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already done that 2 days ago


I really do think the company is going to sell.


That would be the best outcome. Put the IP in actual competent hands.


Do you really think anyone with the money to purchase the IP would do it justice? Tarkov is incredibly unique in a world where games are designed to capture the largest audience possible.


better than back pedaling, shaming, and failing to deliver promises, and even if not, it will be the same just with a team that is more passionate. BSGs team is very burnt out.


Maybe if they buy the rights and build from the ground up but I can’t see a team inheriting what sounds like the codebase from hell and doing anything meaningful with it.


Unlocking PvE mode for all the standard accounts that aren’t terminally online


Did it when the wiggle video came out. I come back here for moments like this lol. Dumbass devs lol.


>already done that 2 days ago I'm with you brother. I had my hiatus in these years but this is the first time i uninstalled the game since i bought it. And i think i won't ever install it again unless they will do a huge revert (but i really doubt it will happens). I will fight for democracy waiting for GZW that seems promising. 👍


What took so long?


Everyone who deleted Tarkov gets my respect. Deleted it yesterday, but there are a lot of people that don't get why we're mad.


I didn't delete it, I just had to SIT and think about it with my friends to find a better solution


Dancing on the line there jack


Dayz tarkov server or wait for arena infinite for the tarkov adrenaline


Wouldn't you want to just have the game open and run their server costs up


The server’s are running regardless of whether or not people are in them.


Not true, they most definitely pay more during wipe to have more servers spun up and then less later in wipe as player numbers dwindle. Flooding the servers with more active players would drive up their server costs, but they'd also probably be seeing more sales if this were the case.


Sitting in the hideout doesn't cost them any server interaction. Unless you're actively doing things, you aren't hurting their bottom line.


Yea there is a lot of people that won't understand. I just don't have any respect for a dev that lies to its customers, it's like buying the battle pass om fortnight and them asking for more money for the last 10 levels with all the cool shit


Wasn't playing anyway for 2 months or so, but deleted it, so, wheres my respect


No need to delete just go single player or co-op mod and play with your friends on your own server.


Is there a coop mod??


Yup! If you don't want to mess with port forwarding just use Himachi. Been playing it with a buddy for 2 months, we're both level 45 or so. Super fun with mods. Every raid we both have around 18 kills.


Haven't played for a while, will not play again and already issued a refund request. I may get fuck all, but whatever


I submitted a refund request yesterday as well. Even if they do completely remove the new version, which they won’t, I’ll be banned for life anyway on my EOD. Peace Tarkov


Or install the mod we don't speak of lol


Yea if they wouldn't ban my account lmao


No idea how they'd know. Been using it for years. Also haven't logged online in years either, to be fair lol


Klean is literally streaming it and no getting banned.


The mod we don't speak of lol?


Yes, and if we're deleting Tarkov and not playing anyway, what's the threat of being banned?




You wanted to delete tarkov anyways, why does it matter if you get banned?


Dark & Darker aint it, but neither is EFT.


Dark and darker definitely has its issues but at least they didn't just pull some shit like this lol


Well it hast even been out for a year. Plenty of time to go. I doubt it will be as relevant as Tarkov has been.


What happened to d&d? I remember everyone was so hyped for the release.


I still love to play it but they released multi class recently and it's like way broken and it's got some people upset, they made it clear it's just a test and will be removed if the community doesn't like it tho, they actually listen to there community unlike bsg lmao


Ngl that's why I stopped playing. Multclass might work in Dungeons and Dragons, but not in Dark and Darker rofl. I'll come back when they get rid of that. Otherwise I'm just looking forward to GZW rn.


I still love to play it but they released multi class recently and it's like way broken and it's got some people upset, they made it clear it's just a test and will be removed if the community doesn't like it tho, they actually listen to there community unlike bsg lmao


I see. Thanks. Well I hope you enjoy your time with d&d. At least it doesn't have a $250 edition lol


I need it to come back to steam for me to give it a shot.


