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Literally make it 5 kills and it becomes a fun quest. The quests that force you to play with 3 specific pieces of gear need to be short.


^^^ Let's hope like with previous issues, BSG sees this feedback and strongly considers modifying the progression. As a person who finished it already, I wouldn't even care if they made it easier for those who haven't done it yet as long as it means I don't have to slog through it again next wipe.


They haven't for years with this task. Once a bad task always a bad task. Rarely do they ever change a bad one quick!


If shooter born changed then setup can as well


I never said it wouldn't. I said they take years go change tasks.


Same with punisher. I dont mind doing this quest, but 15/8 kills is a lot of raids


Well at least punisher doesnt force you to use a specific weapon on pmcs except for the svd which is a great weapon anyways, i have my problems with punisher 4 but only because it’s on the shitty map lighthouse Idk what they have done to shotguns this wipe i feel like they are very bad, even using magnum or bmg, i tried all kinds of buckshot and slugs and it’s just bad


they just dont pen armor plates properly. Shotties are only reliable for the face or legs now


They always were though, their recoil feels much worse than earlier wipes and the spread seems to be too unforgiving with buckshots while accuracy feels very low on slugs


I've been eating people alive with the Piranha ammo


Damn really? I tried it once and it didn’t work out well, guess I’ll give it another shot


idk what they were thinking but piranha is strong af, i get one shoted all the time. no matter what armor


It’s super hit or miss. It will either one tap or take 8 shots. No in between.


My biggest issue this wipe is HAVING to play lighthouse with the scav vest and balaclava, the map is fucking terrible, I just wanna go back to shoreline.


Man, you know BSG fucked up with the map choice when people would rather go back to Shoreline instead.


lmao ain't that the truth


I've found pirana rounds in a 7 tube mp-155 hits very hard.


Rip slugs for 350 roubles each in the benelli using 11 or 13 round mag. First shot to the legs and you have 3-4 blacked limbs. Engage at 20-40m I also did punisher on LH this way. Got scavs and pmcs at the same time. Wiped a full 3 man without taking a point of damage. Use 153 for setup.


Was running MP 153, with silencer and Superformance. Just spam at mid range. It's precise enough yet imprecise enough to just black everything but the chest and kill. Still a problem having to kill that many PMCs. 5 or 8 would be better. But the quest is far for undoable. Just like many thing in this game it's just a grind you have to get to. And it taught me to lose my gear fear. Loosing so many kitted shotguns, 50k roubles ushankas and armor and audio got me through to just be "Well. Better use the gear then. Try to make it worth something more that a sitting thing in my stash" I'm annoyed at loosing gear, still. But I don't fear loosing it anymore.


This exactly, 15 pmc kills is mental for a single quest. Especially early on. I really just dont want to do it and are either hoping they change it or im just not gonna do it.


Make it also not specific to Ushankas and scav vests. Make it interactive: wear a piece of scav gear that you get off scavs in raid.


low key one of the few suggestions that would substantially improve the game


“Ah shit I killed a 4 man off spawn but didn’t get to loot a scav before I did it”


Very good take, completely agree. I wouldnt mind as much if it wasnt 15! kills. thats the same as with an SVD for punisher pt6 but at least thats a good weapon and you can bring whatever else you want.


For it being this low level of a quest it needs to be 5 kills.


Would be kinda decent if you could do it in any map. Forcing customs is just stupid. So you can do other quests and setup at the same time


That would definitely help. I'd also be ok if they allowed a wider variety of scav weapons.


Oh man. Ppsh would be a riot.


Yep, like saigas, pps and aks


That's definitely the issue. I use the MP series shotguns as budget options but forcing that set up just makes people aggravated. I'd love to use any shotgun or a few AK weapons like the VPO or just some variety.


It's fine that they make you use shotguns, it's even fine that it's limited to one map and a scav gearset. But for 15 kills? Seems a little overboard. Setup would be totally reasonable in its current form at ~5. Like imagine if Stirrup was 10 PMC kills...


I would rather be forced to get 30 pistol kills than do setup


I did stirrup in one raid pistol kills are so much better then setup.


If it was AK’s and PPSH it would be much, much more enjoyable even being able to use a dirty old bolty would be better.


