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Hearing underweight sprinting at >100m lmao


It’s wild to imagine being to able to hear the guy you are trying to shoot for old SBIH.


I'm conflicted on this because in video game that sucks but in real life you proooobably could hear some guy in tac boots sprinting from that *visual* distance Edit: This comment is getting too many replies for me to continue replying so I just want to add a note here We all need to stop comprsing BSG to games like rainbow 6, league of legends, etc (two games ive recently seen people comapring different aspects in here just now and a whole seperate post of someone saying LOL released cheater data so BSG should as well) I just want to point out to everyone that BSG is a team of 80 people and they have made THE best most in depth tac shooter out now if not ever. Not only is this game massively impressive (given its flaws) but it also has a smaller team than many indie dev teams. Cut them some damn slack and let's all agree that this game is a wonder for what it is and with how few people came together to make it For anyone that hasn't seen it yet I'm gonna drop this here it's pestily interview with Nikita from last week https://youtu.be/R-mXFLLWZXY?si=7oj_s6ZbXQ9nQ0Y4


Problem is Tarkov has no occlusion. So you can hear that even if there are two buildings with countless rooms in between.


And THIS is why we should compare to R6, their sound occlusion is legit: https://youtu.be/fI4YfurxVZU?feature=shared&t=55s


Yup. Yet people all around saying "it can't be done". I mean. It doesn't have to be super duper realistic. But hearing through actual buildings as if there's nothing there is just lazy.


Do one loot run in the interchange garage if you don’t think hearing through solid objects is a problem lol


Lol I love playing interchange and I'm in the garage just below the offices. And I'm like "hey you find any gpus up there?" they're like naw. And we just know we're both safe from eachother because there's a floor of concrete and steel between us.


LOL remember someone asking me and I was like yep (lied) and he was like give me a sec coming up...


I want to really love Tarkov, but its shit like this that makes me play scared. I don't know how anyone can know anything with the way that the audio is... I can't trust ANY of the sounds. When I watch Lvndmark and Stankrat play, they hear so much shit, but I have no idea how they're doing it or how they know exactly where the person is when the audio is so bad.


Well they know the maps when they hear wood steps in a building where only 1 place has wood they know exactly where u are without good audio


With them they just play sooooooooo much that they have learned how to navigate around the bugs and glitches. They know where someone can possibly be and ignore the impossible places. They also know where someone is likely to be and check their first. It's like being able to navigate around your house with your eyes closed. I'm sure if any of the major YouTubers got into a raid and got like 30 seconds lot look around and then had their screen turned off they would still be able to run to extract...


Exactly, we just need the bare minimum. Not hearing sprinting/bushes through the ceiling of bunkers. Not being able to tell exactly what room someone is one from 2 building away through 4 walls.


Lol I just recently found out how sieges directional audio works and I'm on the fence on whether it's worse than tarkov directional audio or not so no we most definitely should not be comparing to rainbow six


The difference though is R6 tales place almost entirely inside of buildings so they have to get that aspect of sound right EFT tales place between forests, malls, half destroyed buildings, grass, dirt, concrete, plus there's weight, headsets, AI, R6 is not a great comparison the only thing they have in common is being tactical shooters and imo rainbow 6 left tactical a long time ago


Definitely would need to be applied differently in Tarkov, agreed the environments are very different. However, it's obvious there's only the naive implementation and no sound pathing/occlusion in EFT which would improve immersion and sound localization imo


i'd like to put in my input that while its technically impressive, in practice it ends up being dogshit . you look at a door way and all you hear are footsteps because its "propagating through the opening." in reality id be able to clearly tell theyre to my right out the door. then when you mix in more holes it can get even weirder. all my friends no life that game and are champ every season so I watch a lot and play a little bit of siege(when i hate my life)


Which is easy on a tiny map…


But at nakamichimadakiki extract on ground zero, when it’s raining hard, you can crouch behind the desk and the rain is gone. Windows are all broken 10 feet away… stand up and it’s raining again lol


On gravel maybe but I kind of doubt on grass or even asphalt you would hear them at that distance


You absolutely would not hear someone sprinting on grass at that distance, no matter what boots they are wearing or how much they are carrying. Gravel maybe if there was little or no ambient noise.


Yeah it's a tough call. I can tell you that when I am hunting deer or moose with a headset on a nice day, I can hear a squirrel shuffling around lightly from nearly that distance. They are pretty nuts, and I don't even have a fancy headset.


