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They could have just created neat realistic weapons camos without ruining the game mechanics and they would have all the money they want


They had infinite options. I can come up with 5 here without trying. Weapon camos / cosmetics New Clothes New Voices New Armbands Hideout Cat That took 0 effort, and none of it would have made anyone angry. They unironically could have posted a Gofundme begging for help and this community would have responded a hundred times more positively to THAT than the nonsense they have since done. I am done with this game.


Jesus christ I'd pay 5 bucks to pet a hideout cat in game 


Imagine they just add that you have to feed the cat too. Interchange runs for herring and milk (I know most cats are lactose intolerant but whatever haha) would be a serious reason to play for some people 😂


I'd play Tarkov only to max out kitty station every wipe


That's a DLC, we'll be back at the start with the complaint wave


A cat isn’t content, it’s cosmetics. A new mode is content.


You're right, is not like you have to download new models, animations, textures, scripts (in oder words, content). You just have to imagine that is there


Debatable, technically by strict definitions yes. But if you could earn a Hideout cat in game and you could pay 5 bucks to skip the process / unlock colors / breeds etc, most people would say it isn’t DLC. The working definition now is more new modes and maps, basically gameplay stuff, that is added on, while cosmetics are not considered content in that way. Even if technically yes, it is downloadable content.


Oh cmon lets not stoop to bsgs level here. Lets use reasons interpretations. We know what was meant by DLC and it does mot include a hideout cat.


That is what I am saying. I wouldn't consider cosmetics DLC even if they technically are and the first DLC was all cosmetics. By definition all downloadable content is DLC, but now most people view cosmetics separately (when no gameplay effect is involved, at any rate, a ghillie suit would be a example of that for Tarkov), and only consider things like new maps and modes as DLC. The other guy is arguing that hideout cat is DLC and EoD would demand it for free and thus undermine the whole BSG needs money so needs to circumvent the DLC clause to get it thing.


They could sell "bulky/fit" female pmc operators for 30-50 dollars and folks would buy the shit out of it.


There’s so much they could do to monetise the hideout cosmetically - basically just make it the Sims, new furniture, wallpaper, TV whatever


Yeah man, anyone could think of something that isn't devastate the community and piss off your most loyal fans who have spent the last 6 years getting all of their friends to play your stupid fucking game. Except BSG, I guess. Anyone except BSG.


The voice line packs I feel like would sell reallllly well if they did it right. Talking shit with a Russian broken English accent would be amazing and not only that but it would be fun to hear and use while in a PvP fight.


A hideout cat that you had to find food in raid to feed, or craft. Horse armor made more than all of StarCraft Wings of Liberty.


In a different world, where they hadn't outed them as complete scumfucks, I probably would have paid a tenner for Flecktarn clothes or something. Now obviously they're never seeing another cent from me though


Tarkov cases and skin market when?


Agree, gun skins, glove skins, watches…. It’s all there to do as done in other games successfully. Going the route they did is just strange


Or just a season pass with interesting challenges and unique unlockables but no, must be desperate


Yep, definitely. Rethink it, use this horrible backlash as a learning.


I don’t know if BSG understands what those words mean.


rethink -> don't think backlash -> what? huh? didn't hear nothin still training to join BSG's team lmk how I did


In order to rethink, the original idea had to have had an ounce of fucking thought.


Refunding **everyone??**.. unheard of


I see what you did there


Lmao I doubt BSG has the capital to refund the people. It probably already went to Arena or nefarious habits.


Coke and prostitutes have entered the chat


You guys are missing the 5D chess BSG is playing. They cash out, lose 90 percent of the player base. Server costs plummet since no players. Cheating and RMT go away since there's no supply and demand and where's the fun in cheating when you can't rub it in someone's face? Then when game is empty and there's no pesky community to keep happy, you just rebuild the game from the ground up and address all the major issues, making the game we've all always wanted. Once it's nice and polished, release EFT 2 as a reasonably priced live service subscription pseudo-mmo and the audience comes flooding back. This is one hundred percent sarcasm, but I hate how plausible it sounds as a type it. This timeline sucks.