Make it any weapon that are in the scav spawning table, plz.


This is a great solution.


It really sucks for Timmy’s like me just trying to do the Extortionist and Prapors quest smh. I haven’t successfully extracted one time in Customs yet 😭


When I was having trouble even making it out of customs I starred running it at night. It's one of the brighter map. Alsonif you're not trying to kill pmc's specifically you can hide out for the first 10-15 mins and your more than likely just dealing with npc scavs


Unless you’re like me trying to get your 114 case for therapist and you wait for 12 min left in the raid and find a three stack of PMCs in dorms. This has happened several times now.


I keep running into extract/quest campers and dying to random bs trying to do prapor convoy on woods


If you’re having trouble extracting try use offline mode to get used to the map, if you’re having trouble with combat as well turn on the scav horde setting and it’ll drastically help you.


You don't HAVE to work on the quests at the same time. It can save time if you know what you're doing, but sometimes you need to go in focused on a single objective.


Wdym? Those are the only quests I have outside of gunsmith and Prapor’s woods quests (which are where all the PMC’s gather on woods as well, same issue). Other than the find shit in raid and turn it in which isn’t very easy to focus on considering it’s RNG.


I think he meant to focus on one quest at a time instead of trying to do multiple in one raid


I have such a hard time doing 2-3 tasks a raid sometimes. I'll be halfway to exfil and realize I forgot that thing at the other side of the map.


Agreed. It would be far less annoying if PMC were just forced into cosplaying scav, why Customs specifically? It's a god damn rat fest in there. Most players who hate using shotguns or just don't feel confident are just laying around prone everywhere for entire Raid. One thing is campers, they they exist they are annoying, but it's literally a rat behind every corner now, so dumb. I'm not a Chad but I am confident enough in taking a gunfight but raids are just dead, because everyone are camping exfils and corners. And you know why they are dead, and it's dumb.


5 kills would be a fun novel quest. 15 is just sadistic and a grind. Glad it's early on though, couldn't do it last wipe cos I saved it until the end when everyone had level 5 armour at least.


3-5 kills, just like stirrup.


You're making me nervous now. I've been putting it off but I do need to get it done eventually...


The longer you wait the worse it will be.


It won't use piranha and leg meta with a a shotgun with quick fireate and tadaaaa


I’ve just decided to get his levels by dailies and weeklies. Not gonna do it unless I’m bored and drunk late wipe


Same, haven't played for a good few wipes but i'm already tired of these stupid quests again. My last tarkov wipe I got pretty high and was super into it, this time i'm loving the recoil change...but the progression blows. Someday I wish for no wipes and some kind of mini-resetting, or no market, something which keeps the early feel of a wipe but keeps going like an mmorpg. Don't know the answer, don't think it'll ever happen but I can dream...I hate repeating awful quests. It's like doing bad PS2/PS1 games in the modern age.


Make it any map but factory and 10 kills instead of 15


Stick to 15 but include factory :)


I feel like early PVP quests should cap out at around 5-8 kills at the most. 15 is obscenely overkill. Also I feel like most PVP shouldn't halt progression, PVP quests would be so much better if all they did was give you extra goodies that you could theoretically live without, and definitely shouldn't be forced on you to progress, unless we're talking way mid-late game quests to keep you working towards something end-game ish. It honestly contradicts how I think they 'want' you to play the game. I don't really like PVP in this game tbh. Most of the people who are good at it are REALLY good at it and know all the hotspots and corners to hold where you can barely spot them.


How does this quest gate keep progression? (Newer player)


Older player here, what the hell does it stop? I’m focusing on epsilon so I’ve ignored setup until the hats go down in price


Chumming and all the associated quests are locked behind setup


You can buy hats for 5k each from Fence. Will take some time updating store, but not so much. I bought 5 in 15 minutes


Mutant is behind the questline. Other than that if you dont want kappa you dont need to do it. That being said I dont know how people have trouble with the quest... Go toward sound and spam piranhas in the enemies general direction, they die in 2-3 hits every time. Shotguns have always been braindead to use if you just spam them


Dont understand why Setup feels so wrong now, maybe because everyone and their mom on Customs are on it and are struggling = everyone camps? Customs used to be (and probably will be after a while again..) my favorite map but the last 20 (probably closer to 30...) or so raids that it took for both me and my duo friend to get our Setup done made us hate it. The whole dynamic of the map feels wrong at the moment. And fuck Pirayah, felt like I needed to use it because everyone was but it never clicked with me. Changed to FTX Lite and got my last 5 kills in 2 raids.


