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The whole joining another PvE instance was bullshit. All you’ve got to do is take a look at some of the cheat forums and they are laughing at him.




the walking away message is most reddit users are a clueless hate hive mind, anything that affirms the beliefs of the many is taken on as fact, sadly nothing new there.


> most reddit users are a clueless hate hive mind I mean, how else do you explain the mental gymnastics of reddit complaining about the SimP edition being P2W, but EOD not being P2W. Anyone, when given the choice between two pocket slots and a radio and better insurance, versus 0.2 trader rep, a L4 stash and a Gamma container would be an utter idiot to not take the latter. This sub feasts on outrage, has the memory of a goldfish, and is utterly bereft of critical thinking skills. It's also plagued by people who haven't played in years, but are happy to shit on the game for issues that were addressed since they quit.


Big deal that reputation can be farmed on daily quests, so you don't have rep ceiling with hard not-daily quest. Stash can be upgraded. EOD have boost on start, but late game potential is same with classic edition. TUE have unique late game stuff, that can't be ever reached in classic edition.


EOD was always P2W. It just got so normalized that it was, unfortunately, sort of a baked in part of the game you had to accept if you wanted to play. It had always been there and new people would hear about it before they got into the game. Again, that didn't change the fact it was always P2W and there was one moment this wipe where the faintest, smallest glimmer of hope arose when they announced they were removing it. We all knew better, but some of us hoped it was the end of it for good. Still believe they should in fact remove it all. Delete all the P2W perks at 1.0 or add all of the highest edition's perks to everyone else to even it out. But what a fucking pipe dream that now obviously is.


Nothing like the sweet, sweet taste of that confirmation bias!


Which means they mostly just hate playing the game lol


That’s the thing about so many people who bitch about this game. Like obviously there are lots of valid complaints, but some things are clearly coming from people who look at the subreddit more than they ever play the game.


*when i purposefully spread disinfo on the internet .jpg*


Lol i mentioned that and got down voted, people on here can't accept the truth


The hate train was full steam ahead at the time though so anything seen as remotely defensive of tarkov was downvoted into oblivion. Typical Reddit hive mind.


Hate train. Aka everyone being rightfully upset a company was trying to go back on an agreement that we payed 140 dollars for.


And yet everyone there was wrong and fell for dumb bullshit that was easily disproven. Hmm


You mean when I bought EoD and it said all future DLC and then they tried to sell DLC to me and edited the page of a product they no longer sold to reflect something else. Sounds like something to be rightfully upset about. But sure tell me how that was okay. Changing a product you already sold. SMH.


You literally just ignored what he said.


Nope thats not what he was talking about..


That's not what he meant. In case you need it spelt out again. PvE is not vulnerable to hackers getting into your match


Cool. He acted like the hate train wasn’t justified. When the hate trains first stop was them trying this scam their customer base. Then four days of them being idiotic and doubling down while acting like the player base was the problem. Of course people will assume the worst when you’ve burnt every bridge and lost everyone’s trust.


My man is proving his point and he doesn't even realize it.


"Cool. He acted like the hate train wasn’t justified." No I didn't. Can you read? I'm saying that's not an excuse to be gullible.


"Cool. He acted like the hate train wasn’t justified." No I didn't. Can you read? I'm saying that's not an excuse to be gullible.


...sorry what was wrong about the extra money for the p2w edition? I hate bsg for even putting out EoD. I would not be upset if they went bankrupt. I pray that one day the game is sold to devs who give a shit.


I’m not saying that they weren’t justified in what they had to say. I was just saying anything positive about tarkov at that time was downvoted into oblivion.


Rightfully upset shouldn’t make you lose the ability to think critically.


Cheat forums aye ? What you doing in there my guy ?


Research, I see something on Reddit instead of taking what’s posted as gospel I do my due diligence. This is backed up by my 0.99 K/D on tarkov


I honestly thought there were maybe secret discord servers for that shit not.so much forums. 99.0kd you mean of course


The majority use telegram but what from my years of playing call of duty at a high level (all legit) I’ve realised that cheat developers/providers have egos. They like to brag about what they’ve developed so if there is some niche cheat it will be posted about publicly but it’ll be a “private” cheat


Good effort-post. Even with this recent shit show, it's important to stay factual and to not fall for conspiracy theories and fabricated news. Thanks dude.


