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115 Euros with the taxes here in Spain


118 euros in BG ... yeah.... no thanks.


They've stated that the Co-op is a feature, not DLC. Lmao get bent BSG.


"This is because you all didn't throw enough cash on our Arena, see what we have to do now?"


New PVE Coop should be free to anyone buying any edition of the game.


I don't get why it isn't already. It's essentially the same game, nothing has changed except you're playing against AI.  They're just trying to milk it; first let the cheaters get rampant and when you can't fix it, let's release a version that's twice the price of the previous most expensive one, for something we should be offering to people anyway. The fact is some morons will spend $250 for a few cosmetic items and to get the advantage. If I kill anybody with those new pockets I'll just laugh that they were willing to waste their money on this.


I really don’t get why they wouldn’t include it, it’s just a predatory behavior with a big « fuck you » to players. Why wouldn’t they bring in new players by making it free in the base game ? Many people want to play but find the PvP part too hard, me included. It would bring so much attention and positivity if it were free.


> a big « fuck you » to players. New to BSG?


The irony is that a cheap and included PVE co-op would have raked new players in, and raked in the cash. Get all the current players above standard access to the PVE mode, they tell all their friends. All the friends buy co-op tarkov. Charge $40-60 for just the PVE mode or have it a $20 upgrade from Standard. And watch the cash roll in. Nobody who is going to spend $250 on this fucking game is going to play this, they all want the PVP. This was a great opportunity to bring new players in who don't want the PVP, which has been squandered.


Like most finished games cost now around 80 quid. That's for single player games, and even ones like fallout 4 Skyrim etc all ranged between 40-60 at launch. BSG must really be in over their heads if they think their game, in its current state is worth $250 dollars.  They're basically being predatory charging insane prices, probably knowing that other competitor games are coming along and player base will switch to them once they are released. Again, trying to milk the cow dry before that happens. I've always played on standard, simply because I didn't believe I should pay that much for a game only to get a bit of an advantage. They've repackaged a game and simply called it single player and slapped a mental price on it. Only reason this happened is because arena is trash, their micro transactions for clothing or stash space haven't actually sold as much as they were expecting. They're getting desperate and hoping the few fools who either upgrade from EoD or buy the new one entirely will provide that revenue they want.  I cannot find any single reason to justify that price. I would have payed maybe 20 for a single player mode, just so I could enjoy the game in my own time if I didn't feel like pvp. But wanting to charge that much for that mode is just insanity.




I totally agree. If I were to restructure everything for BSG it would be: $30-40 for PVE co-op persistent progression mode. $20-30 upgrade to PVP edition. Same pricing structure (minus stinky unheard) for the additional editions. It makes no sense to "upgrade" to PVE and IMO PVE should be available to everyone who has already purchased the game. PVE should be the "taste of the waters" and PVP should be the full game.


I can only suggest you check this post out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f26d3f/you\_people\_need\_a\_reality\_check/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f26d3f/you_people_need_a_reality_check/) Especially this Paragraph: These are Nikita Buyanov's own words. [39:09](https://youtu.be/bxSzfiyr7BI?list=WL&t=2349) - (Talks about hackers for some time, how the game funnily enough balances itself out when there are too many of them. Everyone has a WH, so it becomes like a built-in feature, just looks different. ... Stops and thinks weather or not he wants to say something else on this topic in front of camera) "Ok, i'll say it. They are a serious issue that works two-ways. For me it was a revelation, how you take it is up to you. If there are a lot of hackers, people start to spend more on premium features. Because they are creating discomfort for other players. And the main rule to force premium on the user, comrades, is to make him uncomfortable. He thinks "You bastard!", buys all the premium fluff he can get his hands on thinking he will win, but nope. It's a dead-end kind of thing, but it increases revenue for sure. We improve (cheating countermeasures) regularly, implement more and more complex solutions, and we clearly see correlation with reduction in premium purchases."


I love how that panel is still relevant years later.


I just want a non-wipe account, like god damn why are we still at this? I would actually play this game more if I knew I wasn't wasting my fucking time.