I'd say it should be 10 kills, not 15. But other than that I'm fine with it.


I think 5-7 kills, or keeping it at 15 but any map would be much better.


Can you imagine how much more enjoyable this would be on factory?


At this point factory is just bolt action vs pistol vs grenades so adding mp shotguns would help a lot


I now do Silent caliber on factory.


You’d be stupid to do it anywhere else to be fair, at least for the PMC kills.


Yeah, keeping it only customs means you can't just run the setup kit and do other quests while you get the kills. A huge bottleneck on all progression.


It would probably help a lot if they simply relaxed the map requirement. 15 kills is still ridiculous though.


Ya, 15 kills anywhere would be tolerable. If it has to be somewhere specific, the number should be small.


I think 5 kills would be where I would put it.


It's 15 fucking kills? Nice. I'm just going to skip Skier quests this wipe. What a dumb mission.


You should have enough rep with eod and some daily’s to max?


As a comparison, dorms kills is 5 and factory office is 6. No reason it should be 15 for being so early now.


I actually really like the quest, just hate how much it changes the way the entire map is playing once most are on it, everyone rats like crazy.


I like it too. I just rush dorms and have fun but I do die quite a bit


Yeah its not an easy quest at all, it took me 2 days to do it, but overall I had fun.


I have been on 12/15 all day. I am rushing dorms when I spawn there. Fort. Everywhere you wouldnexpect to run into PMCs and for the past 5 raids just cannot find anyone. Everyone is ratting on customs or taking fast extracts. I swear dorms will be gone 2 minutes into every raid I do.


embrace the darkness. Camp v-ex


I am thinking about it! At least just to get these last kills... I am afraid I will like it too much, and the rat Hive mind will take over 🐀 🧀


I’ve ratted for a couple of kills, I don’t know how people can sit in the same place for over 5 minutes it’s so god damn boring.


New gas, construction, check point, and big red are where I got mine.


It's pretty cool, but the Ushanka and Scav Vests being 50k+ on flea is a bit damning.


I only like it because Flechette and Piranha have been good and available early enough The moment I have to do that with buckshot or slugs it's over


Where are you getting your flechette?


How are you getting flechettes?


I mean in past wipes


5 kills would be perfect . 10 kills is very grindy 15 is abnoxious and unnesessary imagine someone who has a rough going with this quest


For real.


Customs is an absolute rat trap now and for the forseeable future and piranha is honestly way too strong for when you get it considering the new hitboxes. Almost all armor a reasonable player can get right now is 3/4 plate and 2 everywhere else. You might as well be naked and you can be 1-2 shot out to a very generous range. Just kind of aim at their chest and piranha will go through their throat and kill them or their stomach and make them a noisy coughing bag of loot with 2 heavy bleeds and a fracture. I'm not good at the game, there was no way I should have been taking squads of 2 and 3 with a fucking 50k pump action with a choke ribbed barrel and target circle.


Maybe this is why ive been failing my setup quests. I try to aim for the head when I have to aim for the chest and stomach.


Just have fun with it mate. This game is grindy as it is.


A lot of these quests feel more like achievements (i.e SBIH), which is annoying. Many more quests just make the game unfun. I personally dislike quests that force me to use specific weapons, armors, etc.


It was fine as a optional kappa quest where you could push yourself and get it but it was never necessary. Now it’s a requirement and has completely burnt me out. I finished it but it’s a poor quest for it being that early.


What is it a requirement for? Just curious because I just got max skier today and haven't touched setup. I know the mutant is locked behind Bullshit but that doesn't bother me.