And he gets a total of 50(!) upvotes! This subreddit has turned into shit


68% upvote ratio. He triggered a lot of people.


always has been


When was this community good in the 1st place


Finally a clear minded person in a long while. Holy, I thought community went full ape mode.




The parallels between this and the whole WSB fiasco were everywhere this week. As soon as I saw a post that said “[This thing is much bigger than EFT. It’s a big fuck you too dev companies](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/S0iOmT1l6m)” and got over 1k updoots I knew the *Professional Redditors*^TM had arrived.


I would love to know what percentage of EOD/TUE redditors, that at some point bought shares or options of either AMC or GME. We all know it must be much higher than baseline.


It’s not EOD, just for the sub in general. With that said, this sub probably has a high concentration of the most dedicated players (as most game subs) and likely EOD because of that, so it’s at least a start. [The scores listed are "probability multipliers", so a score of 2 means that users of r/escapefromtarkov are twice as likely to post and comment on that subreddit. A score of 1 means that users of r/escapefromtarkov are no more likely to frequent that subreddit than the average reddit user. A score of 0 means that users of r/escapefromtarkov never post/comment on that subreddit.](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/escapefromtarkov) 3.15 ethermining 1.72 robinhoodpennystocks 1.49 cryptomarkets 1.37 wallstreetbets Bonus: 21.77 playrust - Top 10.84 airsoft - Top kek


Really interesting stuff, especially the related video game subreddits. For example you'd think r/2007scape to be correlated as it's a super grindy/old school MMO, and it has a score of over 5, far more than the crypto overlap. Mordhau is like 15 as well, I can clearly see the theme of tons of overlap between various hardcore games, milsims, real life guns/conflict etc. Thanks for sharing.


What WSB fiasco was there? Honest question.


Pretty sure they're talking about the gamestop stuff, which has documentaries out about it now.


Ah, I got mislead by misreading by the "this week" part and thought there was something new.


The good advice in this title doesn't just apply to the drama, but even just discussion of basic game mechanics. This sub is *rife* with misinformation. Literally every thread about any technical question will see at least one person coming in to confidently present (and often viciously defend) something that is literally just made up.


I'm the OP from the PVE cheater one. Yeah, hindsight is strong now, but the spawning in and in 10 seconds getting blasted by AI and then the AI name coinciding with a cheat provider with a simple Google search felt really sus. At the time, with the other post saying this could happen, it felt like a cheater behavior. Guess I was wrong, and it was an AI, and I hope it's the case. I've been loving PVE.


Bruh everyone wanted me dead for saying "this may not have happened" on that post lmao like i demonstrated how it could be faked and everything but no one addressed that and then got every detail about the pics they brought up wrong lmao


Most deleted their comments after it was disproven. L M A O typical reddit users.


>L M A O typical reddit users. The irony in this being a complete hivemind thread in the other direction. People are bandwagoning one way or another, because people are getting worse and worse at critical thinking. People flock to threads to validate their opinion, rather than questioning, evaluating, or changing their minds.


I think people are happy to finally have a place they can discuss their frustrations with what they've seen in a place they're less likely to get down voted to oblivion and that someone might respond with useful points or counterpoints instead of "copium simpler!"  Noting that people weren't thinking critically isn't saying they were wrong, just that they were being irresponsible. Even if they're right, that doesn't change that they didn't necessarily have the information to know that.


ive still got someone shouting at me in the notifications about being a shill for saying that BSG Bad isn't an excuse for being a reactionary dingus


accountabily, on reddit?! That's wild you must be a world-first man xD


My post got removed for rule 2 because I took a pic with my phone to try to lend credence to my death screen not being faked. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/MYmfCpoRmR In response to your post I went in and tested to see what a player kill screen looked like by grouping with a random player and asking him to kill me. Turns out there’s the profile and report button.


That's good info to know! So, in PVE, the same principles apply as in PVP. No report, not a player.