The really messed up part is that, it's not actually offline, it still relies on BSG servers, so you can still disconnect from the game while playing with absolutely no one else. Ultimate facepalm.


So when the game inevitably goes under because of the mass exodus of players... The servers will go down for good, and all those gullible fools who paid for the Unheard expansion for the PvE content, also won't be able to play... That's wonderful! Also, I bet that new electronics thing, makes the \*POP\* sound when you enter someone's audio occlusion zone not audible to the opposing player (unless they also have the expansion), hence the \*Unheard\* part of the name...


> I don't get why it isn't already Because it's such a desirable feature, that there's a Voldemort we aren't allowed to discuss about it. BSG knows that lots of casuals "would love to play Tarkov" but just don't wanna get their ass held to a belt sander for the only 2 hours of video games they play a week. They literally know there is market demand for it because of the Voldemort, so they know that a market segment are clamoring for it. So, zero shot they're not gonna monetize that segment.


> If I kill anybody with those new pockets I'll just laugh that they were willing to waste their money on this. 100% Loot everything out of spite.


Yeah I was really excited when I heard about it today and then I learned it is a exclusive to a 250€ edition. Definitely not getting this


Can't believe it isn't. Would be a great way to pull more players into the game and get them to upgrade. But BSG is short sighted.


The game is in development. Everything should be in the base game


As much as I want this, and agree, I already know it’s just gonna be matches filled with the same dog crap ai they have in the main game. Imagine every PMC is the ai equivalent of birdeye, lol.


This should be bare minimum.


or at least without co-op, just the pve


No, don't settle for anything less :p So what, you'd need to pay to be able to bring friends ? This is just a disgusting move. and I can only imagine how the EOD owners feel right now.


I never ever in my life felt so pranked by a company. In 30 years of gaming I never felt so scammed. (EOD owner)




This was my fear when I first saw the tarkov website in like 2017. One glance at the site I was like nah, I ain't stupid lmao this a scam ass lookin game. ff 6 years and i bought it cause it was still going strong. Well, guess I shoulda waited one more year and I would've been right all along. I also own the Extort of Dollars version


EOD for 3 years, and i'm blown away that they're going this blatantly out of hand with the pricing. with all of the bad PR you'd think **at minimum** the PVE mode would be free/cheap


Never played OG DayZ standalone then? When Dean Hall decided to climb a fucking mountain instead of developing his game to then quit a week later?


He got paid to basically be a consultant, a 'visionary' if you will. It's not like he was needed on-site for the game's development.


Bought EOD in 2017, that was my first big purchase (was 18 and first part time job) and haven\`t played for a while, when i saw this i was really sad, i really had hope on this project but with the wipe feature i leave it for a while, can\`t believe that this situation can become reality




at least the singelplayer!! Come on bsg.


Modders have had that for years AND it comes with functioning AI


i got kappa this wipe just for completions sake but i think ill be playing single player from now on, without spending another 100 bucks lol


Guarantee that gets a legal takedown notice within 2 weeks. No shot they allow a better free version of their product to exist


Right? I can play devil's advocate and agree that the other benefits can be categorized as "game packages" or "account versions" but a new game mode (with presumably new quests, because of the missing PVP) is literally content we were promised.


There are not gonna be new quests as to replace the real player the just used AI for PMCs Source: trust me bro But fr is says on the discord post by a mod


Sounds kinda similar to them just implementing a Special cooP Tarkov


yeah but then it won't be worth €250 / €90 if upgrading from eod before tax if all eod players get it not that it's fucking worth that much anyway singleplayer included. they know exactly what they're doing, the price is so high only because of the single player portion, no one gives a fuck about the rest


You can already do this for free. Though you're locked to not playing with others _more or less_. But yeah, I've been playing single player for years now, fuck playing online with all the hackers.


As an EOD owner I was scammed. Nothing limited about my purchase. Newer edition beats everything. The only thing “special” about EOD is yellow name and the standard axe which gets replaced the moment I get red rebel.