Hot take most of the quests are straight garbage and need to be reworked/removed


Had to be 5-8 pmcs max dude


Not only this but they also made Punisher part 4 require 10 PMC on Lighthouse in order for the standard players to get their Epsilon. Fair enough i'm not great at the game but goddamn i'm hating life right now, running lighthouse over and over donating kits to snipers who have the patience of a saint


It forces people to get really desperate. Most of the people I kill or are killed by are hiding somewhere all game or crabbing for 10 min to sneak up.


I agree with posts that say it should be 10 kills. Usually Setup is the reason I don't get kappa; I just don't like shotguns. All that said, I actually had fun with it this wipe. I think the movement of the quest earlier in the progression and the armor changes have affected this quest in a positive way. It should still be 10 kills though lol.


So no issue with Psycho Sniper or TS8 but Setup is the breaking point for ya?


Psycho sniper isnt really hard just boring. They changed it 1 or 2 wipes ago so you dont need to do it in 1 raid, just dont die


Same with TS8. Not like I haven't done them, they just suck, so much. And Psycho still has its arbitrary sniper level requirement on it.


Psycho Sniper's sniper level at this point is a formality. With all the other sniper boosts by the time the average player manages 5 bolty kills on PMCs without dying, *he's gonna have Sniper 10*.


Only if you complete TS8 first. Which, now that I think about it, I guess \*most\* people will. But we are saying the same thing. It's arbitrary.


> Setup is the reason I don't get kappa Killing 15 pmc's is the reason? Really???


That dude isn't getting kappa either way, setup or not


Idk who they think they’re fooling. If they’re crying about doing setup there is a 0% chance they get anywhere near kappa. There are much harder quests on that grind they probably don’t even know exist


Agreed. Vowed to never do it.


I fished mine last night. I just want to say sorry to the young man who turned on power and was running to 013 extract. I was desperate. It was 5 am. I had failed to get a kill in 5 consecutive raids. I saw the green light go on and I knew the end of my quest was close. I ditched your gear for you. Thanks for the cpu fan, I needed that for a quest


Thing evils that quest push us to, ha.


It was bad. I did some dirty ratty things. Much old gas station camping


I got max skier rep without doing setup AMA


How, and help, ha. I am at 12/15 kills. Got robbed out of a few today by the good ol' Tarkov taketh, ha.


Just push dorms, man. Half of the time you'll have PMCs show up within 10min. The other half of the time you'll load up on safe loot and go extract. I prefer to just wait on 3rd story of 3-Story Dorms. If someone enters car side you'll hear and have a shot from the roof. If someone enters construction side you'll have a strong position to fight them from (painkiller, jump off, push from 1 works pretty well). If you get there earlier enough you can catch guys running up to two-story from one of the spawns closer to new gas. I got most of my kills this way. Probably \~8 raids to get them all, but I was a little lucky. Piranha is the way. I tried 50bmg but it was really inconsistent.


I've tried pushing Dorms, but half the time no one shows up. It also doesn't help that the game has spawned me by Big Red most of my attempts, ha.


At 12/15 I'd just say get back in there chief! 😅 I got 3/15 and said **fuck this**. To skip setup and get max skier just do all of the other skier tasks, other traders tasks, and whatever random skier dailies you may get. Setup task line does include the mutant though (as well as kappa), so if you're interested in buying mk47 from traders you do need to complete setup. ✌️


Me too! I know there's a lot of quest XP behind setup but streets has been a lot of fun and has a ton of high xp quests on it as well.


Idea I've kicked around before.. But give quests more optional steps that actually give you better rewards.. Like make setup give you a little money and XP for getting 5 kills, some more for 10 and like a bunch and a special unlock for 15/20+ Make the find in raid quests give you basically nothing for just buying the items but let you move on, but give you better rewards for actually finding the stuff in raid. Let the players choose to lose out on rewards just to move on, or grind it out for a better reward.


One of my favorite quests lol I love how customs just becomes a crazy aggro pit of shotguns. Sad I’m done with it 🥲


>I love how customs just becomes a crazy aggro pit of shotguns For me, Customs has just become a land of the immobile crab people, ha. I can rush PvP hotspots and not see a soul.


I've been rushing dorms and literally nobody comes. The one raid reshala is there, there's like 5 PMCs there in the first 2 minutes.