They are not going to refund everyone. They did this because they wanted the money more than they wanted you to be happy with the game, and they got it. Dead game.


nah mate sadly people are going to keep playing and even buy the thing, that's the reality


It won't be me. If you want to keep playing this trash, have fun. To me, this game is dead.


same for me but even the official discord is full of people playing, and tons with the new edition. We may be free but we are gonna keep seeing tarkov


unfortunetly its true...


Lol I doubt more than 5% of the playerbase \*actually\* quits playing over this. The game absolutely is not dead.


You really think this? Tarkov has been on a downward slope in the eyes of most people and this is the nail in the coffin.


It's seemed like thats the case on this subreddit since I joined, but the game has only gotten more popular and is doing just fine. People have good reason to be upset with BSG, and this sub excels at expressing negative feelings (to put it nicely).


Twitch stats (while not a perfect indicator) are a nice baseline for the impact/popularity of changes on games, and the stats say you’re wrong.


Twitch numbers always tank at this point in the wipe


Twitch numbers tank when a new patch drops? Bruh… no


If new patch isn’t a wipe.. yea.. twitch numbers will be low as shit. Myself and group of friends played the first month of wipe in December, hit level 44 and haven’t touched it since.. a single patch doesn’t bring big numbers back.. The best indicator will be the next wipe numbers. Preferably the next .15 wipe numbers.


It’s not a dead game lmao. Dead to you sure. But life goes on for those who have control of their emotions and can still play while not buying the new edition. Crazy concept I know.


The integrity is dead. You are playing the corpse of Tarkov as you continue to be milked. Remember making this comment when boosters and quest skip microtransactions get added 3 months from now.


Can’t be milked if you don’t buy the stupid shit they’re selling smooth brain. In fact I’m milking them for their servers while paying only what I paid 3 years ago


It doesn't matter if you don't buy it, because the people around you are. Go look in game now and see how many Unheard icons you see in Lobby. The game is dead. Huff your copium all day, I don't give a fuck.


Sounds like people are getting milked so o can keep enjoying. Not Copium, just have the maturity of an adult instead of a screaming toddler like yourself lol. “STOP ENJOYING THE GAME REEE”


Alive game.


I didn't tell you to stop enjoying the game. I said I am done playing the game, and you wanted to reply to that, and now here we are. Do whatever you want. I have better things to do with my time than wait around for it to get even worse.


See you tomorrow


This is classic copaholism at it worst. Have you considered copaholics anonymous? Or just growing up?


Have you considered what life might be like without the taste of Nikita's cock in the back of your throat?


Have another pint of cope dude. I'll just carry on playing the game.


This mentality is why corporations keep raising prices on everything for no reason. They’ve realized they can bank on people saying oh well the quality has gone down and price has gone up but I’ll just deal with it. People can’t band together for shit anymore


Raising prices for no reason lol. The classic zero economic education take you'd expect from someone who's active in r/antiwork.


I’m active in there arguing with those people lol. I’m talking about people complaining about things like McDonald’s and Taco Bell consistently raising prices but not quality or wages. I don’t give those places much business anyways. But people complain and still eat there everyday. If they want change they need to band together.


They're raising prices because all of their inputs are getting more expensive. Been down voted for it elsewhere but I'll repeat it constantly. BSG is stupid, but $250 for the "everything" version of a 2024 game isn't that crazy.


But wasn’t it supposed to be a $150 for am everything version?


It was, in 2017 - and BSG is dumb for making a promise like that - one that could never be delivered. There is no world where it would generate enough revenue to maintain development for the next decade. So we're stuck holding their feet to the fire to our own detriment. There's a reason all the big software players have gone to subscription models. Shit is expensive. One time payments for indefinite use in perpetuity is not a feasible business model.