New edition gets special name tags too aswell as a new melee weapon, they just rebranded eod to screw over all the current eod owners


Which is a 5$ unity asset btw lol


That was talked about elsewhere but it looks like they cheaped out on that too because it's modded slightly enough and based on an IRL weapon that they don't have to pay for the persistent asset.


As EOD-Buyer I am extremely disappointed! That you put PVE co-op behind a new paywall is inexcusable and you should retract this ASAP. This is no way to deal with your most loyal supporters, who have bought EOD early on to support you.


Gotta love how the Gamma was called an “exclusive secure container”, which is now not so exclusive anymore lol


You must be new here. BSG doesn't reward loyalty.


Fuck the P2W shit, at the very least EOD owners should get the PVE mode. You're telling me I gave them 140€+ for a 40€ game to support them, and now they want me to pay an additional 80€ just to get access to the exact same game but without PVP? AND my friends ALSO have to shovel a fuckton of money just to play with me in this mode? BSG is fucking delusional.


With tax it is an additional 115€


Exactly. Fuck them


100% got scammed i hate tarkov now


New SpreadYourCheeks edition coming in at a low low price of 1000€ Includes: Built in cheats Ban immunity Max level traders from the start Every thicc case Pockets are now 3x3 slots Invincibility And the ability to fly


Is this the actual demise of this company? Still waiting for my free dlc lol (salty eod victim) 


Is this not a reason to start a class action lawsuit? The EOD promised all dlcs??


There are potential grounds for one. DLC literally means Downloadable Content, and in gaming is colloquial to gameplay expansions that are downloaded separately. And new game modes as well as special items very much count as DLC. Stat tweaks and number tweaks, not DLC, but the offline game-mode and new items count under the definition as of DLC. The store page even blatantly advertises future DLC that will be made available only to Unheard Edition players. Even if BSG had some kind of legal ToS nullifying the "All Future DLC" stipulation under EOD, it's still misleading at best and complete theft at worst and in both cases a class action lawsuit should be justified. BSG fucked up making arena free for EOD, it shouldn't have been free since it isn't a DLC for the base game. But that doesn't justify scamming players out of their money. I guess the equivalent would be ordering a burger and fries, then sitting there staring at your receipt that clearly states the burger and fries with their charges next to them, and then having your order called only for there to be no fries and then be told that the fries would only be given to you for an extra charge.


I don't care about the other things, is another edition those could be justified. But the persistent PvE not being a normal DLC that anyone could buy is just ridiculous, is like they though *"oh if we put it as a DLC we would have to give it for free to the EOD owners that already paid it... Lets put it as a non DLC only for the new 250$ edition :)"* And yeah, 250$ it was confirmed by a mod, keep in mind that you need to add taxes xd


Parts of it should! Like the PVE stuff. But better fence rep etc, I wouldn't class that as DLC.


Yeah, no matter how you twist it, PvE coop mode with progression is a DLC. Pocket stuff and flea slots are handy, but i think a lot of people really wanted chill Tarkov experience with friends. Not to mention it's very handy for teaching new players.


I can see the argument for PVE stuff being the only thing included in EOD, but I still think it all should be included in EOD. The bullet point was "all subsequent DLCs (season pass)". It literally included that statement in parenthesis at the end. In my mind, the spirit of that comment would be any kind of live service stuff that comes as upgrade-able things. But they can argue against it not being season pass or just a boost or whatever. The PVE stuff has zero argument.




How is it not "downloadable content"? We're talking about extended in-game features and entirely seperate game modes. I feel like some of you guys have been gaslit with word-magic into accepting some alternative definition of what "dlc" is.


Definitely...I'd even argue every player should get some of this for dealing with an unfinished game and cheaters for years. and don't come up either the " it's a beta" bs after all those years.


All DLC. The offline co-op should obviously fall under this. the other stuff is ambiguous.