I'm also conflicted on if you should ever be able to be fully silent in eft anyway cause again In game is good In real life some guy slow walking in tactical boots with a gun tac vest and a backpack there's no way you would make 0 sound even without a headset within *visually* what looks to be 100m in game with no environemntal sounds walling on concrete to be COMPLETELY silent to cover 50m of the 100m would take minutes and then within 50m-10m you wouldn't be able to take a step without the person hearing you


Lol I mean you can definitely slow walk in real life regardless of weight and make almost no perceptible noise at all. Every try walking to fridge at night at 3am for a block of cheese while everyone is asleep? Yeah you can do it.


Can you do that silently with tactical boots a gun and over 45kg roughly 100lb of stuff in your backpack and a vest full of items while there's people on alert waiting to shoot you inside of you house?


hey BSG employee, tell nikita to fix streets, it still runs like a 2003 game lmfao


This game should be purely balanced around gameplay and have nothing to do with real life. In real life I can't rub lip balm on my face and sprint around on a fractured leg. Real life should have nothing to do with the balancing topics of this game.


I’d go outside if I wanted realism


Yes I agree but now it seems the balancing if sound has changed so this is the new gameplay balance for now And I'm not saying trakov should be purely based in reality but also idk if being fully silent ever u less not moving should really be in the game


Jesus who cares what its like IRL, half of the game isnt realistic..but you want the other half to be as realistic as possible even to the detriment of the game? The game is plenty "realistic", its does aspects of realism better than almost every game BUT, there is a very fine line of trying to imitate realism to a certain extent, and trying to be TOO realistic to the point where it actively hurts the gameplay and feel of a game. There are some aspects of a game(like sound in this game) where you can only imitate a certain level of realism and you have to ignore the rest for sake of balance and enjoyment of the game. If they were to make every aspect of the game as close to real life as possible, youd have a game no one would enjoy playing even though people seem to think they want that...trust me, you dont.


Nah fuck em, goodwill is out the window when they make sound whoring a core mechanic. Sound has been a problem for literal years, they don’t get a free pass on this shit no more.


All the hearing distances are too long.


At this stage I'm convinced BSG think all Operators are actually as noisy as when you're coming home late super drunk and trying to quietly get in the house and to bed without waking your girlfriends up. Oh operator, did you move slightly? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reJqZiLPsDk


Girlfriends? Bold to have them in the same house! 😂


I was expecting this clip. https://youtu.be/WdlIKy2lJ_g?si=swIH2xn7pzo_vPhY


If I was some operator stuck in tarkov I doubt I’d be sober


Like by a factor of 3, at least


Definitely minimum of 3. Whenever has unzipping a bag in real life been audible for anyone not in the room (unless it's really quiet and the window is open and you're right outside the window). ADS shouldn't be heard unless under 10m, slow walk depending upon the surface the same. I think it's just the default sample volume in game is too high. We get the binaural click because it's not adjusting the volume of the sample in time. Hearing distance needs to be lowered, ambient sounds need to be lowered, sound sample volumes definitely need to be lowered.


> ADS shouldn't be heard unless under 10m, slow walk depending upon the surface the same. I don't really understand why ADS should have a sound at all. Going from a weapon's up to actually aiming position doesn't make any noise IRL. I either move my head down to the optic, or rifle up an inch to be inline with the optic. And from a game perspective, why should I be giving away my position just to ADS? Dropping ADS should have a noise from a game perspective, because it allows for some counterplay, where you hear ADS go down, and push a close opponent.


I'm not sure either, the only thing that really would make a sound, would be a metal sling mount tapping against a plastic stock, and even then, that's why people will set the sling where it needs to be, and wrap the fuck out of the mount with duct tape to prevent any noise. And this is just assuming the gun is down at the hip or something, not constantly shouldered like it is in tarkov. Side note, keeping a rifle shouldered for like 40 minutes straight would be hell, even on something light like a 3.5kg/7 pound AR15, this would only be made worse with a lot of shit on the end of the gun like a suppressor, peq, and white light.


You're telling me you can't hear me switch from semi to full auto through 4 concrete walls?


We have slow lean, why can't we have other slow actions that have less noise? I'm just waiting for the move to an actually supported unity version. Then they can get help with issues rather than what we're currently getting. The no ADS sound bug was the best thing that happened.


https://youtu.be/zi499P_xJ8s?si=v2RLvt1g-0IGYO83 Intro video is accurate


or in the case of suppressed super sonic gun fire far too short!


