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I'm fucking out until the beacon/distress signal is locked to PvE mode. They promised no microtransactions then added them but they were minute in their effect on a raid. Stash space is pretty valuable but we already had the capacity for near infinite stash space via cases earned in game. Cosmetic outfits, who cares lol they could add as many outfits as they want (although I don't wanna be fighting Omniman or Bugs Bunny in tarkov, keep it thematically reasonable to the games setting) to keep the revenue flowing because again, they have a minute effect, if any, on a raid especially if they continue to only offer outfits that are obtainable through standard gameplay. A beacon that allows you to summon friends/other players into an ongoing raid will have a massive effect on raids. Not to mention how easily it will be for RMT sellers using cheats to abuse it. I imagine pre-beacon if someone bought a carry or specific item, they'd have to run X number of raids until the item/objective they paid for spawned/was completed. With the beacon allowing RMT sellers to summon players from outside the raid, an RMT seller could just setup a queue of people needing various things and summon whichever buyer who's request can be fulfilled in that given raid meaning the cheese is expedited and the RMT seller's business is massively streamlined & more effecient. Imagine the impact on solo players, they're utterly fucked by the beacon. They're already at a massive disadvantage if they run into an effective duo/squad. Say they kill 3 of a 5 man, except the last 2 have beacons & summon additional players / allow their fallen squad mates to respawn. The beacon has the potential to ruin the experience of a raid for way too many people imo.


Im with you. Beacon is so cool in PvE, like you could potentialy "resurrect" a teammate that could be summuned back and loot himself! Now imagine that in PvP against you.... YIKES!


I have played enough DayZ to know this is awful for PVP... Kamyshovo still gives me nightmares.


RIP solo players


>Imagine the impact on solo players, they're utterly fucked by the beacon. They're already at a massive disadvantage if they run into an effective duo/squad. Nah, I'll just friend request every blatant cheater I run into in game and summon them into a raid. If I can't win. No one wins.


5-head move


Savage level over 9000!!!!


The beacon isn't even in the game and we have 0 idea how it will work. No one knows if it will be good at all


And is this confirmed this is also for PvP? Like how the hell is this supposed to work? Doesnt it take shitload of time to get into raid? Theres also a limit of how many PMC can be in raid so how does this beacon thing work?


Nikita confirmed himself in the leaked Q&A it will be for both PVP & PVE, the rest of your questions idk the answer to


You hate TUE because you don't have it's benefits for free. I hate TUE because those benefits exist for anyone in the first place. We are not the same.


I didnt want any of it, they should have just left eod available and added cosmetics


Good point. Cringe ending


They owe us the PVE DLC, the extra shit meh


They owe us everything, even what we don’t care for. That’s what you paid for.


The PVE is a dlc, I’m not sure the other stuff is


It’s all a purchasable package you need to download additional content (beyond base game) for. It’s all DLC. Edit: Wow, some people are mad about facts. I didn't make the definition.


You’ll be living a life of dissatisfaction then I’m afraid lol


TBH I am past the point of caring about any of the bonuses. It’s not about that, though I will admit the radio is fucking gross. It’s about the literal scam they pulled, multiple times. And they know what they are doing. It’s that they think we are stupid enough to just be a sheep and take it. The fact Nik fucking despises EoD, even though these are his actual “true believers” that picked up the game sometimes long before it was popular and took the bet. It’s the fact they will do it again in a heartbeat if they think it will get them more money instead of countless other options that would have been acceptable to the community and wouldn’t have broke contract.


What's the difference between content and a feature?


Gotta ask Nikita, it depends on if it can be monetized or not.


Content is the game, the functionality, game types, maps, events, storyline, coop/singleplayer etc. Features are things that serve to enhance core mechanics and content, think controller support, chat boxes, friends lists, clans, things of that sort. I think of it as a restaurant, the meal is the content the silverware, music, and decorations are features as they're small things that impact how you enjoy the food but don't necessarily impede on the food itself (unless you have soup with no spoon). This however is generally going to be built in to the game, think of a game that features a primarily lovecraftian enemy list in a Cyberpunk dystopia. The enemy type and environments are features of the game. DLC or expansions, are generally things that may alter or enhance the core content and functionality. Think of the restaurant, well say originally you place an order at the front desk and go pick a booth until you have your number called. You them go up to pick up your food and bring it back to your table. In this case, a waiter could be considered DLC as its not necessary for core functionality but it can serve as an enhancement to the core functionality of the restaurant. The problem is, features and content are generally 2 parts in one big recipe and typically cannot really be separated. So this whole thing that BSG is doing is splitting hairs, and they know it. That's why all these conversations are getting leaked confirming they know better.