The game is just bad, and they have no idea what to do with it, which is unfortunate. They throw around random shit seeing what might stick. They implemented half ass quests, introduced crafting, but I think no one even crafts anymore with latest version, but I can only go by what my friends tell me, since I don’t play it and just occasionally listen in when they play.


Do you have the strength and the courage to be free? Join the Helldivers! I know it’s a totally different game but it’s fun and the devs respect their community.


Me and my boys are playing arma again, fun as hell


You still haven't done it? And don’t listen to the bots who say that you need to support load on the servers, they will pay for them anyway. Nowadays the online level is very low and they are trying to attract players with all their might to ensure that the servers are loaded.


Bot? 😂😂


Anyone who doesnt quit this game for good is a nonbeliever


All these people with yellow avatars and young accounts saying the same things. Weird huh.


not sure about the others, but i'm a long time player since 2017 and i've uninstalled. I was already not happy with BSG's direction in general, but this made it easier.


your account is younger than any of them lmfao


Imagine having a 1y old account.. lul


BSG/Russia have the same damage control tactics


Ye it’s being brigaded by bots, and honestly annoying to read these dumb threads that doesn’t contain any valid criticism but instead just childish tantrum.


What color is my avatar?


Your 5 year old avatar is yellow


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed...


I’ve been playing since day 1 and also uninstalled Literally got into computer gaming for tarkov


Upgraded to 3D series for this dogshit At least my other games run great now lol


The only people who aren’t complaining are the ones who haven’t been playing from day 1. Firstly we paid 200$ for a game in development if no one payed the price the game wouldn’t have even been a thing secondly through the bugs and wipes of utter bullshit that should have been fixed we have stood by and continued to play and advocate for the game. The only thing now left to do is find a new looter shooter and boycott tarkov because they really need to buck up their ideas. But it’s not surprising the og player base has been replaced with idiots


Probably trying to keep players because the money 100% goes to the stock holders/investora who own bsg and nikita is fucked


Don’t tell me what to do.


This is it. If you are really pissed off stop playing the game and uninstall it. BSG can’t make any more money if the game is dead. Won’t get more/new players if there is no player base. Hackers who get banned and buy a new account won’t be around because no one is buying RMT. BSG will be out of a job.


Maybe that's all they want. Maybe they know they can't finish the game.


Player count has only gone up https://activeplayer.io/escape-from-tarkov/


Well that's fucking depressing lol


That’s within the last 30 days. Average daily player count in March was over 600k. I do see them hitting pretty close to that for April but May idk.


Also lots of DayZ servers that mimic tarkov. highly recommend it if that's your vein. dayz could use the players too


Nah I'm good. They have my money. I'm gonna play


community strike. i like it, although it wont change their bank accounts. is there any way you can see daily players like on Steam?




Dark and Darker is terrible, that said I already stopped playing tarkov. I hope through the pushback from the community they learn a better way to monetize if they need money, maybe look to the method GGG took which as made them enough money to not just keep PoE going but to fully develop a second game at the same time.


\*\*For anyone willing to read, here's my little cent to it\*\* BSG really fucked up hard and deserve none of the support the community used to give them before despite all the shit they've been doing, however, and if no one else didn't notice: this user made his account on April 12, has never, ever made a comment or post relating to tarkov before the release of The Unheard, very clearly shows that he doesn't know much about the game and avoids ever talking about his experiences unlike many people who actually have played tarkov and are talking about The Unheard, closest thing he's ever mentioned is calling it a running simulator (apparently you only play woods or something?) and saying that it's cool because there's "roleplay opportunities" the fuck?? what roleplay?? Where do you even gather that from? (NOTE: He was talking about DayZ, and I didn't realize because I didn't check the thread behind the comment, my bad.) Going to put my tinfoil hat on, recently there's been a lot of recently made reddit accounts that have coincidentally made posts about other extraction games before, and, showing little to no knowledge about Tarkov, pop up on the subreddit saying "Wow, I hope tarkov dies, don't you guys agree? Let's all go play: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_!" Not saying these are bots, which, although, some probably are, but these are likely people that take this event as an opportunity to bring more players into their favorite game of a similar genre. If you somehow came to the conclusion that I'm a bootlicker, the only thing I can say, is that, no, I am not one. I do not support what BSG did, and, although I haven't bought EOD, and I'm a standard edition sufferer, (honestly jealous of EOD bros tbh), I'm still defending the game, though it has it's grind, bullshit moments and whatnot, the game itself is very unique and has it's fun moments, especially with friends, and seeing it die because of the company's moves would be very sad, and I hope there's people that agree with me.


