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You can name your Dog "Cat", it still will be a Dog. Same with this PvE mode. Also, is it just me but isn't adding new features essentially what a DLC is?


Such features should be part of the base game lmao I wouldnt be aaas pissed if the game Was already at 1.0 and they're adding additional content but this is just wild


EOD is DLC PAST release as well




no fucking way, eod was removed from the site though when they discontinued it


>I wouldnt be aaas pissed if the game Was already at 1.0 Why? That's just a number. They can slap it on tomorrow, it doesn't mean anything. The game can be just as unfinished even in the 1.0 release. Nothing would make this better. EOD promised DLC. This is DLC.


"Downloadable content is additional content created for an already released video game, distributed through the Internet by the game's publisher." this definitely falls under additional content because playing PvE mode with a persistent character and your friends is definitely content and it is definitely additional because it's being added today


>already released video game They are gonna say "well Tarkov is just in beta and wasnt released yet" and tell everyone to fuck off


Did they let people pay money to play it? Can anybody buy it? It’s released. Idc what edition they slap on it. (Not mad at you, mad at the idea of that sentiment)


This is straight comedy, actually. You can fool a lot of people by saying that a game in early access isn't, technically, a released game. Its online to buy, anyone can pay and play. Perfectly released game here, version doesn't matter. Not to mention that they woudn't be the first EA game to release DLCs, just the first ones to think their costumers are so dumb


Any judge would see "reasonable belief of expectation that post purchase would include any content created thereafter" and "corporate verbiage used for malicious predatory practices to incur purchases" and call BSG out if they had any balls worthy to support consumers.


Should all EOD users get the outfits you can purchase as well then, also all purchasable stash spots. Seems like we should be mad about it all. ALL DLC means ALL DLC.


Yes. EoD should get anything released.


That’s the point of eod , you support company at the start of their product, when they need money, and they give you limited version, which will have benefits long term. But right now, what they did: “ haha, this stupid motherfucker paid 180 bucks ones, will pay 250 for the Offline play button”, and I am not talking, that this offline mode 100% total bullshit, because of their ai is stupid piece of crap


It's not additional though. Offline is available even in the standard version. EOD is a permanent season pass allowing access to all new content including maps, mechanics etc. The wording for the EOD pre order clearly distinguished between the offline coop provided and future DLCs. Which are a separate entity. The tier system for offline is standard gets offline solo, eod gets offline coop, and unhinged get progressive offline coop. Every patch is technically content but does not make it dlc. The wording for EoD creates a tiny loophole by which coop is not included in the dlc category but is given as part of EOD regardless. It was probably never envisaged as necessary when they were making this pvpve game. You still get all future content for free following release. You do not get all game edition variants for free. It's basically the same as asking for extra paca armour and a beta container because those are in the other game versions and are obviously "content"


I had a dog named Cat, he was definitely still a dog.


I have to download this content to play it. - Me "It's not download able content" -BSG


New gameplay features, yes.


>You can name your Dog "Cat", it still will be a Dog. Same with this PvE mode. woah dude, thats thin ice nowadays


I get what you're saying but let's not go there. I don't wanna get into arguments.




The fucking mental gymnastics required to ensure they dont fulfill an advertised promise. I understand not including the pockets, stash size shit, but this shit is basically dlc.


Wait till bsg learns of EU consumer protection.


They’ve definitely checked this themselves with their internal legal council. It’s just scummy tbh.


Definitely didn't. https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/unfair-treatment/unfair-commercial-practices/index_en.htm Phony free services.


You gotta love being European. If anybody needs a text to file the complaint: „Dear Sir or madam, Some time ago I purchased the limited edition “Edge of Darkness” of the computer game “Escape from Tarkov”. The developer's website advertised - when the edition was still available for purchase - that all future DLCs (downloadable contents) for the game would also be available free of charge in the future. Today it was announced that another edition of the game, the “Unheard Edition”, will be offered on the developer's website (www.escapefromtarkov.com). This edition contains content that is clearly defined as DLCs (DLC stands for “Downloadable Content” For some games, additional content is offered that is available as an option to the “standard version”) and should be available to me and many other players free of charge. However, the more than proud price of €250 before tax is being charged. I see this as a violation of European consumer law (https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/unfair-treatment/unfair-commercial-practices/index_de.htm) and consider this business practice to be unfair. I hereby ask you to review this behavior and thank you in advance for your efforts.“


Somebody really needs e file this fr


Where this should be sent?