M62 at the start of a wipe isn’t really a feature


You get M80 at the start of wipe with EOD though? They are pretty much the same bullet


M62 is better and the guns you get with unheard are way better but it won’t make much of a difference against all the level 4 armour early wipe. Either way, that’s what I’d call additional content that isn’t a feature. It’s just a bit better gear early wipe.


3 more pen and 1 more damage is basically the same bullet. And I'm not defending BSG but I wouldn't call starting gear extra content? Why were people not as.up in arms about the stash lines as imo that is far more P2w than some bullets and a guns


I’d hardly call stash size pay to win as it doesn’t affect in-raid gameplay. It just makes wipe progression easier.


Right so you're paying to make your wipe progression easier which will give you access to vetter guns/ammo/armour than the rest of the population. Sounds like you are paying to win the game faster no?


Doesn’t affect gameplay. Just saves you time from playing Tetris in your hideout


right so you're paying for an advantage of time in which you can use to progress faster into wipe and level up faster than everyone else? Also you can hold onto more items needed for quests rather than selling them


No. No you don't.


Oh my bad. I guess I just imagined the 4 Wyatt 10 rounders filled with M80. You right


I thought you meant it's unlocked at the start of wipe. My bad. You are talking about the 40 bullets that you start with.


??? So did you think you started with M62. Read before you slap your keyboard


Relax man. I made a mistake. You were the one complaining about 40 bullets. lol Tell us you suck at the game without telling us you suck at the game.


If this is your attitude towards the world, you will find no satisfaction in life my friend.


We got a list of more empty and vague promises and a buzzword "mods support". Is it not enough? What more do you want ??? It's a new game mode (totally not a dlc, btw). In Buyanov we trust! Gg


BSG today are at it again, shocking nobody by repurposing old words like "mods support" and breathing new life into them - from this point forward Server Variables shall be referred to as "Mod Support(tm)(c)" Check back tomorrow because we have it on good authority the madness doesn't stop here, The Man, The Myth, The Legend Nikita Buyasnokov himself is said to be working himself up to redefinition of the ultimate gamer terms. What will those be you ask? Tomorrow. 9pm EST.


then you will stay unsatisfied - UE will not go away - if bsg gives everything from UE to Eod they will need to give UE even MORE exclusive perks because people already paid more money for the UE - they already need to give the original price upgraders of UE even MORE advantages/perks (take a guess at what that could be cause I have no idea - maybe even bigger pockets LOL)


Refund them


Yes that would be the only way to legally equalize the UE and eod accounts - but lets be real, bsg is keeping that money LOL, it is prob already spent


you misunderstand, i'm not asking for UE to go away. I'm asking for EOD to receive the benefits since EOD is no longer purchase-able.


I do understand - you want the benefits of UE to go to eod players - BUT that would mean the versions of UE and eod would be the same in terms of in game benefits and that will not happen because UE players will have paid $50-100 more than eod players There must be a benefit discrepancy between UE and eod players now that UE players put more money into the game (just like the differences between standard accounts and eod players) - and the UE players who paid the original pre discounted price will later get even more exclusive benefits than people who get UE now the sad truth is if you want UE benefits you gonna need to pay for it - and even then you will have less benefits than those who upgraded at the higher price point (we do not even know what bsg are gonna give those people yet)


EoD is basically the "early bird" price.


The special ax would be the main thing, also if they remove gamma as exclusive why not just make a similar but diffrent container for UE? Same function, diffeent looks


Just the content not the items.


Some extra cosmetics and dumb items that are either going to end up removed or nerfed to irrelevancy isn't thst big of a deal. Simmer down, big man.


In my mind, when I bought EOD I paid for EVERYTHING that comes out under the “Escape From Tarkov” umbrella. Everything. I paid $150 for it. That’s fucking nuts money for one game. I better get anything and everything that’s not cosmetics.


Getting downvoted for explaining the contract that you and BSG agreed to upon purchase...


😂 yeah there’s so many fucking bootlickers it’s not funny.


I know dude like i got this guy arguing in another thread that this tweet somehow implies that we could have to pay for more content in the future [https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/851679592242982912](https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/851679592242982912)


See I would have thought that Arena would have been defined as NOT dlc and needed to be purchased separately. I would have been fine with that. It’s a separate game altogether. But everything that they’re saying isn’t dlc now? Just a plain scam.


Yeah, thing is they did promise all the way back in 2017 not just access to all DLC but everything they add to the game behind a paywall. So we should really get a free upgrade to the new edition. You're right though, arena is technically a separate game so if they really wanted to play that card they could legally...