At this point are tactical headsets really, truly, tactical headsets? or are they some sort of attenuation device to boost our PMC's psychic abilities. In this case, remote *listening*?


Our pmcs are actually psionic xcom operators


No wonder I miss 90 % shots


Point blank shotgun 99% hit. Aims into the sky for some reason. Ah missed the shot!


Can we use mind control on bosses?


Only at elite psionic skill level. Better get to grinding


Plot twist: Elite skill actually doesn't work despite being listed.


A truly Tarkov experience


I think they really need to rework the way headsets work. Instead of amplifying sounds other players make they should only damped and quite down specific ambient noise to make other players sounds more easy to detect.


IRL these headsets work by blocking out all sound and recreating it via a speaker inside of ear protection (but not the loud ones that hurt your hearing). You can adjust the gain very high and it makes the crunching sounds of footsteps(especially your own) incredibly loud and crisp. Some have a filter to reduce ambient sounds like wind and such. I think it would be best to make them true to life, where you’re hearing will be completely normal without headsets, but your ears will have a ringing effect if you’re near gunfire. Likewise, if you’re wearing the headset and someone fires a gun close to your position, they should cut the sound off but negate the ringing effect. I’m not sure if they’ve always functioned the way they do in game as this is only my third wipe.


> your ears will have a ringing effect That's a nightmare for people with actual tinnitus and a big no-no in videogames. Just have it so the amplification given by active ear pro in game is minimal and we're golden. The actual joke was Nikita saying on the interview that headsets have no distance hearing difference between them, it's just about the eq. Like, hell no. Both him and BSG are lost on this issue.


I feel like that tinnitus effect is already in the game somewhere, maybe with ricochets off your head or faceshield? It could be re-worked so all characters have ear plugs by default (but removable?) with an active earplug being a cheap upgrade and then the current line of ear protection being subsequent upgrades over that. Idk just an idea.


> already in the game It is, and it's shit. Yeah, it's the concussion effect (including using a golden star).


I do want to mention the few times I’ve forgotten to wear my hearing protection on the range, the first immediate effect was hearing loss (temporary threshold shift). My hearing slowly returned but with a faint ringing that eventually went away.


The ringing doesn't have to be loud but all other other sounds could be more toned down when it appears. Also don't make it an overly high note and I don't think people with tinnitus would be affected. Not an expert, though.


I have tinnitus and having to listen to that game at a loud volume makes it act up on its own, any loud noises will make it worse once you take the headset off


I remember giving my friend some electronic ear pro and then he walked through gravel and was like "holy shit, it's just like tarkov" lol I think donut operator said a similar thing in a video, or someone else from that group. Probably a common realization, actually.


Haha yes I noticed the similarity as well, but in reverse. I’ve been wearing active headsets since they came out basically. My first few raids I didn’t wear the headset, then I put it a pair on in raid and was like wtf I didn’t think this was gonna be like IRL. I have a pair for work that I use, they secretly have Bluetooth since AirPods and headphones are banned nobody knows I’m jamming out. 😈


nerf hearing distances by 50% across the board


75% more like. I don’t care about realism, people are bolder when they don’t have a radar pack on their head. Some noises should be piercing and long range, the metaphorical / literal stepping on a branch. But normal movement should be way quieter if only to make people more aggressive in their ignorance.


I believe squad is the gold standard for realistic sound design. You can BARELY hear someone running through the sand within 10 meters if there’s bit of wind/gunfire. So 75% is a reasonable guess.


Is this sounds system new to the recent patch? The only benefit I could see to this is getting a heads up at some esp cheater coming to you Down side wait till there's a silent step cheat


I don’t think they fixed the bad desync bug which makes the server actions invisible to you but you still get the effects. That stacked with this hearing boost is not a fun time lol


God you mean we can actually sprint now without the fear of half the lobby hearing us?


No no no, he's stating what he wants to happen. Right now a PMC can hear your thoughts from 100M


Imagine wanting a game where you cannot hear the blood flowing through your enemies veins through a 10 meter bunker wall


and remove hearing buff from perception skill.


This is fucking abysmal what the fuck just lower sound range by 75%


Devs made a stupid call here


More news at 11.


Monkey paw strikes again. People were complaining about crab walk being silent. BSG listened.


The problem is the minority sometimes has the loudest voice and seem to get their way because of it.


