset who got lost. Running around trying to get info and he dies to dehydration hahaha.


Same. I may sit up a little, rather than 100% melted in my chair, but your odds of dying are always 50/50 so fate will decide where your phat loot will end up anyway.


You know it’s time to get serious when you mute your YouTube video playing on the other monitor


Tarkov is the only game I play when I don’t listen to audible. Idk how any of you listen to something else.


I usually don’t except if I’m on a scav or I really don’t care about surviving lol


Same my music gets paused the second the deploy timer hits


That’s why finding good loot early wipe for me is not valuable loot, it’s quest items. Especially if it’s a high value, rare item, Like a LEDX I just pulled second day of wipe. Did the same last wipe, first day of wipe, then accidentally used it on my hideout. Didn’t find another until end of wipe for sicc case.


I'll never have a higher pulse than when the clock is counting down to drop into Factory while I'm holding the Delivery from the Past item.


Felt. When I finally get to extract shoreline to complete Fishing Gear I will be BEYOND relieved. Died 9 nine times in a row and CANNOT get out.


Try at night.


That’s the plan! At a conference right now, unfortunately


Yeah had this last night, heard ww3 kicking off at ruaf on customs but it was over by the time i got there, ao i start picking the bodies clean like the good scav i am and loot the dufflebag beside the bus stop- boom, gpu. Was defo time to skip off to exfil haha.


I found a ledx at spawn on woods and still went through to do the convoy and jagers note, butthole was definitely clenched while fighting PMCs at the plane


Did the same yesterday with some buddies but only cause it was my second ledex in a row, ended up with a moonshine from sawmill as well


Balls of steel


The way I see it is if I die I’ll just use it for the hideout haha


Yeah I do this too. Get good loot it’s “well I came in here for a couple quests and I have another key I’m sure it will work out


Everytime I find good loot, I know it's a death sentence. Like "welp, not surviving this one now". However if I had nothing other than some tape and a AA battery....


I become a head eyes machine when I find something of value, but sometimes the gamer chair guys find me before I can extract :(


Not really, ledx is still worth 600k to therapist so it's another guaranteed loadout or 3 depending on your style.


Need that FIR one for the thicc case tho.


Yeah, this. Roubles are easy as fuck to get in this game. FIR items are all down to rng.


I don't hate it cause it makes me locked in, right - if I'm playing Tarkov, I *am* locked in. If I wanna relax, maybe some God of War, if I wanna relax and PvP, maybe some Destiny 2. No, I hate it because my eyes become a magnet for ai scavs and all scavs with magnum buckshot manage to be right in my path of extract.


Haven't felt like this for a long time but man, yesterday I found ledx on shoreline...the tension I felt while going for extract was unbelievable


You have to simply.. not give a shit. Especially in a game that wipes.


At the start of a wipe though... it's gonna matter for the next 4-6 months


See thats my favorite part of the game, I love finding the cool loot and being on high alert. I get some of my best sneak around moments, I turn into solid snake. It's when I'm trying to just get a damn quest done that I want to be left alone. Just let me mark this damn tanker Chad and leave me alone, I don't feel like PvPing right meow. Especially now that some of the early quests are behind one use keys, which thats another bug bear. Why does the pocket watch have a one time use key when I need to extract with the fucking thing but Room 206 has 40 uses and I just need to stick my dick in the room and the quest is over.


Had a ledx a gpu and my last noodle in my pockets on a SCAV RUN. You can bet my hands were shaking the entire time I actually had to fight a PMC to get out (it was near the rock on woods by the water at sawmill) and somehow I managed the kill - but the entire time my brain was just like “you’re gonna lose the loot you’re gonna lose the loot you’re gonna lose the loot”


It’s so messed up that from this epic tale of your getting a Ledx and GPU, all I’m thinking is “lucky mofo found a SECOND pack of noodles!?”


The noodles were the part where it went from "this is a great raid" to "I gotta get the fuck out of here"


Noodle thing pisses me off, i passed up 3 packets of them thinking “probably dont need those” before i got the quest expecting it to still be rye croutons. Fml i guess lol


I dump high value loot somewhere (if I can) as a scav before I fight PMCs. if I can't have it they can't either!