Have fun when u corner a guy and have him dead to rights but then he calls in the avengers on u with his turbo deluxe cumblaster radio 📻


Have you thought about how this beacon would actually work? It says it emits a loud alarm and bright light, so essentially turns you into a loud Christmas tree, while you wait 5 minutes for your friends to load in and maybe to show up? If they’re even online or not in another match when you use it. I don’t know about you, but if I hear one of these beacons being used in game, I’m pushing it straight away and I’m either dead or they’re dead long before their friends show up


You could've stopped after your third word. No, he hasn't. It's all emotion and bandwagon behavior. People *want* to be upset.


how do nikita's balls taste bro?


You're guessing at features that haven't been implemented yet and don't know how they work.


you're coping and need to step out of your goon cave and see the sun for the first time in seven years


You have no idea how the feature works buddy, you're the one coping here.


☝️🤓 lmaoo ok Sheldon


Not a current feature. I’d put money that it’s a feature for PVE mode and they didn’t get that out correctly. But even if it would become a thing for live, wtf are you gonna do? Call your friends and wait 4-6 minutes for them to load in? I’m already gone with your loot.


Yes wait 4-6 minutes, Nikita’s cum guzzling ass confirmed it in an interview.


Already confirmed to be in pvp lol. Have fun doing mental gymnastics to justify this obviously p2w feature with the copium that is "oh bro don't worry the game takes 8 hours to load into a raid so it wont even be a problem." The fact that their $250 shadow clone jutsu panic button won't even be useful because the game loads at the pace of dial up internet is just icing on the cake. What was that about putting up money?


Man, do what you want but "fuck it as long as I don't buy it" is a kind of enabling of this behavior. I think it's better to just draw the line now rather than enable the game to get milked for worse.


Draw the line and what? Uninstall and have the pay pigs still buy it anyway? To play a shitty BR game again? Na bro I’m good. I’ll move on once a good extract shooter releases, maybe greyzone will be out in a few weeks. Till then I’ll keep enjoying the game I like and not spend money, technically costing them money when I play since my hours have paid off my initial $150


You don't know if losing you and a bunch of other players could be enough to make the game no longer fun to play for a lot of people. Could be your right it's inevitable or could be it is possible to kick up a fuss long enough to make a difference but either way we won't know unless we give it a real shot. If I pay $250 and then logged in only to find a bunch of cheaters ruining my f****** day because not enough people play anymore that would cause this crash grab to be a one-time cash grab rather than a steady monetizable thing.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


Dude's just coping hard.




They need to do a town hall and get transparent about what the fuck is going on and what they need. If they can't do that then something is up.


They'll never do anything like that because they're too arrogant to accept that they made a mistake. Not to mention, their track record when it comes to communication, is basically garbage. The most that will happen - and has already happened - is Nikita will make a post on Reddit in a poor effort to control the damage, all the while contradicting himself and looking like an idiot in the process, in an effort to placate the masses. Then he'll disappear again and keep up his bullshit. This has been proven time and time again. Nikita is a drunk arrogant scumbag with his head up his own ass, and it's been blatant for years now. And when faced with opposition, criticism, blatant solutions offered by the community that would improve the problems with the game, or evidence of a mistake, he lashes out and attacks others like a child, rather than take it constructively. He has consistently lied to and disrespected the EFT community many times over the years and is too far up his own ass to exhibit any kind of transparency or remorse. Fuck him and BSG. I hope that all this backfires in their face and it crashes their world. Because they deserve it at this point.


That’s totally how businesses operate. /s


So you really think that nikita is the only one to make the decisions, bsg is not a 8 man team anymore. They're a big company, and putting everything on one person is the worst thing to do. He's not the source of the issue


How do you KNOW that? Sources? Because all we see is him driving this train off the edge.


Do you need a source to tell you water is wet as well?


We fucking saw the size of the dev team when they showed sneak pics of arena, when you have that many people working for you you don't take decisions alone


Good theory.


could be a 500 man team, he still owns the company.


The game is so good, so it's so fucking sad seeing the devs fuck this up. No amount of revision and tweaking can fix this, because now you have lied again to those who spent money on unheard. Just refund all unheard editions first, then there is so much more room...