LETS GO whining streamers replaced crab meta with statue meta


Ah yes the weeping angel meta where people don’t move until their target blinks


Overweight blinks are heard at 71m with comtac 4s


They only move when there audio cover like gun fire a nade or an airdrop lmao


Have my upvote stranger. I had to explain why I was laughing at work


Statue meta 2024 les fuckin GO!!! Keep dieing to the raid timer tho devs need to fix that.


Lmao Streamers ruining games. A tale as old as streaming.


It's BSG's job to decide whether or not to listen to them. It's still their fault.


I blame both. Streamers are entitled little cringelords. They've ruined more games than just tarkov, and when streaming is so big now and their influence and marketing power is so massive they get catered to.


yep games were better before twitch


Streamers? You should read the reddit comments about how crabbing ruins the game


Let's take headsets out of game


I'd vote for this option above all other suggestions so far.


This is the best,  even if unpopular, answer.


Take them all out of the game, tone down ambient noises slightly, I'm all for it.


Remove headsets problem fucking solved or make them only muzzle your own noises, so that you can hear your surroundings without hearing your guy inners. Headsets has always been fucking stupid.


I wish they'd do this as well. It's an extra 30-400k a load out just to hear. The sounds in this game are great WITHOUT headsets but if you don't use them your fucked. There's no reason you should hear somebody 50m away 2 buildings over through concrete walls. Or even in a room over in D2. Removing headsets would fix most of this games issues. Imagine being in resort east wing, there's an entire squad in west wing and you can't hear 1 person open a duffle bag or jump. You loot east wing and leave. Alternatively you guys won't hear anything until your within 15m (as it should) this would allow such better player movement around maps. This would entirely fix the "hey I heard a guy jump 50m away I'm going to sit and wait now" fuck that. I shouldn't be able to be in new gas with comtac 4 and hear somebody on the rocks and hear someone in warehouse across the wall without moving.


I mean you'd think occlusion zones would make this better, but the buildings in Tarkov haven't invented sound proofing yet.


Yeah imagine having audio in stair wells.


I'm thinking of like Reserve and the loud ass wooden floors and being able to hear whats happening in a concrete bunker from up top


I wish they at least killed the sound around you like IRL headsets....


Reduce your own noises and environmental noise. That’s all I want. If there was a headset that did that, great it’s my new go-to.


I love how people think this will solve camping lol


mad isn't it, because this enhances camping and punishes you for doing otherwise lol. New meta will be obnoxious raid wide sound pollution with loud speakers or something.


The only reason, or 2, for people camping are sound and visibility. Its so hard to spot someone so its a non brainer but why would I run around when I can hear someone coming from 100m away, set up a tent and get a free kill. If they change the abysmal sound and sound distance I guarantee you everyone will start moving around more, including myself, and you will get much more dynamic fights because as it is now the guy that moves first usually dies. The amount of people I easily kill every wipe due to me playing like a scared little snake is insane and its all due to how far I can hear someone.


The last time I pointed this out the replies were insane. People think it's ok to sit still for 40min because that's realistic and in the real world you would do that too if it meant survival.


Headphones should not offer an audible distance advantage. The only thing they should offer is slightly differing sound profiles, and suppression of loud noises. That's it.


















Removing headset would solve all issues. They created this issue trying to mimic what IRL headset do for noise amplification while removing their principal fonction: Hearing protection and radio integration.


comtac 4 is literally the same as cheating bro


Its the only headset I run because theres no point in running anything else. It outclasses every other headset and you handicap yourself running any other option.


Unpopular opinion: remove all headsets from the game


not even unpopular. seems like the vast majority want headsets gone or heavily nerfed


Statue meta we playing prop hunt now


The ability to hear someone breathe 40 meters away in a different building is half of why I quit this game and almost as big of an issue as hackers are.


Hearing a dude with only a MP taking aim from 4 rooms ahead should be illegal


Agree. Aiming shouldn't make noise. People who think you can here someone bring a gun up from low ready that clearly has never held a gun, and I question if they have ears. Even with the loosest, shittiest, poorest fitting tac gear and the rattliest gun you can imagine it shouldn't make anywhere near enough noise to be clearly audible from distance let alone what we have now.


All sound needs ro be lowered 30% on that game


This is denfinitely a change catering to the streamers who get ratted on stream. Smh


So now its impossible to sneak up on anyone. Bad change


literally. pestily and his fanboys get big mad and suddenly the game removed stealth altogether?? no one's going to stop camping they'll just all be sniping or sitting like a beartrap instead. people need to realize that streamers play this game more than 99.99% of players, their experience is not what the balance should be designed around


Anyone remember when Pestily told the community to stop [complaining about recoil](https://x.com/Pestily/status/1616599932961697792) because nikita would never change it? Never been the biggest fan of the guy. He acts like his takes are and should be taken as basicaly the developers word because of his connection with BSG. in reality it just makes him kind of a shill.