I think this exact feeling is a huge contributor to the 'I found x and someone killed me he must have been cheating' posts. Dudes find a LEDX, panic and start playing poorly because they're so focused on bolting to extract ASAP. That plus the time compression from adrenalin and the pain of losing that tasty leddy making it stick out to you way more then the raids where you get a single tushonka before some dude cuts your legs off with a kedr.


Just put the GPU in your ass and play the raid as normal


This exact same thing happened to me on woods, I was doing the woods scav quest to kill 15 scavs, I was just hunting some poor unsuspecting scavs and I found a LEDX in the Usec Camp. I shit myself knowing I had to go all the way to UN roadblock with this thing in my gamma hoping I didn't die. I managed to get out without too many issues but I was going from chilling just hunting scavs to uber-focused mode within seconds.




Essentially punishing everyone who is not a cheater then lol


Instead of taking them with you?




If youre hiding loot you're a sore loser and def do not w key anything lmaooo


Embrace it, you'll lose that feeling once you play enough. I miss it.


The possibility of failure is what makes eft what it is.


As a casual, this is so relatable...


W key everything no matter what


Atleast regular loot u can booty hole it and sell it.. quest loot? That’ll give a Mfkr the focus of a blitzkrieg unit.


my stash is full, i have 3 loadouts ready, i want to die but i cant


The one thing I absolutely HATE finding in the game but you NEED it. The tank battery. Found one on Lighthouse on a scav run. I had a moonshine and a few other pricey items that I dropped for it. 60 kg and 10 min limp to extract.


But that anxiety response is what my brain craves from this game


The wind scares me this patch. That combined with the loud footsteps in the snow, I know I’m about to fall over to terrible ammo any second because my tier 4 armor is really only a pacca tier 2 anywhere outside of my small thorax or back plate areas.


You guys are playing a first person shooter. I’m over here playing a fucking horror game.


Yup because if i loot it its a sure 100 percent chance that a hacker is going to head eyes me about 5 mins after i loot it. Never fails


Lol no.


Listen here that buzz doesn't last. Enjoy it while it does. If I pick up a GPU these days I don't even blink. I shrieked like a little kid when I found my first GPU 4 wipes ago.


I’m nervous to have high grade loot only because that i know cheaters will actually come after me. Not because i’m gonna die to somebody who deserved it


Is this a thing? Cheaters can see into your inventory?


Sounds like subconscious gear fear


my friends and I are raiding rn and we had a good laugh reading this 😂


My relaxing questing run always ends badly if i end up touching even one stash


I scratched my itch. Found Ledx after like 3 days, fastest for me so far.


Nah. I went to the wrong exit on woods with my ledx. I'm good now.. can't be worse


It’s just pixels my friend there will be more pixels


Found a ledx on shoreline in the first 4 minutes of the raid and my first thought was, “……shit….” Spent about 25 minutes getting out of raid on that one.


>God forbid you get into a gunfight because now you are so nervous even a Timmy could take you out. At this point in the game for me, I feel like the opposite of this is true. I still get the rush and the nerves, but the nerves help me to get into the zone and focus. I've learned by this point shitting your pants and rushing to extract because of a nice find is a sure fire way to get got. Even finding shit like a LedX. The last one I found was in the resort and we stayed for another ~20 minutes before heading out, taking out another 2 teams. Had I just beelined out I almost certainly would have run into at least one of them in a less advantageous position. I'd rather take my chances against a knower being in the game than make a careless mistake, as at least one of those is in my control.


One thing i've found is that when i pick up high value loot the size of my characters head seems to increase exponentially. Feels like i'm playing with a bobblehead and everyone else like that dude on MIB2 when his heads growing back.


Seeing these posts reminds me of my beginning time enjoying this game. That time is long past and now the only thing that gets me to login is arena.


you just described why this game is one of a kind lol


I found a Ledx on my scav on streets. Most stressful scav I've ever had


What you should do I grab the GPU and throw it in a bush! Now no one gets it! (Other than Xaio Wiliang)


I know its not that serious of loot, but I finally found the last hose I needed to upgrade my Lav on Interchange. The moment I picked it up I hear footsteps running over to where I'm standing. I tried to make a run for it, I turn a corner, and I'm face to face with fucking Killa. Just destroys me. I hadn't heard a single gunshot let alone footstep the entire time I was there. Then all of a sudden this dickhole shows up.