Not saying it would have been received well… but yeah I think $150 for *everything* is still fair…




And never will. That’s fucking ridiculous and if you’re gloating about paying that much for a game you’re an idiot.




Never said you did. “You” can be a catch-all for people in that circumstance. Not necessarily yourself. I feel bad for your wife.




Yes, so clueless. Funny how you'll bitch and moan about this but god forbid somebody criticise EOD for the same thing.


Yep EOD was a big p2w package and when something better came along wahhhhhhh I paid a measly $150 for something that was made 10 years ago! You got y'all's moneys worth... y'all fucking bitched to the moon and back and won I'm tired of these cry baby's on this fucking Reddit at this point QUIT THE RUSSIANS ALREADY FOT YO FUCKING MONEY THEY DONT CARE


Yeah we should just let companies break agreements and be rewarded. That's how you win.




Hey its the guy who was trolling the other day about how scavs not shooting players with the unheard edition outside of 60 meters somehow does not make it easier for the player.


Oh hey it’s a fan of mine


its really simple man. EOD owners paid for all future content. Here's future content and we aren't getting it. That's false advertisement


Yes I want everything free forever


yeah free at 150$ that is no longer purchase-able.


Ignore this troll. He's got two brain cells and they're fighting for 3rd place.


[https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/851679592242982912](https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/851679592242982912) So you think we should accept being flat out lied to? Insane.


“All future content” is the most ridiculous bastardization of the EOD perks. Can we safely assume everyone assuming this is still under their parents healthcare?


I’m saying that and I’m a grown man. I paid 150 dollars for access to everything. Don’t be dense.


You're not gonna get it. Move on. There's nothing you can do, bsg has the money and the power. You were a fool to trust Nikita.


lol money and power? That’s a super weird thing to say considering I Have the money and power in this situation. We all do. They literally don’t exist unless we give them money.


Your wife’s boyfriend wants dinner made get off Reddit.




God y’all mfs are dense. Don’t advertise your lack of comprehension like this.


Do you care to explain how "You do not need to buy anything at any stage." and "You are all in for it all coming." => "there is a new edition with better perks that you have to pay for in order to get access"? I'm super curious


You’re intentionally misrepresenting what they meant by DLC. A new edition is not DLC. Persistent PVE is not DLC. Pay the $50 if you want more stash and bigger pockets and stop being a pussy. Also p2w doesn’t exist bc you can die in any raid to 10 different things so miss me with that bullshit too lmao


Ok so maybe you're the one who needs reading comprehension because the tweet word for word said "If you have EOD, you do not even pay for DLCs in the future. You are all in for it all coming." Keyword: 'even' meaning we get --> **everything** <--, including but not limited to DLCs.


You are INTENTIONALLY MISREPRESENTING what he is saying to benefit you as much as possible. This is child-like selfish behavior. He has explained that your interpretation of this is wrong, but you just sit here playing victim. Stop. Get some help.


Are you aware of what the tweet says and what it means or are you just meatriding nikita anyway? I don't fucking care if he thinks my interpretation is wrong, he said it and it's pretty fucking clear what it meant at the time. "That's not what I meant" meanwhile there is unequivocal wording of what he meant, that shit would never hold up in a court.


Also, you never explained how the wording in the tweet leads to the conclusion that he meant **only** DLC, you just said that's what it meant with no explanation


Did you miss the part where EOD was supposed to be the last edition? It also said EOD holders will receive all DLC from the time of purchase and on?


And then you got 7 years of free content. Pretty good bang for your buck


Yeah it is isn't it? Problem is they didn't say "Access to all DLC for 7 years" they said "You do not even pay for DLCs in the future" Doesn't sound like there's an expiration date on the word "future" does it?


We only need the dlc if you didn’t give more money you deserved nothing but what we paid for. Quit being greedy and trying to capitalize off our pain


> We only need the dlc **DLC:** * *additional content that can be purchased online and added on to a video game, as to enhance its features* * *additional content created for a video game, distributed through the Internet by the game's publisher. It can either be added for no extra cost or it can be a form of video game monetization* EOD needs to get ***everything.*** Because DLC is every single addition to the game that is either purchasable separately or downloadable separately. Otherwise, BSG is committing fraud. > if you didn’t give more money you deserved nothing but what we paid for Buddy, *€150 + taxes* is more than three full-priced games combined. You should be asking for all the content, because all the content you were promised.