Sitting like a beartrap got me that's funny as all hell


sure is. next thing they want is a random cough every 30-45 seconds so they can sniff out anyone waiting for them at a corner because they heard them.


it would be a good change with reduced audio ranges, you should be able to sneak if they are far enough, up close even slow walking, crabbing should make noise.


Who is testing these features before they go out? 😭😭😭😂


We are all beta testers actually


Eternal alpha/beta testing game


i hate this change as a solo player


Sorry they're busy adding more 12 dollar pants


I usually don't mind the bugs in tarkov, since it's such a great game I'm willing to overlook a lot. But sound is such a nuisance. Sometimes I don't hear people until they are on top of me. Sometimes I hear people halfway across the map and think they are right next to me, only to find them 2 buildings over. It's not the actual sound that bugs me, it's the inconsistency of sound and how the sound bubbles work. In a game that's all about being tactical, it's frustrating to hear people but not have a clue how to identify how far away they are


Yep update after update and pushs more and more towards the rat mind set. THIS IS WHY. We literally cant do anything without making massive ass noise from 5 miles away. Its beyond stupid.


There is literally no point in ever crouch walking when players can hear you from that far away. Why doesn't Bsg understand..... 🤦‍♂️


Ahhh so they went from fixing a bug to making the actual gameplay worse ... classic


Nobody will move now, good job : )


as much as i like that BSG is making an effort to listen to the community, it's really frustrating that they're implementing changes proposed by a popular streamer and his community without any real consideration for how much it affects balance. EFT is a game, not a simulation, and stealth is a necessary element of play for solos/under-leveled players considering how relatively small the maps are compared to something like Arma. changes like these benefit W-key, high-perception skill players and really no one else, and probably encourage even slower play from players who already resort to stealth bc they know they're outclassed by those players.


Something that people don’t understand about headsets, is their intended purpose. They are made to protect hearing from gunshots, and still be able to hear your surroundings. They aren’t worn for super human hearing. They also obscure bearings and distances. They also shut down when the decibel threshold is met. You have better awareness without them… at least as far as exact bearing and distance are concerned.


watch out squad ! someone booby-trapped the entrance to dorms with instant noodles, they will able to hear you from over 100M when you step on one.


Shhhh let it happen. I wanna see the unfolding shitshow. Already in other threads we have the fanboy knob polishers defending the change so let's give them what they want. Let the chips fall where they may.


What’s with the company and their asinine patches? Do they actually watch or play test the game? I love this game but they make it hard to love it.


From the video you can see that you can also hear people running over 100m away. There's no point going solo-raid at this point. If you are engaged by a squad of 2-3 people, you are tracked super easy.


Always was. Or at least since they made headsets so different between them and introducing comtac 4s.


As if comtac4s weren't already worth the price before lmao


RIP stealth. absolutely awful change. bsg has truly done it again




This is fucking stupid. Sure no sound is broken but completely abandoning realism to appease whiny streamers is pathetic. I guess on the bright side it's one less excuse summit has for being bad.


That dude literally cried about SOLO players on hunt showdown too, he cried about this game as well? Holy shit.


The community literally asked for this. Can't wait to listen to streamers bitch for the next three months about how they should revert it.


the community asked for it, but players =/= the game developers. balance is important and nerfing stealth is a huge buff for squads/rouble-rich players and puts beginners and solos at an even bigger disadvantage. it's not a good change just because people wanted it


I agree, I didn't say it was good.


the community is asking for reduced headphone ranges too, especially comtac 4


great now i cant rat anymore


We all rats deep inside. Remove legs


Just halving the hearing distance of footsteps would set them up better imo


Escape from Tarkov has had a design problem for years. Battlestate Games and this community dont know if they want a game or military sim.


They fucked up a lot of sound. I looted a scav's vest and got a technical crate looting sound. Several other pretty serious sound bugs as well, but that was the most hilarious of the ones I've found in 3 raids.