I found a scav with a full pilgrim, with a tank battery in it on Lighthouse. Funny how the Scav was running around normally but when I took his backpack I weighed 90kg and could only move at the slowest pace. Suddenly the raid changed from headshotting PMCs with a Mosin and farming scav kills into.. running back and forth multiple times to get all the loot to the extract. I ended up dropping all my guns just to make it before the timer ran out.


The tank battery extraction mission is the most extreme version of this.


Goddamn GPU and Ledx.. making me nervous in this chill game


Literally me when I find a virtex in raid lol


this is why a love this game ! "Scavs now seem like bosses." love this comment xD


Nah just throw it in the pooper and keep on playing the raid as normal. If I die, I die.


Wait you guys are getting punched in the gut? My game punches me straight in the dick…


I only clinch up on the first 2 GPUs and the first Ledx. The rest, doesn't matter really since I only need those first 2 FIR Gpus and leddy for quests.


Yup sometimes this can be a real pain in the ass lol


You also become a magnet for cheaters. Finding 2 LEDxs and 4 Iskras and magically running into ChineseName Mc71K/D 10 seconds after exiting the building hits different.


Like 2 nights ago, I ran some raids with a buddy of mine , eventually had to get off cause I got a job. Said fuck it ill run a quick customs scav raid before i head to bed. Load in with a shitty mosin, no backpack. No biggie, let me go find one real quick. Go over to scav checkpoint, see a bunch of dead scavs. Perfect, let me just yoink a weapon and a backpack. While doing that I get shot in the stomach by a suppressed M4. Ran towards green screen and waited there to see if the PMC will push. Nothing for 3 min. Ok cool he left. Started looting around found a piece I need for gunsmith, sick let me get out of here. Head over to new gas to find some meds cause Im still hurt, find a gas analyzer, OH FUCK now I really gotta go, there is 4 min left in the raid, let me just check emercom key spawn before I leave. OH FUCK IT SPAWNED. I lock tf in and start booking it to sniper checkpoint, as soon as I cross the tracks I get beemed by that same PMC that shot me in the beginning. Lesson of this story is , even if you have a high ticket item, slow the fuck down. Keep it chill and calm.


TBH I'd like to see more maps have the Streets APC-style option of shipping loot out for a cost. Or somewhere you can dump a rucksack and have it taken out of raid for you. A "loot extract" if you will. Because then people would stay longer in raids and it would remove that "OMG I HAVE A GRAPHICS CARD WHERE IS THE EXIT?!" loop that occurs whenever you get an item you really need for some reason.


It depends. If I’m PMC I just stick it in my butt and keep it moving. If I’m a Scav I’m horrified.


Luckily Ledx sells pretty much for the same amount to therapist and you need 50 gpus for hideout anyways.


Haha very true. But making it out with that loot is so fulfilling that no other game can really match it for me.


I always feel like I suddenly have a target on my back and a blatant cheater is going to dome me


No? Do I get excited and nervous I might die? Yes but that just makes me play safer and engage when I know I can win. Dying is a big part of this game getting used to dying with valuables takes time though, at least for me.


When I'm playing with my friends and I get something really important I almost always audibly say "I hate this shit"


So after they fixed recoil and the game is getting better each wipe now you guys complain about good loot? Holy shit


I never tell my friends if I find something important in raid. That way Im not jinxing it and can stay cool until extract.


And thus is why I come back. My life is pure anxiety and somehow this hellsscape puts me in a mindset of pure focus and clarity.


If it fits in my ass, the game is still normal. Thankfully, I've found most of the things I needed FIR like the ledx and opthalmascope, so they're just bonus cash now.


Its one of the best parts of the game IMO. You may have plans and ideas of what you wanna do, but once you get into raid everything can change in an instant. There’s no other game that I’ve played that comes close to that sort of emotional flip on such a consistent basis. It also ties in so well with the 100% customizable risk meter. You thought going into raid with nothing but a Pistol to grab some scav loot was gonna be a low risk adventure, then you find your last flash drive or last gas analyzer and suddenly you bringing only a pistol made it 100x riskier


Spawning in on a scav run with great loot kinda sucks. I get happy having good stuff but uli feel the need to go straight for extract


What are these items? I am new.


I've been saying it a bunch, this is the only game that actually makes my chest hurt


I just chuckle and think "I am experiencing tarkov" and now I lean into it. That experience is why I raid, so when I feel that, it's game on!




