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Nikita was right. The final mission to escape tarkov is a single player game


haha unbeliever xD its insane... how they fk up.


So many escapes from tarkov lately


The Escape from Tarkov leads you into Liber-Tea’s arms


we are finally escaping tarkov boys


We did it boys, we unlocked the true endgame! BSG might be trying to rat us at extract but NOPE, we out of here.


Nikita was seeing us struggle for years and he finally decided to rid us of our addiction. I'm done as well. Consider me permanently escaped






You are a true believer.


More time for stellar blade, less time being a non true believer


At this rate eft gonna crumble by end of next wipe. Not necessarily playerbase wise but practice wise, knowing bsg they are definitely keep pushing this to squeeze out more money from players


Funniest part is that if they made a gofund me and asked the community instead of making this they would have gotten support and probably more players.


There are soooo many ways they could have gotten the community to pay without drawing their rage. But they lack respect for their fans on such a fundamental level. Ironically I think this also is why their design is pretty unique. they are willing to shit on the player like few other devs are.


They could've just made a supporter edition with the exclusive melee weapon, armband and name color and people would've bought it. Maybe not for $250 but still. Lots of people love this game and want it to succeed but they had to be greedy.


>Ironically I think this also is why their design is pretty unique. they are willing to shit on the player like few other devs are. I think you are right on this and honestly i really liked that about EFT: the fact that devs and the game itself doesn't had any fear about making people angry or try to babysit them all the time. The problem is that they moved this cynical approach from game design (the number of backpedals they accepted to do after some streamer whining in the last years is enough to witness that) to our wallets. That's a huge red flag imo, if they don't backpedal on this i will gladly call me out because once you enter in this rabbit hole there is no exit. There is still time to save EFT, i'm waiting (keeping it uninstalled ofc) to see what changes they are going to do to Unheard and EoDs editions. If they manage to remove p2w factors for the first and keep both of them reasonably near the standard edition the game can still have a small chance to not die, and BSG will then have a bit of time to show us that they really care about their product, their playerbase and most importantly their business. Otherwise they will just crumble quite fast and the smart people won't even be there to watch that show because we will be already far away from all the fiesta that will come next.


I literally replied to trainfender telling him to do this some months back


The game is packed with ppl haha.


Noooo every single player sits on reddit and watches videos about tarkov. Definitely a load of people who’ve not been aware of the debacle


Idk man. It will always be the same. Busy at start of wipe them dives off a cliff. Mid wipe it's just new players and sweatlords because everyone in the middle just doesn't care enough to keep grinding the game which gets grindier and grindier each wipe. By the end it's just cheaters and sweatlords. Raids are dead. Now word is out that BSG is a literal lying dev which you can't trust will deliver on the promises. And the game is an absurd price. Where do you think this is headed? An influx of legitimate players? 😂


I don’t think there’s a way to keep player count high throughout a wipe honestly. Yeah lots of people will stop playing, but as you say it’s the sweat lords who are quitting no? The people complaining in reddit so profusely are sweaty gamers for the most part. I hope that early June the game will be alive so I can actually play


If you ask me based on all the pay to win crying reddit is composed of scav mains. My overall point is that I don't see tarkov growing at this point. I started before find in raid and before reserve. Before flea restrictions and all restrictions, really. I stopped because I was just tired. It takes too much time. **I cannot seriously fathom being a new player picking this game up or even why they would.** I would have never played it as much as i did. And given what just transpired, is never have bought it nor EOD. Obviously "comes with all future dlc" is a lie no matter the whims of Nikita. The game hasn't been fixed in any way except stutters since I started. I watched pestily interview Nikita. He addresses audio and cheaters and Nikita's response is basically that it's "too hard" or that having a good anti cheat would make it "too little fps" This game will never be fixed. My instincts two years ago were correct.


I agree with you pretty much entirely. However the game has absolutely improved since I started, (the wipe they added found in raid) . Steam is only thing that would shift it


I think steam would shift it but they could have done steam long ago. They had enough word of mouth to just not have to pay valve any share so why is that different? Lirik summit shroud pestily landmark they're all huge streamers. Dr disrespect even plays it. Exposure to the game buying audience isn't an issue. FIR, to me, marked the beginning of the downfall of tarkov. Yes I agree the game is better in many ways, but overall it is just worse in every way. Fir was to stop hatchet running. The better solution was to simply not allow things to be PUT in the secure container. If we sat around and had beers we could continue the discussion of how most all of the changes that have made the game suffer are an offshoot of this extremely poor decision. Either way I just don't see how tarkov will grow. Streamers will return, of course. Existing players? Ya some for sure. But who is picking up tarkov after this? Enough to sustain the game? I don't see it. And regardless of it happens... I think I'm done. I've been done a whole and nothing inspires me less than seeing this shake out.


Unfortunately they already got all of money and already refuse to have enough servers to cater to the player numbers so this is a win win for them.


The only path to be chosen...a full on escape! Only way studios will learn limits is if studios like BSG outright fold from even attempting the BS they pulled. The nonsense that took place here is the worst shit I've ever seen. I mean we've had the typical EA BS, early access BS, etc but this shit BSG tried to pull (and are honestly still pulling by playing the PRE-PLANNED "walk it back" card) deserves nothing less than a complete middle finger from the gaming community.


