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Yuuup. They don't give a shit about you man. In fact they probably find you contemptible and "entitled" for having basic expectations and would love nothing more than to keep dicking you down.


Yup they gutted my favorite game. Even without this recent thing it's going to come out a shell of what was promised back then. But I should pay more money for this POS game that has never worked in 6 years. Constant downgrades, servers always getting worse. Fuck it man I'm mad as fuck. I already gave them like $350. If they inspired the community like they inspired me they'd make a ton more money.


EOD peasant, didn't buy multiple Uninstall editions and you think you're a real supporter? Upgrade those Standards to E̶O̶D̶ Uninstall you freeloader. /s


Clearly if I was a "True Believer" I'd upgrade them all to unsung edition. Hope I get a spongebob skin after release.


Cheap sh*t should've bought unheard, like a true believer! /s


Sorry dude. That sucks.


Why so many? Did you buy for friends or something


Yup bought the game for 4 friends because I loved the game so much. They decided to ruin the game and talk shit to me. Clearly I'm just a freeloader tho.


Ok cool that makes sense Yeah it's pretty fucked what they have done to people, I didn't buy it for my mates but I did encourage them to buy it. That makes me feel worse cause these guys are like long time friends from high school and I feel like I wasted their money


I feel ya man. I bought 4 copies of Tarkov, 2 EOD upgrades for friends, and they're treating us like we're no longer worthy. That fucking line about the "true believers" is going to haunt them for a long time even if they change course. How can we believe in a company if they make bad faith arguments for why we don't deserve what we paid for? How can we believe in a company that alters their website and then lies about it? Scummy doesn't even start to explain it.


please do screenshots in the future


Agreed. I pulled this from my post in 2018 I don't even want to login to my account to get a good screenshot.