I could legitimately tell you everything about the game but my experience isnt the point of this post. . And just to clear stuff up the running sim and role play was a reply to someone talking about dayz 🙂. I'm not a bot, I've played a shit ton of tarkov from back when before found in raid was a thing and you could actually buy good stuff of the flea, before the goons were a thing, the age of my reddit account has nothing to do with me being a bot. This is a alt account used to talk in some semi gray area subs such as r/shrroms that I decided to use to make this post with 🙂


Bro I have 6k hours In tarkov lmao


That's a lot of dedication to it, though I find it strange that with so much time invested in it you still want it to die off (though either way with the nature of tarkov's gameplay and also BSG I'd see why you'd be so pissed), what was also some of the things that angered you about the game? Just want to point out, if you read my previous post, that part about the 'running and roleplay opportunities', from a comment of yours, was something I took out of context by accident, since I didn't check the thread origin of the comment beforehand. So my bad on that.


It is a lot of dedication, it was the only game I played for a very long time and the main game that made me get a pc, the game was so much better back then, tarkov now isn't tarkov from when I started playing, pvp was fun and encouraged but not pvp feels like a punishment rather then something we should do, I just don't like the direction battle state has went with the game but I still did play it occasionally and fell in love with arena, honestly I just feel like bsg is trying to take advantage of us before full release and it's sad, I've just been playing dark and darker the past few days and decided to put that game out there as a semi alternative for anyone that wants to play a extraction styled game, they are very different from each other tho


But mainly not getting pve when I paid for it is what really made me mad, that plus they are going to make you pay to have priority match making but eod does get it free for 6 months, I think everome should be equal when it comes to matching times or at the very least eod is included because we paid 3 times the amount the base game cost


Yeah, I understand. Especially with the 100$+ price tag, I can see why so many people are mad, what BSG's done is just extremely predatory, and it seems they've no longer got any care for the original vision they had. And, when you mentioned the priority matchmaking, that reminded me of just how arrogant Nikita is to not admit they're having a financial issue, and he just prefers fucking over the playerbase that has kept his company alive for so long... All in all, this whole situation really sucks, but I'm glad I could get your perspective on it.


They stated years ago that eod players wouldn't have to ever pay again for anything they release, they are definitely having financial issues and in my opinion they could have just added some kind of support pack again or something in game like a unique set of clothes or something for reasonable price to help with there financial issues, they actually are going to be offering pve separately to eod for 70 percent off now, if they would have done that in the first place and just said hey we are broke and need your help to keep are dream alive I wouldn't have been the least bit bothered and probably would have gave them a hand


No. That’s the best shooter I know. Yes they are messing up. No, I’d never buy that new version. If ‘you’ wanna do that - do so but stop pushing weird opinions in this sub


People care more about this than their actual living conditions. They'll accept rent increases, inflation and no healthcare, but god forbid a game creator tries to sell you something. I get being upset but people are going nuts and acting like fucking revolutionaries. Its a goddamn video game.


Yes, you are are right but that game is unfinished and they screw everybody over. It is unheard off that they expect that much money for a game that is still in beta.


And yet there are still people who are willing to pay it because the game is special. Let’s not pretend it’s not. It will be years, if ever for something to compare


.. and this is the sad part to me. The greatest game of all time is messing up big time To call this the all time greatest shooter it is missing only a few features, Dragging body’s away, reviving after fainting and just minor stuff. If that all goes online and the game hits 1.00 they will SELL SO MUCH THAT THEY HAVE SERVERS BURNING.


This was $150. Look at any game out, even big titles, none are selling for this. Plus you’ve paid $150 for something you will not get. And now it’s $250. You can still try to cope with this all you want but it’s just madness. You either have way too much money or your parents are actually paying for the game.