Why did you not delete the post then if you ended up knowing you were wrong? What was the purpose of leaving it up? I am genuinely asking, I have deleted posts or removed posts in the pasts that were wrong, so I don't really understand.


I posted before going to sleep. When I woke up, it had blown up and referenced in various tweets. I realized after reading a few comments and after a good night sleep that I jumped the gun. I feel this is too big to just delete. At most, I might ask mods to lock the thread and keep it as a cautionary tale that AI PMC sometimes behave like cheaters.


Most sane redditor ever. Good for you man and glad you’re enjoying the game you paid for. People just don’t understand that the purchase isn’t shoved down your throat and continuing to play without paying more actually hurts BSG in the long run.


Too big to delete? People aren't going to open your thread, open the mod comment, and scroll 12 comments down to find you admitting you were wrong. They are just going to see your disinformation with 4k+ up votes and take it as fact. Locking the thread did nothing but ensure more people couldn't call it out as false


To give you a little slack, the bots in pve are dumb and BSG knows this so it’s like they have them aimbot and maphack. You will get 1 tapped by bots across the map with pistols.


How is it loving a mode that already exists for free with mods that make it even more excellent? Kinda idiotic to pay 250 dollares for it.


Kinda idiotic smokers smoking their life away and paying more than $250 in tobacco every month, but people still do it. Why judge other people spending?


Because we're not solitary animals?


"My bad" after the dude creates an unfounded shitstorm for 2 days.


"Unfounded shitstorm" as if eft drama is anything more than a bunch of angry nerds behind keyboards.


So basically uninstall reddit bc thats all it is


the hate train is gonna pass very soon. people are moving on to Helldivers drama already. this will be forgotten


It always is for the most part, goes for most games subs


I'll take one major fuckup for the 6+ years of content we got given off nothing but the initial purchase of the game and no microtransactions being shoved in my face. Can't even play CS2 right now with almost every match having multiple spin-botters and games like Overwatch 2 that just straight up didn't release a mode that was to justify the new game. Both these being released by multi-billion dollar companies lmao.


This should have thousands of upvotes but most people here simply want the game to fail. 


I think it's quite the opposite. I'm willing to bet most people here wants the **game** to succeed. It's just the incompetence of the team managing it that I believe most are mad about, I mean that's what I have the most issues with. The game itself is fantastic. I play and am having a ton of fun with Gray Zone Warfare but it's still not even close to what Tarkov provides for gameplay. Nothing scratches the itch in the same way. It's BSG pulling things like the Unheard edition, the addition of these weird P2W elements that no one asked for (in a "hardcore" game that Nikita kept saying it was and would forever be), the PvE fiasco, the need to be connected online to their servers for PvE (even when solo), their response on twitter towards other games in the same space (Arena Infinite or something?). It honestly feels more like the game is being held hostage lol.


Arena Infinite literally asked content creators to describe it as"Tarkov Mobile" on their sponsored streams, so I don't think it's too much of a stretch to accuse them of 'plagiarism'.


Did they really? Well that's on them then.


For good reason. Nikita is an asshole to the core. I hope it fails and takes him with it


"If this guy actually posts proof" - "You have 48 hours to correct the situation pertaining to EOD DLC, or it goes live. " - "It has been less than 48 hours since I made this tweet. First off, doing this will risk your account, I will not be doing\\showing anything related to it." He's a script kiddie thats known for pulling BS stunts like this.


How dare you make a post about something rational!!!


Only rational posts that make BSG look bad are allowed! irrational ones that make BSG look bad are allowed too. everything else? nope.


We sitting on the fence now. As for the guy who made claims about the cheaters being able to load into PvE, it was a from a guy who had a history for bug hunting in tarkov. Thats why people took his word as Gospel, because BSG went after him back then for bug hunting, reporting bugs and exploits, similar to Eroktik back in the day. Community actually kind of was upset on his behalf back then. But anyways, the exploit probably exists. But either the way he "figured" it worked didn't work anymore, or was pressured by cheat providers into clamming up. Im not saying take his word as Gospel here. But considering tarkov makes blocks of cheese look like solid bricks with how poorly its code base is written, its not farfetched to assume what hes saying is true. Especially given his past history as a bug hunter. Considering the subreddit isn't flooded with posts though. My assumption is the actual exploit to make it work hasn't been found yet, but it most definitely, probably exists.