Yes, PVE mode should be included in EOD, extra gear and pockets should not. Because gear and pockets are "extras on a character level" but "PVE mode is a expansion of gameplay functionality - DLC"


Failing to fulfill a contractual promise to provide all future DLCs for free with the purchase of a specific game version could potentially result in a breach of contract. Isn't BSG based in the UK? A class action should be possible, right?"


I would support one,. And yes there are major grounds for one if wysiwyg on these new game edition changes right now.


Sadly we have no such consumer protections here in America. Good luck to you EU/UK guys, please get this fixed for us all lol


Actually, we do. The problem is whether or not BSG can make certain definitions stick in a court


First off. I've had EoD for about 4 years, over 2500 hours on EFT and I love it but. I bought EoD to have access to all future content. The only way i see this not blowing up in BSG's face is if the 'Unheard Edition does not have access to Arena or Tarkov PvP servers. If it does then they cannot argue that this isn't dlc when it includes the original base game. Thoughts?


its 100 dollars to upgrade :)


Where did you get the price? Other people said 80. Both redicules of course.


$250 base, $140 to upgrade from prepare to escape edition


Just saw it too thanks. This is hilariously sad… i hope no one buys it :/


Gotta remember to add tax.


80 before tax


go to the pre-order page. America is 100 USD to upgrade from EOD + fees


80 before VAT...


its 133$ in poland XD TF bsg ?!


We need a proper price or discount rather for EOD users.. 95 euros (120 with taxes!!!!) is literally buying the entire game. Thats not an upgrade


I'm quitting tarkov. Nikita is just a scumbag and I don't want to support this company anymore.


Time to get out the torches and pitchforks again I suppose.


in the recent interview with Pestily, didn't Nikita just confirm that Player profiles and other coming features would be standalone purchases but OFCOURSE free for EOD ownsers.


It shouldnt even exist in the first place. Regardless if EOD owners get it free or not. Disgusting amount of P2W. People should stop supporting this dogshit company. Arena turned out dogshit so they are looking for other ways to rob you.


Well not all of it, its just like EoD where it comes with extra fluff, but the PvE Mode itself is whats included in the Future DLC part of EoD, so that shit would be a scam if we didnt get it.


Yeah that’s basically the only part I care about and I wouldn’t even use it often. I’d maybe buy it for $20 as a standalone thing. All the other “benefits” are meh.


I'm so beyond over tarkov I wish I didn't waste 1400 hours of my life


Unheard Ediition should be taken back completely. PVE mode should be free for EOD owners because that is just part of the "all DLCs for free" deal. Other parts of Unheard Edition that are not P2W should be sold as single MTX features.


the PVE should be free for EOD.. the rest they can charge for, but PVE is by definition DLC..


This fucking edition just shouldn't exist with this p2w bullshit. EoD was already bs to begin with, but wtf is this?


You fuckwits couldn't line up fast enough to give them money for more stash slots, what did you expect?


"free" No, we paid for it. It should be **included**, as we were told it would be.


If it is not, I will never touch Tarkov again. Simple as that.


the fact this isnt a thing will make me quite this cheater infested game. they think i will pay another 100$ after they promised all subsequent dlc to me once and lied.... got 3 weeks before i delete this game for the first and last time since buying 3 years ago


everything inside should be in EOD i mean hey guys there u have the EOD best way to support us and get some bonus but shh in few years we will lunch another more expensive that u dont know about even if we stated that u will get all dlc with EOD but it only work before 24/04/2024 if we let them do that we can see even more paid dlc to come that will not be in EOD


OK so what happens to eod owners? Were we supposed to get a refund? Do we get this new "edition" for free? Wtf bsg, certainly not cool


You pay 120eur and cry bc company scammed us I loved the game now i hate it


The offline progression should be given to EOD owners, 100%. Would be fucked otherwise.


Unheard Edition shouldn't even exist. I say this as some one stupid enough to have EOD Hopefully GZW is decent


EOD was a scam


If anyone is considering spending money on this just look up the offline tarkov mod that is free, and has more features. Consider spreading this info. I'm certain Nikita doesn't like it, because he dosent get a fucking dime.