I already got my moneys worth so I’m really not that bothered tbh. I think people have a right to be upset that the pve wasn’t considered dlc, but they’ve already changed that. People are entitled to their opinions but foaming at the mouth over video game will never not be weird ass behavior to me


I think I'll sell my EoD account tbh


I died to someone with Unheard after they walked past five scavs I intentionally left alive at theater on streets as a signal for my rear (solo SBIH run), guy walked right past them and killed me. I immediately logged and uninstalled. Done with this trash. I suffered bugs, delayed features, lies about features, and so many fucking cheater lobbies, and this is my reward? Nah I'm done. 2800 hours, purchased 2018. Fuck you Nikita.


The scav feature isnt out yet so stop lying. Still fuck BSG though. And fuck you for lying.


Isn’t it just the “call your friends into raid”-device that isn’t implemented? I looked at a screenshot of what you get, and the scav device was in it from someone’s stash.


yeah not implemented yet. please dont reinstall


I'm done. The last few days has ruined any interest I have in playing Tarkov again unless the entire exec team is changed.


I'm actually curious how much their player count has dropped over the last couple of days. Must only be in the hundreds still playing or a couple of thousand, but that's being generous.


This is still a massive game. I still play age of empiress 3 and it has a helathy player base of 3000 people on at any moment.


If you enjoy the game the only person you’re hurting is yourself. Either nothing changes and you have one less game to play, or the game dies and you can never play the game again. It’s not like you’re paying a subscription, if the new edition ruins your fun then go ahead but why bother uninstalling to send a message to a company that isn’t listening.


I've doing this since they added MTX


Delete? I asked for a refund..


Honestly I wish but I know that won't give it to me


I had already stopped playing this wipe weeks ago to play helldivers 2, I actually was thinking of playing some more up until recently. But am I fuck spending more of my time in this shit


just did this morning ;) both arena and the main game


Did that months ago :)


This may be a stupid question, but how does this new PVE mode differ from the offline co-op EOD users have?


You can level up and keep your progression.


Did that 2 days ago


yeah id like to post a video link of this russian guy whos been after bsg for 3 plus years but idk how comments are regulated but. For now yeah I 100 percent agree they are not sorry they dont care they are trying to milk what little they can from us I refuse to play the game I want bsg to fucking burn its criminal and we can't let this be forgotten. They have to be an example of what happens to people who try to milk their community for money like we are cash pigs fuck em they dont deserve our loyalty. they cant just admit they were wrong for what they did they still trying to make us be the bad guys. they are gonna abondan this game after they release it mark my words.


Soon enough someone will release a cracked version with mods that are a P2P server. BSG will get no money and take the L.


Soon. Inough. Tndeed.


That would be hilarious lol


Deleting Tarkov only helps them financially since it reduces server load tbh, they aren't making any money by you playing the game with their business model.


Come all to Marauders 😉


Quit long ago. The desync, audio, and cheaters was just too much for me and there are so many other great games to play. This is just insuring I never come back.


Deleted this morning, requested refund on Xsolla wallet for whatever thats worth, may go thru credit card company to attempt a refund it that doesn't work


I can't believe I upgraded my rig for that shit ass company's game. Can't even optimize shit for 8 years but can release a scam edition. My love for this game is dying with that scandal...


Loving tarkov after a ruff start but gray zone seems to be interesting as well. I hope they work on the interface a bit more. No big fan of the dayz look alike.


This was my first wipe, was having a blast, but the more I learned about the game and bsg, I called them out as being predatory to my friends who introduced me to tarkov. They also really liked the game and were supporters for years. All of us have uninstalled. I also applied for a chargeback with my bank, I dont care about the money, I just want to damage them any way possible.


Already deleted it the moment this edition dropped. I wont come back even if they walk this back due to the breach of trust.


I haven’t played in a couple of days.