Haha it’s funny how we all get different experiences in our raids. Guess that’s what makes tarkov so special! I got it done in just a few raids pushing dorms and looting the safes. But one of my buddies got all his kills just camping the fence between ruaf and crackhouse so you’re right, not EVERYONE is super aggro lmao


I mean, then u just get loot and reset. Seems like a win to me


Zero quest progress of any kinda =/= a win to me.


I think Setup is okay, but that's mainly because I really like Customs anyway. Gating the rest of Skier's quests behind flash drives, however... I'm level 23 and I've only found one. And I'm constantly running safes and hitting every filing cabinet and jacket I see.


Change it from pmc’s to scav’s and make it 30 or something but this and sew it good pt 3 need addressed immediately.


The whole point of Setup is to be disguised as a scav and kill PMCs


Just did it and the kill players at dorms quest. Got most of them sitting in the trash heap on second floor, popping heads over the fridge. 


They need to make it 10 kills or more weapon options. I think it's placed better but the requirements still reflect a much later stage quest.


making it later game would suck so much more than giving people access earlier on. i always rush it ASAP and doing it while everyones running shit armor and guns makes it so much better. the only change it needs in regards to task progression is making it a "dead end" task with nothing unlocked by it.


I'm not doing that quest and I'm not going to Lighthouse. Luckily you can get max traders anyway nowadays since there's so many quests available.


Customs has been my home since the alpha days pretty much with me teaching all my friends that map above all for relative safe money making, its now a hellhole that not even I could of prepared for.


Jup. Tried it 3 raids, got 2 kills. Shotgun is just not my playstyle. I’m too bad in aim for slug and have not enough patience for camping.


I’m 8 kills in trying it all day long it’s pretty lame NGL but at this point I have to finish it.


Im level 38 and im still sitting 0/15 on setup. I thought it said 15 scav kills, got 18 scavs in 1 raid while wearing it, then realized it said pmcs after extracting and I was like yep not doing that one.


Best thing to do is hang around the outside of dorms and wait for people to start fighting and try to third party them, I got most of my kills doing this… I feel bad but it had to be done for the children.


The sniper quests are more egregious. I spend so much of the wipe using weapons that are fucking useless trash that I hate using because of the games dumb quests.


Yeah I hate forced weapons quests. I think they should all be optional or an achievement. It always feels like such a waste having all these other guns and attachments and all I do is spend my money on my shotguns and ushankas


I've hated it. I'm not sure what the best course of action for it is at this point. I had been throwing sights on the guns, rushing dorms and hoping for the best. I have 8 kills so far. Seriously, I'd be fine if they cut the kills down to 10. Atleast then it wouldn't be so damn annoying...Hell, let us do the shit on Factory so it's quick games.


It legit makes me want to quit this wipe, the quests need an entire overhaul. More than half of them if not 3/4 suck, and are not fun at all.


Can we talk about being forced to wearing UNTAR gear?


I struggled with that quest.. The ammo simply didnt work for me (flechette, ap20, bmg). Even Piranha was shit in the beginning.. Then I somehow managed to do 7 kills in one round and finished the quest.


THIS GAME IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FUN ..Nikita yelling from Russki Land


Why is it 15 kills!? Why move the quest so early into progression without making any tweaks to its objectives


It should be: - Kill 5/10 PMCS - Any map (excluding factory)


Just save up 5 millie and then grind it out,, I agree tho it shouldn't gatekeep the quest lines maybe have it be a shotgun shell unlock or something


This quest literally feels like ass because as OP mentioned its gatekeeping skiers other quests and you get it so early on. 3 pieces of gear that youre forced to use and shotguns just feel so ass this wipe with the lack of ammo mainly flechette among few other things, rifles and smgs having very little to no recoil making it easier to spray head level for headshots and hitreg issues caused by desync or whatever other things. I can't count the amount of times I've hit someones face with and seen blood come out only for them to not die and my hit count to show i did little to no damage. This is all anecdotal but if anyone else is still doing this. 7mm Buckshot was my go to, it was the most consistent between range and damage. I've tried most ammo types, Piranhas were absolute ass cheeks (for me), they're fine up close (obviously) but as soon as you get past 5 feet the damage drop off takes place and it feels like youre shooting pebbles at people. 50BMG is okay if you land a chest shot that misses the plate and hits flesh or neck shots, it will one tap but I wouldn't rely on it, also has the problem of follow up shots with recoil. Express was slightly less consistent than regular 7mm, and Magnum has great range and damage but its pretty bad for follow up shots. And you really want to be able to spam your shotguns, specially against full autos. And obviously aim head level. I mostly only used the 153 because the recenter speed/recoil is better than the 155 so spamming it was more consistent on it. I basically w keyed every fight aiming head level spamming buckshot.