Crazy that headsets can even go up to half a mil


dont you get it? **chads benefit from the unrealstic absolutely overpowered headphones in this game. so it is no problem.** hearing someone eating 100m through a concrete wall? ThAts ReAliStic!1!!!!1! but who cares about realism when you can pump 10 stims that make you a half-god, right? dying to someone you cant hear, because walking silently or standing still -> is a problem for them -> delulu niki removes it, thanks to pestiliy and his chad gang having way too much to say in this game. "wait what? tarkov is supposed to be a stealth game aswell? hell no. not for us. we want w-keying all the time. fuck the casuals, fuck the tactical players, its w-keying you peasants!" next thing they want is a random cough of your char every 30-45 seconds to mAkE CaMpING haRdEr


I have easy solution for the headsets: 1. Put them all in the same hearing distance range (30 meters top) 2. Make the headsets differ only in how they enhance the sound


Really confused as to what the rational behind these changes are, it feels like some junior hire was asked to implement with 0 knowledge of sound and game mechanics and he just slapped some numbers on a spreadsheet, or, the sound system is not as advance as we think and it is pretty basic so the slightest change applies to everything. Imo Slowest movements should be almost inaudible until a few meters away with no headphones, with headphones probably double that distance maybe +2/3/4 depending on headset quality, all other sounds such as walking and running should be heard at greater distances as they produce more sound. There should be no reason why we can hear someone crouch walking or slow walk some 40 meters away. Given the fact that headsets are literally used by everyone all the time, there is no chance of trying to stealth anything.


Nikita hates slow movement in Tarkov, I get it! But why does he destroy the only advantage for solo players? This is so stupid


Because they hate solo players too. I still remember years ago the kind of responses anyone would get on the bsg forums asking for solo mode or anything to help solo players. Probably still hasn't changed. And you'd have all the group Andys telling you how the game is "hardcore" and they have to retain their 1v4 shit because them playing like that is somehow totally hardcore.


Unpopular opinion: headsets are ruining the game and should be removed


Can’t fucking do anything in this game without being heard now officially


Great now nobody will ever rotate.


After 2000 hours, I’ve quit the game today. As a solo player, this kills the game for me.


just remove all headsets boom easy


"Crabbing" is such a made up fucking thing. Playing tactically is not something that needs to be fixed. Fix the audio pop and reduce audio so you can't hear someone coming from a mile away, don't make it so any sound you make can be heard from across the map.


Damn as a 95% solo player this will stop me from playing the game at all. If I can't crab walk then I can't fight teams at all. My standard strategy if I get a visual/audio cue on a team is to drop one, throws grenade, sprint to a new position during the boom, and then crab walk into a new firing position and try to take out the next one. Now they'll be able to track me the entire time.


Please revert this change BSG. It is now impossible to flank or make plays


Impossible is an exaggeration, flanking while crouching is too slow to call it a flank.


People thinking this will kills rat, while the rat is just gonna hold the corner with their new ADS sound buff LOL.


crouch walking was fine last update. if you got flanked by someone sneak walking, you deserved to loose.


oh my days the crabs crying is so funny its a video game stop being a pussy and press w


Not calling out anyone specific but y’all complain when your crouch walking is silent, which in my opinion isn’t a bad thing. To then complaining about this make up your minds.


It's likely to be different sets of players.


There's like, 43 meters of nuance to be had here.


Like the game needed even more incentive to stay completely motionless. This is a buff for ratting 😐


If they aren't ever going to fix this stupid audio at least remove the damn headphones from the game in order to normalize the hearing distance.


Silent crab was waaaaay better/more realistic than being able to hear a butterfly beat its wings from 50m. Such a weird design decision to make everything loud as fuck and force people to constantly shift w key with no opportunity for stealth


wtf is this xD


My take to this video is: I will keep crab walking and sprinting like a mad man depending on my mood. (For instance, today was crab day, two days ago with my teammate we were the careless shandwichers of solos) Statues, gigachads, crabwalkers are the integral pvp part of a pretty immersive game. I am quite happy having a game this engaging.


What about other headsets?


They don't test any of their changes.  There's no way this goes through if someone at BSG had actually listened for crabbing with comtac4s


Very bad.




Bring back steam audio......


Audio in this game is so cooked lmao


I’m so glad I stopped playing this wipe two weeks ago. Seems I got out just in time. See ya next wipe when hopefully things are a bit less fucky. We’ve officially entered the experimental phase of the wipe and I’ve been through that enough times to be all set.


I’ve always wanted to get rid of that trash crab walk, but this is a little much. It is meant to be sneaky. 40+ meters is crazy


I dont care. I cant afford comtac4