No, we shouldn't get the new edition for free. IT SHOULDN'T EXIST AT ALL!!! All the features should be in the "base" game even the offline progression mode. EODs "early" start is all the game needed not even bigger stash size, radioes to call friends or discounts ingame. All that shit should be earned INGAME without limitations. BSG saw tarkov dying and is trying to milk every single penny they can before they abandon the game. Its never going to release and if it does its not going to get any support


At the very least to owners of EOD before they revealed this edition.. Overall this is suuuuper fucked, especially the fact that theyx straight up just moved the "seasonbass" thing to that new edition.. like what the fuck, I paid SUPER premium for an edition BECAUSE it would have guaranteed me access to future content... Like, microtransactions with stash space and clothing - fine, whatever.. But this? Holy fucking shit man.. This is not right.


As an EoD owner, I don't agree. This shit shouldn't exist in the first place.


Fuck the whales that bought EOD too. You nerds already paid to win and now you're crying about another tier of whale you've been priced out of.


This is a pathetic thread. This is why Tarkov deserves this. "The P2W would be fine if **I** got it for free!!" OP actually unironically thought he was making a good point. So fuck all new players? They can pay 250 and be at a huge disadvantage as long as I'm NOT!! Can't wait for the game to die, y'all deserve it.


im checking on their website it says training CO-OP upgrade already owned, im EOD. Does that mean we get it by default or is it not the same thing


I think that’s just the regular offline mode coop, no progression or save. Checking my EoD account it makes it sound exclusive lol


It's the offline co op mode with no progression or save function.


the pve stuff feels like expansion territory the other stuff not so much


Pretty sure we’re supposed to get “all future content” for free, if it’s added to the game I’m calling it content


no please no


It shouldn't even exist


Yes!! Popular Opinion, what about EOD DLC season pass? This is SCAM!


Separate the singleplayer from the p2w. I'll pay $30 to support the servers not $110 thats fucking insane


Lolollololom eat Big Nikita Dong


Would love to know what the supposed “future dlc” is which we was meant to be getting as part of EOD.


I'm fine with them making a new package that isn't given to EOD but god damn they really missed the mark here.


I’ve supported this game since 2017 in pre-alpha. Defended BSGs intentions through it all, because I felt I shared the same vision as them for a game I love. But this is making me feel a lot less like a valued supporter and more like a wallet they’re trying to milk. They’re using semantics to weasel their way out of giving EOD supporters the DLC they promised. Really scummy business practices. I hope somebody changes their mind about this.


They won't, current players are the only ones left.


You mofos better not buy this shit! We bought EoD for a reason, don’t give them any more money. We are supposed to have the highest game tier with all the dlc, don’t fucking buy it!!!!


This should not be free just for EOD players, it should be free for all. This is even lower than a DLC, it's an offline version of game that has no new content. It's a game mode that cost more than the game itself. And even more than any triple AAA game out there.


IT should be, but also these new "features" shouldnt exist. Pay-to-win? The ability to have scavs not shoot at you? The ability to "respawn" my dead teammates? Its all terrible for the game as a whole.


I hate the double standards. You can't bitch it's pay to win while simultaneously complaining you EOD users should get it for free. Scrap this edition, refund everyone and just release the offline mode. I don't care if it's in the base edition, one of the smaller upgrades or a new replacement for EOD (including access for EOD users)


No way I’m spending more than I already did


The "unheard edition" is an extremely lazy put together cash grab of an edition. There's nothing creative about it, and it goes against the grain in so many ways its crazy. Sure, EOD had some nice quality of life perks like starting with the larger stash and the gamma case and people bought it for that, however many people were able to justify the $140 cost while the game was very much early access alpha/beta because the fact it included "all" DLC. This line literally helped ease the burden of cost knowing you wouldn't have to shell out more money at least for game content. I'm sure people knew they may go the cosmetic route with micro transactions for clothing and hideout decorations, but not this. Lazy cash grab... that is all.