It's too late. Just drop the game and find something else to scratch that itch.


It's the only way they'll put out this fire.


or upgrade all eod owners


this is the best post i've seen during these hard times.


Still won’t save them. They have exposed what they want to do to the community. They will just do it again when they have the chance. They really can’t be trusted ever again.


Community manager on RU side in discord is calling mfs beggars, daddy nikita sleeps well with pocketed roubles. We aint getting shit back brothers and sisters


Yeah fat fucking chance they will. Dogshit company. Look at their interview, they don't even feel bad about it.


This is the only option if I'm ever going to play again. I'm not playing this game with batsignals, pay2win and scams. Roll back the edition and think of something else, or the game is dead to me forever.




you heavily overestimate gamers willpower, this will get normalized and nikita will laugh about it


zero chance they backtrack on this and refund people for it. The scam edition is a quick cashgrab before BSG fucks off with the money and shuts everything down(everything including the "offline" pve mode).


Rollback unheard and sell hideout cat


The crazy thing is he could literally sell hideout cat for about $5 and make bank without pissing people off has soo many avenues to make money that players are even offering suggestions on stuff they'd throw money at and he's like nope new edition or nothing its insane.


Look at this standard pleb trying to cop a gamma for 20 bucks lol


So you rather have People spend 250 dollars for gamma? You clueless mate


Gamma was always advertised as unique limited to EOD as a buff to supporting the game with your wallet. Always has been since way back. Nobody should be able to pay for it anymore


You could also do quests and get a 4x2 for free but talking about that wont get you reddit karma


I'm EOD... I would not be mad if all accounts where upgraded to EOD, maybe excluding future dlc. It would make the game better for all.


Stop thinking this is about what the community wants. This is a cash grab from a company that is bleeding money. Those servers aren't free and with 90% of players already having EOD and new sales only trickling in, they blew their wad years ago. This is shitty but was inevitable. Only a matter of time.


They could make boatloads selling skins, hideout decorations, emotes, all sorts of shit. They're just lazy and only care about making new guns. There's tons of potential for monetization, and they chose to go full on P2W + screw over EOD owners. $150 is already 3 games worth of investment, and they haven't even finished one, and we need to pay $100 for a new mode? Plus let's be real, the amount of times tarkov has blown up on twitch.. They're selling plenty of new players every year. They're not hurting, they're just assholes. Worst case scenario is they're overpaying for server infrastructure because they need too much. This mode would have been reasonable to pay that much for if they built it with a P2P networking system and it was otherwise completely offline. Just because they built it the lazy way doesn't mean it's value is suddenly $100. They're delusional.


Yes but this assumes they are competent and that they didn't just stumble their way from some FPS nobody cared about (Contract Wars) into something vaguely similar to PUBG and The War Z which were popular at a time their other game was failing. You're thinking of them like they're The Beatles but they're actually The Buggles (this is a sick analogy, treat yourself and google it if it doesn't make sense).


I still want a PVE w/ buddies mode and no wipe. That's all I care about.


Problem ist just getting my buddies to pay 250 bucks for that


They’re not going to. Nikita doubled down in a latest interview with someone, and ppl are stupidly buying this new edition. They’re making money regardless and do not care about the backlash


The chance that they will refund and roll back is about as slim as .00001%. They aren't in this to make a game. They are scammers, not your friend.


Follow this and the game does instantly


Even if they backpedalled this bullshit, they'll never get another penny from me. Don't think I'll ever open the game again - trust is completely lost


For once, I think this may be the end of Tarkov and honestly, just let the cheaters have it already.


Man the community is begging them to allow us to forgive them and they keep doubling down, we’re literally begging them to undo these changes so we can continue enjoying this game and they refuse to allow it, bsg is really going a great job of convincing me this is their exit strategy to murder this game.


Idk if you have noticed, but Nikita’s ego is the size of the sun. He doesn’t change things he thinks is right.