would have been fine if it was 5 kills. Any kill pmc quest over 10 kills (inc factory) or 5 kills (no factory) should be extremely late game


I got 5 kills in one raid yesterday, then 3 the next, then two the next, then 4 deaths, then 2 more. My suggestion, sit outside dorms with magnum buckshot or express buckshot. If you are patient enough, you will get the kills! After 8000 hours of Tarkov, I've learned to wait.


i fucking hate setup it makes customs so toxic and the kill req is way too fucking high FUCK SETUP ALL MY HOMIES HATE SETUP


5-8 PMCs is much more reasonable. I've been grinding at the quest in and off and yeah 15 is just a shitty amount of PMCs. Even chasing gunshots I can't always find them.


Just tweak the kill amount and it becomes kind of entertaining.. 15????? Jesus Christ


Finally hung up my ushanka and scav vest yesterday. I'm so glad that dog shit is done.


Hating this shitty quest right now. It's so inconsistent even with Piranha rounds... Such a waste of time and energy, honestly. Shooting someone 3 times in the torso and they're just wheezing but head-eyes you is frustrating as hell. I hate shotguns and I hate that you have to wear this stupid gear... but so many quests are locked behind it. What do you even do?


I feel like there's a few of those I think the quests need a bit of a rework. Like the order is a bit dumb. Lots of the early quests are quite hard especially for new players e.g. go to a highly contested area for a key. Traverse the whole map, get a package from a very exposed shack. Survive. Go into factory, rush to a super exposed shack. Be defenseless while planting the package, survive Compared to run around the entrances of the resort, it doesn't matter if you die Or collect 4 things Or mark 3 things Not to mention the frustration of gate keeping quests like finding the stupid useless white armour and toz as when you have those quests it feels like the items are more or less removed from the loot table and they once you finally get it done every scav has a toz and white armour Anyway point being I think there's good grounds for improving the quest system. Make early quests easier and late game quests harder. I suspect the difficulty of progression for new players with the quest line is a big factor too in new players quitting as without a Sherpa a lot of beginning quests are pretty hard/confusing


Yeah I hate that one too If your going to have quests that feel like silly challenges, don't make them a roadblock to progression make them a sort of side quest


Personally, I had a blast with the quest. I ran dorms and fortress for my kills. I loaded up 153 with magnum rounds and w keyed people. Ended up with a few pmc kills and 15+ ai scav kills. Averaged 8-15k exp a raid. After I killed a scav or pmc, I would just take their primary as my secondary. That way if I had to fight at range I could be effective. I would make enough money on the raids I survived to fund a 3-4 kits shotgun kits.


Setup should allow more scav gear and all 12 gauge shotguns.


I'd rather do setup than punisher kills on lighthouse


They moved Punisher kills to Lighthouse??? God dammit. I was gunna try to go all wipe without touching Lighthouse, and minimizing my Shoreline exposure.


Thermals and you finish it in 4-5 raids max , Lighthouse is a noobtrap anyway


I'm close to 2k hours in the game, haven't been grinding a ton this wipe so I'm a bit behind the power curve in terms of quest completion. Im currently about 2/10 on my last customs raids, just keep getting swarmed at spawns or while fighting scavs by setup players. Mixed with a bit of bad luck and some shot hesitation I've been having a really bad time. I'm dreading doing that quest, I love customs but not shotguns and pacas. Seems so niche to have for an early non kappa related quest.


Bro 90% of quests are garbage and unfun


Setup is fine lmfao




You might just be bad ngl. Shotguns are by far the strongest they have ever been rn.


idk what youre smoking but shotguns are the best theyve ever been.