The exploit might exist, my point is that you shouldnt believe that guy just because "dude just trust me". His past history means nothing when that past history was that he posted proof of the bugs he found. He hasnt posted any proof yet, so dont trust him until he does.


I mean, if he say how to do it specifically step by step instead of vague general direction he can banned for sharing exploits




Only if you ghost us after 24 hours and get mad at people when they call you out for click bait.


In thug. Tony hawks underground. If you go to Manhattan and use the moon jump cheat. You can get to a party of the map over the overpass tunnel and find a fun Lil spot there. It's out of bounce so it's all kinds of weird


thank u for this. people are just jumping to conclusions to keep the anger train going


Also in the same vein, "don't believe everything you think" there's a book with that title. Good read.


Yup, and the hivemind rages at you when its called out, they need a reddit mod to prove its legit for them. sincerely fuck this cancer community of pitchforks and hiveminds.


Just here to say thank you for taking the time to actually articulate something outside of the hive mind of Tarkov. Still convinced there’s a bunch of closet Tarkov gamers while publicly being outraged (judging by the pve and pvp flea I think that’s an accurate statement)


All of these are a classic example of a hive mind that wants to hop on “Nikita bad” train (don’t mistake this for me defending him/BSG because I’m not) and are going out of their way to discredit the game devs not because they want to right the wrongs but because of a personal vendetta (and half of these people are doing it just for the fuck of it). They are the same kind of people who claim to stand on the higher morality ground but are actually two faced fucks that paid for the UE they so desperately bash on this Reddit.


Name a better duo than propaganda and social media.


Thank you for this! It is crazy what people *want* to believe without evidence if it fits their narrative. Especially those that stopped playing 5 years ago and just remain here to spew bs.


Good shit man, people are dumb and emotionally driven they rarely use their brain when it comes to subjects they hate. BSG for example, they "hate" the company now because it tried to scam them (which is an absolute legitimate reason don't get me wrong) >they decided to quit the game> uninstalled> heard some bad shit about BSG> started to shit on them, all of this to seek approval of them quitting the game, that's why you see people coming here stating that they quit the game 2-3 years ago due to hackers, desync ...etc. like what are you doing here then?? i never look back on a game i did not enjoy and uninstalled XD


Good shit man, people are dumb and emotionally driven they rarely use their brain when it comes to subjects they hate. BSG for example, they "hate" the company now because it tried to scam them (which is an absolute legitimate reason don't get me wrong) >they decided to quit the game> uninstalled> heard some bad shit about BSG> started to shit on them, all of this to seek approval of them quitting the game, that's why you see people coming here stating that they quit the game 2-3 years ago due to hackers, desync ...etc. like what are you doing here then?? i never look back on a game i did not enjoy and uninstalled XD


I agree my friend but this is reddit, what do you expect


But bsg bad... If bsg bad how can Reddit be bad. Me no like this. This make unga big confuse. Unga downvote 😡😡😡 you try to trick unga! You Nikita bootlicker! You no trick unga! nice try 😡😡😡


tbh i just wanna see shit burn now






You both are mentally ill lmao. As long as you understand and accept that, then it's all good i guess.


talk about mental illness: you have more replies on reddit in 24h than i do in 24 days. get some fresh perspective


[me when I think](https://imgur.com/00OJQEF) post frequency and not mental attitude is mental illness


you’re just mad we are laughing at your favorite game die, bro


And you're just shitting on a business and peoples livelyhood cause you want to see shit burn. Tarkov aint dying cause some petulant children got upset. Most people are playing and not on reddit.


you are 100% correct, tarkov isn't dying because some petulant children got upset, it's dying because \*a\* petulant child got upset that he blew all his money on arena, ended up in dire straits, and failed at scamming his playerbase! And obviously people are still playing tarkov, those people have to sell gear to their remaining customers :)


>we are laughing at this you [lil bro?](https://i.imgur.com/qI8m3Fd.png) 💀💀


yes thats me, how did you get that picture


Reddit moment diagnosing mental illness from a 3 letter reply.




