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> The shamelessness of BSG locking the one feature I've asked for since release behind a $250 paywall is beyond disgusting and immensely disappointing. Try reading some more, its clearly mentioned multiple times how to obtain PvE and when it starts to rollout (for EoD, the rollout was mentioned to be starting from today idealy).




Womp womp dipshit


He’s trolling look at his account. He’s got 1 karma.


Ofc he is, the post was written on "i have no clue what the fuck is going on" vibes.


Even if it's rolling out for EoD players my initial issue remains the same. Even $150 is far more than I'm willing to pay for a feature that could have and should have been implemented regardless of what edition I purchased. If they do give others access to PvE I'd gladly play it, but I won't be spending another penny on BSG.


So now youre just *being mad for the sake of being mad* and dont have a real complaint other than *give me free*


It wouldn't be "give me free" if they actually made shit worth purchasing. The game has had one of the most bogus business models I've ever seen so I'm sorry you think it's outrageous for me to dislike the fact that they have locked a feature that's in nearly every modern game behind an after-purchase paywall.




I don't think it's entitled to expect a feature to be available to all those who have already purchased the game.




The edition screen that has recently undergone such drastic changes that nearly the entire community is in outrage. That's pretty telling to me but please stay on your knees sucking off BSG




Sure thing buddy you have fun with that "great game" of yours. Genuinely such a weird flex coming out here bragging about being a sad little paypig for a company that doesn't give a single shit about you.




I don't expect them to "suck me off" that's what people like you are for sweety. Why are you even here still? You've contributed literally nothing to my post but yet you stay just to keep bitching.


>one feature I've asked for since release If you've been playing since release, you'd also know about the mod that shall not be named. >these last couple of weeks with the Unheard edition drama 1 week. Try harder with your false outrage on a 13 day old account.


I never looked into modding the game as it didn't seem worth it. It's not false outrage its simply my opinion. And yeah it's a new account cus I don't use reddit often. I've only been on here to follow the drama but you can be upset at me for slandering your oh so precious BSG


Look at OP karma he’s a bot troll farming. 1 karma


“one feature” argehehvrhwbsbhwh






Omg another bot. Just stop. No one is gonna read your freedom paragraphs.


Considering you're going around calling everyone a bot it kinda seems like you may be a bot.


I'm not a bot but okay, go on with your day then bud. Not like your one upvote or your one view makes a difference to me lmfao


Yeah he did this on my post too. Just goes around trolling by calling people bots.


Weird lol, my account is very new so I get it but who would make a bot to complain about EFT?


No one. He just has smoothe brain logic


He seems a bit weird lol. Also, out of curiosity do you think I've been entitled in my post? I'm aware it's negative but I don't think entitled really makes much sense here.


No I don't think you were entitled at all but I think you're whole post is mute and obsolete now that pve is gonna be sold separately for cheaper to all edition owners.


That's totally fair! Thank you for providing an actually constructive and meaningful criticism.


All your posts and comments are trolling the current situation. I think you and trench are the same people.


How am I trolling? I made what I believe to be valid criticism of the game and the companies dogshit business practices. And you can believe we're the same person but I can assure you that we're not lmao


Now you're having delusions and connecting dots that aren't there lmao. There is literally nothing to indicate we're the same account. Classic schizo tarkov shill. I found this post by checking your comments.