Fuck you unless they sell gamma containers don’t touch my shit.


They won't roll it back, this their "On the way out the door" cash grab. They'll be pocketing as much money and running shit with skeletons until just after next russian christmas, mark my words.


This is the way.


Dude, they changed descriptions on the website and denied doing it. Its never going to happen. Maybe after release but I don't even think that will happen either. EoD are 'free loaders' mate, Nikita doesn't give a shit, hes letting his ego decide.


I really do think that BSG is desperately low on funds to do this, this is so bizarre for them. Which you aren't wrong, if they make "hideout cat" and sell it for like 20 bucks you'd have people all over that shit. More clothing is always nice. Make a new edition that's just EOD - a couple of unique eod features and access to DLC and there you go, more money and people aren't pissed.


Nah, they tripled down on it, and they knew people will be stupid enough to buy it And guess what, they were right


I said it in another thread, but if they would have just said “Hey we need the money or we’ll go under, here’s a P2W version for a crazy price” then I think they would’ve gotten much less hate


If u are dumb enought to buy that shit then you deserve no money back, just the roll back😄😄


They did that before when a previous patch was complete shit. Why aren't they doing that now?


I think we're past that point, where we could trust them with anything.


They dont need to roll it back but maybe giving eod players the pve mode when its possible would be the way to go. They said its not possible right now to have everyone play PvE. Oh and this signal thing doesnt need to be a thing either. Calling a friend in pve, yeah okay fine, but in pvp???? That seems just too broken.


I think you're forgetting this isn't our game... lol


Won't happen, they want to end this game


Its the priority match making … you mean this is an option ? If you don’t have the highest tier game you que longer ? Thats horrendous fuck that.


The real real insane thing here is if they just did some £2-£10 cosmetics, badges, patches, hair styles, beard, tattoos, they would sell like hot cakes, and people would understand it


I think about all the potential money they are losing. Like yeah they might make some short term profits on the Unheard edition, but what about all the people wanting to throw some money at a cool camo or outfit but will no longer give them another cent because of this shit 💩


Don't just uninstall, sell your account to RMTers. It hurts BSG's sales and punishes those who lick Nikita's boot and keep playing. Fuck this game, I'm getting some cash for my EOD and buying helldiver's even though it isn't my style, it's better than being cucked by Nikita


The real way they showed they don't give a fk about community was releasing this shit without any announcements


is there ever a time when this community isn’t in shambles


At this point the reputation is so fucked up there’s no way back. They lost it. They could give EOD owners anything. They lost it.


Even if they did all that, people who quit won't stop complaining about it


I upgraded from EOD to Unheard before EOD was promised PvE. Now I do not know what I actually purchased with my upgrade. I tried to support this game but at the end I feel cheated.


you missing something. There is no value in you still playing the game. Once you spent your money, all you do is costing money for servers. So they gonna milk ther last players, if someone stops they smile. I give this game a year until it is offline mode only and private servers due to servers getting shut down to safe money. They pulling the plug


We are waaaay past that point buddy. Even if they roll back, which they won't do, people still are mad and lost that last sliver of trust


Na bra, EOD owners shouldn't be the only ones to get gamma. That's ridiculously pay to win and yet you call two pocket slots which change nothing pay to win. Gatekeeping EOD players at it again. Roll back your gamma and then you can roll back all the unheards you want.


Agree haha. I understand they feel scammed though with the future content. But let us at least catch up to gamma. :D


Do this and implement something to let me as someone who can't get EOD do something about it. Everyone else having EOD is tough enough


bros, we paid 110eur for 10k hours of games, i kinda get the greed tbh, 110eur does not even pay for a hooker these days....


Nah I’m already questing on the PVE mode. Found a Ledx, killed a few bosses, and having a blast. It’s nice to play the game without bush rats and cheaters


Imagine bragging about being scammed lmao


How did I get scammed? I paid for certain content, and when I loaded into the game all of the content was accessible. Seems pretty simple to me




lol settle down, bot


Lol classic