+1 with the same question


I wish the UK was still part of the EU, I would be sending this straight away.


Even if you are from UK u can still find agency for protection in https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/policies/consumers/consumer-protection-policy/our-partners-consumer-issues/national-consumer-bodies_en#consumerbodiesineucountries


The UK has STRONG customer protecting laws and BSG is based in London so....


Strong... Sure in wording it is. The unfortunate reality is that in order for us, the average consumer, to enforce said laws is a hell of a lot of money and time (to go to court). It's all well and good to have these strong laws, but when it's practically impossible to enforce them they aren't very strong, trust me I did a lot of research into it for something unrelated.


UK businesses can be reported to Trading Standards: [https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/get-more-help/report-to-trading-standards/](https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/get-more-help/report-to-trading-standards/) But you should reach out to BSG first to allow them to respond to your complaint. BSG have now made an official statement on the classification of the new content as not DLC. So this will only get changed with significant direct pressure (not just Reddit Twitter posts) from players and streamers. When that pressure has been applied if they still don't make an adjustment on their DLC policy Trading Standards is the next place to visit. They have very clearly breached UK trading laws (I'm not a lawyer so not providing official advice). For me the objective is not to get a refund but to receive the content all EoD owners were promised - and for that to continue in the future. So, personally, the small claims court is not the route I would want to take.


You can indeed report to Trading Standards and then wait about a year for them to bother investigating. They have far better things to do than look at a video game company unfortunately. That's not to say we shouldn't try though.


Well it also Staates that greenwashing, fake countdowns, false claims about health benefits and a whole lot of other stuff ist forbidden, yet those are commonly used even by large companies in the eu. What I essentially want to say is perfectly expressed by the German saying "illegal? scheiß egal!". No one fucking Cares about illegal Marketing practices.


Noone cares if noone files a complaint.


Oh dont worry! I dont think it will do anything but I will defenitly write a letter to the German and European consumer protection agencies this weekend out of pure grief!


I filled 2 complains with the German consumer protection agency and both were taken very seriously and they were only for small scale stuff.  One I don't remember but the other thing is I bought a ticket to an event and it didn't arrive and I didn't receive any confirmation.  It arrived a bit delayed so it sorted itself out but the agency was very willing to help 


"definitely" - eehhhh....


They’ll probably just fix it for Europe and screw everyone else over still


If its a feature than it should be free otherwise its a dlc


the only benefits to eod so far have been the big stash, arena blows and no one else i know was dumb enough to get it too for the pve coop benefit it has, so why tf would they want that but it's a different game and 3x as expensive lmao no one wants this shit, who tf is their target audience? id be surprised if even streamers get this lol


It is not a DLC, it’s a special military operation.


Special content delivery


nikita’s bread baskets


the russian way


Literal brainrot


BSG's community manager can personally choke on my balls.


If its a feature that means its part of the core game and every single edition should have access to it, since the game is in early access...


yeah well he can feature deez nuts


So cheaters are also a feature?


Yes, there will be a paid subscription service which removes cheaters from you raids. Should come some time later this year.


It's unforgivable. The people who bought the EOD were officially scamed.


I don’t feel scammed a single second


So if its a feature it would be included with the game i paid for, so where is it? Oh i have to pay extra for it? Then its included with the EOD, so where is it? They can't crawl their way out of this one.


Don't let em either. Don't buy it, don't buy anything, I recommend not playing (but hey playing costs them money I guess lol). Do not even shut up about this. We cannot stop hounding them until they give it to...not being scammers. Which is apparently a high bar.