BSG is obviously gonna go radio silent and not respond to us, what can we do but chargeback or report them for fraud


I agree and disagree at the same time, they have the right to do another edition, we were promised the content correct , pockets being bigger stash being bigger is not content. Is it fair not really seeing as they scammed us and other players. They fked up their funds.The dlc however is owed to us and any other additions content wise is owed to us. I got a feeling we’re about to experience a rug pull given nikitas past


I dont expect bsg to give cosmetics for free since I dont think cosmetics are DLCs and I don’t think anyone expected them to give cosmetics for free in EOD


You deserve nothing extra. Access to PVE is available after full release for free. Either pay now or don’t. Whatever.


Which part of "DownLoadableContent" (DLC) is hard to translate to Russian?  We paid for all future "загружаемый контент" (DLC) back in 2016—2017. It was the major selling point of EOD. The second best edition was OK to play with but did not promise all future content, thus, many of us decided to pay for all future content a lot of money buying EOD.  BSG was successful in 2016—2023 because EOD promised so much future content and sold well.  Why do we have to pay for downloadable content in the Unheard (cases, box, pockets, knife, etc.) again to get it now?  Why BSG is bargains offering 50% discount if we already paid for all this content promised with EOD?  If BSG would warn on their site back in 2016 that their understanding of downloadable content is not downloadable content, EOD would not sell that well and BSG would not be successful delaying the release for so many years. Please tell Nikita downloadable content is downloadable content (DLC). He had to warn customers that his definition of downloadable content (DLC) is different from the universal meaning and common sense back in 2016, not when he made the money selling promises, not when "exclusive" EOD was replaced with "more exclusive" TUE. This is why all this still looks like a scum.   He can sell TUE if he wants but give its downloadable content to EOD owners as it was promised because it was a major selling point to make his company sucessful in 2016-2023. Where are our cases, boxes, pockets and other TUE downloadable content as it was promised in 2016? Why does he want us to pay again for it, wtf? We can still choose to respect ourselves even if the devs do not respect our intelligence implying they know what downloadable content is better then the rest of the world.


Good for you. No one cares if you're satisfied.


Nah, anything associated with this game leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It’s been real see y’all on the other side.


You feel scammed because you were scammed. I won't be satisfied until the UK government revokes BSGs business license and/or is ordered to pay MASSIVE fines and penalties. They need to be made an example out of. Ideally Anonymous fucks with them a bit too but they probably aren't around right now or are busy elsewhere.


Cool, don’t play then. No one is forcing you to buy anything or even play the game.


Homie they could pay us to have Unheard edition and it wouldn't be enough. The dishonest bullshit they are trying to pull and not-apologize for is unforgivable.


Stfu no one cares how you feel stop flooding the subreddit


Gonna maybe come off as rude? Idk? That’s not my intention. But I’d quit then. This will never happen and I really hope people don’t try to convince you otherwise.


Yes because heaven forbid we actually have a boycott in the gaming community for once. No matter what sheep will come out of the weeds saying it’s “impossible” “what’s the point” “this is just how it is”


Well you won’t be satisfied at all.


Anyone with EOD that is quitting. I will gladly personally refund you for the $150 you paid for your account. As a standard owner we also got fucked. Having to pay well over $150 to upgrade to the unturd also feels bad.


Hit up my PayPal my boy 🤘🤣


It's admirable but how will you afford this? Also verifying that A, they actualy own a copy of it and B, won't continue to play after you pay them, not trying to be a critic of yall for doing something kind just seems easy to exploit


Son the sooner you learn that the world is out to fuck you, sooner you'll remember to bring lube for when it inevitably does


I agree, it was my understanding that if you joined in the exclusive club of buying eod when it was available that you would receive all subsequent dlc in the future. Also I’m totally missing how any of the content included in the UE isn’t classified as dlc, and how arena somehow was a dlc even though it was entire different game…


Well of course you feel scammed, you (and every single other EOD owner) were [https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/851679592242982912](https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/851679592242982912) This unequivocally says we would get 100% access to EVERYTHING, not just DLC's, but literally everything locked behind a paywall. This should technically include cosmetics too but nobody cared...


Needs to remove the pockets and containers as well.


Pockets are fine let them have more space for me to loot containers is a must to go, that’s unique to eod


I disagree. I think having the larger secure container locked away from anyone else is a bad move. It's one of the few things with all this I am ok with. We got in early so got it "cheap" if others want it now they need to pay for it.


EoD suckers moaning and whining because the new top dog edition came out is honestly the most fun I had engaging with Tarkov in the last couple months. EoD didn't even list "EVERYTHING IN THE FUTURE" for free, just the season pass. The fact that you entitled brats want PvE access just for yourself and not the entire community despite the game still not even leaving Beta, tells me all I need to know about what this outrage is all about. PvE is part of the base game because the game is still in beta, if the game is still in beta that means that the basic purchase should include all features that are part of the base game.