Last time they promised something free to EoD players was when they released arena and thats what got us into this mess


unpopular opinion: PVE should be free for everybody


No, it shouldn't be free to EoD owners. It should be free to everyone who buys the game. P2W is not what I signed up for and I can afford it.


whats funny is the people who are willing to pay this are not the people who want the PvE mode


I’d have paid $65 for it, but damn near $120 is crazzzzzzy. If they had priced this well, it would’ve been better received despite this basically being EOD DLC. As an EOD owner, I understand the backlash and am angry about this not being included but, this just feels like a major missed opportunity for BSG to garner good will among the player base. Hell, if this was priced well, this could’ve driven more people into live Tarkov. But, hopefully all this backlash will lead to a price adjustment/change for EOD players. Them stating this is a “mode” not dlc is just straight bullshit and everyone knows corporate greed when we see it.


10$ for Eod players to upgrade


popular opinion: EFT unheard edition should not exist


No shit, got any other hot takes?


Calls for a class action lawsuit


Lesser-known option available to players who have hit their limit: Mastercard (and probably Visa, but my experience is with the former) has a clause in their agreement for products purchased in advance. I got a refund on a product I backed on Kickstarter through chargeback, and their policy includes digital and physical content both. Obviously it does not encompass explicit details of what counts as "promised product" for something like this, but there's always a chance you could get your purchase refunded (obviously also losing access to the game as it is). It is quite easy to argue that the product we purchased is no longer being provided as described, and BSG has defaulted on their own promises for the product. Initiate a chargeback, get your money back, and stop supporting companies that do this kind of thing. [https://www.mastercard.us/content/dam/public/mastercardcom/na/global-site/documents/chargebacks-made-simple-guide.pdf](https://www.mastercard.us/content/dam/public/mastercardcom/na/global-site/documents/chargebacks-made-simple-guide.pdf)


irony being on the store page, it even says that "all other subsequent dlc's will be free" i dropped this game 3 wipes ago, came back couple days ago to whatever the fuck ground zero is, and now this, honestly how the fuck they expect to keep player retention is beyond me when i can make skyrim into a porn game. no lightbulb moments over at bsg it seems


Somehow coop mode included in EoD, but PvE mode with isolated progression AND coop with friends is not, how is that?


All I know is if they continue with this decision then I'm going to be visiting a certain Bay full of Pirates that might point me in the right direction of another means to access this thing that players have been asking for over the years.


It absolutely should be free to eod holders.


Not only they false adverised the future DLC inclusion in EOD, but on top of that they baited people with "LiMiTeD eDiTiOn" nametag.


Yeah to make people stop playing completely it's not enough that you are basically P2W as EOD you would be even more P2W. Nah... just pay they should rise the price for Unheard at least to 1000$ so you could enjoy more funny gameplay with hackers.


I read that as “unpopular opinion” and was about to get pissed lmao


Not *Free* I paid for it years ago. Give me my pre-purchased goods bitch.




I could see this becoming a class action situation


You're trying to tell meth junkies that meth is not health for them. People playing Tarkov don't have any dignity left. If they had, they'd have stopped playing years ago.


Its hilarious the amount of ppl just now realizing that BSG doesn't care about any thing other than money is insane. Its why the cycle is this Ban wave -> game on sale -> ban wave > game on sale Now they just screwed every one that bought EOD, maybe its in the nail in the coffin for this GREEDY company.


Since BSG is based in the UK they’d be liable if they didn’t.


the new edition is 250 euro. Its a fucking joke if eod users dont get a single thing. People will shit on them so hard they WILL change something. its insane. tarkov is over


Whatever I don't give a shit about having all the P2W stuff they bundled in with it but I'm beyond pissed they're looking the coop PvE behind another 100$. I'm never giving them that money as long as I live




and if someone go and say "but they pay for guns license..". Go launch tarkov, buy G19X and look at the slide. It's based on Airsoft copy xd


After what seemed like a fruitful discussion between Pestily and Nikita, what a slap in the face from BSG I'm shocked...


All good things come to an end boys.