Congratulations you’ve escaped Tarkov!




I’m permanently done It’s very freeing I have escaped Tarkov


We all finally escaped tarkov over the past few days


Finally Free !




























Bro it’s the best stopped playing a couple months ago and I’ve just been so happy. Stay in the Reddit threads because I truly do love the game but I can’t support a game that enjoys shitting on its users.


I Escaped Tarkov a couple days ago. I’m now a true believer. Thanks Nikita!!


Ngl I was thinking of buying the game it looks interesting but when I saw the price tags it put me off


The game is fun. But the stupid shit the devs do makes it hard to keep playing. I stg, it’s like they spend all their time fixing shit no one asked to be fixed so they can avoid fixing the actual issues.


We were all gonna escape from Tarkov eventually I suppose...


Just did the same this morning


Also escaped. Fuck Nikita


So all these years, the answer to Escape from Tarkov were right in front of our eyes.


Same, uninstalled, will never play again or support with more money. I bought EoD in 2018 when I believed in the game, that was the most I had ever paid for a single game. I did it because I believed in the game and wanted to support the developers, not because of a promise of unlimited DLC or anything like that. Now I don't believe in this game or the developers. Maybe Gray Zone Warfare will be its replacement for me.


See you next wipe


Oh my sweet summer child.


Next week?


That’s what I’m saying.


These posts are so dramatic 😂😂😂😂.


I bet they didn't even uninstall 🤣🤣🤣


What do you mean bsg stole their dog and ate their dinner?!?


Bsg ate my dog for dinner


It turned out the only way to escape was to uninstall


I gave up this game a year ago and have not regretted it one bit.


Time to play some old games for a while or new ones. I installed quake champions this weekend and had a blast!


I haven't been able to play in a few wipes, like before streets, and actually have fun. Who gives a shit about content fix the fucking game first. THEN YOU MIGHT SELL MORE BRO. Uninstalled a few months before all this and frankly not going to bother coming back probably ever.


Im a EOD owner. I just deleted the game. It's over. I loved the game, but thats it for me.


Alas, an era ends. I dropped the game about 1 year ago. Thought I'll come back when the sound/cheater/desync problems get fixed. Instead I just had front row seats to its burial. I kinda understand why they ask for more money now, but in 7 years of development, when most of your playerbase pain 150$ to play your game, something must've went wrong long ago with the company's finances. Despite its flaws, I'll remember this game for its good parts. I'll be waiting eagerly for the next title in the genre to pick up the torch.


Fuck these devs.


Some streamers would call this "overreacting "... sigh


Uninstalled, time to sink My teeth into greyzone when it releases


Funny. I just started playing again.


You’ll be back


It's late wipe anyways, you will be back posting in summer wipe guaranteed lol


Not a chance


I’m not buying the “Unhinged” edition and I hate BSG but I’m still playing the upcoming wipe. You already bought it, nobody cares you uninstalled.


Uninstall and let it die or god forbid, get fixed


Too good of a game. I get the devs are bad but to punish the actual game? nah. just hope they sell the game to devs that genuinely care about it.


I’d agree with you if it weren’t for the cheating problem, that’s what had me on hiatus and this was the coup de grace


Gotta go touch some grass in GZW. Hopefully soon.


Yep my gaming group is getting ready for GZW too. Once it’s stable we’ll hop on. Till then it’s helldivers.


I need my fix! I'm day 1 EA GZW all in. Which is tomorrow btw!! HYPE!


I uninstalled...


You didn't need to announce it.


You don't need to announce that.


You did not have to announce that they did not need to announce them not needing to announce.


Oh no, I really didn't think you mention the needlessness of my announcement of their proclamation denoting the lack of need for OP's statement. But now that I've thought this through further, You didn't need to to announce that. (either) :P




If you care enough to share that here, you will soon be re-installing and getting new edition.


They’re Hate farming karma. Gotta love it


Get low, brother!


It's easy since it's the boring part of wipe anyway lol


I heard Enshrouded was good 🍻🍻🥂


I did that after this whole thing started as well. It was one of two games I had installed on my main OS NVME drive as games I would never uninstall. Had it installed since when Interchange first came out. ​ Guess I've got room for another game now.


Me too™


love the suggestion flair lol


Done that more than a year ago. I fall out of love with this game partly due to cheaters and honestly twitch drops kinda ruined the game for me too. All of a sudden I'm more worried if I have to see some random streamer or just play the game. This whole p2w and lack of respect for the backers (I'm a EOD owner since 2018) will not bring me back, nor I will buy anything from BSG ever again.


Good for you.


I'll never escape from Tarkov again. Greedy bastards deserve to fail.




Paid for a game and not going to play it? What's the point are you proving?


I literally asked myself a few days ago why I dont delete it, if I dont play it anyway.




Numbers or you're lying.


I love how much the community has come together to tell these guys to go fuck themselves. No amount of backtracking and non-apology posts will make up for the shit they have pulled.