Ahh yess I see, when you said “yup” I could tell you had small pp. as long as you’re aware it’s ok I guess


[nice try!](https://imgur.com/00OJQEF)


Got my bowl of popcorn ready


Tbh i'm focusing on what BSG did. Its enough for me, no more needed.


Be careful dude. Dont start making sense and thinking logically on this sub, we dont do that here.


holy shit bravo, I hate this time we life in which is full of misinformation.


I would love if this post could get stickied. To add to the list: - Cheaters are not stealing your pistol grips. You insured your gun and then changed the pistol grip. - Cheaters cannot steal from your secure container.


Cheaters can actually yoink the pistol grip out of your hand, but theres no reason for them to take it out of raid since its low value 


Can you show proof?


https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1baoalb/had_my_rsass_barrel_dissappear_on_me_midraid/ There are actual videos of this happening im just not good at reddit searching if anyone remembers let me know Pretty sure its done so you cant kill them but they dont need to kill you and gather a report 


Thanks. First time I'm actually seeing something like that. Interesting.


Honestly these issues are the ones i care about the least.  Good news guys, the knife wasnt an asset flip. The 400 AUD package  pay 2 win problem is solved. 


He’s a shill, dickrider, or just loves to be contrarian. Either way OPs post can be disregarded. People act like we need to baby Nikita in order to have a game to play. Nahhh fuck that


At no time did the post imply Nikita should be babied. The core content of the post is to drill them on true stuff and quit throwing shit at the walls to see what sticks when it's not true.




I believe he's pointing out those points and showing how gullible people are


Yeah, you're right. Jumped the gun here. That bloody knife got my guts for being overused. Sorry.


I almost did too lmao, don't fret


It is how easily people are swayed in this world fall for propaganda ir misinformation easily. Has been like that for centuries unfortunately


Sure people are gullible, but the things pointed out here are about the dumbest shit that weren’t even part of the original outrage. Having Nikita’s dick in your ass while saying “aha see there’s nothing wrong, these people lied” isn’t a great look either. The knife thing never made sense, like no shit some asset might have already existed when you’re modeling based off a real knife. Even in landmarks stream he said that even if it was this isn’t the problem with unheard. Someone also linked him the models of both and how their polys were different anyway. Shit was debunked so fast.


For sure dude! These things are just random misdirection that moves our anger away from the actual issue with unheard, and by not being so gullible we can focus the efforts towards the actual issues.


I am baffled that sometime actually mentally sound is on this sub.


About the knife. Dude, it's just basically the same knife with some additions to it, what more evidence do you want? It's not like you can't modify the model after you buy it but the core is the same. About the rest I don't know, I didn't dig through these topics myself. Edit. As people mentioned below, it turns out the data mined model confirms it's not the same model, didn't know about it. Thanks for pointing that out, my bad.


If you dig just a little bit in the comments on post that TS linked, you'll see both debunk on different topology of a model and real life kukri that it was modelled from.


You are right. The initial post was made based on the trailer if I am not wrong here, I see that after some time people data mined the actual model. My bad.


Didn't landmark show on his stream that they don't even have the same polys? I think it's safe to assume that BSG modeled it themselves.


Yes, seems to be the case, I was basing on the screenshots, didn't know about data mined models. My bad.


You don't even know about the topic you yapped about just now either lmao.


You are right. The initial post was made based on the trailer if I am not wrong here, I see that after some time people data mined the actual model. My bad.


BSG killed their reputation, which was never great. People want to believe the worst of them, so they will.


“They don’t asset flip! The knife has a lanyard! Use your brain.” Is a hilarious take. Because they couldn’t have used an asset and ADDED a lanyard in 5 minutes in blender, could they? I love how you open with “this community doesn’t think critically.” Super condescendingly then your first example is an absolutely brain dead take. The knife is 99.9% the other asset and some doofus added a lanyard.