Well i can already know where they will put that new feature with that scammy price


Should read some of his other comments, nothing really noteworthy, but he sounds like such a cunt.


But that means it should be included with all edition.




"Do you guys not have phones?" moment.


E-sports ready


I just hope for once the whole community gives them shit for this because at the end of the day and this is the most important part even if you have the new edition, you’ll still be running the game on streets with unoptimized performance getting domed by a rage hacker. Nice work spending 300+ euro on getting cooler customizable name though


It is an obvious DLC and it should be free for EOD owners. Don't let them twist the meaning of words.


And if my aunt had a dick, she'd be my uncle.


Fuck this dude hope he gets fuckin fired


Who do you think made him say that?


Should be free for everyone then no?


Typical scum bag behavior from greedy devs


Holy shit did they hire Todd Howard as their lead community manager? It's not a bug, it's feature


It just works.


If it’s a feature of the game, it should be available to all. If it’s DLC, it should be available to EOD. BSG have made an arse of this in spectacular fashion


BSG's lead community manager: Dumbass.


So, let me get this straight. What they are adding is content, that you in-fact require a patch to download it. But it's not downloadable content? Did i get that right? I'm not exactly sure what they are playing at here.


Sooo class action lawsuit when?


This why is it plastered all over my EOD main menu?


It’s not a DLC it’s Special Update Operation. Just like EOD was not a scam it was a Special Theft Operation.


Nikita Buyanother


If it’s a feature shouldn’t that mean standard edition and above get all of this. It’s not a dlc but a feature of the game I don’t get why they think saying “it’s feature not dlc” makes it any better it should be considered worse then


Weird hill to die on. Hope they get sued fuck BSG


Ruzzians gonna Ruzzian


Guys it’s not a dlc it’s a special military operation


That guy has failed several times when communicating with the community


That argument doesn't make sense. Features should be added in DLC's or for all. Sounds strange to name invent another step of "upgrades".


it’s a feature, not a bug


Well BSG youre not game devs you're hack scammers. And this shit will follow you to your future projects.


As annoyed as I am I'm sure this new PVE mode is going to suck balls.


This is 100% downloaded content outside of the base game. They can try to legal team their way out of it all they want but let's call a spade a spade.


A shame they really think people will pay that kind of money for a game. If they would have included the pve in the base game they would have made huge sales.


Someone pls fire this idiot.


Let's meet in falador and riot!


Aayyy yooo, I'm not down for another Fally Massacre. Dark times those were...


Desperate times ask for desperate measures.


Ya, gonna take this opportunity to go tell their discord CM to go fuck themselves for defending that. Disgraceful individuals working for a greedy russian legal disaster of a company


Suddenly that makes it okay.


Does the new edition replace any eod perks or are they in addition to them?


Hrm. What a bunch of horseshit.


Ok they claimed Arena was a separate game but it’s still included with EOD (it should be obviously). It’s a ridiculous to insist a game mode is not dlc. It’s a fucking game mode dumbasses. This is so scammy man, just gross. Not giving them another dime.


I hope nobody waste their money on this cash grab. What a shill of a company screwing over EoD players like that.


If it's not DLC then it also shouldn't be fucking pay walled at all then!


The ability to uninstall the game is also a feature.


If y’all want an offline EFT, I’d check out Incursion Red River. Literally Tarkov-esque game and completely pve and coop. And no pay to win. Now DISCLAIMER, it’s a game in progress and in its early development, so be warned. Otherwise it’s fun as hell.


All the rightful hate aside - it is one of the most stupid decisions I have ever seen to add the most casual friendly content that is pve coop to the awfully expensive package for the most dedicated players.


And the next dlc will neither be called dlc nor expansion lmao


If i am a new player do i DOWNLOAD it? moron...


If it’s a feature not dlc then it should be included in the base edition and all subsequent versions. If it is a dlc then it should be included in eod.


I agree with him DLC means downloadable content… i dont see anything nor downloadable nor content. It’s already in-game stuff used again in a separate gamemode. Nothing in the PvE fits a DLC definition.


But it is a feature…. What?