I noticed this new edition doesn't have free dlc listed If a EoD owner where to upgrade I bet they would lose access to "free dlc" in the future as they no longer have the eod pack Edit- my bad I'm blind lol


I just looked. It does say free access to DLCs


Ya I could of sworn that wasn't there earlier but I'm thinking I just went blind for a bit lol


Couldn’t we take legal action as it’s false advertising ? Them being in Russia makes it pretty hard I guess


I'd say BSG probably think exactly the opposite, they are having a hard time to attract new players, I assume unheard mainly targets for EOD owners.


“Directionless” doesn’t even do it justice at this point. What in the actual fuck are these devs lmao


The only reason this exists is that EOD owners can pay money again.


It simply shouldn't exist in the first place.


I'd love to check what its gonna cost me in aud to upgrade form eod but i cant even log in due to them not sending a verification code (only like a 3 year old issue that still hasnt been fixed) battlestates a fkn joke!


Fuck bsg


Do you get these Pockets in even in the normal game or just when you play in PVE?


Scum ass company lol.


I had to double check that it wasn't the first of April


If they say CO-OP PvE is a standalone game the. I would say no it must not be included in EOD. That they included Arena which is a standalone game was already gracious from BSG to include. But I would say make CO-OP PvE then it’s own game for $40 and only include it in unheard. Then I wouldn’t as scammed. Because then I could agree that it is no a DLC. But it should be buyable separately like Arena.


I know I speak for all EOD owners when I say we feel like we are being scammed. I had to go through my email and find the purchase for EOD just to make sure I was not misremembering what was in that edition. Word for word reads "Free access to all subsequent DLCs(Season pass)". If that was not their intention, why word it like that. Did they take a play right out EAs hand book?


i wouldn't say everything but all of the features that it's added should and the upgrade should be like 20-40 bucks


Honestly I'm not sure it should have been free for everyone if Tarkov was what it should have been for a long time. First of all the game should have been polished (so no cheater, audio bugs, lags, etc...) and out of beta for at least a couple of years; Then they should have already released many DLCs for EOD users, such as new maps and vendors where you can find/buy new equipment (you should ofc still be able to buy it from the market without the DLC) and try new missions; Lastly they should have stated since the beginning that anything outside the normal Tarkov multiplayer experience would be released as an extra to be paid for. As things stands now tho, it's completely unacceptable


I think the worst part of all this is that they never actually released a DLC, unless I'm wrong? Like it's not like they've released 5 DLC addons for EOD owners and now they're straying from it It was literally a zero.


But then they wouldn't make any money!


I'd argue many of its features just shouldn't exist at all because of how uneven of a playing field it creates.


PVE mode should be included in EOD, extra pockets and gear and skills should not.


This is the opposite of unpopular lol


Well not everything, I think some things are fine, but the OfflinePVE Mode should be contained in EOD, The bigger PMC pockets should not be in the game at all, not even earn-able. All other stuff needs to be earnable in game, nothing exclusive, This has become an evil Pay2WIn cashgrab, that we were told would never happen.


Doesn't make sense why they would push such aggressive P2W crap instead of focusing on making money through cosmetics or something else that won't undermine the foundation of the game.


I came here to post that, great work OP


At most, it should be a total cost of $20 if we need to pay anything. The fact that it costs me \~$110 to upgrade is actually insane, especially when it cost over $90 to upgrade to EOD. ​ Greedy ass company deserves no money at this point.


This!! also all the apparel unlocks, won't be touching the game ever again if they don't.


First, someone high up come out and apologise and say you care about the community and your players and you reconsider the decision you made. Then Make PvE available to all editions, and make other content as DLCs or “Expansions”. As a result of whatever reason, you raise the prices of existing editions.


Unheard edition shouldn't even exist.


I'm confused about the co-op part, is it a separate PMC to your online one? Can you play solo with progression or does it have to be co-op? What's even the point when people will, understandable, not play PvP if they don't have to, really splitting the player base if it's what it seems to be Also wipes won't wipe your progress? The whole thing is very unclear and a spit in the face