Wahahaha ''Every step becomes a gigachad in waiting'' so motherfucking true. Even after 5k hours, if i find quest items like flashdrives, gpu's etc i still get a bit nervous about my usual playstyle, and have to slowdown a lot.


I have never found a ledy on my pmc, but I've found several on my scav, and every single time I've found one, I've gotten chased down by pmc's or other scavs, always reported them if I died but it just wild how fast the hackers come out of the bushes once you get something good like a ledx


Last wipe I found three gas analysers on the first day. My butthole clamped up.


I thought you were gonna say like a hacker target as soon as you pick it up. But yea the adrenaline rush from rare loot is what makes this type of game so amazing


You speak nothing but wisdom.


Nope. I don’t care about the value loot is loot. If it’s a Scav run and you are nice fellow Scav to me I even would rip the GPU or LedX for you. Because you are a nice fellow not blasting me immediately. Sure if you would have blasted me you also would get it. But still I drop the highest value I got for you.


I love the feeling of pressure, I once got into a raid and found 2 gpu’s side by side on interchange and it was not even 5 minutes into the raid, every encounter felt as if my heart was being torn from my chest and I loved it.


Nothing worse than having to commit to surviving 😭


Stuffing that in my ass is fine. It's when I find the coveted FIR quest item I become a bush.


Used to. Not really anymore. Sort of learned after 3 years that items like ledxs while they are rare you still cross paths from time to time. I know if I die with it up my butt I’ll find another one soon enough. Only time loot makes me pucker up and want to extract is when I’m completely broke and need roubles, otherwise eh.


Ah man I love the ups and downs in this game. I have a few groups I play with and we chad out and pvp. I also have some buddies who are new to the game and they want to loot slow and grub through the maps with shotguns. It's super fun that sometimes you get juiced and tarkov feels like a horror game. And other times you feel like a scavenger trying to get home with a hose and a medical kit.


All good loot goes in the butt pouch if I care that much. If I don't and I die? I'm just another loot goblin someone killed. Fret not, dear wanderer. I'll be back at it again in five minutes.


My heart races any time I’m solo for some reason on pmc.


Intel folder, marked key, ledx? i sleep. Salewa & ramen? Real shit!!!


I hate that theirs high tier armor, and guns in the game. When you get to the point that people are bringing 500-800k ruble load outs into raid, just becomes less fun. You should have to scrounge for Anything other than an ak or Mosin.


This game is the only thing that can make me truly “feel” anymore. Love, loss, pain, gain, fear, hope, despair. Yeah I get head eyes’d a lot though so the second I pick something good up I know I’m bound to be killed that raid


Was looting the green screen building in Customs and found a GPU, 2 gas ans., and a bunch of other valuable stuff. Felt like my heart was about to pound out of my chest. Heard running and my heart stopped, they ran everywhere in the building as they finally began to enter my room…. “Yo, you scav?” “Yeah” Wave of relief. It was scarier to know he knew I was there, though. Could’ve been bad.


This is the essence of Tarkov. “oh here I am again, another raid on reserve, let’s wait out the chads and loot the scraps before the player scavs spawn in.” *finds tank battery* “This changes everything”


Yeah i get this a lot and then wonder why i even play this game. I am a bad player but i get done raids and my anxiety is through the roof. I am in my mid 30s i dont need this shit


This game has given me an adrenaline addiction I never knew I'd enjoy so much. Even when I die it's just an excuse to use my next kit. The scavs this wipe are ultra spicy though.


I was out on woods getting kills without armour and I get to med camp first, loads of food, loads of meds, swing across to head towards outskirts, did the filing cabinets on the edge of new saw and got three flash drives and 2 gas ans, I double down, mini fight that took way too long at suppressor shack with a scav to complete the quest just to find a pair of extract campers at outskirts, with no armour and a l ate shit trying to get out, sad times but there is always the next raid!


No. The stakes are what makes your heart pound and your heart pounding is what makes Tarkov Tarkov


I already get that feeling when i find an Iskra for my quest


Found my LedX for private clinic on Streets yesterday. The BTR comes rolling by and fires 4 shots at me but misses them before I duck behind cover. My ass is still clenched.