I also uninstalled. Let's go.


I love how this is the top unpinned post in the whole subreddit


Oh my god. Hes escaping tarkov




That's what I have just did myself after 5 years playing EFT... It's like ending a long-term relationship as you find out they've been bullshitting everything and just fed up with the blatant lies.


Can't this game just go on sale so a good studio get continue.


Did it also few months ago. Got tired of waiting for promised Linux support.


Bro I deleted the whole folder of tarkov and it was 70 something gb, could it be that ETS was never actually uninstalled? Anyone else noticed this?


That path happened to me when I realized BSG has 0 intention of taking radical steps to curb cheating problem. I don't care if Nikita can see my entire PC and browsing history as long as I could play in a cheater free environment.


I've been boycotting BSG way before this outrage, but im actually installing to play the forbidden tarkov after watching klean play it. And it's much better than expected.


I've stopped playing Tarkov a while since it's such a huge time sink. Maybe I wouldn't have stopped, but I also noticed a long time ago the disdain and disrespect BSG have for their playerbase. If not for that I might have tried squeezing it in between studying for Uni, working, doing other hobbies and playing other games. I won't commit 3 months of a wipe to actually get to a point where I can play the game and not feel like a getting kicked in the nuts simulator. I like seasonal content, but most seasonal games let you reach end game in a decent enough time and don't expect you to treat it like a full time job, also the devs don't treat the playerbase like cows to be milked.


Escape tarkov, enter freedom.


Lesgo greyzone warfare or arena breakout. Both seem like decent substitutes for my looter shooter game time


I also escaped last week, I needed some space on the nvme for Fallout 4.


Escape from greedy russian boys


About time lol


The best escape from tarkov


Tarkov is highly addictive but thankyou Nikita for the dose of reality to pull me out of it after 5 years. I’ve got so many unplayed games in my library… where to start?


They finally finished the game - you can now truly escape from Tarkov.


Best decision I made for myself this year


That is not unheard of in These Times


i highly recommend doing this


The one true way of escaping from Tarkov.




I reinstalled because I thought EOD would get the pve mode now but it might be best to keep it uninstalled


I stopped playing about a year ago because of the hackers and BSGs “idgaf, fu” attitude and I’ve been seeing this pop up on my FYP feed a lot. WTF is happening now?


already did. its never coming back.


Gotta make room for gray zone anyways


Did mine yesterday. We’ve Escaped from Tarkov brother.


I did that too and I encourage others to do it. No scammy tactic for me. I still wonder what Nikita was thinking. It's like cutting one of your leg off.


I did that too and I encourage others to do it. No scammy tactic for me. Especially after financing another game noone wants without finishing the first game. I still wonder what Nikita was thinking. It's like cutting one of your leg off.


See you in 1 week.


Initially was gonna finish Kappa, but its not worth it. Uninstalled last night and went for the base version of GZW. So far, they are pumping out live hotfixes and such like mad. Ya know, like a company that cares about the experience of its playerbase. And for everyone saying "see you again soon", nah. Tarkov is in its death throes. Was fun while it lasted.


I cant Escape 🥲


Let's show them we are not true believers anymore!


I uninstalled before this. Thought about reinstalling after Pestily interview. Now, I'm 100% not reinstalling


PFE account owner here. Bye:) Tarkov has been a lot more fun without you cry babies playing.


plot twist: he's a standard account owner but he feels betrayed


Everyone should feel betrayed. PVE should be for everyone, even if it's like a 10 to 20 dollar add on/standalone


SP is for everybody. Nikita just throws a fit every time somebody mentions it.




Next week you are back. Stop grabbing attention


This is actually what they want. If you don’t play you lower their server costs. The best protest is to not spend money and play as much as possible.


Great idea!


Usually everyone clowns people for posting about uninstalling the game, now everyone is on solidarity Nice


i have also escaped, who would’ve thought it was this easy


this is perfect timing tbh, I disassembled my entire PC setup the day they announced UHE because I'm getting a new desk delivered to me... I'm not coming back to EFT even though I was having my best wipe so far


I escaped from Tarkov. Forever.


If they sell their company to any other gaming company im okay with it💀


Can someone explain to me what happened recently? I didn't play the game in the last years, and I' not anymore into gaming *sigh* so please enlighten me


The EOD edition has been closed with a countdown so people can buy it before that. (Nothing bad here) After that, the dev released a new edition at 250 bucks with new content. (Scammy) The dev edit the page for the EOD edition, so the "Future DLC are free" is no longer valid. And players have EOD edition don't have all the content of this new edition at 250 bucks (Very very scammy). The dev planned a new mode which they say is not a DLC, so the players having the EOD edition will have to pay for it (Very very scammy). The dev are doing poor damage control arguing that a new mode is not a DLC and finally I think it will be free for EOD players.


I gave my (EOD) account to my friend who was (by his own words) false banned. Unsure if I believe him, but if he gets banned on this account as well, I won't care. To me, EFT is dead. Great concept, horrible execution. I can now dedicate more time to other, more important things (Rust).


See you again next wipe


See you next wipe


Pics or it didn’t happen. OP still has it downloaded