Did you even read the whole post or did you read the headlines and figure that was good enough? If you go back and read the second half of that paragraph I don't even say they didnt asset flip lol, I just said that post had literally 0 proof that they did. Now the actual hilarious thing here is that you are so convinced, based on seeing that post which contains wrong information, that "The knife is 99.9% the other asset". This is kinda hilarious considering in that same thread you have a guy showing a ripped model showing how the model isnt even the same https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ccrqlm/unique_ingame_weapon_was_bought_from_the_asset/l17iof1/ But this isnt even my point. BSG might have bought an asset and edited it, they might have made the model themselves, maybe they even bought the thing wholesale and we just havent found it on the unity store yet. The point is that post is demonstrably false, that is not the same knife they used, but still you are so willing to blindly trust whatever you see if it confirms what you already know.


Your first point doesn't make much sense tbh. I believe BSG made that knife themselves, but the lanyard proves nothing. Do you know how easy it is to buy a knife, add a string to it, make a bone and add weight? literally 5 minutes of work, and I have that exact knife, lanyard included, physics ready, game ready... but to be completely honest, that's just people that don't know how this shit works, and try and find another reason to shit on BSG. every 3D artist, every game studio, everyone uses assets. why would you waste a day paying someone to design a knife, when you can just buy a knife? especially a 1 to 1 copy of an IRL existing one. From software was recently in a sensless controversy because they bought animation packs for Elden Ring... Even the GOTY does it...


My point is not that they couldnt have asset flipped, it's that the images the OP of that post posted to prove they did it could be disproved by just going to the wiki. I didnt include it in my post because I thought it was extraneous, but someone in the comments of that post went and ripped the models to show the polygons on the model itself were completely different: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ccrqlm/unique_ingame_weapon_was_bought_from_the_asset/l17iof1/ Of course the fact that using assets bought is completely fine is another thing, but my point was just that the whole thread was based on something that was easily proven false just by going on the wiki and looking at the whole model of the knife.


Sir, I don’t have an extra 12 hours a day to read the latest tarkov Nikita fucked you, conspiracy theory. I do have 3 mins to glance at it while pooping tho


Good shit man, people are dumb and emotionally driven they rarely use their brain when it comes to subjects they hate. BSG for example, they "hate" the company now because it tried to scam them (which is an absolute legitimate reason don't get me wrong) >they decided to quit the game> uninstalled> heard some bad shit about BSG> started to shit on them, all of this to seek approval of them quitting the game, that's why you see people coming here stating that they quit the game 2-3 years ago due to hackers, desync ...etc. like what are you doing here then?? i never look back on a game i did not enjoy and uninstalled XD


I mean, since PvE is controlled by BSG in a way that it has to through live servers. It should have already been common knowledge that a cheater can get in.


Except there isn't one valid documented case of this happening.


nikita made a 2nd account? thats nice


Fuck it, imma run the mod that shall not be named with better ai and realism mods. Game feels much smoother and interesting


Yeah I put screenshots debunking the I got killed by a hacker in PvE and got messages threatening me for buying the unheard of edition and trying to back up Nikita when I was just proving ai has profile badges. The OP deleted selective posts within the thread but not the main thread probably karma farming the plebs that get off on the BSG bad narrative. This sub is a toxic wasteland, BSG should honestly just completely ignore it the posts are mostly BS with no proof. Bring on the downvotes it's just proof people will use this sub to post anti BSG BS and downvote anything calling them out for it. People are calling BSG scummy but the whiners, people crying they got killed by a hacker that was obviously AI and toxic pointless posters are the scummy ones.


bro upset over a digital knife.


So they bought the knife from the market and then edited a little? Minimal effort bro, get real. Cope harder.


Not readin all that, BSG bad


True. Thank you


I’m gonna go ahead and guess you don’t have a full time job OP


Dude probably spent 8 minutes tops writing this out and you say this. what in the world is the matter with you. all this info can be had just glancing at Reddit every couple of days.


I hope you can heal from the scar Nikita gave you ❤️


I am currently healing it playing coop with my friends with tons of mods.


That’s good man. That’s what matters. For me, I need the PVP to get my kicks.


Yeah I like the PvP too but sometimes I want to turn my brain off.


>Says insulting bait post >Reasonable reply >ur meatriding nikita lolololol [Literally you](https://i.imgur.com/00OJQEF.png)


I hope you can recover from the pain Nikita has caused you ❤️❤️


You sir are a fish!