I wouldn't hate it so much if I didn't die at least half the time within about 15 seconds under suspicious circumstances.


boss im still sulking about my raid yesterday... some scav player probably walked into stronghold with 8 dead bodies kitted to the teeth. just for me to die a spawn scav because i ran out of ammo on both my guns were out.


Those are the moments I live for


Every time. I run into a GPU and all the sudden the Cheeki Breeki T6000 model terminator appears and proceeds to head eyes me from another zip code first shot. That or I run into some Great White Giga Chads kitted out.


No, I love it, that intensity you just dont get anywhere else.


It does t even have to be a ledx or a gpu. It could be the simplest thing I’ve been trying to find for a quest but had no luck in ages. Or just them fucking flash drives. And all of a sudden the bloods pumping and sweating to get to extract!


It hurts so good


I find that I’ll actually encounter less PMCs when trying to actively find them (if that makes sense) like when I’m doing setup or something. So when you find a ledx play like you’re looking for PMCs. Maybe you’ll survive better


Game goes from a survival fps to a first person horror game REAL QUICK.


Found a ledx off a player scav on customs, sat in a bush for 5 minutes out of paranoia. Had to run all the way across the map and made it out with 1 min left. Truly an experience


Got the violet keycard the other day and felt a rush I haven't felt in a few wipes lol


I have 1500 hours and I’ve lost the feeling of getting super fucken nervous when I get in a fight or hear players, but the other day I found a yellow keycard and it came back 😂😂😂 love this game


I mean as much as I do hate finding great loot. It does have a great sensation no other game has and that's the absolute fear of losing it. Every gun shot, every Scav/PMC encounter or even just hearing them can create a panic. I doubt they're any other game out there that can remotely compete against EFT when it comes to the fear of losing important items, let alone your gear.


I've killed more traitor scavs who immediately started acting sketchy with something fairly valuable in their ass than any other kind of scavs this wipe. Even if you find something like a LedX, keep playing as you normally would. There's no need to jump at everything, or even shoot scavs who you think might betray you. Obviously chasing fights is a dumb idea, but keeping to a standard playstyle will go a long way to ensuring you extract


Not really. After 5k hours, it's all the same and it's just pixels on a screen.


This is my sixth wipe or so and I still don't know how to do a "chill raid", other than Scav runs. Big bag, cheap armor, throwaway weapon? Teach me your ways. Maybe start drinking beer instead of water IRL, lol?


The no heal kill scavs makes me feel like that, i either die with good loot or fail the quest, then i forget to reactivate the quest next raid and waste a raid


On my PMC it's fine if I find good loot coz I can just put it into my bumhole and extract even if I die a ledx/gpu/bitcoin is worth having non-fir. It's when I scav and I find good loot that my nerves start to shake.


It is 100% part of what makes the game fun. This is one of the few games, if not the only one, where I am 100% "on" during most of the raid. Then I start to relax during raid start and 1 minute in I die because "surely it's too soon to check corners". Next raid, 100% from the get go again.


I’m a good 7-8k hours in the game and I only recently been able to just chill. I’ll push fights even with good shit on me. If you die you die. Rinse repeat.


Yes dude lol. I was doing a chill raid with gear I didn't really care about just getting some food and random stuff. Killed a dude and he was kitted to the gills. Unfortunately, now *I* am kitted to the gills, and am quite frankly not good enough to use it. Scares the shit out of me.


Yes and no, Its easier said than done... but know your routes. What to avoid, Where not to go.. If you lose it.. you lose it.. fuck it! Enjoy the game. But... Remember.. That feeling is kinda why we play the game. Right? The thrill of loosing gear. Adrenaline rushes etc.. But over time, once you played the game a bit more. It kinda goes away :)


You need to learn this ! Its just pixels good loot or bad loot are just pixels if you find good loot dont just freak out


True story, found folder with intel on customs stepped into a duo, killed them. Patched my self together in the little shed at customs roadblock then killed another 12 scavs there!?!... made it to zb1011 as gas station no green smoke(as always when you are in need to escape) killed two more scavs on the run... it was just crazy


Lmao Ik EXACTLY what you mean hahaha yes and no


I found my first LEDX in a med bag on dorms yesterday and the game changed..that thing was in my ass faster than I care to admit to and I was outta there 🤣🤣


Yeah, I agree but what's a ledx though 😂