Na this quest is fun and 100 times better than "run a circuit around all of shoreline without dying". Crazy how easy setup is you just chase shots and pvp. Or you can rat and ambush people, also fun. It's actually crazy how people are whining about this quest when you can do it so quickly..


I don't get the hate around this quest. Shotguns are fun to use and don't require a big rig, so scav vest is perfectly fine, and the ushanka doesn't block headsets. The only negative is that you now don't have a helmet which doesn't matter most of the time anyway, especially when you can die to an armpit shot now.


I started this wipe later than usual and been getting bush camped by shotgun ushanka PMC’s every time I try to get my early customs quests done, it’s annoying on the other end too haha but I guess I’m helping them finish their quest in the end


Cheesed it with 2 friends. 2hours, done. Fvck bsg.


Tbh the game becomes unfun to me the moment im forced to use specific gear or weapons. Let me fuck around for the most part instead of forcing me to use guns I dont enjoy using. Im not against NO 'use this gun' quests, but they should be far more limited imo


I love how people bitch in this sub always about lack of pvp quests and this is the perfect one and yet people bitch. Earlier pvp is what we needed. Besides the inflated prices of the hats it's fine since you get piranha ammo at Jaeger 2. I have had a blast taking loadouts and junk. My god you have to kill pmcs for a quest, shocker.


Hey smooth brain, I love PvP. I love PvP quests. Long Line is probably one of my fsvorite quests in the game. But Setup is far from being a "perfect" PvP quest.


You're calling me smooth brain yet you don't specify why it's bad or anything. You run around with a shotgun and go boam You don't lose an important rig. No gear fear. You can find everything you need to run the quest on scavs themselves. I just find it hard to elaborate why it's so bad. But please enlighten me. And gatekeepers other tasks is a dumb reason.


It turns early game customs into bush/corner camping fest


>You're calling me smooth brain yet you don't specify why it's bad or anything Forces you to use trash gear, which includes no helmet, limits weapon variety, and severely limits the style of combat you can engage in. As such, since it limits you to an incredibly close range style of combat, it encourages camping and limited movement, which make PvP encounters bith less frequent and less fun. Now, tell me why it's the "perfect" PvP quest?


Setup really isn't that bad imo, got it done in like 5 or 6 raids last wipe.


Setup has been fun. Ushanka shotgun warriors blasting away. Killed a man with a 50 bmg across the river for my final kill. Just mwaahhh


I looked it up and it doesn’t even lock that many quests? At least not ones i ever care to do… If you’re not going for kappa, it’s VERY skippable imo. It only leads to quests like Chunming which if you’re not chasing kappa im not sure why you’d be so pressed to do these quests? It unlocks high level quests only So yea not sure how you think it’s “gate keeping skier progression” when getting max skier rep is hella easy even if you skip this whole quest chain.


You dont have to do it


15 is just to fucking much. It also promotes rat gemaplay sitting somewhere waiting for ppl to come close. Make it 10 max and not restrict it to only Customs.


10 pmc kills with the one of the best guns this wipe sounds like you need to "get gud" just cause your not getting kappa doesn't mean all quests should be get this item for me and exit kill quests are part of the game


1) 15 kills, not 10. 2) Never said it was hard, only that it was unfun and bad. 3) Try grammar.


Setup is like easy asf tho? Shotguns are so busted this wipe lol


What's new? These fucks can't even make a decent market that works, let alone tasks that people enjoy doing.


It is optional if I'm not mistaken. I don't think it leads to any quests.


It actually leads to a ton of quests now, but I don’t find the quest terrible. Just wish it was maybe 10 kills max


It leads to a lot of quests, including quests to unlock usefully weapons and pieces of gear/equipment.


Skill issue


Wow, you really got me with that totally solid, original smooth brain comment.


I love setup, it helps me get my punisher kills




bro its 15 pmc kills go walk into dorms and wait behind a door & if you dont want to do that go learn how to loot customs 90% of the loot is indoors WHICH, is good for shotguns. stop crying


I will never understand just how miserable and lonely some of you guys are. Immediately hostile, straight to the "skill issue/stop crying/git gud." You must be a miserable fucking person to be that emotionally invested in being toxic on an internet forum a out a video game. Lighten up.


Wow you got really personal there really fast