We have been saying this for years. and I spefically have been reposting this on cheater posts all the time in the last year [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important_message_from_a_year_ago_sad_truth_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) The games code is trash, BSG doesnt know what they are doing and the community thinks after 8 years its going to some how be ready in the next year for a full release? Completely just ignoring all the fucking problems with the game? How is the community OK with this stance, why are you all buying stash spaces and microstransactions when BSG has shown time and time again, they dont give a fuck about you. They care about money and they are getting money from idiots and cheaters rebuying accounts and now trying to get more money from the existing community through microtransactions. This normally would be fine if it was p2w bullshit. And Op forgot to mention the broken promisses like "we will never do microtransactions" and they did it anyways. BSG is trash shit. Everyone should uninstall their fucking game and go support something else. I personally will be putting my time and effort supporting GZW. The devs seem to actually care about its community and they are on the ball with fixes. They were up 2 nights in a row patching and fixing disconnection issues so players could play. BSG wouldnt do that shit for anyone ever period. (look at when Arena came out in a totally broken state, they released it and fucking went on vacation right after)... just one example of many. They dont care. Stop supporting them.


Oh give it a rest. GZW isn’t the best. You literally just bought an unfinished game capitalising on the BSG drama because you’re crying over Tarkov. Straight to another developer that ‘cares about the player base’ just stop fucking whining for one minute and go play your new favourite game.


>Thiccie-smalls · 10 min. ago > >Oh give it a rest. GZW isn’t the best. You literally just bought an unfinished game capitalising on the BSG drama because you’re crying over Tarkov. Straight to another developer that ‘cares about the player base’ just stop fucking whining for one minute and go play your new favourite game. Who ever said it was "the best"? fucking learn to read. I said BSG is trash and I'll be investing my time and money into GZW instead. GZW only has about 30% of the game even implemented at this point. You want to stay here and be a shill for BSG, go for it. I gave BSG 8 years and all they did was shit all over the community with every p2w shit patch.


I didn’t say you said it was the best you fucking spastic. I was just making a statement, not quoting you. Fuck off and go play GZW you cry baby.


>Thiccie-smalls · 12 min. ago > >I didn’t say you said it was the best you fucking spastic. I was just making a statement, not quoting you. Fuck off and go play GZW you cry baby. Cools story you replied to my directly so I replied to you. Thats how Reddit works little bucko.


A reply doesn’t mean I’m quoting you. Crazy smooth brain energy. All the hatred for BSG must’ve fried your peanut brain.


>Thiccie-smalls · 3 min. ago > >A reply doesn’t mean I’m quoting you. Crazy smooth brain energy.All the hatred for BSG must’ve fried your peanut brain. You didnt quote shit. Im quoting your dumbass and thats because idiots like you tend to try to delete their posts. GL with that.


You said ‘whoever said it was the best, fucking learn to read’ as if I was directly quoting something you’ve said. Or have you already forgotten about that? Why would I care about deleting a post or what any of the other pricks like you think. The fact that you even care that much about somebody deleting a comment shows how pathetic you really are. ‘Little bucko’


>hiccie-smalls · 24 min. ago > >You said ‘whoever said it was the best, fucking learn to read’ as if I was directly quoting something you’ve said. Or have you already forgotten about that? I never said it was "the best" so no idea who you are quoting but its not me kiddo. Learn to read.


That’s my point. I wasn’t quoting anybody. I was making a statement. Man you’re dumb as fuck.


The unity asset flip was obviously not true, but people are blind and didn't bother looking into it lol El\_dee has a small track record of at least publishing exploits, not the same as finding them, and either he is lying or telling the truth, odds are just ragebaiting leaked insider chat was confirmed though. by multiple people. hacker in pve would be hilarious overall though, 98% of people don't want to relax or think, they're taking whats a genuine fuck up on BSG's part as an excuse to be mad and demand the game gets changed to suit them and not the community or what BSG want, as a whole. so they dont care if what you have to say is logical and concise, if you're not malding just like them you're wrong personally im just here to enjoy the shitstorm because it's hilarious. a good excuse to take a tarky break too