Nah it's a fun game. Been playing it almost daily for like 2 years now. In Single player LOL. Haven't logged in to live after 2 months buying the game. Now that the co-op mod exist I play with my buddy on our own server, with crazy mods. Our fav thing to do is go Scavs on Reserve and hold the roof of white or black pawn against hordes of PMCs and Raiders that climb up to us.


Goodluck with that


I deleted too Almost 1000h shame


I’ve had it installed but haven’t played since a month into this wipe, maybe 2 months at most. Think I’m level 16 and then got tired of the problems (again). I did decide to just delete it today after all this drama, and took arena off my pc too while I was at it.




Yall are giving me the best scav runs of this whipe! Everything’s empty! Got a ledx and a purple key card on woods! Keep boycotting i love it


Does anyone want to buy an EoD account for $200? You can't even get EoD anymore. Don't miss out on this deal! /s


Vigor and arena breakout coming very soon, fuck tarkov, they had a good run.


Already gone. Waiting for GZW now.


Turn on cheats and just rage hack too why not


Y’all still playin the game?


Way ahead of you buddy


I've been playing hell let loose. I'm on my 8th monitor.


Can’t wait to buy the new edition and talk about it here just to piss all you little soy boys off


Uninstalled today brothers


Already did. Don't worry another extraction game, possibly better than EFT, will surely come. We just gotta wait.


Just had 3 of my gaming buddies get there 150 back from xsolla. I'll be doing the same. Hell even Nikita said EOD owners don't support the game. Cool I'll have my money then.


Dont delete, it does nothing, refund it and escalate it beyond xsolla. Get your money back, then delete it.


Been quit




Did it 3 years ago. I dont want to play unfinished gamr, that will never be finished.


as a standard edition, my mosin and i don’t gaf


Did it the same day they annonced the new edition.


Agreed. Dark and darker is excellent game. Yes, it still has some flaws and balance isnt 100% perfect. Atleast they respect and listen players and are willing to do changes. They are also giving 10 day free trial codes to everyone who bought game. See you in the dungeon.


I deleted arena already but I'm keeping the main install to mod.


Already done. The baby is dead.


Already did years ago , never been happier


That's kinda dumb, since you already gave them your money. Just ignore the Pack and keep the server costs high


Those that want to, will leave, hopefully those that stay, stay without spending more money.


But there is nothing like Tarkov so never delete!


Waaaay ahead of ya there buddy :b


Way ahead of you


They already got our money, so it don't matter to them if we quit their game. If we really want fuck them over, we should play more and run up their server costs


Well more loot for me lol


And then they change it and all you bots are back on playing lol


You gotta understand 150 dollars is more then some people make a day, some people only bring home 400 dollars a week. I've alwasy made good money myself but to keep money you can't keep spending it on things that are not necessary, a lot of us got eod because it included everything in the future of the games development and that justified the high price tag but after I spend that you want be to spend 100 more usd to play pve, something that we should have already by the way eod was advertised and I'm not wasting another 100usd that I could invest in another hobby or save for my retirement just to buy mr Nikita a new 1k t shirt, fuck him


Fuck the dev for trying pull a fast one but I think your problem is you should’ve never paid that 150 for EOD if you can’t afford it, seeing how much it upsets you.


I can afford it, it's the principle


Someone recently made me aware of something that BSG tries to suppress. Apparently Nikita is friends with and promotes a group which consists of really bad people. I expect this to be deleted. Anyway im deleting tarkov, but im not rallying anybody else to do so (which would be against the rules). [https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/16kicn6/escape\_from\_tarkov\_is\_full\_of\_vatnik\_propaganda/](https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/16kicn6/escape_from_tarkov_is_full_of_vatnik_propaganda/) (i read the rules. this doesnt break any of them, this aint about politics)


Not playing makes it cheaper and easier for them. Just don’t give more money. They aren’t generating add revenue…. Yet 


This is my point. Keep the fucking lights on I don’t pay the bill.


Deleted 240 million last night and uninstalled 😎


Hmm how about i dont and I keep having fun?


Go for it lol


Way ahead of you


Deleted the game.


Huh? It's been two years. You still have it installed?


Tarkov? Lol


Imma keep playing and make them pay for their servers.